2002 Ramadan Sessions

Ramadan Session 2002
Topic: Looking For Happiness
Conceptual Wholeness (Four Sacred Conflicts)
Lecturer: Imam W. Deen Mohammed
Ramada Inn - Homewood hotel
Chicago, Illinois
I. Conceptual Wholeness (Four Sacred Conflicts)
Man's Spiritual Association
Man's Industrial Association
Man's Dialectical (speech making) Association
Man's Political Association Abraham - Ideological Dialectic Devotion
II. Contextual Wholeness: Aspirations (Tauheed) Ideological Development
A. Building the Context to Sexual Expression (Family)
B. Socialization of Spiritual Life; The spiritual expression of human
(Mortal Flesh) aspirations
C. The Rational Expression of Spiritual Life - The Moral Urgency
D. The Devotional (Occupational) Expression of Spiritual Life (Culture)
E. Dialectic Expression in the Community Life
F. Shuraa (As Shuraa): Dialectic Rule
G. Securing the Ethical Rule
H. The Spiritual Republic
11-22-2002 Ramadan session Jumah Prayer Friday
Chicago, Ill
As Salaam Alaikum
We praise G-d, we witness He is One alone in the rule of
heaven and earth, and we witness that Muhammad
(pbuh) to whom Quran was revealed over 14 centuries
and 20 years and more ago is His servant and His
Messenger the last of the Prophets. And we witness that
he is the promised one given in the Quran with reference
to the scriptures of Christians and the Jews wherein it
said that there would be one to lead the people to purity.
To lead them out of darkness into light and to take from
them the heavy yoke that weighed them down and to
break every bond of slavery.
He received Quran in the month of Ramadan, this
blessed month, and the first revelation came in a blessed
night, and he was missioned by G-d to tell his people
and the world what Moses came down from Mt. Sinai,
Jabl Nur, and told his people after he had gotten
revelation from G-d, that is G-d is One alone. He said Gd is only one G-d. And we know that the people whose
ears that fell upon were believers in many idol gods, it is
said they had about 369 fertility gods, household gods,
all gods made by their own hands. And when they were
questioned about these gods they said, "We found our
fathers worshipping these."
And when they were questioned about other things that
needed correcting in their lives and changes in their lives
so that they would have G-d's guidance and His mercy
they would always refer back to their fathers saying,
"We found our fathers practicing this." And it was said
to them, "Even though your fathers were ignorant?"
Amos 8.11; Famine of hearing the word of G-d
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I
will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor
a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:"
The age or the time referred to, Muhammad's (pbuh)
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coming is called the ignorant age, Jahiliyyah.
And it is prophesied in the Books that came before to
the people that are contained in what we call the Bible
now, maybe not in their original form or pure form but
they are there. And in those Books it said the world
would come under darkness, there would be a famine all
over the land, everywhere but it would not be a famine
of food but a famine of hearing the word of G-d. It did
not say the word of G-d would not be among the people
or in the people, but it said it would be a famine of
hearing the word of G-d. And I understand that to
mean that the word of G-d was with them but they had
no knowledge of it and they were not following
knowledge, they were ignorant.
Not only were the Arabs in darkness when Muhammad
(pbuh) began his mission as a mercy to all the worlds,
the whole known world at that time was in darkness. The
people of the Book acknowledge that they were in
darkness at that time and they acknowledge today that
the grandest time for the people of the Book was the
great, glorious page in the history of the Muslims in
Cordova, Spain where Al Islam ruled and was respected
and loved by the citizens of Spain, even by nonMuslims. It was appreciated and loved for 500 years.
And the life of society continued for about 700 years,
that is a long time. The United States is not nearly that
old and really the people practicing Christianity in this
part of the world is not that old, maybe close to 500
years but certainly not 700 years and maybe not even
500 years.
This is the kind of longevity for civilized, G-d fearing,
orderly government, and I talked with people from parts
of the Muslim world that are descendants of those who
left Africa and went to Spain and set up the wonderful
governmental order that they enjoyed for centuries. A
time of religious tolerance, a time of cooperation in
good works for humanity by Christian leaders and Jews
and Muslims.
Spain fell because of corruption among Muslim
Q. 19:59; When society misses prayer it is destroyed
"But after them there followed a posterity who missed
prayers and followed after lusts: soon then will they face
When I listened to the Moroccan telling me about that
:ime, one of them said to me that history records that
;orruption set into the leaders themselves. Comforts,
naterial things and comforts that material things bring
ibout or made possible, this Moroccan told me that is
what brought them down. And he told me, long before
.he society itself began to lose its grip on the land and on
:he religion first of all, corruption had already taken its
:oll on the leaders.
Q.24:41; Every creature knows its mode of prayer
Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praises all
beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate and the
birds (of the air) with wings outspread? Each one knows
Its own (mode of) prayer and praise. And Allah knows
well all that they do.
Allah (swt) says never did a people fall until they began
to abandon prayers, stop praying give, up their prayers.
So we should understand by that, especially if we
understand, a few you will understand this, the saying of
G-d, "That every creature knows its mode of prayer." If
you understand that then you truly understand the
statement no civilization fell until it abandoned prayers,
Q. 2:185; Ramadan is blessed month
Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the
Dur'an as a guide to mankind also clear (Signs) for
guidance and judgment (between right and wrong).
This is the blessed month of Ramadan, it is the month in
which the Quran was revealed to Muhammad (pbuh),
`Shahru ramadaanal ladhee unzila feehil qufaanu hudal
in naasi wa bayyinaatim minal hudaa wal furqaan."
Translated the month of Ramadan in which the Qur'an
:lame down as guidance for mankind and as plain
widence of what is guidance and what is not, the
;riterion, the blessed month of Ramadan. And when we
witness this month G-d says -- and witness means that
(ou know it has started and you are present in your
come or in your location -- then you should begin your
)rayers, your fasting. But if you are on a journey, you're
lot present, then G-d exempts you from this on the day
)f your travel.
Fasting is exempt for the traveling person
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The learned Imams, scholars today, the pious teachers,
they are saying, most of them that we should accept Gd's allowances that He makes for us. That to turn down
His allowance that He makes for you is insulting. Like
if a great ruler, or a great man of great stature offers you
something, you don't feel comfortable rejecting it. How
much more should we be uncomfortable if Allah (swt)
tells us when traveling I don't have to fast. Let us not be
like the serpent who had to reason with what G-d said
and trusts his own reason and came up with his own
answers. Let us not be like the serpent, like the shayatan,
Let us accept advice from the best of our scholars and
from our pious leaders at least, give it respect. And
don't shut it out but reason with it, listen to it, think
about it and see if your intelligence and your good nature
encourages you to come to that conclusion. I have done
that and I have come to that conclusion. Wouldn't you
give it respect if your intelligence and good nature
comes to their conclusion.
No matter how comfortable my travel is, this is modern
time we know that, no matter how comfortable my
travels G-d said when I am traveling I don't have to
fast. I'm exempt from fasting, if I'm traveling, if I'm not
present in my town. Why is this given? Al Islam is a
religion, the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the
Quran and the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
respects human goodness and human excellence.
It does not at all want to interfere with the natural
learned, good nature and good motivations, good desires,
good sensitivities, it does not want to interfere with it, it
does not want to do away with that, deny you that. It is
in the best of human beings, if someone gives them
something they are grateful and say, "Thank you," and
even if they don't have a need for it, the real good one
and intelligent ones they aren't going to say, "I don't
have any need for this." They don't want to be
offensive, they don't want to be rude, they don't want
to hurt the feelings of the person who is coming to them
with love. So they will take something they don't even
have a use for and when they get out of sight they say, "I
don't have a need for this I'll find somebody who can
use it." That is respect.
So Allah (swt) says when traveling you are exempted
from the fast. We reason and go back in the time and we
say "Because there was great hardship," that's true, this
is why. But isn't G-d the All-knowing? Didn't He know
that transportation was going to be improved, the world
was going to be advanced and one day it wouldn't be so
hard to travel and man would have the comforts He
promised him? Even in that time the comforts were not
here, G-d promised man great comforts and said a time
is coming in life when it is going to be easy for you.
So G-d knew the time of ease was coming for your
travel, so why did He leave it like that -- if you are
traveling you are exempted? Because that's not the
only reason, the hardship they endured or the hardship
they encountered was not the only reason for exempting
them from fasting. Allah (swt) didn't say "You have to
travel on your pack animal for days and nights or you
have to walk for months to get to the Hajj, to the
pilgrimage or other reasons I am going to exempt you
from fasting during traveling. Or you're traveling for
other reasons of importance to you, and you are
suffering this long, long time on the road and hardship
you encounter, so for that reason I exempt you from
fasting." That is not the reason. And look, Allah (swt)
says of fasting in the inspired hadith of Muhammad the
Prophet (pbuh), one that is treated as revelation to
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh), it comes from a group
of inspired hadiths called hadith Qudsi that are called
holy, sacred hadith. Meaning they came from
Fasting exercises self restraint for perfect obedience
Hadith Qudsi p64 #10; Fasting is Mine
Abu Hurairah reported the Prophet said, 'Allah (swt)
said, "Fasting is mine and it is I who give reward for it.'"
G-d inspired this in him as He gave him revelation but
not on the high level that revelation that came through
Jibril. It is said, "Fasting is for Me," G-d said that to us.
Now if fasting is for G-d, how can you say, "Well it's
not hardship anymore, it's easy?" You are not the
subject, whether is hard or easy is not the subject, G-d
has required it, that is the subject. G-d has asked you to
do that for Him, for G-d we fast. And you know what
fasting is an exercise in self restraint to increase our
obedience to G-d, an exercise in self restraint, denying
yourself what you would ordinarily take or want.
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So that your obedience to G-d will become more perfect.
Ramadan in the ninth month like life is born within
It is abstaining, keepingauy_fronLtheapgetiteolthe
flesh body and also
mind that are not
acceptable in mi./elision. It is keeping away from all
of them. Though we are to practice this discipline or self
restraint all the time in every month, this particular
month is a special month for training the muscles of the
will power, the muscles of the moral life, the muscles of
the will power, this is this month, the month of
Ramadan, the ninth month of the year. Life delivered
me to my mother in the ninth month.
So it is a chance for you to really be reborn and if you
are successful when you're delivered in this month you
get so many gifts. You're talking about a baby shower,
so many beautiful gifts. I have never since I started
fasting and that's been so long I can't tell you when, a
long time ago, long before I became your leader I was
fasting the month of Ramadan. I never recall fasting any
month of Ramadan before that month was over I wasn't
aware that I had received a very special blessing from
Allah (swt), my Lord, my Creator.
So be aware of this blessed month. Getting back to
Allah's (swt) allowances that He has made for us, that
you don't have to fast if you are traveling. I don't
believe Allah (swt) said that you can break your fast, I
believe He said that you're exempt. He didn't say it is up
to you, He said He exempts you, yes, and it is hard when
you want to obedient, it is hard when you want to show,
present yourself before your Lord in the best state you
can. It s hard to break your fast, when your own
strength is saying, "I don't need to eat, I can keep my
fast," and then something else comes into play. "Idon't
want to make up for any days, it is hard to fast when
there's nobody fasting with you," G-d knew that too.
And that is going to make you stronger and G-d warp to
see how many of us are truthful. "Did you fast the month
of Ramadan brother?" "Oh yeah brother," -- he missed
about 10 days --"Oh yeah brother," and he is lying. But
if we see him fasting ten extra days in the next month,
don't we look at him and love him?
So what Allah (swt) orders for us brother is the best,
and when we let our own thoughts come into it, we can
spoil the beauty and the blessings.
[here are considerations too, see when I mentioned this,
lot me, there were other Imams telling me this and they
were from the outside community, they were people I
net in traveling or abroad, they were telling me this. I
had to respect it and give it thought. So I said to myself,
"Even though it is not hard on me when I'm raveling
especially on the airplane, the stewardess, the attendant
up there comes with some nice juice, if it's first class
it is nice juice, nice water, nice white cloth is nit down.
It is hard for me, a true human being to turn hat down,
to tell them, " I'm fasting." It is easy for that ugly
human to do, to say, "I'm fasting, you don't you mow
I'm fasting, it is Ramadan?"
Sven on Southwest my favorite airline because of our
pockets, it is a good airline, I don't like to tell the
attendant no, that's a courtesy , they put all that in the
ticket, but that is something that the good attendant
:njoys, bringing the passenger something to please
hem. Because whether you are traveling two days, two
lours or only 40 minutes, it is not the same as being off
hat plane, that time you spent is hard time.
don't care if it is a short trip to Detroit, you have to do
,omething to keep your mind off of it from being bored.
ust sitting in one place, not seeing any beautiful
cenery, sometimes you're looking at nothing but
louds, so Allah (swt) knows best, He exempts us.
