Utilizing Mechanism-Based Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Models to Understand and Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance Benjamin Wu Department of Pharmaceutics University of Florida ISAP 2009 Advisor: Hartmut Derendorf, PhD University of Florida Outline Background Resistance hypotheses Semi-mechanism-based PK/PD models Model interpolation and validations Concluding remarks Diversity of Resistant Mechanisms Intrinsic Protection Upregulations Drug Deactivation (Beta-lactamases against Penicillin G) Efflux Pump (Decrease intracellular quinolone) Dormant/Persister Conversion Toxin-antitoxin regulations Mutation Induced Mechanisms Neuhauser MM, JAMA 2003;289:885 Binding Target (reduce quinolone affinity via mutation of DNA gyrase of topoisomerase IV) Metabolic Pathway Efflux Pump Why Model? “In the absence of reliable data, mathematics can be used to help formulate hypotheses, inform data-collection strategies….which can permit discrimination of competing hypotheses” (Grassly and Fraser 2008) “….in some cases the model might need to be revised in the light of new observations, which would lead to an iterative process of model development” (Grassly and Fraser 2008) “A well-conceived modeling task yields insights, regardless of whether at its conclusion a model is discarded, retained for revision, or immediately accepted…” (McKenzie 2000) Hypothesis 1: Toxin-Antitoxin Relationship RMF inhibits translation by forming ribosome dimers UmuDC inhibits replication SulA inhibits septation RelE inhibits translation HipA inhibits translation Reversible with HipB Falla and Chopra AAC 42:3282 (1998); Hayes Science 301:1496 (2003); Opperman et al Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96:9218 (1999); Lewis, Nature Rev Microbial 5:48 (2007); Pedersen et al. Cell 112:131 (2003); Wada, Genes Cells 3:203 (1998); Karen et al., J of Bac 186:8172 (2004) Hypothesis 1: Toxin-Antitoxin Relationship (RelE and Antibiotic Tolerance Example) (A): Retarted Growth RelE Induced Control (white bar) RelE Induced (black bar) Control 1. Strains carrying RelE inducible promoters (pBAD) 2. RelE expression induced by arabinose (Growth stopped within 30 min) (B): Reduced Drug Effects: Inhibition of growth when RelE expression is induced 1. Three hrs post induction, samples were exposed to lethal dose of several antibiotics (10X MIC) – Ofloxacin – DNA gyrase – Cefotaxime – cell wall – Tobramycin – protein 2. RelE protects lysing compare to control from all antibiotics except mitomycin C Karen et al., J of Bac 186:8172 (2004) Dormant PK/PD Model Model Highlights: D = Dormant S = Susceptible • Conversion from (S) to (D) population is both stochastic and environment dependent ke = Stochastic Switching • Antimicrobial only kills dividing cells, render (D) a safe haven D ks = synthesis rate constant kd = degradation rate constant • Drug stimulates killing of (S) population and favors (D) conversion ke + ke • Assumptions: • Antimicrobials have no effect on (D) population H(C(t)) • Initial (D) and population loss is negligible S + kd • CFU only measures (S) population ks Hypothesis 2: Compensatory Mutation Number of Induced Mutations Marcusson et al., PLoS Pathogens, 5:e1000541 (2009) Hypothesis 2: Compensatory Mutation Low-Cost or Compensatory Mutations may result in restored microbial fitness while retaining resistance Marcusson et al., PLoS Pathogens, 5:e1000541 (2009) Compensatory PK/PD Model S = susceptible R = Resistant with low fitness Rfit = Resistant with high fitness kc = mutation rate constant ks = synthesis rate constant Model Highlights: ks S • Mutant maturity in stages required to restore bacterial fitness while retain resistant characteristics • CIP stimulate killings of (S) and (Rfit) population independently kd + H(C(t)) Assumptions: • Replications and