
American Neutrality, 1920-1941
Roots of Neutrality: Isolationism
a. Disillusionment w/ WWI =>
b. Disillusionment w/ League of Nations =>
c. Disclosure of War Profiteering
i. Nye Committee (1933) =>
ii. US entry into WWI …
iii. Influenced passage of _________________________________
d. Belief in …
e. Primary concern of US in 1930s was ____________________________
Post WWI American Isolation
a. Belief that …
b. Efforts by US to avoid future involvement, in wars
i. Peace societies =>
ii. Washington Naval Conference (1922) =>
iii. Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) =>
iv. Recognition of USSR (1933) =>
v. Good Neighbor Policy (1933) =>
c. Events of early 1930s showed …
i. Japanese invaded _______________________, 1931
ii. Hitler announced …
iii. Italian invasion of _____________________, 1935
iv. Spanish Civil War, 1936 =>
v. ________________________ militarized (1936)
vi. Axis Military Pact (1936) =>
vii. Japan-China clash, 1937 =>
Totalitarian vs. Democracy
a. Basic ideals of totalitarian states
i. Individual serves …
ii. __________________ is supreme
iii. State …
iv. __________________, force rule
b. Basic ideals of democracy
i. State serves …
ii. __________________ are supreme
iii. People …
iv. Emphasis on …
c. Major totalitarian rulers
i. Adolph Hitler =>
Benito Mussolini =>
iii. Josef Stalin =>
iv. Francisco Franco =>
v. Hideki Tojo = >
d. Major democratic leaders
i. Franklin Delano Roosevelt =>
ii. Neville Chamberlain =>
iii. Eduardo Daladier =>
American Isolation in action, Post WWI
a. Johnson Debt Default Act =>
b. Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937
i. Taken together, they provided that …
ii. Neutrality Acts would have …
c. FDR’s “Quarantine” speech (1937) =>
a. Policy of European countries towards …
i. Maintained policy despite …
ii. Why?!?!? =>
b. Examples
i. Anschluss (1938) =>
ii. Hitler’s demand for Sudentenland (1938) =>
iii. Munich Pact, Sept 1938
1. Nations meeting =>
2. France, UK leaders …
3. Chamberlain: “_______________ in our time!”
US Response to Appeasement
a. Buenos Aires Conference (1936) =>
b. Canada was brought …
c. Declaration of Lima (1938) =>
European War, 1939
a. Hitler took …
b. Italy attacked ___________________, April 1939
c. Germany, USSR, sign …
d. Poland attacked by ______________________ & ________________________, Sept. 1 1939
American Response to European War
a. Neutrality Act of 1939
i. “Cash & Carry” on …
ii. _____________________ designated as the aggressor
b. Declaration of Panama =>
c. Smith Act (1940) =>
d. ________________ reinstated, Sept. 1940
e. Lend-Lease Program
i. US program to …
ii. US shipped a total of _______________________ of war supplies to UK, USSR, France,
iii. In return, US received _______________________ worth of military bases in
Newfoundland, Caribbean
iv. US received …
US Entry into the War
a. July 1941: Japan seized ___________________________
b. In response, America …
c. Nov. 1941: Japanese peace mission to DC
d. Dec. 7 1941: Pearl Harbor attacked =>
e. War declared on Dec 8, retroactive to Dec. 7 =>