Fast increases purity and perfects obedience to Allah
'm dwelling on this today to get more of us to see the
espect we are to give our G-d, to see better the respect
ye are to give our G-d, if our G-d offers us something,
ccept it with respect that is due from G-d, or allotted
rom G-d. And also remember that your reasons may
ot be all clean, honorable or intelligent, like saying," I
on't want to make up any days, I don't want to break
ly fast." That is self interest, that is not the discipline
Dr us in the month of Ramadan, that is breaking from
le discipline of the believer during the month of
asting is not for losing weight, fasting is not for
caking the body healthier, it does all that. Fasting is
ot for increasing your will power, it does that. Fasting
for increasing your purity and perfecting your
bedience to your G-d, fasting is for Allah (swt). He
weals to Muhammad our Prophet (pbuh), fasting is for
le, G-d said that.
And look what else He says, "The breath of the fasting
person for G-d is as the most pleasant perfume," think
about that. So yours breath smelling, it may offend me,
your friends with your breath during the time of the
fasting. You may even offend yourself, but Allah (swt)
wants you to know, "Feel comfortable with this bad time
for your breath, it reaches only the humans that way. It
reaches Me as the finest and the most pleasant perfume."
Isn't that wonderful? This is a beautiful month of
And I believe in this month those who seek
understanding will be blessed more in this month than
any other month. So please don't undervalue the value of
reading Quran daily. So read Quran daily and if you
can't read it at home take it with you to work, on the
transportation, in travel the bus or train or whatever read
Quran read 1/30 th daily
When you are sitting, waiting and bored have a little
Quran in your pocket, take it out and read so that you
stay in touch with the word of G-d more in this month
than in any other month. And it is our hope that we
complete the 30 sections of the Quran during this month
of 30 days, but we know sometimes it is shorter like leap
year for us in our calendar, it may be 29 days sometimes
or 30 days normally. And also remember to not only
avoid food and drink but avoid foolishness, accepting
that into yourself is worse than breaking Ramadan with
water or drink and food. Avoid foolishness in the month
of Ramadan. Avoid vulgarity in the month of Ramadan,
don't even entertain vulgar stuff like the regular dancing
that we see in this world, males and females dancing,
whether dancing alone or with a partner. These dances
mostly are vulgar dances, they are not decent at all.
So don't even watch that stuff on the t.v. or movies
during the fasting time, stay away from that kind of stuff
and you will strengthen yourself, you will purify your
willpower, you will purify your spirit and you will
strengthen your willpower. Stay away from anything
that you know is not becoming of a conscious Muslim
during the time of fasting. It is to train us and make us
devote special attention, to concentrate more to devote
special attention to our own nature, our own life and our
behavior to affect it perfectly if we possibly can to Allah
So during this time be careful and avoid all things and
all influences that threaten to take you away or take you
out of it, where it just makes you go to sleep to that
excellence or to that obedience.
Juntah it is very serious don't laugh
You just chuckled a lot while I was talking, you did not
hear me chuckling. There was humor in that but you did
not hear me chuckle. We are a playful people they said
before they brought us here, those Europeans they
criticized us, they were stiff, cold rulers up in their lands
and they didn't like our relaxed way of living and our
humor. And they pointed to this as ignorance and a
defect in us, they called us monkeys from Africa, the
monkeys like to play a lot we know. Even when they're
serious they look like they're playing.
So we don't want to give into any of these urges in us to
laugh and be funny or enjoy humor during the fasting
time. You watch me I'm not laughing, maybe what I say
is funny, I'm not laughing, don't laugh, don't play
especially during Jumah it is very serious. When the
Jumah khutbah is being given I don't care how funny it
is you try not to laugh. Be pleasant, but don't laugh, you
can put a kind of a smile on your face, but don't make a
sound and laugh, that's no good, that's not for the
congregation when we're having Jumah to make these
sounds to laugh, chuckle, don't do that.
In the future I will be expecting you to obey and not do
the things that you are in the habit of doing. We have to
break these old habits. I know you enjoy and I'm slow to
say stop or to correct you because I know you. But
don't give in to humor, don't give in and start laughing
during Ramadan, during your fast time and never during
the khutbah, the speech that is given in Jumah, on
Friday. And Allah (swt) will bless us with stronger will
power, a more beautiful and a more perfect obedience to
Him and that means we are drawing closer to Him. And
there is no reward better for us than the reward of
closeness to G-d, that's the best reward.
The closer you get to Him the more everything that's
good comes to us and everything that needs
improvement gets improvement. The closer we get to
Allah (swt), that's the greatest blessing. A great king,
or a great ruler, a president like the one we have over the
United States, a citizen of the country considers it a very
special opportunity to be near him in the White House at
the table sitting with him as his guest.
So we think this way in our life as humans of a very
special event, nature doesn't change when it's G-d. G-d
only wants us to express the best of our nature that He
has given us. So this saying is expressed for G-d, if
we're conscious that our obedience is bringing us closer
to our G-d. Oh how wonderful the feeling is to feel that
he used to be like G-d was in Los Angeles. Now we
know He is not there as much as He is in some other
state, but if G-d was in Los Angles and you were living
where I live in Chicago and you heard that your
obedience had brought you closer to G-d, now you are in
Phoenix, Arizona, you would feel good
I am just saying this because I know that town, it makes
you feel good, G-d has opened opportunities to me and
managed my affairs so I could be blessed me to be not
so far from Him. This is wonderful to hear what I am
saying to come from your best human motivations, and
your best human sensitivities. It is wonderful what you
feel when you read and hear, listen to this religion,
teachings of our Prophet (pbuh) and especially the direct
Words of G-d, the Quran.
The Month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the lunar
calendar, three months later comes the Hajj, there is no
accident that it has been arranged this way. That has
meaning and it is very important that the Hajj month
comes, the third month after the month of Ramadan.
Ramadan is said to be thought of as the month of the
heat. Now we know this time of the year the heat is not
severe, but this is the Islamic calender. There must have
been a calendar before that, Gregorian calendar or
something and it was the month that came all the time in
the very hot time of the year. And they said the desert
dwellers and those who had the livelihood that required
that they traveled for miles over the desert, through the
hot sands, they say they formed the habit of wrapping
the feet of the animal, the camels whatever. The camel
takes you across the desert most of the animals cannot
take you across the desert, they were wrapping the feet
of the camels to protect their feet from the heat, from
the burning sand.
They say the word Ramadan really came from that
activity, that action, taken from wrapping the camel feet.
Now I'm not superstitious or anything, but this is
another great Ramadan for us and isn't it something that
we are having it in a hotel (Ramada) where all we have
to do is put a letter "N" on it at the end of it and it says
Ramadan, Ramada Inn.
T you just put the letter "N" at the end of Ramada you will
have Ramadan Inn. I am not superstitious, but I said hat is
a coincidence that I think gets my attention and it thould
get my attention.
We thank Allah (swt) for this blessed month, a month
or blessings. Certain things Allah (swt) has shown us
He says of them "It is a blessing."
3.96-97; Kabah first house of worship full of signs
6. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was
that at Bakka full of blessing and of guidance for all
kinds of beings:
7.In it are signs manifest; (for example) the Station of
Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; pilgrimage
thereto is a duty men owe to Allah those who can
afford the journey; but if any deny faith Allah stands
not in need of any of his creatures.
Whenever you pray, remember as I do now after learning,
remember that the house that you are facing, threcting
yourself to Him, the Kabah, that little house galled "Baitul
`ateeq", it means the ancient house, also called "Al Bait,"
the house. It is called by certain names. And remember
what Allah (swt) says about it, that it is the first of the
houses in Arabic "Wude'a len nas," built and constructed
for all people. And He says of it, "In it is blessings,"
some translate it, "It is full of blessing." That house as a
sign to be understood by the nurious minds of thinkers, of
curious thought of G-d's Jevotees. It holds great blessings
as a sign to man's mind, to his heart, to his life, great
blessings, full of nIessing.
Rebecca means vision of Mecca
There is a woman in the Bible Old Testament, her name
s Rebecca. During my studies of the Bible I had to stop
Dri that name and give a lot of serious thought and study
t in the context in which it appeared to see if it might
lave reference to Mecca which was called in more listant
times from us Becca, not Mecca. It was called `13ebecca"
and it later came to be called Mecca by the Arabs. And it
is mentioned "Bebecca," translation as Mecca, meaning
And here is a woman called Rebecca. And my suspicion
I think was fed by G-d, my suspicion brought me to
believe that the "Ra" was an additional word that made
her name a combination of two words, "Ra" and
And I reasoned that the meaning of that name meant the
vision of Becca, the vision of Mecca or the eye of Becca
or the eye of Mecca. And I don't know if I'm correct
in that understanding or in that perception or not, I can't
tell you I don't know but I have not put it down and I
have not found anything to make me put it down that is
why I have not put it down .
Isaiah 43:19; Rivers shall run in the Deserts
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring
forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the
wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
The Bible promises that in that area waters shall come
where there is desert and it says, "And the waters shall
be plentiful". This is a prediction that dry land and that
place where our sacred House is, our Qiblah it was
promised that great waters would come. We know that
upon the sand great water didn't come, but water did
come up from below it, the sand at the heel of Ishmael or
Ismail in the Bible. And the great well of Zam Zam
formed, and this is supposed to have happened for
Hagar, Sarah's handmaid. The wife that Sarah gave to
Abraham her husband, Ibraheem as a present, gift and
asked him to have a child by her because she was too old
and could not give him a child.
We don't have waters where there is sand but there is
plenty of water in the well of Zam Zam. And they say it
seems as though the source cannot be used up, they say
the more they use it, it looks like the stronger the force
comes, the more they get. And it is so much that they
could actually distribute it all over the world if they
wanted to, the Zam Zam water. And they are finding
that it is appearing in lands far away from Saudi and in
that area you will find it in stores, Zam Zam the water is
plentiful. Look too at something that was more recently
discovered in our times, the rivers of petroleum that is
under that sand and how rich it made the people of
So G-d promised blessings would come to that area and
great blessings have come to that area. And G-d says in
that House are blessings, it means there are still great
Q. 3:96; Kabah a house built for all people
Q. 2.130; Who reject his religion debases him self
"And who turns away from the religion of Abraham
but such as debase their souls with folly? Him We chose
and rendered pure in this world: and he will be in the
Hereafter in the ranks of the righteous."
John 14:2; In my father's house are many mansions
"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were
not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for
I'm sure that when the Bible uses the words, "In my
father's house are many mansions," I'm sure that the
idea, if not the physical or visual picture of the house,
the idea that the house embodies is in the mind of the
one who said it, "In my father's house are many
mansions," accommodating everybody, all human
beings. A house built for all people "Wudeya len nas,"
praise be to Allah (swt).
During this month we should be in dhikr, fill your mind
with the remembrance of your Lord, G-d the Creator.
Fight the temptation to think on worldly things during
this fast month. Fight the temptation to give your mind
to worldly things and strive hard to keep Allah (swt) on
your mind and first in your heart, number one in your
heart. Saying subhanallah, al hamdullilah, Allahu
Akbar, la elaaha illah, doing dhikr in any pattern that
you prefer, you do the dhikrs. Practice remembrance of
Allah (swt), He promises that if you will remember
Him, He will remember you.
Q. 2:186; When they call Me tell them I am near
Now you know G-d does not forget and is not unaware
of anything so His remembering you is simply saying He
is going to respond to you as a friend and He is going to
respond to you graciously, as a generous Giver, He is
going to respond to you. If you remember Him he says
tell them, this is what the Prophet (pbuh) is telling us, he
said, "Tell them if they remember Me I will remember
them." When a caller calls on me tell them I'm near,
praise be to Allah (swt).
This is the month of Ramadan the month in which
guidance came for all mankind, the final revelation to
serve man's life in society for all times until Allah (swt)
decides to end this world as we know it. Don't
underestimate the value and beauty of this religion.
None would reject this religion except someone who
wants to make himself a fool, this is the way it's given.
He who wants to degrade his own worth, that is what it
means. And that is an ignorant thing for somebody to do
consciously, doing something that you know is
degrading your value and worth. That is the apex of
ignorance, stupidity. So G-d says, "Who will reject this
religion except one wants to make himself a fool."
Religions before Islam did not respect human worth
Q. 5.3; Preferred Al Islam as religion
"This day have I perfected your religion for you,
completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you
Islam as your religion."
So though Al Islam respects other religions, Christianity,
the people of the Book and their religious life and
practices, it respects that, but it lets us know that G-d
has completed His favor on the human family by
revealing the Quran to Muhammad (pbuh) and making
clear what is guidance from that, what is not guidance.
The Quran says, "This day I have completed My favor
upon you, I have perfected for you your religion and I
have chosen for you Al Islam, Deenah." Al Islam in the
place of what you have before as religion, that is what it
It means you had something you called "Din," religion,
now G-d has guided you to see that what you had did not
respect your own worth as a human being.
So G-d had saved you from what has been a discredit
and a shame on your value as a human being, and He
has given you what your life calls for. The excellence,
the beauty, the quality life that your body called for, G-d
has revealed it and completed His favor on you,
perfected for you your religion and completed His favor
on you. This is G-d's preference. It didn't say, "And has
ordered Al Islam to be your religion," no.
