Date of submission: 9. 5. 2012 ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING Project RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT TASK for APRIL 2012 Target group: FOREIGN TEACHERS Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika Ljubljana Ignacio Escriche Rubio School: Author: THE USE OF FILMS IN THE FL CLASSROOM Films can play an important role in the FL classroom. They can be used to cultivate language skills, develop media literacy and support intercultural learning. Nevertheless, their usage must be carefully considered from the initial point of the selection of the film through its adaptation for classroom usage to its eventual implementation. In terms of this project, it is the usability (ie. practicality and efficacy) of films to assist in the delivery of intercultural education that is of key importance, namely: to develop intercultural awareness; to develop intercultural sensitivity; to develop intercultural communicative competence; and to promote empathy, understanding and acceptance of other(nes)s. INSTRUCTIONS: This R&D task requires you to read the emailed journal article (Roell, 2010) and use it as an impetus to start producing an open and flexible catalogue of suitable films for use in the FL classroom. 1. Read the Roell’s (2010) journal article “Intercultural Training through Film”. In particular pay close attention to the following aspects: a. The cultural theme categories which Roell has identified. b. The techniques employed during the pre-, while- and post-viewing phases of the implementation. c. The questions used to evaluate the intercultural aspects of a film. 2. Reflect on what you read in Roell (2010). Do you think the techniques and activities she identifies are worthwhile? 3. Conduct an Internet search of different films (in your target language) which could be utilised in the FL classroom for (inter)cultural learning. Ensure you use the Appendix 1 guiding questions when conducting your review. 4. Use the enclosed matrix to tabulate your findings from the previous step. Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Reflections on Roell (2010) FIRST PART: REFLECTION ON ROELL´S ARTICLE In my opinion students like watching films in the foreing language class because they feel they have a free hour and, in the other hand, some teachers also take the opportunity and get also a free hour by letting the students alone watching a film. Well, this was my previous feeling about watching films during the class. The activities about intercultural training introduced by Christine Roell are useful, combine pleasure and learning, add value to the foreing language class and changed my opinion about films. My students usually watch soap operas (telenovelas), which always show a repetitive cliche and do not reflect the culture, so it is difficult if not impossible to work the interculturality in the Spanish class. That is why I always suggest my students a list of relevant films to watch at home, not at school (we do not have much time to lose, of course, this was my previous opinion about watching films). I like the way Roell is dividing the culture representation in film, although I consider the main divisions are related with stereotypes, cultural traditions and intercultural conflict. These three main categories are in my opinion the most relevant, as they involve the rest (racism, empathy with foreigners, nonverbal communication, individualism or collectivism…). I took this division in consideration to choose the films for the second part of April´s task. The article gives many great ideas and guides about using films in the classroom. First, about the previewing activities, I used to teach the vocabulary before watching short parts of movies, but I did not give the chance to students to speculate or debate about the content of the movie, about their expectatives and previous ideas, about the dialects or accents they were going to listen… we just work out the vocabulary and the expressions. Once I showed a short film to the students without audio and I asked them to watch it and set dialogues, just the other way around Roell is proposing. The result of the activity was positive, but I think the way Roell is proposing for while-viewing activities is even better. I like the idea of showing first the movie without audio and with subtitles, then both turn on and then a last view with just audio. I consider is a very good way of getting complete understanding of the film, but I guess this must be done with some short parts as this can be very time consuming way of working. The third part of Roell´s activities give me the idea of using short parts of a movie to work descriptions of people and place (using pretérito imperfecto, a past tense in Spanish). I like also the “Relationship Diagram”, as a first step to, later on, ask the students to choose a character and write a diary from the character´s point of view. The previous passivity when watching a film in the class turns into great proactive students watching a film. I think Christine Roell set a list of good answers for evaluating and analyzing the intercultural aspects of a film. I would work in small groups during the first step, so, when evaluating the film, and we could create a general discussion when evaluating the intercultural input (first they could write down some arguments in small groups and then put them all together). nclosure 1: REVIEW OF FILMS – TARGET FOREIGN LANGUAGE: ______________________________ Choose and describe 5 - 7 films. Give reasons for your selection of each film. I have chosen five films that i have already watch and fullfil the requirements set by the Institute. Thus, all the movies are presented in the target foreign language (wholly, except the last movie, where English is also shortly present) and provide a relevant sample of the target language culture, including both, the Spanish and the Latin American dialects. All five movies are appropriated for people over 16, so for students in third or fourth year of high school. The level of the movies is intermediate and we suggest to offer Spanish subtitles to the students while watching the movies. No 1. 