killings of (R) are negligible due to low fitness kc kd = degradation rate constant kc R kd Rfit ks • CFU based on total populations + H’(C(t)) Hypothesis 3: Combinations of Dormant and Compensatory Mutation D = Dormant Model Highlights: S = Susceptible • Dual effects of dormant conversion and compensatory mutation Rfit = Resistant ke = stochastic conversion rate constant • Assumptions: • Drug has no effect on Rfit kc = mutation rate constant + ke ks = synthesis rate constant kd = degradation rate constant D • CFU = S + Rfit ke kc H(C(t)) S + kd Rfit ks kd ks Literature Resistant Model S = susceptible Rfit = Resistant with fitness ks or kss = synthesis rate constant kd or kdd = degradation rate constant Model Highlights: ks S kc kc = mutation rate constant Rfit kss • (S) population is mutated to (Rfit) as an independent population kd + H(C(t)) kdd + H’(C(t)) • Drug induces killing of (S) and (Rfit) population independently Assumptions: • (Rfit) population represents resistant mutants • CFU = S+Rfit CFU/mL Extensive In vitro Profiles for Modeling Time (hr) Clinical isolates (MIC in µg/mL) • Two flasks – Staphylococcus aureus 452 (0.6) •Flask 1: Ca2+ and Mg2+ Mueller-Hington broth – Escherichia coli 11775 (0.013) •Flask 2: broth + bacteria or bacteria/antibiotics (Central CMT) – Escherichia coli 204 (0.08) – Pseudomonas aeruginosa 48 (0.15) Inoculum size = 106 CFU/mL • Replace 7 mL/hr with fresh broth in a 40 mL system to simulate clinical t1/2 of 4 hrs • CIP concentration ranges 950-fold for E. Coli II • Flask 2 is inoculated with 18 hr-cultured bacteria + 2 hrs incubation • Ciprofloxacin injected at 20th hr to Flask 2 • Kill curve ends when growth reaches ~1011 CFU/mL Firsov et al.,ACC, 42:2848 1998 Model 1 14 12 Log CSF 10 8 6 ks 4 2 S 0 0 10 20 30 40 kc Time (hr) Model 1 (Literature) Model Parameter Estimates ks (/hr) 5.92 kd (/hr) 5.79 kc (/hr) 0.119 SMAX, S 0.100 SC50, S (µg/mL) kss (/hr) kdd (/hr) SMAX, R SC50, R (µg/mL) Proportional Error 50 %CV 14.4 15.0 14.8 20.0 0.249 3.06 2.93 0.0342 20.7 0.873 1.15 15.8 0.192 0.198 44.7 6.71 Rfit kss kd + H(C(t)) kdd + H’(C(t)) The values of boostrap statistics are used to evaluate the statistical accuracy of the original sample statistics. 1,000X 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.14 0.22 200 50 100 Frequency 100 Frequency 50 150 100 8 0 0 theta4 6 0.0 0.4 0.8 theta5 1.2 1 2 3 theta6 0.015 0.025 0.035 s igma11 150 200 150 250 0.18 theta3 50 4 60 Frequency 40 20 0 0.10 theta2 0 2 80 100 120 140 120 100 80 60 20 0 0.0 theta1 Frequency Sigma Param 40 Frequency 200 150 Frequency 0 0 50 100 150 100 50 Frequency 200 250 250 Bootstrap Parameter Distribution 4 5 0.045 14 Model 1 12 Log CSF 10 8 ks 6 4 S 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (hr) Parameter ks (/hr) kd (/hr) kc (/hr) SMAX, S Model 1 (Literature) Model Bootstrap Estimates %CV Mean 5.92 14.4 5.80 5.79 15.0 5.64 0.119 14.8 0.126 0.100 20.0 0.120 Bootstrap 90% CI 3.18-8.77 3.13-8.65 0.0916-0.176 0.0765-0.190 SC50, S (µg/mL) 0.249 20.7 0.32 0.107-0.753 kss (/hr) 3.06 0.873 2.97 1.88-4.29 kdd (/hr) 2.93 1.15 2.79 1.72-4.02 SMAX, R 0.0342 15.8 0.0559 0.0392-0.0969 SC50, R (µg/mL) 0.192 0.198 44.7 6.71 0.114 0.188 0.029-0.256 0.157-0.215 Proportional Error No. of Parameters = 9 kc Rfit kd + H(C(t)) kdd + H’(C(t)) kss • Bootstrap Success Rate: 78.5% • VPC: Observed outside the 90%CI = 9.4% Model 2 (Dormant) 14 12 Log CSF 10 8 D 6 4 2 ke + ke 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (hr) Parameter ks (/hr) kd (/hr) ke (/hr) SMAX, S H(C(t)) Model 2 (Dormant) Model Bootstrap Estimates %CV Mean 0.921 66.1 1.05 0.709 88.5 0.805 0.108 15.5 0.124 0.188 42.4 0.225 Bootstrap 90% CI 0.811-1.52 0.603-1.17 0.0835-0.183 0.116-0.365 SC50, S (µg/mL) 0.0588 56.4 0.0751 0.0140-0.164 SMAX, D 3.610 21.1 3.23 1.33-4.91 SC50, D (µg/mL) 0.263 31.4 0.346 