He says "I preferred," they say chosen, but the word means
preferred. "I preferred for you Al Islam as religion." What
does that mean? That what you had before this was made
clear to you, you had other religions. Did I dislike them
all? The expression says, " He must have liked something
about some of the other religions, if not all of them, because
He said, "I preferred." If I say I prefer that, then it means
I had a little appetite for this, but I prefer that. You use
prefer to point to something that is more appealing to you,
than something else. Not that the something else is not also
appealing to you, it is appealing to you too, but you say I
prefer to say that, that I am pointing or referring to is more
appealing to me. He said "And I have preferred for you
Al Islam in the place of your religions, meaning in the
place of what you had as religion.
Allah trusted man not the angels
Q. 59.23; Allah is a Believer
own soul. He who does not invest in his own soul, he
sinks to the lowest of the low, he debases himself, he
discredits his own worth when he neglects his own value
and therefore he loses it and becomes despicable, the
lowest of the low.
So invest in yourself. It doesn't mean that you are self
centered because you spend on your own self, you invest
for your own good development and growth etc.,
improve your honor and dignity among or in the
company of the righteous and in the company of human
beings. This is a natural need and Allah (swt) wants us
to invest in our own good development or in our own
good growth. And the best investment is the investment
in our own souls, invest for the growth and beauty of our
own soul and Allah (swt) promises us the good life, the
life of honor, beauty, respect and blessings.
First, second mercy Quran and Muhammad
Q. 9.61; Prophet in Allah and believers
A wonderful G-d, a beautiful G-d, our Friend, our
Companion, our Protector and a Believer in us. G-d created
us to believe and He gave the picture to angels of what He
was going to create. The angels did not trust what G-d was
going to make, they said, "This what He's talking about
what He is going to put in the earth and make him the ruler
down there or responsible person for the order down there
they are not of the angels. He is going to shed blood, he is
going to make trouble."
G-d says, "Waltman Illave inspired him of My own
sprit,wn will." So G-d created something that only
He had faith in.
And the satan was so disappointed, shaytan who himself
was the leader of the angels at one time, he was so
lisappointed that he vowed to work against man and prove
to G-d that man was not worthy of that great aation and
status that G-d was giving to him. And G-d .:ontinued
to believe, to protect and keep to His Word hat He would
give that man freedom and that man would serve Him and
prove worthy. So it seems almost hat G-d alone was
having faith in us, in what He treated. By faith I mean
trusting, G-d alone was
rusting what He created, the others did not have any
f aith to trust.
And if you can see what I have been telling you, and
the light in which I put it or given it, you are situated
wonderfully to keep your good life and your good nature
and to invest in it. Allah (swt) says, "Invest in your
So we thank Allah (swt) during the month of Ramadan,
we thank Him firstly for first His mercy, the gift of
revelation in the Quran, His great mercy and Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) His second mercy, a great mercy,
"Rahmatan lel alameen," a mercy to all the worlds. We
thank Him and ask Him to protect for us the good that
He blessed us with so we don't lose it. Because we are
not able at all times to protect our own blessings or the
goodness that Allah (swt) has increased in our life for us.
We can go to sleep, get distracted, taken away from the
right focus or attention and lose it all.
So we ask Allah (swt) to keep it safe for us, protect it for
us, keep it safe for us and to preserve it for our good
offspring, children so they will inherit it and it will live
among us for as long as Allah (swt) keeps this earth and
keeps us on it, ameen.
Second khutbah
Q. 6.38; Animals have community like yours
"There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth nor a
being that flies on its wings but (forms part of)
communities like you. Nothing have We omitted from
the Book and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in
the end."
Al Islam is a complete way of life. Al Islam satisfies
every quarter of human life. Al Islam is guidance for the
industrialist, for the spiritualist, for the political figure
and for the domestic life. It is for the military man, it is
for the astronomer, it is for the banker, it is for the
medical man, the man in the medical profession, it is for
every aspect of man's life in society. The Arabic term
"Ummah," meaning community is the context that we
have to keep before us because society, what do I mean
when I say society? Allah (swt) says, "There is not a
creature crawling upon the earth that He has not given
community life to resembling yours."
So we must understand that birds have community, a
community of the species of the family of birds and ants
have community life, bees have community life. These
things that crawl upon the earth, Allah (swt) says they
have community life resembling yours.
Allah (swt) wants us to see that life is best established
and protected when life lives with life in a context of
interaction for them, for that life, for members of that
life, association for the members of the life with one
another. An association not only because of their
language and their particular habit and way of living or
habits of living, but also because of their social life.
They need to socialize, they need to be with one another,
they need the company of other members, it helps their
willpower and it is also the situation or circumstances
for their protection and their advancement as a life.
Muslim model community life
So G-d gives us the community context for our life and
G-d tells us, "You are the best of communities brought
out or evolved for all people." Meaning that you are a
model holding guidance and blessings for all mankind,
the community context, don't forget the community
context for Muslim life.
Business life is a sacred duty as is any religious act
We are a community. If we are a community then we
are responsible for having in our community what is
needed for all members of society. Whatever is
acceptable, permissible, that is halal for a society under
G-d, G-d asks this of us, we are obligated to provide our
society, our Ummah, or community with that.
So to be the ones responsible for business life in our
community is a religious duty as sacred as any other
religious duty. Give in charity, also spend in the path of
G-d, "Anfequ fee sabelillah." How are you going to
carry out these responsibilities when you don't have
jobs, if you don't have income? How are you going to be
the one doing what G-d asks us to do? You can't do it.
How are the lights going to be kept on in the Masjid? If
you are not gainfully employed.
Money is not haram and the lazy sleeper is halal
So we have to get away from seeing money as haram
and sleep as halal. When you are not producing for
community your sleep is haram. You shouldn't be
sleeping, you should be trying to find some employment
or engage yourself in some activity that will bring
income for your own good life and dignity, honor and
also more importantly for you as a member of your
community so that your increase in honor increases the
community in honor.
If your own self decreases in dignity and honor, you
have also diminished your community in that measure,
in dignity and honor. So don't just think that the work
that makes money and to increase your material life is
something outside your religion, do not think that. See
that as your sacred duty also and you will be successful.
Don't lose the community context for all life and the
community context for our life also requires that we be
responsible for keeping the rule right. That which
governs us, keep it right. You are obligated to question
authority that is haram over you, whether it be in a
person or in a political idea or in a context of the
knowledge or body of knowledge for our beautiful and
powerful land, the United States of America. It is not all
perfect, don't leave it to Christian citizens, Jews and
others to serve the further development of beauty and
excellence of the American people or their society, their
government. You be critical too of their government but
with love and respect in your heart and with appreciation
filling up your heart for the achievements that this
people have already made on the path towards excellent
Don't say, "It is not for me to do anything about that."
Yes it is. We have Najiy and before my son in law
Najiy, we had many of you, and we still have many of
you who are in the political field working to support
justice, fairness and to help people qualify more citizens
who have neglected their responsibility to get involved
and qualify more to support the beautiful idea of our
government and our society. And increasing in its
;xcellence and in its beauty, and in its service and in its
ustice. We in my opinion are best situated to be in the
orefront of any good works. That includes the work to
rrotect America, it's beauty. Let us contribute to it so
hat it will grow more beautiful in that. Thank you very
a- Believer 8;
a- Fasting is Mine 3;
a- Preferred Al Islam as religion 8;
a- trusted man not the angels 8;
a- When they call Me tell them I am near 7;
_et us pray to G-d to not let our hearts deviate, go back
tfter He has guided us, and to give from His presence
hat which will sustain in us and satisfy us. And to give
is in this life good, and also in the hereafter good, the
afterlife good and save us and our family from the. fires
>f corruption or the fires of sin, Ameen.
a- community all have life like yours 9;
a- Every creature knows its mode of prayer 2;
Comments after Salat
Jnless you ask me or travel I think it is best that we say
ksr prayer, if you are here, if you are leaving it is
lifferent, you combine the prayers. Blessed Ramadan en
;ha Allah (swt) we will be meeting with you soon after
about 30 minutes. Those who want to continue the
session we have a second session. So I think we should
lo it now in this time about 30 minutes from now, so we
vill have it all done and out of the way before Iftar.
)eace, As Salaam Alaikum.
Transcript draft unedited Nasir Ahmad
Index 11-22-2002 Jumah
Q. 19:59; Society miss prayer is destroy 2;
Q. 24:41; Every creature knows its mode of prayer 2;
Q. 2.185; Ramadan is blessed month 2;
Q. 3:96-97; Kabah first house of worship full of signs 6;
Q. 2:186; When they call Me tell them I am near 7;
Q. 2:130; Who reject his religion debases him self 8;
Q. 5:3; Preferred Al Islam as religion 8;
Q. 59:23; Allah is a trusting Believer 8;
Q. 9:61; Prophet in Allah and believers 8;
Q. 6:38; Animals have community like yours 9;
Hadith Qudsi p64 #10; Fasting is Mine 3;
Linos 8.11; Famine of hearing the word of G-d 1;
John 14.2; In my father's house are many mansions 7;
Isaiah 43.19; Rivers shall run in the Deserts 7;
tbraham Who reject his religion debases him self 8;
Angel Allah trusted man's creation not the angels 8;
Arabia Rivers shall run in the Deserts 7;
Becca Rebecca means vision of Mecca 6;
Believe Allah, Muhammad also believe 8;
Born again reborn Ramadan ninth month life is born 3;
Business life is sacred duty as any religious act 10;
Call When they call Me tell them I am near 7;
Christianity before Islam did not respect human worth 8;
c- Animals have community like yours 9;
c- Muslim model community life 10;
Desert Rivers shall run in the Deserts 7;
e-1; f-1; Famine of hearing the word
of G-d 1;
f- Allah said Fasting is Mine 3;
f- it exercises self restraint for perfect obedience 3;
f- Ramadan is blessed month 2;
f- Ramadan ninth month life is born 3;
f- Travel during fasting the person is exempt 2;
g-1; h-1; House In my father's house are many
mansions 7;
i- Preferred Al Islam as religion 8;
i- Religions before Islam did not respect human worth 8;
Jesus In my father's house are many mansions 7;
Judaism before Islam did not respect human worth 8;
Jumah its very serious no laughing or joking 5;
k - Kabah a house built for all people
k- first house of worship full of signs 6;
Man Allah trusted man not the angels 8;
Mansion In my father's house are many mansions 7;
Mecca Rebecca means vision of Mecca 6;
Mercy First, second mercy Quran and Muhammad 8, 9;
m - Business life is sacred duty as any religious act 10;
m - Money is not haram and sleep halal 10;
Muslim Rivers shall run in the Deserts 7;
Nine Ramadan ninth month life is born 3;
o-1; p1;
p- Every creature knows its mode of prayer 2;
p- Society if it misses prayer is destroyed 2;
Prophet Allah Believes 8;
r- Ramadan ninth month life is born 3;
r- Travel during fasting the person is exempt 2;
r- is blessed month 2;
Rebecca means vision of Mecca 6;
r- before Islam did not respect human worth 8;
r- Preferred Al Islam as religion 8;
Rivers shall run in the Deserts 7;
Saudi Arabia Rivers shall run in the Deserts 7;
Sleep Money is not haram and sleep halal 10;
Society Muslim model community life 10;
Spain fell corruption set among Muslim leaders 2;
Travel during fasting the person is exempt 2;
u-1; v-1; w-1; Water Rivers shall run in
the Deserts 7;
x-1; y-1; z-1; Index 11-222002 Jumah
11-22-2002 Ramadan session Fajr Prayer Friday
Chicago, Ill
With G-d's name we begin, the praise and the thanks is
for G-d, we thank Him for the gift and blessing of the
model human person Muhammad (pbuh), the honorable
and noble servant and Messenger of G-d and what
follows of the salute or that traditional salutation to the
last Prophet (pbuh); the seal of the Prophets mentioned
in the Bible as it is given in the Quran.
As Salaam Alaikum. We thank Allah (swt) for our
presence here in the blessed month of Ramadan on this
most blessed day of the year according to the words of
Allah's (swt) servant and Messenger Muhammad (pbuh)
Friday, Jumah day. As Salaam Alaikum we wish all of
you a blessed Eid. Some of you I might not be with you
on Eid day, some of you I will be with, en sha Allah.
May Allah (swt) bless you and your family, your loved
ones with a blessed and pleasant Eid.
Before we begin the after Fajr prayer session I want to
give a few minutes, not much time to questions that you
had when I asked you to hold those questions for a later
time. If you made notes of your questions, if you will
pass those questions, please don't start writing any more
questions right now, just pass those that you have
already written to me, hand them to the security brother
and they will bring the questions to me. And indicate, if
you don't put your name on it at least indicate whether
you're male or female. You can put "M" or "F" in a
circle and make it big enough for me to see it. If they
are business questions related pass it now. If you don't
get your question responded to, you know what
happened to it the filter got it.
p.12 of 54
laahud daaral aakhirata wa laa tansa nasibaka minad
dunya" and in English it says, "And seek with the wealth
which Allah has bestowed on you the home of the
hereafter." What does it means in the ayat that speaks
about getting our share? Is it really the people of
Qaaruun speaking?
