Name: ______KEY____________________ Date: End of Course

Name: ______KEY____________________
Date: __________________
End of Course Assessment Study Guide
Your social studies final exam will take place on ______________, June______ from _______________.
The room assignments will be distributed at a later date.
Test Facts:
Consists of objective questions and an Essay (3 pts)
92 Questions
Counts as a large test for the 4th quarter.
Test Statistics:
Section 1 (60%):
Section 2 (21%):
Section 3 (15%):
Section 4 (4%):
key terms, people, events
working with maps
essay (3 pts) ****
What should you do????
1. Complete the study guide.
2. Make flash cards for each term/person
3. Complete a graphic organizer for the essay question.
The First Civilizations (Chapter 1)
1. Read about the Early Humans on page 9 in your textbook. What is the difference between a historian,
an archaeologist and an anthropologist?
People who study and write
about the human past through
written records.
People who learn about the past
by studying human remains
People who learn about the past
by studying artifacts
2. What is a civilization? Complex society with cities, organized government, art, religion, class
divisions and a writing system.
3. What is the difference between monotheism and polytheism?
Monotheism is the belief in one god. Polytheism is the belief in many gods.
4. Typically wealthy boys became scribes. What is a scribe?
A person who could read or write (kept records)
5. What area of land did Sargon conquer? He also set up the world’s first empire. What is an empire?
Sargon conquered all of Mesopotamia. An empire is a group of many different lands under one ruler.
Sargon’s empire lasted for more than 200 years before falling to invaders.
6. Read about Hammurabi on pages 22-25. List 3 important facts about him.
- created his law code, or a collection of laws
- his harsh laws influenced later law, including those of Greece and Rome
- he united Mesopotamia under one rule
Ancient Egypt (Chapter 2)
7. As pharaoh, Ramses II, had many great temples constructed. He was a very productive leader who
ruled for ____66________ years.
Ancient Greece (Chapter 4 )
8. Read about “The Polis” on page 122 in your textbook and define the following words.
- Polis- a city state that was like a tiny independent country
- Acropolis- a fortified area that stood at the top of the hill
9. The diagram below is an example of the __phalanx_____________________.
10. Read about “Democracy in Athens” on page 139. Why was the development of a democracy in
Athens so important to us today?
We adopted a form of democracy for our government today. We have a democratic republic
(representative democracy) which allows citizens to choose a smaller group to make laws and
governmental decisions on their behalf. It is a practical system for a large population.
11. Define the following terms:
Monarchy: a form of government where one person holds the power
Oligarchy: a form of government where a few people hold the power
Democracy: means “rule by the people”- all citizens share in running the government
Republic: a form of government in which someone is put into office by citizens with the right to vote
Early China (Chapter 7)
12. Read about the Silk Road in your textbook on pages 246-247. List at least three facts below about
the Silk Road and its importance.
It was a large network of trade routes that stretched 4,000 miles. It was an expensive route to take
because it was difficult and dangerous. Taxes had to be paid to travel on this route.
Ancient Rome (Chapter 8)
13. What is the difference between a republic and a direct democracy?
A republic is a form of government in which the leader is not a king or queen but a person elected by
citizens. A direct democracy is a system of government in which people gather at mass meetings to
decide on government matters.
14. What was Hannibal’s strategy that he used in war?
Hannibal was a Carthaginian general who marched his army, which consisted of foot soldiers and war
elephants, up through the Alps in order to achieve the “element of surprise.”
15. According to legend, Rome was name for _______ Romulus ___________________.
16. Write down two important facts about Julius Caesar. See pages 280-281.
- Roman general who went against Roman tradition and declared himself dictator
- He was assassinated for trying to be a dictator in 44 BC
17. Who was Octavian? What did he do to make an impact in the history of the Roman Empire?
Caesar’s grandnephew who created the Second triumvirate with Antony and Lepidus. Took the title
Augustus, meaning “the revered or majestic one.”