0.0979-0.894 Proportional Error 0.212 6.78 0.198 0.159-0.233 No. of Parameters = 7 S + kd ks • Bootstrap Success Rate: 71.3% • VPC: Observed outside the 90%CI = 11.4% Model 3 (Compensatory) 14 12 Log CSF 10 8 ks 6 4 S 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 kd + H(C(t)) kc Time (hr) kc R Model 3 (Compensatory) Parameter ks (/hr) kd (/hr) kc (/hr) SMAX, S Model Estimates 0.813 0.660 0.172 1.020 %CV 14.5 18.3 10.7 18.9 Bootstrap Mean 0.819 0.664 0.325 1.364 Bootstrap 90% CI 0.654-0.941 0.538-0.771 0.166-0.565 0.890-2.087 SC50, S (µg/mL) 0.358 14.6 0.346 0.215-0.542 SMAX, R 0.193 21.3 0.215 0.163-0.269 SC50, R (µg/mL) 0.113 31.6 0.139 0.0636-0.365 Proportional Error 0.220 0.210 1.04 0.812-1.237 No. of Parameters = 7 kd Rfit + H’(C(t)) ks • Bootstrap Success Rate: 83.9% • VPC: Observed outside the 90%CI = 8.3% Model 4 (Dual Effects) 14 12 Log CSF 10 8 6 D 4 + ke 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 kc H(C(t)) S Time (hr) Model 4 (Combo) + kd Parameter ks (/hr) kd (/hr) ke (/hr) kc (/hr) Model Estimates 0.142 0.0235 0.088 0.00326 Bootstrap Mean 0.139 0.0447 0.0845 0.0234 90% CI 0.0556-0.417 0.0101-0.227 0.0179-0.182 0.0001-0.0471 SMAX, S 28.60 12.4 1.01-44.3 SC50, S (µg/mL) 0.374 0.291 0.0109-0.515 SMAX, D 4.230 3.74 0.139-8.933 SC50, D (µg/mL) 0.2680 0.231 2.51 0.189 0.0991-16.4 0.157-0.218 Proportional Error No. of Parameters = 8 ke Rfit ks kd ks • Bootstrap Success Rate: 61.3% • VPC: Observed outside the 90%CI = 7.3% Interpolation of Sub-compartmental PK/PD Profiles Cipro Concentration Susceptible Dormant 100 14 12 80 10 60 8 6 40 4 20 2 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time (hr) • Larger % of Dormant population needed • Dormant population account for regrowth? 120 16 Cipro Concentration Susceptible Initial Mutation Compensatory Mutation 100 14 12 80 10 8 60 6 40 4 2 20 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time (hr) • Dual characteristics of drug resistant and fitness restoration account for regrowth? Log CFU 16 Simulated Plasma Cipro Concentration (µg/mL) 120 Compensatory Hypothesis Log CFU Simulated Plasma Cipro Concentration (µg/mL) Dormant Hypothesis Dormant PK/PD Model (Equivalent to clinical 200 mg BID for 5 days) CIP Conc (µg/mL) PK profile Log CFU/mL Time (hr) Dormant Susceptible or Observable Population Time (hr) Compensatory Mutation PK/PD Model (Equivalent to clinical 200 mg BID for 5 days) Total Observable Population Log CFU/mL CIP Conc (µg/mL) PK profile Time (hr) R without fitness Log CFU/mL Susceptible Time (hr) R with fitness Subpopulation Analysis of P. aeruginosa Following 200 mg CIP Exposure in an in vitro Model Total population at 12 hours similar to pretreatment with increased MIC Same dose at 12 hours showed reduced effects Compensatory mutation model appears to describe multiple dose effects better than dormant model Dudley et al., Ameri J Med 82:363 (1987) Conclusions Semi-mechanistic PK/PD models were developed for various antimicrobial resistance hypotheses including experimental data from recent literature PK/PD Models provide a “learn and confirm” approach to hypothesis testing Models were validated using bootstrap statistics. Additional bacterial strains and external data sets are needed to further test these models The dormant model suggests that a large percentage of dormant population is needed to explain the in vitro kill curve data The compensatory mutation model appears to describe current data set better than the dormant model Acknowledgement Advisor: Dr. Hartmut Derendorf University of Florida Drs. Karen et. al., J of Bac 186:8172 (2004) Drs. Marcusson et al., PLoS Pathogens, 5:1000541 (2009) Drs. Firsov et al., ACC, 42:2848 (1998) Drs. Dudley et al., Ameri J Med 82:363 (1987) Drs. Grassly and Fraser, Nature Rev Micro 6:477 (2008) Dr. McKenzie, Parasitol Today 16:511 (2000)