Imam W. D. Mohammed:
Al Aakhirah really means not hereafter, it means the
end, the final. "Wa laa tansa" and do not forget or
neglect your share of this world "minad dunya". Now I
will give you the question. Does it matter that in the ayat
that speaks about getting your share of the dunya, that it
is really the people of Qaarun or it is Allah (swt)
speaking to him, the people of Qaarun who are speaking
to him, that is to this rich man and not Allah (swt)?
No, it is Allah (swt) speaking to him, the people of
Qaarun they asked questions but that comes from Allah
(swt), Himself. Allah (swt) says, "Seek," no matter who
speaks the people said, "We hear a caller calling to faith
and we have believed," that's Allah speaking. Allah
(swt) is speaking everything good in the Quran, the
whole Book is the Word of G-d, there is nothing in the
Quran that is the work of somebody else, the whole
Quran is the Word of Allah (swt), the Word of G-d.
And no matter what is said there it is put there for us,
and guidance is guidance. If it is telling the history of a
people like they slew the she camel, that's still Allah
(swt) talking, Allah (swt) is revealing that, that they
slew the she camel. But that's something they shouldn't
have done, you shouldn't do that. So when Allah (swt)
is speaking to man it is Allah (swt) addressing the
problem of this wealthy man, the same wealthy man
that is in the Bible by a different name. When Allah
(swt) is addressing the wealthy man to correct his
thinking we have to follow that as guidance. When Allah
(swt) says "ghairel maghduub alayhim" is that G-d
speaking or someone else speaking?
Q. 28.77; Seek hereafter don't forget share of the world
"But seek with the (wealth) which Allah has
bestowed on thee the Home of the Hereafter nor forget
thy portion in this world: but do thou good as Allah has
been good to thee and seek not (occasions for) mischief
in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief."
In the Quran Allah (swt) says,"Wabtaghe fi maa aataakal
Why would G-d be praying? G-d doesn't have to
ay, G-d has given that to us for us to say. So I don't
tow how you come to this reasoning, that this is the
'ople of Qaarun speaking and not Allah (swt) speaking.
lon't know how you come to that kind of reasoning,
is is confusing to me. I speak, over the years I have
oken everywhere almost, what I mean in all the most
iportant places. And that is an often quoted saying in e
Quran by other Imams outside of our community as
ell as by me. In fact I meet in discussions with big
holars and we often mention this ayat, some of biggest
world and we mention this ayat and this ayat is to tell
that Allah (swt) wants us to have our spirituality but
e does not want us to neglect our material life.
our life is not only spiritual, your life is spiritual and
aterial. And your life as a community can't be
tablished without material. So G-d knows that there
e people just like African Americans who will neglect
eir share of the dunya, of the world. Not just Africanmericans but He knows that there are people like us
ho will neglect their share.
the rich man can gain heaven also
1.7.40; Rich man no heaven until camel pass eye of
"To those who reject Our signs and treat them with
rogance no opening will there be of the gates of
raven nor will they enter the garden until the camel can
tss through the eye of the needle: such is Our reward
T those in sin."
fohn 3.3 6; Rich man born again not see heaven
"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I
y unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see
e kingdom of God. [4] Nicodemus saith unto him,
ow can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the
cond time into his mother's womb, and be born?"
nd they are saintly people, this is really for saintly
;ople because people like us are supposed to be taken
xe of by the intelligent ones of us. People who have
) industry and no industry about themselves, they are
it responsibility, we're supposed to help them. But it
really interesting saintly people who think they have
come so holy and angelic, so angel like that they stay
vay from the material world. That's been a big
oblem in religion. Al Islam is not that kind of religion.
p.13 of 54
Al Islam is a religion for community life, it is not
religion for training somebody to be saint or an angel or
a different creature from humans. That is not Al Islam,
we want to make it very clear. That is why that is in the
Holy Quran, to tell the rich people G-d does not reject
you because you want wealth. Are you fair with it?
And are you fair even with yourself? Are you just
developing your material side and neglecting your
spiritual side.
But look how G-d comes and gives the answer. Was this
revelation? Every bit of it is revelation. Look how G-d
comes with the answer to the man who is rich, it sounds
like an answer to the person who is poor. But it's not. It
is to the rich man, saying "Seek with the means that G-d
made available the hereafter, the end, the blessed end,
but don't forget your share of this world." The rich
man already has too much of his share, but look how Gd is speaking to him. That is why so many rich people
came to Al Islam, G-d knows how to reach everybody.
So the rich man now he's is being reached. Here is G-d
telling me that I'm entitled to my share of the world I got
more than my share. He is going to feel like that, he's
going to feel repentant most likely unless he's a devil or
one of the devils.
He says, "here is G-d tells me so nicely, that I'm entitled
to get my share of world, I got mine and about 2000 of
these citizens' shares. But G-d begins by telling him also
firstly that he should seek spiritual destiny with all the
means that I have availed you, but don't neglect your
share of the material world. How wonderful, how can
this come from mortals? This is divine revelation. The
mortals don't have the intelligence and the knowledge
and the justice to tell a rich man who is robbing people
like Allah (swt) dealt with that rich man.
Now in the Bible the rich man came and he asked about
the hereafter and he was told according to the Gospel
that you have to be born again. And the Arabs have a
saying, and it is in the West too, but I think it's origin is
Arab wisdom it says, "Never will the rich man get into
the heaven until the camel can pass through the eye of
the needle. I'm sure some of you heard that.
Fasting of pregnant women
Do pregnant and nursing mothers have to make up their
fast? Do they have to feed the hungry, please explain.
Because if you keep getting pregnant and nursing never
could you be able to make up your fast?
Imam W D Mohammed:
Well you have to make sure you don't keep getting
pregnant every year and missing the month of Ramadan.
No, there is nothing I know of that says a woman who is
carrying her child can't fast. Women fast during the
month of Ramadan. These days now are very short. I
don't see any problem with pregnant women unless your
doctor knows you got some kind of health problem that
wouldn't permit you to fast. If you take enough food
before the dawn, plenty of water etc., if you have any
kind of vitamin supplements that you're taking that the
doctor advised you to take, if you take all that before
dawn there are not that many hours now in these short
days for this time of season, time of the year. For me I
don't see a problem, you can take it.
If you have a problem that the doctor says then you're
not blamed if your doctor says you shouldn't fast and in
my opinion you shouldn't worry about making those
days up. Like you say, when are you going to make
them up if you are pregnant every year, nine months you
only have three months left, you could make it up but
it's pretty difficult. You need time healing and etc., the
body has to readjust and everything else, it will be
difficult. I don't believe that if the doctor would say that
you shouldn't fast the month it wouldn't be your
obligation to make those days up.
But you say, "What about feeding the hungry?" I would
think you should. If you got money and you could not
fast during the month of Ramadan because you were
pregnant or having some kind of problem because of the
situation of your pregnancy, it would not permit you to
fast, then I would say if you have the money you should
feed a poor person for every day you miss, that's what I
would say the sisters should do, feed a poor person for
every day you miss. And it will make you feel better, a
sincere believer will feel much better if they have some
way to make it up. Allah (swt) didn't do this for Allah
(swt), Allah (swt) needs nothing from us and if we obey
Him and love Him and follow Him as we're supposed to
p.14 of 54
follow Him, He blesses us to not need anything from
each other. That is you will not do things out of need
you will do things out of love, goodness and charity etc.,
it won't be because you need it.
So even the Imam won't want you to give to the Masjid
for reasons other than to have to satisfy your obligation
to G-d. I think this person just wants to tell these sisters
stop getting pregnant every year.
Q.57.11, 18; Loan to Allah beautiful loan
"Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful Loan?
For (Allah) will increase it manifold to his credit and he
will have (besides) a liberal reward. "
What does it mean when Allah (swt) says "And loan to
G-d a beautiful loan?"
Imam W. D. Mohammed:
It means your whole life, with your whole life, trust G-d.
This is language and it is a beautiful language, trust G-d
with your whole life, you and your possessions, what
you own, what you have, trust Him. So give it in the
path of
G-d. Give your life and your possessions, this is what
G-d says. Struggle in the path of G-d with your life,
with your own selves and your possessions. And here
He says, "And loan to G-d a beautiful loan." The
beautiful loan is yourself and all your possessions. And
a beautiful loan means you give it with pleasure, you
give yourself and your possessions for the cause of Allah
(swt) and you give it with a pleasure, that's a beautiful
Why is it a loan? Because anything you give for G-d's
sake and for His cause you're going to get it back and
more than double, Allahu Akbar. So it's not something
you are going to be without, no you're going to be
without it for a while, but what G-d will give you in
return will be your beautiful loan and much more. The
best interest G-d gives it many times over the amount
that you give, He gives it to you in return. That is a
good question, nice question and not to say the others
were not.
tam Mohammed please address ribaa. Can you
dress ribaa?
lam W. D. Mohammed:
its is constantly addressed when Muslims are
['chasing houses. Be careful who finances that house
r you, who arranges that because sometimes it is they
ho say, "Don't go to these banks it's ribaa," and the
uncial arrangement they make for you it is really
ma. You have good sense that's all I can say. I'm not
eaking from nothing I'm speaking from something. I
[ow of cases where this person was trying to get a
use financed and this was from someone claiming
at they were Muslim and that their institution was
lal, not haram and that they were not charging
terest. But when the financial facts were put on paper
ey were paying more than they would pay if they went
the bank and got a mortgage loan.
hat's ridiculous. You're going to tell me you got some
ethod to help me I want the proof, it is in the pudding,
e proof is in the results. You tell me you got
mething that is going to save me and keep me in halal
d save me from being guilty of ribaa and when I look
you financing my mortgage, I end up paying you more
an I would pay those who you are charging with ribaa.
you don't need a lawyer, you don't need an Imam,
u are just stupid, if you let that person do that to you,
u are just stupid and you deserve what you get if
u're that stupid.
[me of us are so quick to worship everybody but G-d
d to glorify everybody but your own people. So the
ler people you're just agreeing with them, you don't
re what they say. They can say any ridiculous thing,
.v can put your head in a vice and tighten it up and
ling you to make dua, and you will be saying, "Al
mdu lillah," blood oozing out of you, blood start
ming out of the head, die, dead, killed and just keep
reeing with them and just loving them and being so
.-;e and agreeable, you are in bad shape, you are crazy
ggers, excuse me, you are.
You are some of the craziest Niggers history has any
p.15 of 54
knowledge of. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad if he was
here, I'm telling you he would have somebody to beat
some of you up. Let me tell you the Hon. Elijah
Muhammad he didn't play, he'd say, "Look they are
disgracing all of us, Sharrief have somebody go and talk
to them" and you won't like that talking brother.
Q.18.9, 14, 21; Youths in the cave
9. Or dost thou reflect that the Companions of the Cave
and of the Inscription were wonders among Our
13. We relate to thee their story in truth: they were
youths who believed in their Lord and We advanced
them in guidance:
Youth in the caves refers to young in knowledge
Two questions. Explain the youth falling asleep in the
Imam W. D. Mohammed:
The Quran speaks of these youth in the cave and the
time or the duration of time that they were in the cave
and their situation in the cave. It's a mystic passage in
the Quran, it's mystical and it says in there that no one
knew exactly how much time they spent in the cave
that's the answer. No one knew how much time they
spent in the cave. Youth here refers not to youth in
calender years, but youth in knowledge.
Like the Hon. Elijah Muhammad told us often and he
said his teacher told him that "We are the baby Nation
Of Islam." The same way we are to understand that
expression we are to understand youth. Young is young
in knowledge, not developed, mature, grown, advanced
in knowledge like a young child or youth is not
advanced in years, not advanced in knowledge and
experience etc., in the path of G-d or in the path of G-d
for the seeker who seeks G-d for understanding,
knowledge etc., .
So these seekers were very young in that sense and it is
referring to a particular people on this earth. There is a
particular people that it is definitely addressing and their
companion was a dog and I think that's enough.
Number two, explain the fish that Moses looked for.
Fish in the channel is the mind searching for
Q. 18.61-63; Moses fish straight in the channel
"But when they reached the Junction they forgot
(about) their Fish which took its course through the sea
(straight) as in a tunnel."
Explain the fish the Moses looked for.
Imam W. D. Mohammed:
If I understand it correctly this in Quran it wasn't
Moses, Moses was being led by someone else, the one
who was deciding the circumstances or the situation was
not Moses, it was the wise man. But he was doing all
that to teach Moses and he said, "We missed our fish at
the fork where the waters separated," and the fish was a
fish that traveled straight in water, all fish don't travel
straight in the water, in fact most fish weave, they go
like this through the water erratic, not with regular
straight movement. They wander through the water or go
here and there looking, wherever, if they see an object
they go there. So their path is not straight in the water.
This fish they were looking for was a fish that goes
straight in the water as though it was channeled, its
movement or its advancing in the water was guided or
controlled by a channel, it was going straight. And some
fish go like that, straight in the water. I have seen that
on movie screens etc., in fact I've seen fish in the water
look so straight like an arrow. So they want explanation,
I don't know how much explanation you want.