18. Read pages 322-324. What were the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire?
- Inflation
- empire was too large to govern effectively
- Germanic invasion
- high taxes and corruption in government
- difficult living conditions for the lower class
The Rise of Christianity (Chapter 10)
19. Read about Jesus of Nazareth on pages 344-347. Write down two important facts about him.
- For Christians he was the anointed Savior
- He used parables to teach about everyday life lessons
20. Read about the following types of religion:
Judaism (starting on page 81)
Christianity (starting on page 344)
Islam (starting on page 375)
Using the information you read about, list facts about the different religions. In the bottom, list some
ways these three religions are alike.
This religion believes they
were descendants of
Their holy book is called
the Torah
Moses received the ten
commandments from
God on Mt. Sinai
They believed God sent
the messiah, Jesus
Jesus preached about
God’s love and
Jesus was crucified and
rose from the dead
Muhammad was the
founder of this religion
Allah was their God
The Kabba housed
statues of their gods and
They were all monotheistic religions
Judaism influenced Islam and Christianity
Medieval Europe (Chapter 15)
21. Where did the Vikings settle? (page 518) Was the location of where they settled good or bad?
The Vikings settled in Scandinavia which had little farmland. As a result of this they focused their
attention on trading on the seas.
22. The Vikings were the first people to sail to ___North America _____________________.
23. The Black Plague was a quick spreading disease that killed 1/3 of the population. It struck around
the 1300’s. Read about the Black Death on pages 554-555 and list some of the effects of the plague:
-Trade declined and wages rose
- Since people were dying there was less demand for food
-Landlords had to pay workers more and decrease the cost of rent
-The feudal system was weakened
24. Read about the Magna Carta on page 537. Why was the Magna Carta so important?
The Magna Carta was so important because it helped establish the idea that people have rights and
that the power of the government is limited.
The Renaissance(Chapter 17)
25. The Renaissance was a period of new ideas in art and learning in Europe. This “rebirth” was the
result of many changes. Read chapter 17 section 2, starting on page 618, and list some of the key
characteristics that defined the Renaissance.
- People became more secular (they became more interest in human achievements than religion)
-Italian city states became wealthy and could spend money on painters, artists, sculptors, etc.
- Many people moved to the cities so more customers bought art
- Many great works of art and literature were created
26. What was Johannes Gutenberg responsible for creating? Why did his invention have such a large
impact on the world?
The printing press. This invention had an impact on the world because it made copying books
inexpensive so all people could have access to them.
Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle which talks about the different people of the Renaissance .
2. daVinci
1. Michaelengelo
5. Luther
3. Gutenberg
6. Shakespeare 4. Polo
Word Bank
Essay Question: Based on things you have learned this year in Early World History, give one example of
a contribution (something that we use) that ancient civilizations gave to us. Make sure to explain how
the contribution helped future people. This must be in complete sentences in order to earn full
credit!!! Be sure to answer the question thoroughly.
Examples of Contributions:
- Paved Roads
- Bill of Exchange
- Your person of the Millennium
- Writing
- Irrigation
- Arch
Example of a Contribution:
How this contribution helped future people?
Directions: Use this page as a place to take notes. If there is a question you are unsure of or something
you would like to ask the teacher about at the next class, write it down here so you won’t forget!
This page includes vocabulary terms. Tear this paper out of your study guide and fold it in half “hot dog
style” along the center line so that the terms are on the front. For each term, you will write the
definition on the line behind it. On the top half of the paper, cut along the horizontal lines so that you
can use this as a review tool.
Magna Carta
Black Death
95 Theses
code of conduct written by the church that 1
comes to us today as manners
self-sufficient community during the middle ages 2
contest in Medieval Europe that tested 3
the knight’s strength
also known as the Dark Ages or Middle ages 4
beliefs that contradict those of the church 5
sold to reduce the punishment for sins 6
document that lessened the power of the gov’t 7
and gave more rights back to the people
plague that killed around 1/3 of Europe’s 8
peasant bound to the land 9
member of the warrior class in medieval Europe 1
a holy war 1
a system of protection in Medieval Europe 1
arguments against the church that were written 1
by Martin Luther and nailed to the church doors 3
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