ACTIVITY 1: MIS GROUP – AGRO – PROFOCUS NETWORK DRAFT CONCEPT NOTE FOR STANDARDISING AGRICULTURAL MARKET INFORMATION IN UGANDA INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Market Information is a very important resource and it has given tangible benefits to its users including farmers, traders, Micro finance institutions (MFIs), Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), international donors and government. Market Information is defined as a business resource that contributes to know-how and increases the chances for the business to manage prevailing situations and plan for future market opportunities. (Kintu’. 2008). There are 5 major categorizes of market information including; agricultural input, extension education, agricultural technologies, produces marketing, agricultural credit and bulk buying and selling. In Uganda there over 10 independent providers of market information (Refer to Appendix 1 for report on different market information providers in Uganda) each service provider uses a different approach in collection, analysis and dissemination of market information. The different providers use different unit measures, collecting at different times and locations. There is no minimum standard or agreed way of collection, analysis or dissemination of market information to adhere to. The information that is therefore collected by the different service providers can not be measured against any set guideline, making it difficult to do comparisons of information countrywide and users can not trust its accuracy and reliability. The Market Information component of the Agri-profocus Network in Uganda would like to sphere head the process of standardizing market information in Uganda, bringing together the experience and expertise of all interested parties such as the producers, sellers, buyers, users and regulators of agricultural market information to come up with a published document that contains technical specification or other precise criteria designed to be used consistently as a rule, guideline, or definition of market information collection, analysis and dissemination. This standard will increase accuracy and reliability of market information and enable the different players to be able to work harmoniously. The Agri-profocus Network (APF) is a partnership of 26 Dutch donor agencies, credit institutions, companies, training and knowledge institutions, with the goal to promote farmer entrepreneurship in developing countries. Many AgriProFocus members, their Uganda partners and other stakeholders are working to improve farmer entrepreneurship in specific value chains. Agri-ProFocus (APF), founded in 2005, is a partnership of 29 Dutch donor agencies, credit institutions, training and knowledge institutions and companies. It stands for: Agricultural producer organisations in developing countries are key to economic development and poverty reduction. Promoting farmer entrepreneurship through cooperation, exchange and learning as the goal the partnership. Focus on four themes: value chains, financial services, sustainable food production and gender. The goal of the APF-Uganda network is to contribute towards poverty reduction through assisting Ugandan farmers in becoming better entrepreneurs and to make sure that Ugandan farmers’ organisations can empower themselves and forge stronger collaboration with agri-businesses, the financial sector, CBO and NGOs, research and education, and the government at different levels. APF promotes an equity based approach which is socially inclusive as regards gender, age, ethnicity, etc. Rev No.:00 Issue Date: June 2010 ID No.: FIT/PCD/GR/07 1/3 ACTIVITY 1: MIS GROUP – AGRO – PROFOCUS NETWORK The Agri-profocus Network of Uganda works in different thematic groups among which is Market Information working group. This group of APF members and partners focuses to harmonize information, review content, improve on how to collect it, verify data and ensure that information reaches farmers country wide. A survey of the providers of market information was carried out and a market information symposium was also held in this regard by the working group. From findings of the survey and the lessons learnt from the symposium, the need to standardize market information was realized. JUSTIFICATION Over 10 providers of market information were identified and interviewed each provider operated in a different locations some similar to others, different collection times, using different measures. Market information has been reported to be very useful in wide range of ways including; It can guide someone to decide where to sell; aids farmers to compare prices for better negotiations, and helps them to know whether to grow different crops; enables farmer/traders to make a decision on whether or not to store; helps farmers to reduce risks associated with marketing; Historical data (price trends) reveal the periods when prices of certain commodities are highest, average or lowest; Information on various crops gives an opportunity for a farmer to decide whether to grow different crops, Market information is also helpful for planning and evaluation purposes. To be able to have reliable and comparable data from the various market information providers there is need to set standards. For example if a user of market information is comparing the price of a commodity like matooke in one area where information is provided by provider A, they can be sure that the price quoted by provider B in another area is the same in terms of unit measure. To have reliable and accurate historical data(price trends) for Uganda there is a strong need to have a minimum standard as information is pooled from different providers and not just one provider, making it necessary to have key elements in collection and analysis spelt out. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSIGNMENT: The overall goal of this proposal is to have a guiding document or bench mark for all agricultural market information providers to follow, in form of a general procedure and unit measures used. To arrive at this goal the market information working group hopes to achieve the following specific objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. To establish the key element of market information (defined the end users for the MI) in the country. To invite other key stakeholders to the MI in the country so as to have clear holding in the sector. To develop a standard that is appreciated by all service providers and users of market information To provide proposals for regulation and establishment of a standard procedures for market information as a Sector in Uganda. DESCRIPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY 1. Core MIS AGRO PROFOCUS meeting to plan, execute and implement the activities 2. Identification of key government officers, and NGOs , agencies that are interested in the MIS Sector to form a WORKING GROUP FOR A PERIOD OF 4 MONTHS 3. Arrange to two working meeting with all service providers to discuss on the need of standardization of market information Rev No.:00 Issue Date: June 2010 ID No.: FIT/PCD/GR/07 2/3 ACTIVITY 1: MIS GROUP – AGRO – PROFOCUS NETWORK 4. Survey of users of market information users (farmers, traders, Micro finance institutions (MFIs), NonGovernment Organisations (NGOs), international donors and government.), forms of packaging, dissemination preferences and storage. 5. Develop templates for collection, models of analysis, verification procedures and storages provisions. 6. Preparation of white paper leading to the standardization of agreed MIS procedures 7. Present the white paper to government mandated body. 1. 2. 3. 4. EXPECTED OUTPUTS/OUTCOMES: An agreement with all market information service providers on the need for a standard A survey report from different market information users describing the MIS sector. A white paper on the standard of market information presented to the mandated regulator Exchange and sharing of tools and procedures with all the MIS providers in the country Work plan and timeframe Duration of activity is 6 to 8 months. Start date for activity (to be agreed on by MIS working group) Must finish by (to be agreed on by the MIS working group) Milestones: Selection and appointment of National Members to MIS working committee MIS Report on MIS definition White paper publication Information exchange with other stakeholders Budget for activities To be sanctioned by the MIS working group. Rev No.:00 Issue Date: June 2010 ID No.: FIT/PCD/GR/07 3/3