Fish is the mind searching in your spirituality
It is talking about the searching mind, your searching
mind that's searching for direction for your mind in the
body of your spirituality. So here is thought in the body
of your spirituality searching for the food of knowledge
that you want. But if you don't have that particular idea
or a particular object in your mind, your thoughts will go
like the fish. He jumps here, something attracts him over
here, he jumps there, something attracts him over there,
he jumps there. This will never increase you in
knowledge and understanding of the way of G-d when
your mind is just going from things that attract you.
p.16 of 54
Like some of you say "Brother Imam what does it
means that the earth weighs 66 sextillion tons?" And
then after he asks that question, "Brother Imam who are
the unbelievers?" That is that fish that is doing this. It
has no definite plans for your studies. You have no
object that you're trying to reach with your mind, with
your questions, with your intelligence, you are just
darting about.
This is wisdom, we know the wise man is leading
Moses, right but now if I say Allah (swt) gives us
guidance, that our mind should not go irregularly going
to little insignificant matters, petty matters because they
are attractive. We have to keep focus and go directly to
the main purpose or to the bigger importance. If I say
that is Allah's (swt) guidance and I'm speaking from
what Allah (swt) says through the story of Moses and
the wise man, can you tell me, "No, that's not Allah's
(swt) guidance, that is the wise man's guidance." No.
Allah's (swt) speaks through the story of Moses and the
wise man, that's Allah's (swt) guidance. I'm going
back to the problem the brother had earlier.
Everything good in the Quran is from Allah (swt), the
Quran is from Allah (swt) and it is Allah (swt) revealing
it and He uses stories like we do. A teacher will use
history, a teacher will use stories of individuals in
different situations, but the teacher is using this, this is
all part of the lesson plan of the teacher. So when his
character speaks in his lesson plan, sure his character is
speaking but who is really speaking? The teacher.
Sometime ask me to explain the fish the F.O.I. used to
go out and get, that fish needs to be explained. I'm not at
all having any problem•with that question, I like the
question it is very good.
Quran translation requires piety and great knowledge
Is there a Quran translated by us in the works?
Imam W. D. Mohammed:
I hope not, if you all start to translating the Quran we're
in trouble. I'm just having fun and at the same time
cautioning you, be careful of this language. I don't
know a one of you that's qualified to translate the Quran,
now if there is one I haven't seen him or met him. There
is not one that I know and there are a couple that I
know who want to do the translation, in my opinion they
are far from being qualified to translate Quran.
tese people who have translated Quran and have done
;ood job that has been accepted or have their works
cepted by major centers of Islam in the international
)rld, those people are educated in Quran, they are
ucated in the life of Muhammad the Prophet's (pbuh).
rose people are educated in the knowledge of Arabic
iguage, Quranic Arabic, they are knowledgeable.
Id those people are high in their reverence , their
gard, in their love and respect for Allah (swt) and His
essenger (pbuh) and His Word etc.
)1.1 have to qualify spiritually, morally, and also
ionally and you have to have love and you have to be
voted to Allah's (swt) Book, the Quran. You just can't
a student with a little knowledge of Arabic and an
abic dictionary and an Arabic lexicon, these books on
abic language, no that isn't enough. You have to be
wed by G-d, inspired by G-d. G-d has to bless you
th the spirit, the sensitivities for that work. G-d has to
,,ss that and G-d has to be in you, aiding your spirit d
your sensitivity, your feel for what it correct and at
is right and what is best.
takes very special people to do a translation of Quran.
Christianity, do you think anybody can just go and do
:ommentary on the Bible? No, not anybody can do
it just because they are studious that won't work.
. 56.79; None can touch it
`Which none shall touch (the Quran) but those who are
p.17 of 54
They were inspired by a human like me, this human
being, they were inspired by me to even get involved in
that kind of thing. Now they have become so
knowledgeable all of a sudden because they know a
certain amount of words, what they mean from
somebody else. You have a lexicon from somebody
else, you have a dictionary from somebody else and you
think you know because you're using those resources.
You think you know how to translate the Quran, it is not
that kind of Book. And all revealed Books are of a
different nature, you cannot get in those books just
because you are a student of language, no. Allah (swt)
makes a challenge doesn't He says, "If you can produce
the like of this, do it, call on jinn and men to help you.
And see if you can produce the like of this."
G-d inspires me also to make a challenge: If you can
produce the like of my commentary on Quran do it, and
you call on man and jinn and when you have done it
bring it to me and show it to me.
I'm thankful to G-d for what He has blessed me with and
you should be thankful too. You should not be
competing with me to show me up, competing with me
to try to outdo me, that shouldn't be your spirit. You
should be working with me to put me up more and to
advance me farther. Because I'm your leader you say
and you are supposed to be on the team that's with me.
So team players are not playing against their coach, good
G-d Almighty something is wrong with these people
who don't have the right nature..
The last Prophet not the last messenger
Messengers are angels and men
lone can touch it except the purified ones," that's
tat Allah (swt) says. You know what touch means in
; common language, "Oh you can't touch that man, oh
in it is no need in you trying you can't touch it." It
;ans you can't do it, whatever the thing is. It means
u can't measure up to that. Allah (swt) says, "None
I touch it except the purified ones." Well make sure
u are the purified one before you want to make a
nslation of Quran.
by am I saying this? I know individuals already trying
do this from our community and they think they have
reed so much about the vocabulary of Quran, that
y don't even need me and they did not even think
t way until I inspired them and I'm not G-d.
Question: Inaudible
Q. 33.40; Muhammad is last, seal of Prophets
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men but
(he is) the Apostle of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets:
and Allah has full knowledge of all things."
Imam W. D. Mohammed:
I have already told you it is not proper to say
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh), is the last Messenger
because Messengers are both angels and men. And
angels will be sent by G-d, whenever He wants to send
you an angel G-d will send you an angel.
So angels are His Messengers too and He will send
Messengers to His human being that He wants to have
help from Him. He will be sending us messengers from
Him, angels from Him with messages for as long as we
will be on this earth, for as long as the creation exists
and we exist as human beings, G-d will be reaching
human beings with messages and sending angels to
human beings.
Q. 20.38; Mother Moses, received revelation
"Behold! We sent to thy mother by inspiration the
Q. 3.45; Mother Jesus received revelation
"Behold! the angels said "0 Mary! Allah giveth thee
glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be
Christ Jesus the son of Mary held in honor in this world
and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest
to Allah."
Understand that the mother of Moses received
revelation from G-d and the mother of Jesus Christ
received revelation from G-d and that is just two of the
main figures. Also other females received messages
from G-d although most of the time the book is all about
man because man is the public figure, man is the
worldly figure, man is making the world, man is giving
help to the world and also causing problems for world,
not women. So G-d is addressing man and G-d is
sending man as a messenger, but no where in the Quran
does Allah (swt) say of Muhammad (pbuh) that he is the
last Messenger, it says he's the last Prophet (pbuh).
Muhammad (pbuh) he is the last Prophet and
Messengers have been coming before him and will
continue to come after him. Messengers don't all come
with good news some messengers come with bad news
Q. 2.221; Marry not your daughters to polytheist
"Do not many unbelieving women (idolaters) until
they visits to him to believe; a slave woman who
believes is better than an unbelieving woman even
though she allure you. Nor marry (your girls) to
unbelievers until they believe: a man slave who believes
is better than un unbeliever even though he allure you.
Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the fire.
p.18 of 54
But Allah beckons by His grace to the Garden (of Bliss)
and forgiveness and makes His Signs clear to mankind:
that they may celebrate His praise."
Q. 18.29; Let believe whosoever will
Say "The Truth is from your Lord": let him who will
believe and let him who will reject (it): for the
wrongdoers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and
flames) like the wall and roof of a tent will hem them in:
if they implore relief they will be granted water like
melted brass that will scald their faces. How dreadful
the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!"
What does Islam say about women marrying non
Muslim men?
WD Mohammed:
Well first let us see what it says about marrying a
nonbeliever for a male and a female. We are not to
many nonbelievers. Allah (swt) says a believing
servant or a believing slave is better for you than a
nonbeliever even though that nonbeliever may be more
appealing to you or more desirable, or more attractive to
you. First look at that.
I have found nothing saying that our women cannot be
married to believing people of the Book, that's not in the
Quran. And those who take that position, they cannot
show me, I've already met them in discussion, they were
not able to show me anything in the Quran to support
that. But the history of the Muslim in the time of
Muhammad (pbuh) until now it shows that hardly ever a
Muslim woman being married to a nonMuslim man, it
just doesn't show up in the history. So that should tell
us the Muslim women, nothing was imposed upon the
women, that came later. In the time of Muhammad
(pbuh) nothing was imposed upon anybody, if you
didn't want it you could reject it, even the Religion you
could reject it. In the time of war if you did it then you
were a traitor, you were killed. But if it wasn't a
wartime and you wanted to leave the religion that was
your business Allah (swt) says the way is clear, "Let
him who wants it take it or he whoever does not want it
let him leave it or reject it. This is the teaching of
Quran, it is Allah (swt) speaking in Quran.
p.19 of 54
immediate community to marriage outside of that
community, Islam wants you to many the people you
know best, because the marriage that will last is most
likely the marriage to the person that you know best and
whose life is more like yours and eats the kind of food
you eat, likes the kind of cultural expression you like.
marry within your own culture is best for you
bn Majah 3p185#1968; Marry your equal, culture
Aisha reported the Prophet (pbuh) said, "Choose for
ur offspring the best women, marry with equals and
ake propose of marriage to them."
the time of Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) women
eren't forced or treated like they're treated now in
lamic cultures under the rule of man and their whole
e being determined by their husbands, it wasn't like
at. So if those women really wanted to many a non[uslim man, a Christian or a Jew or somebody else they
iuld have done so. It was the women they preferred
[uslim men and you sisters ought to prefer Muslim men
Christian men and most of you do.
ou ought to be looking for a Muslim man, not a
hristian man or a Jewish man or some other man from
>me other religion, you are Muslim, so you should be
,oking for a Muslim man. And it should be very rare
1r this community that we hear of some sister wanting
many a non-Muslim, that should be very rare. So it
could not be popping up in our history like it does not
Dp up in the history of Muslims of the past.
can't say that we have anything to stand upon in the
uran to tell a sister or a family, "You can't many your
lughter to this Christian man or to this Jew or to a
,rson of the Book or to a believing person, a person
lieving in G-d and the last day." I can't tell you, "No
is in the Quran," I don't find that in the Quran, I have
Dthing to stand upon in the Quran. But I can tell you
rnsensus is against it, Muslim world consensus is
gainst it. And not only today, history seems to say
cat Muslim world consensus has always been against it.
don't know if you know about it, but some years ago I
ok the position that we should be with the immigrant
[uslims and say to our sisters, "You shouldn't many
iy but a Muslim man," that was my position and I still
Dld that position, you should only many a Muslim man.
nd you shouldn't be quick to even marry a Muslim
can outside your own ethnic, racial group. Some might
iy "Oh that's racist, you hear him I told you brother,
still corrupt, he is still bidah." No, you don't know
le religion you dumb brute, empty head savage.
This religion doesn't encourage us to leave our
Are you ready to change cultures? That is no easy thing
for an intelligent person. For a dumb sycophant who
just wants to suck the toes just because they came from
another land, yes it is easy for you, but for we intelligent,
normal people that's not easy for us. To eat somebody
else's food and smelling their smells, that is why they
are not looking for you to many.
It is difficult to come out of your cultural life mode and
come into another people's and smell their scents,
having their habits, coming under their ways, being
affected by their sensitivities. Don't you know the
sensitivities of an ethnic group is not necessarily your
sensitivities? Even the sensitivities, the feel for certain
things are not the same.
So you are talking about imposing another life on your
life, just to say you are married to somebody of another
race, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Where is
Sharrief? Tell Sharrief I said to take care of this problem.
He's too old to do something about it, he's still with us
too. We got to get rid of this problem we got. We
brothers in the same mind, we should not be happy with
this situation of our people ready to just leave their own
life and give themselves to another people. We should
not be satisfied with that brothers, we can't be satisfied
with that. This is not a question this is just a message
that someone wanted to get to me.
We're going into our session, into the material that we
have to discuss and you can include this in this part of
the session, this is for this occasion for this session. But
it's comments on our problem as a people, our special
peculiarity here.
Stories in scripture shows what can happen to people
We are much like the people of Moses and whatever has
been put into the stories of scripture of the plight of
other people and how G-d was called into that plight or
was obligated to get into their affairs.
It is not there for one people, it is there to show all
people what can happen, if the circumstances form what
can happen for any people. Those stories are not just for
Jews. Allah (swt) is showing us what can happen to any
people if the circumstances form like it formed for those
people. Now the circumstances that formed for us is just
like the circumstances that formed for the Hebrews or
the Jews in bondage, the circumstances are so similar.