2. Film Title /Year of Synopsis of film with setting (at least 100 words for each film) Production EL LABERINTO DEL The story shows the reality of the fascist regime at its height in 1944 rural Spain. The main FAUNO – PAN`S character is Ofelia, a lonely child living with her LABYRINTH - 2006 mother Carmen and adoptive father. The father is a military man tasked in a rebel area in North Spain. In order to escape her real life, Ofelia creates a world filled with fantastical monsters and places. MANOLITO After having several bad results in the school, the coming summer will be difficult for GAFOTAS - 1999 Manolito, the main character of the story. He will spend the holidays in her flat in Carabanchel Alto, a proletarian neighborhood in Madrid, together with her mum, grandfather and small brother. Manolito got a fail in maths and her mum is really dissapointed. He waits for her daddy (truck driver) to come back to Madrid to go to the seaside for some days. Genre Drama Comedy Keywords / Intercultural topics Historical conflict, Collectivism, causes of racism, generational conflict Collectivism, sterotypes, traditions and customs Length (mins) Not rated Classroom Suitability Level Intermediate Not rated Intermediate Rating 3. DIARIOS DE MOTOCICLETA – THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES - 2004 4. VOLVER - 2006 In the middle fifties, two youngsters Ernesto Biography Generational conflict, Guevara and Alberto Granado, start a road trip Drama stereotypes, to discover the real Latin America by motorbike. traditionalism and Ernesto is a medical student and Alberto is a individualism, chemist. The film follows the young men as they explotation, human discovery the rich and complex human and rights social system of Latin America by meeting people on the road and having lots of problems. With a romantic sense of adventure, the two friends leave their familiar surroundings in Buenos Aires and, although the bike breaks down during the course of their eight-month journey, they understand the importance of Inca cultue and, later on, both start to question the values of the economic systems that leave so many people in a perpetual povertry and hopeless life. Their experiences will become the bases of the ethical and political ideas that will guide their lifes. The movie shows three generations of real Drama Generational conflicts, women facing problems in their daily life and stereotypes the important role that women have in the Spanish (matriarchal) society. »It is a movie about the culture of death in my native region, La Mancha«, Almodovar said. The main characters are Raimunda, her teenager daghter and Sole, Raimunda´s sister. Raimunda, married to an unemployed worker, kills him after she discovers he is abusing her daughter. Later on she discovers her mum did the same to her husband to save Raimunda from her dad´s abuses. It looks maybe like a hard drama, but it is exactly the opposite: it is a sad story, full of optimism, with a happy end. The students can see a white Spain, spontaneous, fun, fearless, fair and with solidarity. 126 PG-13 Intermediate 121 PG-13 Intermediate 5. MARIA LLENA ERES DE GRACIA – MARIA FULL OF GRACE - 2004 Maria lives in a small town in the north of Bogotá with her mother, her grandmother, her sister and her sister’s young son. Maria works in a plantation and the work is exhausting and strict rules apply; the only positive aspect in Maria’s life are the parties on the market square she attends with her boyfriend during the weekends. One day, after she knows she is pregnant, Maria meets a guy how offers her the chance to work as a courier. She agrees and find herself in a group of drug dealers. In her first trip to the US, with lots of little packets of cocaine in her body, her colleague starts having health problems. After several complications, her colleague die and she decides to stay in the US and to build up a life there far away from her country. Drama Inmigrants, discrimination, explotation, human rights, drugs and mafia 101 PG-18 Intermediate No 1. Film Title EL LABERINTO DEL FAUNO – PAN`S LABYRINTH 2. MANOLITO GAFOTAS - 1999 3. DIARIOS DE MOTOCICLETA – THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES - 2004 4. VOLVER - 2006 5. MARIA LLENA ERES DE GRACIA – MARIA FULL OF GRACE 2004 Argumentation of choice I have chosen this film because it shows the cruelty of the fascist regime after the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939. Besides this hard reality, a world of hope, innocense and optimism emerges in a child mind and creates a interesting parallelism reality/fantasy. We can see the values and the daily life during the postwar times and this could help us to relate the story shown by the movie to the important historical moment that Civil War suposed to the Spanish culture and later development. This comedy shows the real daily life in a suburb in Madrid, but could me located in every single Spanish city. A hilarious humour and sarcasm is present in the film together with a detailed description of every aspect of a tipical Spanish medium-low family. We can see the routine of Manolito and his friends, the urbanism, the lunch time, the way Spanish people interact.... the real Spanish culture. There is also a book with the same title, so it would be nice first to read some chapters of the book and then watch the movie. The movie shows a different Ernesto Guevara, far from stereotypes and misconceptions, and can help the students to understand the essence of his revolution. We can see the prior innocent Guevara, how the trip changes his way of thinking and the evolution ocurred by meeting the reality of Latin American people. The movie is full of culture content and reflects a reality still present nowadays. The students can discover a typical Spanish enviroment, with true folks and authentic human relations, relevant hilarous situations offering genuine emotion and humanity. The movie breaks stereotypes of a dark rural Spain that can be interesting for our students. The movie shows in a very authentic way the difficult life of a poor girl in a Latin American country and the American dream of easy money and life they usually have. It also deals about inmigration, the drug dealers and mafia existing in Colombia. I have chosen this film because it shows the problem in a accurate way, without exageration and drama.