The enemies of Moses were destroyed
p.20 of 54
I see some of you as Dathons you are among us your is
heart not with what I'm doing, you just stay with us to
watch us, to know what we do and how we are
progressing hoping we have problems. You can't leave
us, your assignment is hell, you can't enjoy what we
enjoy, it tortures you. You have been assigned to hell
for your disease you have in your heart. I pity you and I
pray for you and what I say now I hope reaches you to
redeem your soul to have you repent so you will be
brought up out of hell. If you don't like to think on what
I'm saying , just leave it.
Numbers 16.1-3, 12-13, 30-33; Dathon vexed Moses
Q.37.10; Steal a hearing get flames
Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the
son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab,
and On, the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took men: [2]
And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the
children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the
assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown:
[12] And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, the
sons of Eliab: which said, We will not come up: [13] Is
it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land
that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the
wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince
over us? [31] And it came to pass, as he had made an
end of speaking.all these words, that the ground clave
asunder that was under them: [32] And the earth opened
her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses,
and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their
goods. [33] They, and all that appertained to thein, went
down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them:
and they perished from among the congregation."
Moses was the leader and they were asking for that
which would liberate them from the bad conditions
imposed on them by another people. When they got the
leader and he was brave, and he proved he was brave
enough to be their leader. He challenged the top man
and the odds were against them.
Moses the Prophet he qualified, but those people they
gave him so much trouble. One among them in Cecil B.
Demill's movie The ten commandments was one called
Dathon and they showed him, Edward G. Robinson
played Dathon. Why was Dathon with the people of
Moses in their exodus from Egypt when his heart was
not with the exodus back there in Egypt?
Except such as snatch away something by stealth and
they are pursued by a flaming fire of piercing brightness.
You don't like to see the leader with people in big
numbers, you are just hanging around claiming you with
them to see what they are doing and you hope to
influence it negatively. You put yourself in hell, every
time we rejoice you get pain. Allah (swt) is blessing us,
we are going to rejoice often, so the flames are going to
be turned up buddy on you and your wench. There was
a time when they could steal a hearing, now they find
fiery missiles shot at them.
Here are people who believe in G-d and they believed
that G-d was a just G-d and G-d did not want the life for
them that their rulers, their masters, the Pharaoh's order
imposed upon them. We were taken from Africa and
brought here to America and put in similar
circumstances. The treatment that we received from the
people that captured us and held us in bondage was so
bad that it caused us to wonder, "Are these people really
with G-d, how can they be with G-d and do these
things?" Then it caused us to plead with our plead to
We said, "G-d we have no help except it comes from
You and we know You do not approve of this, we know
You are just G-d." Can't you see the same situation, the
same problems and the same kind of responses that we
see in the story of the Hebrews in bondage?
Greatest sacrifice is not to die but live right daily
And we too believed that G-d Himself would rescue us,
is that not true? Well if we believed that G-d Himself
would rescue us, then we should expect a believing
leader, a G-d fearing leader to be our leader.
-d is not going to pick a nonbeliever to rescue us if G-d
going to rescue us, He's going to rescue us with the
and of a believing person. When we get the believing
arson who is ready to die for the cause - - see dying
hysically is not always proof of the quality of your
icrifice or the quality of your heroic spirit. Sometimes
ping ready to die physically is not the greatest proof.
he greatest proof is that you are willing to live and
lifer abuses, suffer rejection, suffer being judged
'rongly even by your own people who should be
Ipporting you and cheering you on. But you suffer that
id die in your heart, have spears coming from them
iercing your heart and you are killed all the time over
id over again by them. But you will still insist that
ou're going to work for the cause and want all of them
) be helped, that is the greatest savior, that is a greatest
icrifice, that is the greatest hero.
o this is the kind of people that we have too. The leader
an't do anything without them criticizing, nitpicking,
ying to look for fault in him, just like the people of
loses. And if I'm not your Moses you are not who you
re, G-d has blessed you with the Hon. Elijah
luhammad who was a man like Moses, yes indeed.
fow He has blessed you with another from his loins,
iat is a man like Moses, that is no joke. I want for you
o less than what Moses wanted for his people.
i'xodus mentally
he exodus from out of the bondage and the cultural life
id influences of the oppressor, is not necessarily a
lovement across land, across geography. It is a
rovement from one condition to another that takes you
at of the mold that the people had you in without you
loving across geography. You are still in that
ography but you have an exodus. I don't have any
roblems reaching the intelligent ones with this, only
lathon's followers I can't reach.
o you bet we are on exodus, we've been on an exodus
er since we discovered that this world did not
elcome and appreciate us. Our best leaders have been
king us on an exodus to find our own selves, to find
.ir own comfortable identity, to find our own behavior.
of only as individuals, our own behavior as a group,
317Vshould we behave.
on't you know this world set our behavior and it was a
orld that didn't like us, it was a world that rejected us. I
n not talking about the teachings from the church, I am
talking about the culture that most of us are held by, the
p.21 of 54
grip of the culture.
It did not prepare us to deal with that, it did not make us
equally equipped to deal with that, with people of other
ethnic groups or other racial groups, no. We are very
ill equipped to deal with the problems of this culture
when we look at the condition of other people how they
are equipped to deal with the problem of this culture.
We are much more vulnerable to the bad influences, to
the corruption, to the stupidity in the culture. We are
much more subject, vulnerable to that than other ethnic
groups or racial groups, don't you agree? I know it.
And it is because we have not yet found home for our
spirituality, home for our cultural appetites, we have not
found a home for it.
Al Islam comes to help us to find that and Al Islam is
enough help for us, we don't need anything else. The
Quran and Muhammad (pbuh) is enough help to show us
what is bad, we should get rid of and what G-d does not
approves of. And G-d approves also of the excellent
cultural life of a people, their cultural appetites.
He just wants you to keep those cultural appetites in line
with His wish for you to have your life moral, ethical,
pure and rational, that is all G-d wants.
Sing halal songs
There's nothing wrong with singing, those who tell you,
"You cannot sing," go to their country, turn on their
radio, damn hypocrites. Follow him back home, see
what he's listening to; but he tells you, "This is haram
brother," everything you do is haram if it is not
following him in dhikr or buying his oils and
toothbrushes or prayer rugs. Everything outside of his
commercial interests in you is haram. It is harm to be
vulgar, it is haram to be stupid, it is haram to get on the
stage and make a stupid display or make a vulgar
display, be nasty, that's haram.
It is halal to express your beautiful spirit and beautiful
appetite for excellent and good things, that is halal. Jazz
is not necessarily haram, it is only when you are
communicating to me something from low appetites,
filthy appetites. When you're communicating something
unacceptable in the presence of G-d, then your jazz is
haram, then your blues is haram, then your hill-billy,
folk music is wrong. I say it because I am telling you I
am coming from what I like, I like jazz, I like blues, I
like folk songs and music, I like all this.
Dance is not haram if it is in good cultural taste
It is only haram if you're coming from that which is
haram and you're communicating something that is
haram, but the culture itself is not haram. They say
dancing is haram, go to their countries and turn on the
TV. You don't even have to do that, turn on their ethnic
channel right here in the United States and see what
comes on the Pakistani station or some of the other
groups that they have on television, see what they are
doing, see if they are dancing, see if they are not singing.
This is stupid to me for you to see people, how they
behave, and then you are ready to do whatever they say.
You're ready to run to us -- not to me necessarily, most
you know you're going to get fire when you come to
me, if you come to me wrong there is some fire waiting
on you. So you don't like to come to me because you
know you cannot handle me. But you go to those who
follow me who you think you can influence, "The Imam
said it is okay, but where is it in the Quran, where is it in
the sunnah where this is okay? Imam such as such he
says that this is haram." And if you are weak you will
join that person and that person just told you that your
Imam is not qualified to lead you. So you join that
person and you'll continue to say that I am your Imam
but you are following that person who said that their
criticism of what I'm doing, my leadership, they just told
you that your Imam is not qualified to lead us. So see
yourself, look at your own self.
So we are in the same situation like the people of Moses
and Moses had a hard time with his people. Even while
G-d was giving him the answer for them, a new
perception of life, rule and government, a new picture of
life and government and how they should live as the
people on the planet. Moses was being blessed with that
by G-d. G-d was giving him the vision. And every time
he would come with something they would annoy him,
vex him with all kinds of questions, nitpicking, trying to
get others to reject him with their questions. Their
questions were designed to make others reject him. I
have experienced the same from you and I am
continuing, I am still experiencing the same from some
of you who say you are with us, but you are not.
You are miserable among us, you are unhappy. Moses
was successful, his people were established, and we are
going to be successful, we are successful and we are
increasing our establishment, it's growing.
p.22 of 54
Looking for happiness, let us look at what G-d says
about the soul, the nature of the soul, what the soul
really wants. It wants satisfaction, it wants to be
pleased, it wants to be in heaven. In heaven means you
want to be pleased and if G-d promised us heaven He is
promising us that one day if you earn it you are going to
be pleased, you're going to be happy.
Q. 2.35; Adam, wife in garden
We said: "0 Adam! dwell thou and thy wife in the
garden and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where
and when) ye will but approach not this tree or ye run
into harm and transgression."
Heaven it is not a place for moaning, complaining,
nobody in his good mind or her good mind sees heaven
like that, we see heaven as a state or a situation or a
condition or a place where we will not have such
problems. Where we will be happy, pleased, have a
pleasant life, a pleasant existence without these
problems. So what is Allah (swt) telling us when He
invites us to heaven and tells us we can earn it with our
good actions or with our good deeds? Allah (swt) is
telling us that I have created you to not want misery, to
not want confusion, to not want corruption, to not want
unfairness or injustice, I created you to want paradise,
heaven under your Lord, the G-d, the beautiful and Just
Ruler or Authority, G-d Himself.
That is what G-d is telling us when He says that He
created us and put us in the garden. As He created us we
could enjoy the heavenly state, but the satan seduced us
out that which G-d put us in. He seduced us out of the
form, mold that G-d created us in. And then the trouble
came and we were losers, we lost our paradise, we lost
our heaven. and then G-d tells us that you can earn
admission into it again.
Q. 89.28-30; Soul pleasing to Allah and yourself
27. (To the righteous soul will be said:) "0 (thou) soul in
(complete) rest and satisfaction!
28. "Come back thou to thy Lord well pleased (thyself)
and well-pleasing unto Him!
29. "Enter thou then among my Devotees!
30. "Yea enter thou my Heaven"!
p.23 of 54
). 103. Faith and good works
"Except such as have Faith and do righteous deeds and
oin together) in the mutual teaching of Truth and of
atience and Constancy."
Fames 2.17, 20, 26; Faith without works is dead
[20]Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being
lone. 26] But wilt thou know, 0 vain man, that faith
'ithout works is dead?
Vlatt 25.21; Faithful servant enter the joy of the Lord
"His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and
iithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few
sings, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter
sou into the joy of thy lord."
Lnd this beautiful reading in Quran where G-d speaks
Iimself, it's a personal relationship G-d has with His
reature, human creation. He says, "Yaa-ay yuhal
iutmainnah, Oh soul pleased, wanting to be at peace,
ranting to be pleased. Return to your Lord pleased and
leasing." It means you finally reached that fulfillment
at I created you for where you now like yourself and
ou have presented yourself before your G-d and your
i-d likes you.
'leased and pleasing. It says, "Enter you among My
ervants," also "My workers, also My worshipers," the
ord has all those meanings. Servants, workers,
orshipers, doesn't the Books the Bible and the Quran
ay, "You cannot earn heaven or paradise without
orks? Faith alone will not get you there? "Enter you
mong My servants, My workers, also My worshipers.
nd enter you My paradise," how beautiful.
o the lover, the philosopher who has that nature of the
hilosophers for such persons that is so beautiful, it is
ine and beautiful how G-d has shown us our own
3ality, our own nature. The nature of our own soul, the
,?.ality for our own soul, the really that we exist for, our
uman creation is to measure to what our intelligence
nd our moral life can be comfortable with.
And you have measured up to it oh soul that has been
truggling, I see you have measured up to what your
wn intelligence and your own moral life approves of
nd you presented yourself to Me and I approve of you
30 and I am pleased with you too.
G-d is saying that you have a natural need in you to
reconnect with your Creator, your G-d. He says I don't
have to be moving you and pushing you to do this, you
found Me, I wasn't looking for you. I just created you to
find Me, and you found Me and you presented yourself
to Me and I am approving of you and I'm pleased with
you. You qualified because you were under the pressure
of your own values, your own standards, your own
evaluation of your worth is what pressured you and
drove you to be the beautiful creature you now are. Your
own life was demanding you to make improvements
upon it. And now you have pleased your own soul. Your
moral life likes what it is looking at and your human
intelligence likes what it is looking at and I want you to
know that I too like what I see in you. That's G-d and
that is what He is saying. .
G-d is saying, "Look you don't understand your own
struggle, you don't understand your own life, you don't
understand your own struggle to accomplish what your
own soul demands of you, you don't understand it. You
think you are doing this to please Me (Allah), you are
doing this to please the best in you, the best you, the true
you, the Muslim you. The man I created, the woman I
created, you are doing that to please yourself. It is
yourself demanding that of you.
I created it but you are responding to yourself, what
yourself is asking of you. Now all of us don't do that. A
lot of us respond to the urges that are taking away and
the appetites that take away that beauty, that excellence,
as Allah (swt) says, "They follow their own desires in
Arabic the term is "Hawa" which is more than desires, it
means your own aspirations, your own spirit influences
and you just follow them. And the Quran says, "They
make their desires god, they make their aspirations their
god," and people do. Those are the ones that are not
moved by the excellence of their creation, they are
moved by the weakness of their creation, yielding to
temptations in the world that feed those weaknesses.
So they debase themselves, they reduce their value, they
put themselves in hell. Wherein those who are true to
themselves, true to their own souls, they elevate
themselves, they graduate their worth and they are not
satisfied until satisfaction is in their souls.
"I'm pleased with my life." You hear people say that and
they have a right to say that, "I'm pleased with my life." I
am pleased with mine and many of you out there
looking at me right now you're pleased with yours
because you know you're doing what's best, you know
that you are responding to your better nature and your
better sensitivities and better motivations, you know
you're responding to that. So you are happy with
yourself and you are already in a small paradise, you got
a small garden already and G-d is going to enlarge it for
you as time marches on, praise be to Allah (swt).
Forty Hadith p.64#17; Excellence in everything
Abu Ya'la Shaddaad ibn Aus reported the Prophet
(pbuh) he said "Allah (swt) has prescribed excellence in
all things..."
So this happiness that we are talking about is happiness
that G-d made us with when He created us. He created
us with the appetite for this happiness. The intelligent
world recognizes that man is a creature motivated by an
inherent, inborn appetite for excellence. Muhammad the
Prophet (pbuh) said, "G-d has inscribed, the Creator has
inscribed excellence for everything." So the appetite for
excellence is inherent in all life, it is in us.
Look at the infant that comes here just the moment it
arrived from the mother, what is the nature of its life? To
grow better, to become more valuable as a human life,
that is its natural life, its natural appetite or urge, it is to
become better. The brain wants to learn more, the heart
wants to experience more, the spirit wants to express
more, the sensitivities want to become bigger and better
and that is the growth of the human being, isn't it?
That's progress for the life of that human being.
0. 30.30; Din religion of fitraa, nature
"So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith:
(Establish) Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on
which He has made mankind: no change (let there be) in
the work (wrought) by Allah: that is the standard
Religion: but most among mankind understand not."
So when G-d says, "This is the religion of Fitraa, the
blackboard is there right?. Don't be wasteful, please
bring my little broken-up pieces of chalk for the next
p.24 of 54
session. I hope you can see this. This is Fitraa, I just put
the word Fitraa on the board. The word Fitraa is formed
- - most Arabic terms are formed from verbs, action
words. I just put word fitraa on the board and it is
formed from the verb fatara.
I was invited to Smith college, an all-female college as
the guest of the student body and faculty there and I
want you to know that was one of the best times I have
had as the guest or speaker on a campus of higher
institutions of learning. I couldn't have asked for a better
reception. The president, a female, she was not there for
my arrival but her husband is her assistant, he was there.
So he was there at the table with us for Iftar, for break
fast and for dinner. And I was about halfway maybe
into my dinner the president came. She had another
meeting, she came and she sat there at the head of the
table with her husband at the other end of the table and
welcomed us and was so pleased to receive us.
The audience to me looked like it was 50, 50, African
Americans and European Americans or black and white,
and there were no more seats, there were people
standing. And the area was a big area so the capacity
was bigger than this, the seating capacity was bigger
than this (Hall). I hadn't experienced anything like that
on campus before. And they paid me well too and I
understand that they are a very, very rich institution so
they could have paid me more. But I think they
appreciated what they heard and they want to invite me
back next year, I do believe that. I believe I will be
invited back again.
And because of invitations like that the invitations are
coming and our brothers and sisters who are themselves
students or former students on these campuses and our
Imams too who are intellectual or at least academic they
love knowledge and they love seeing people progress
upon knowledge, they are working more and more,
we're getting more and more help from you to get our
message to the educated people and the studious people
on these campuses, you're making real progress. I say
sometimes, "What is happening here?" All of a sudden
we are in situations I couldn't have dreamed of.
11 22 2002
ly mother and my father for most of my life they were
of in a situation to know that this could happen. They
auldn't themselves have dreamed of this, I couldn't
ave dreamed of it, my brothers and sisters could not
ave dreamed of it that we would be where we are
)day. The son of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad going to
iese places, invited by these people in these high
laces, high quarters of the world, invited by them to be
ieir guest. And they are looking at me and being more
spectful of my leadership, and my state in the world
ian most of our Imams, not all of you, some of you are
ist genuine, you're the greatest.
1ut many of you joke with me, you throw little digs and
ou know I get it too, you do it to irritate me and you do
: when you know it is not reaching the ear of a strong
ollower, because you know they would hurt you for
isrespecting the man they love and appreciate. You
now they will hurt you, so you don't do it when you
now one of them is around, so when you think you can
et by with it, you're throwing your little insults at me
nd I go along with it, it runs off of me like that mother
sed to say, "Like water off a duck's back." It does not
each my feelings, you think you're hurting my feelings,
f my feelings are disturbed it is for you, I am hurt for
'ou that you are like that. You can't hurt me, G-d
xotects me. I don't want praise, I don't want what you
vant, I don't.
>o when you try to hurt me by saying "Oh I don't think
'ou're that great, to me you are just a regular old dude,"
'ou're not hurting me because that's what I want to do, I
vant to disappear out of your sight to make sajdah on
he ground, that's what I want to do.
>o it is not my nature to have people praise me, I don't
vant that and you think you hurt me saying, "They
vorship him, I'm going to show him what I think of
Lim." With your ugly expressions, pitiful, I leave you
o your own foolishness. And you got enough problems
hat you have already created for yourself, I don't have
o give you any problems. You are already whipped too
nuch, I don't even want to hurt your feelings.
We will go back to the words on the board and what we
ire talking about is the human, where are we in this
)1an? We're still in this first part of the plan "Looking
or Happiness," and the spiritual life under this [A] part
)f the outline. " Man's spiritual association, " but we
xe also including now part [D] Man's Political
p.14 of 54
Four needs: Spiritual, industrial, speech and politics
Even our political life appetite is inherent, it is part of
our nature, G-d has already put the seed for our political
development in us when He created us. He put the seed
for our political development in us and so it is for these
four, for the spiritual development, for the industrial
development, for what I'm calling speech-making or
dialectal development, man's language that he needs as a
tool for his progression and man's political life.
Q. 2.261; Charity parable seven ears
"The parable of those who spend their substance in the
way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it groweth seven
ears and each ear hath a hundred grains. Allah giveth
manifold increase to whom He pleaseth; and Allah
careth for all and He knoweth all things."
Matthew 13.23; Seed in ground increase
"But he that received seed into the good ground is he
that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also
beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold,
some sixty, some thirty."
Mark 4.28; Earth blade, ear corn
"For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the
blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear."
Man is spiritual, man is industrial life and we speak of
business, but understand business is life; all of these
descriptions and needs you are created with. So it's just
like you take a corn kernel seed and you put it in the
earth, you put it in the environment G-d created for it to
bring it out so it can see itself, have its life. You put it in
the earth in the right circumstances and it comes up a
big, nice, beautiful corn stalk with many ears of corn. Its
life has been multiplied so many times, it has become
increased in life, its life has been increased so many
times for it. This is given in scripture too, both the Quran
and Bible, the value of the corn in the language of G-d
that educates us in the religion.
Q. 55.1-5; Allah taught Quran created man
(Allah) Most Gracious!
It is He Who has taught the Qur'an.
He has created man:
He has taught him speech (and Intelligence)
John 1.1; In the beginning was the word
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with G-d, and the Word was G-d."
When we say inherent in us we mean the seed. Imagine
that the seed for your life it has in it the appetite for
spiritual development, material growth, maturity,
development, industry and education that is really
language. Education is impossible without language. So
it is because of the development of language that we
become educated, and a reference to this value is in the
Bible and Quran where it says "In the beginning there
was the word."
Man's development begins with the ability to articulate
his concerns and reach another person with that, this is
how he grows, this is how he becomes better educated,
this is how he progresses in every aspect of life. So that
is part [C] of the outline, then [D] that is political.
So we have in us too the seed for our political
development. G-d created us with the desire to be ruled
by authority that qualifies in the presence of our own
demands on our own selves. We have already talked
about demands on our own selves, how demands on our
own self that G-d created us for actually are the reasons,
the causes for us going to heaven or being put in heaven.
G-d gives us a simple way, said, "Your good deeds have
earned you paradise, your obedience has earned you
Heaven due to obedience to the best of yourself
But G-d with His great love and great, superior
knowledge, G-d reaches us with His revelation. G-d is
independent, G-d doesn't have an ego, G-d is
independent and has no need for us to praise Him, He
has no need for that. And He is so big and so important,
so perfect and beautiful that He will not even accept that
the worshipers stay with idea that they're qualifying for
heaven purely because of their obedience to Him.
p.15 of 54
He wants them to know that really your obedience to Me
is only the product of your nature that I gave you to be
obedient to the best of your own self, Allahu Akbar.
This is wonderful, this is for me, this kind of teaching it
is for me, G-d created me with this nature to want what
He has given me and to love what he has given me.
Nothing is more desired by me than what G-d has given
me of understanding in this religion. Nothing is as
perfect and as beautiful, and as valuable to me as that
and I want to do sajdah right now, I want to cry, I'm just
trying to contain myself, it is so wonderful.
So we talked about these four portions and you are going
to hear it, you who missed it so I don't want to waste
time going over things, so I am going to leave it there.
Founding fathers respect G-d and man also
This is sacred life, and you think we're the only ones
knowing about this? "We hold these truths to be self
evident that all are created equal and endowed by their
Creator?" And this country is the great satan, this is the
great wicked country, your corrupt country? "And
endowed by their Creator." Isn't that what Islam wants?
That people acknowledge their Creator? And the best
we can hope for is that the leaders of the society
acknowledge the Creator.
So here we have those who formed our system of
government and our way of life in this part of world, we
have them saying G-d is the greatest Benefactor and G-d
is your greatest Authority, that is what this is saying.
This language that precedes the Constitution of these
United States from our founding fathers is saying
openly, freely, they are not holding back anything, they
are saying, because they happily discovered it and they
love it and they want to share it with all people, but it is
particularly ordered for the citizens of the government
that they have designed or planned. So they say to the
citizens those who will be responsible for upholding this
government, they say to their public, "These truths are
self evident that all men are created equal," life for
human beings is one.
Founding fathers recognized G-d not Jesus
The original excellent life is the same for all human
beings regardless of origin or nationality, the fitraa is
the same for all of us, that's what they are saying. "We
hold these truths are self evident that all men are created
equal and endowed by their Creator. "
[ere they are recognizing G-d, I don't care what they
ay about the separation of church and state, those who
onceived this beautiful government order or society
rder they recognized G-d the Creator, they didn't say
.sus Christ, they did not impose a narrow view of
on their citizens. They opened their country so
iat their country, if Muslims ever came here they can be
omfortable too here, if Jews come here they can be
omfortable here.
'hey opened it where any decent human being, even if
e is a atheist, he cannot help but appreciate the fine
zings said about the common human essence or
ommon human worth of all people. They can't help
ut appreciate it even if they are atheists and do not
elieve in G-d because these designers of this new
vorld order -- I am not talking about what they've been
liking about now -- they are paying high compliments
nd these high complements are for every man and
voman on earth equally, not only for the citizens. "We
old these truths are self evident that all men are created
qual and endowed by their Creator with certain
halienable rights. " That G-d has created them for rights
hat you cannot or no authority can take away from
The founding fathers studied human nature
What are of these rights? Among these is life, first you
Lave been given the right to life by your Creator. What
3 it saying? Did he hear the Creator, did he hear G-d,
Lidn't those the designers of this plan for the
;onstitution of the United States, did they hear G-d
aying this? You might say "Yes they read the Bible,
hey read Quran," no that is not where they were coming
rom. They were coming from the study of human
ature. Certainly they were helped by their religion, but
hey were coming from the study of human nature.
'hese men were also knowledgeable of the nature of
uman life and what that life wants. So they said man is
reated like the great philosophers who discussed human
xistence, human appetites, and aspirations, like the
ireek philosophers. They met together and they
iscussed these things and eventually the best of their
leas evolved and they had a great ancient civilization,
le Greeks under their great teachers, the philosophers.
'he same kind of way these designers for the
onstitution of the United States came together and they
ad discussions, you can read about their life story as coartners in this task of forming the pattern for the
government or the Constitution of the United States and
the government. You can read of their life and you can
see they were such men. Man's dialectical association,
that is what that was.
Dialectic means consistent whole on nature and
The Greeks had it and that's what these designers of the
Constitution had, they had this high language, this
refined language, this language that sought to make parts
come together, combine, this is the meaning of dialectic
or dialectics. It means bringing the parts that belong to
a whole together, connecting them as they should be
connected to get a coherent, harmonious, consistent
whole in terms of demand on nature and language to
conform to what is intelligent and to have a consistent
logic. The rules that govern this order must be
consistent and must conform to an inherent logic that
transmits or reveals itself to the intellect of man, an
inherent logic. I'm not talking about spooky stuff now,
this is all science, rational.
So these men were men who had dialogue going on, a
dialectic discussion going on that required skills in the
logic for language and also insight into the nature of
man, his creation. Knowing how his life is put together
to make him have certain appetites, certain desires,
certain aspirations.
Quran reveals man's nature, composition
The Quran reveals man's nature, composition and
function for his nature, it reveals it in a way to give you
the science of it. The Quran will make you a
psychologist, the Quran will make you a scientist of
human form, nature, behavior, the Quran will make you
that. What educated the Arabs? Did they have teachers
coming from Greece, teachers coming from another
land? Nothing came to them, the Quran, you see it? I
got it in my hand, nothing came to them but this Quran
that is all that came to them. And they became
astronomers, doctors of medicine, men of industry, they
became leaders in all the disciplines of knowledge and
science, they became the leaders and nothing came to
them but that Book through a man that was not educated
into the scriptures. To a man who was not expected to
become the leader for the world, he was just an ordinary
man, a common man not having any professors, no
educators to educate him, just a Book from G-d given to
His beautiful nature.
And G-d knew that his beautiful nature could absorb
what G-d gave him as a Book and G-d knew that once he
absorbed it he would become the most qualified man on
the planet to guide humanity, to lead humanity, praise
be to Allah (swt).
p.17 of 54
natural property. Please listen to this, I told you before
but I can't tell you enough, I don't think it registers on
most of you all of what I'm saying. Allah (swt) is
saying that your religion is your natural property.
Al Islam respect the standards of man's society
Q. 3.110; Enjoin by what is right, equitable
Q. 30.30; The religion of nature Din Al Fitraa
"Ye are the best of peoples evolved for mankind
enjoining what is right forbidding what is wrong and
believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had
faith it were best for them; among them are some who
have faith but most of them are perverted transgressors."
Numbers 1.52; Each man by his own standards
" So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith:
(Establish) Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on
which He has made mankind: no change (let there be) in
the work (wrought) by Allah: that is the standard
Religion: but most among mankind understand not."
Deen al Fitraa. The word Fitraa belongs to our own
nature. This is not something we get after we're created,
this is something we are born with. So how are we to
understand this word fitraa? G-d says this is the religion
of Fitraa "Fitratal laahil latee fataran naa sa alaihaa."
The Fitraa that G-d patterned creation upon, "Fataran
naa sa alaihaa." So this is the Fitraa that is the original
patten upon which G-d patterned man's life for his
development into excellence.
Iftar, what does it mean? Breaking fast. Futuur is
breakfast. Fitraa is your original nature. "Fatara "
means originated. Originated what? That is the power of
expression for Arabic. The verb is "Fatara" and it means
originated. Originated what? Originated your fitraa,
yourself, your nature, your true self. Iftar is breaking
fast in Ramadan, the act of breaking fast in Ramadan.
Al Islam Din Al Fitraa is your natural property
So it is all the same, it comes from the same root, these
are expressions from the same root meaning, right? Yes,
so when G-d says that Al Islam this is the Din Al
Fitraaa, "Fitratal laahil latee fataran naa sa alaihaa,"
Allah (swt) is saying that your religion is also your
"And the children of Israel shall pitch their tents,
every man by his own camp, and every man by his own
standard, throughout their hosts."
"Fitratal laahil latee fataran naa sa alaihaa," the
originality or original, the form upon which He
patterned, originated or gave the original pattern, upon
which He patterned the human society. At this point we
should also recognize that Al Islam does not hold us
only to what G-d revealed to Muhammad (pbuh), the
Quran. But the Quran also tells us that you should be
respectful of the excellent standards for society that
mankind has been blessed to have, they are called
Al Maruuf means the known society standards
Q.7.199; Order by what is right
"Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn
away from the ignorant."
Is this in Bible? Noting is in Quran without a reference
to something that came before. In the Bible we get the
expression, "Standard bearer," is that true, you who read
the Bible, you students of the Bible? The Scripture, the
Bible wants to progress man's standards that set the
level or the order for preserving and advancing human
life in society. This is called in Quran Al Maruuf, in
English translated as known standards.
comes from the Arabic word "Arafa" which means to
low standards. "Wa bil ma'aruuf' translated it means
knd order by the known standards." See what G-d is
tying? He didn't just say, "Order by revelation, order
y what the Prophet (pbuh), says. "Wa'mur bil
-d is obligating us to also recognize that man has set
ne, high standards for performance. And you should
Lake your orders and your command with respect for
Lose standards, this is Al Islam. See how beautiful Al
lam is, how broad, how universal, how respectful it is
man's achievements before Muhammad the Prophet
)buh), my leader, my love.
Then G-d says, "Din Al Fitratal laahil latee fataran naa
alaihaa," G-d revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
reaches the wise, it does not reach the fools, very few
nong the fools it reaches, it reaches the wise who are
i-d is saying, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has not
Den sent or raised to impose something on you that is
Dt in your own original appetite for excellence. We
ren't sending him to reject the excellence that you have
Thieved already. He is sent here to approve it, and that
in scripture before. G-d gave and missioned His
lessengers to tell the people, "This, is good, this is
Kcellent, G-d is not coming to you to condemn that, He
coming to you to put the certification on it, to tell you
tat this is good."
Q. 89.28-30; Soul pleasing to Allah and yourself
(To the righteous soul will be said:) "0 (thou) soul in
:omplete) rest and satisfaction!
vlatt 25.21; Faithful servant enter the joy of the Lord
"His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and
uthful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few
zings, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter
Lou into the joy of thy lord."
forget that expression among the Christians and Jews
iy, I cannot recall it just right now. "Obedient servant"
think it said, "Obedient servant welcome, you have
irned your admission," something like that. I'm
Lying it in my language but that is what it meant,
Beautiful servant welcome you have earned your
imission." G-d is saying, that "You have upon your
wn behavior and your own appetites and aspirations,
Du have progressed and I like what I see and you have
irned admission welcome servant." Isn't that what the
p.18 of 54
Quran is saying, what I gave you earlier? "Enter you
among My workers, pleasing and pleased, and enter you
My paradise," the same.
Nature requisitioned the Quran, Al Islam
The Fitraa, all of this is inherent. The inherent in us is
also Al Islam. Al Islam is the natural property of
mankind. So G-d hasn't revealed anything in Al Islam
except that which your own nature has been asking for.
Your nature requisitioned the Quran and you needed
help from your Creator to get it to you, so He sent what
you asked for down out of the skies, sent it down to you
on a beautiful and blessed night. The night in which the
Angels and the holy spirit descended obeying every
order or every command. Following every errand, they
were sent on an errand. Said give My man what he asked
for, it is his property and the satan took it, caused him to
loose it and cut him off from it.
Man conceived in heaven but formed on the earth
Q.2.36; Get you all down in the earth for a time
Then did Satan make them slip from the (garden) and
get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had
been. We said: "Get ye down all (ye people) with
enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your
dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time."
Q.5.112-115; Send down table spread
Matthew 6.10; Thy kingdom come
"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it
is in heaven."
"Din Al Fitratal laahil latee fataran naa sa alaihaa," Is
this not what the Gospel asked for? "Give us this day
our daily bread, Thy kingdom come Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven." The plan was above our
heads but it was not to stay above our heads, the plan
belongs to us, our very nature and it has to come back to
us or we have to become connected to it, it has to
become our property. Because it is inherently our
property, Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven." In both the Quran and in the Bible
man's beginning is in heaven. Man was conceived in
heaven and then formed in the earth, this is in both
Christianity and Al Islam and in Judaism.
p.19 of 54
Heavens earth was once joined mean spirit with flesh
Q. 21.30; Heavens and earth was once joined together
"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the
earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation)
before We clove them asunder? We made from water
every living thing. Will they not then believe?"
Allah (swt) says can't you observe that the heavens and
earth was once a continuous whole, united together
before it was separated? So if it was that before, what
separated it? It has to come back together, it has to be
reconciled, earth and heaven has to be reconciled. My
heavenly nature has to be reconciled with my mortal life,
the connection has to be made.
My Islam that belongs to me vvis as a natural property
for my mortal life, it is up above my head, it has to be
sent down. And when I am reconnected I will have the
kingdom of G-d on earth and it will be my kingdom, it
will be the human kingdom, the kingdom for human
mortals, the government order for human mortals Allahu
Abraham the 2" father
Abraham the second father after Adam, peace be upon
them, he is the one who became an Imam as Allah (swt)
say in Quran, not father, but do we recognize him as
father? We certainly do. Where do we get it? Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) told us that when he shared with us
his ascension experience in travels to the far Mosque Al
Aqsa. He shared that experience with us and he said that
G-d caused him to rise up from the sacred precincts in
Mecca, where we make Hajj there at the Kabah. G-d
caused him to rise up from that place and as he went up
he came to the station of Adam.
Now here is Adam made from earth but Muhammad
(pbuh) sees him in heaven. And the first man, or figure
he meets is Adam and he greets him, As Salaam
Alaikum my father Adam, "As Salaam Alaikum Abee
Adam." he said, peace be unto you my father Adam.
And he went, G-d lifted him higher, this knowledge that
is given in this ascension of Muhammad (pbuh) is
known in Christianity, they may not see it in same
language exactly, but it is the same idea. It is know in
Christianity, Judaism and even in religions that are not
religions of the Book, this is my own knowledge and
experience I am speaking from.
He comes to another level, a higher level, the second
level and there he sees Jesus and John, peace be upon
them, and he says to them - - because they came at the
same time Jesus and John and they came addressing the
same problem for society. So therefore they are on the
same plane, in the same spiritual level, but more is to be
said about that spiritual level than just spiritual. I guess
you can recall some things that I have already said about
it that would help you. So I won't have to keep talking
and waste too much time, we want to cover this en sha
Allah. So I won't have to keep talking and waste too
much time, we want to cover this en sha Allah.
Muhammad ascension connection of knowledge
Bukhari 4.429; Prophets ascension to the seven
He said to Jesus and John, peace be on you my brothers
Jesus and John, his brothers. And he was lifted to a
higher ascension and there he saw Joseph, the Prophet
Yusuf, peace be on him and he greeted him he said,
peace be upon you my brother Joseph. And he was
lifted on to the fourth level and there he saw the Prophet
Ezekial some say, but we are not sure of that. We know
his name is Idris, the name the Prophet (pbuh) gave us,
he saw Idris and he said peace be upon you brother Idris.
And G-d caused him to ascend still further or higher and
there he saw the brother of Moses, Aaron. And he said
to Aaron, peace be upon you my brother. And G-d lifted
him up still higher and on the sixth level - - all the levels
they are all firm, strong firmaments, seven strong
Prophet 7 heavens reconciled the lives of the Prophets
So He lifted him up to the sixth level and there he sees
the Prophet Moses and he says to Moses As Salaam
Alaikum "Yaa akhee Musa", peace be onto you my
brother Moses, what is this saying? That G-d had
reconciled Muhammad (pbuh), his body of knowledge,
as he represents a body of knowledge, G-d has
reconciled Muhammad's life (pbuh) with the life of
Adam, with the life of Jesus and John, with the life of
Idris, with the life of Yusuf, Joseph and with the life of
Aaron with the life of Moses and He still lifted him up
further to the highest heaven, the highest firmament.
nd there he saw Abraham and he said "As Salaam
laikum Yaa abee Ibraheem," peace be unto you my
ther Abraham.
pon his life, his body of knowledge that would govern
s life and those he shared it with, his bread and his
ood, upon that knowledge body that had ascended,
ialified for that ascension, G-d opened the way for him
travel and make the connection for the sacred house in
fecca with the destiny which is the kingdom to come.
e connected him with the far distant Mosque Al Aqsa
Jerusalem, the place where the Jews believe the ideal
ngdom was once established and they lost it under
Dlomon the wise.
And even the Jews who had earlier been applauding his
development said, "Oo oh we got to stop this guy," then
the wars came, the beginning of war. Peace it was,
blessed night, peaceful until the rising of the dawn. It
was beautiful coming to the soul as revelation for
mankind, but when the leader had to effect it, when he
had to apply it, when he had to establish it on earth for
man, the people felt threaten and they began persecuting
and began warring to destroy it.
Blood up to horse's bridle reveal secrets oppress
Q. 96.1; Man made from congealed blood
"Proclaim! (or Read!) in the name of thy Lord and
Cherisher Who created."
itraa nature to ascension the government order
Q. 97;3; Night of Power better than a thousand Months
The Night of Power is better than a thousand Months."
e is taken from the Fitraa, the sign of fitra to the sign of
ngdom and when G-d showed him that progression,
)w man's life in its original form created by G-d for ogress moves from nature to expression in society and
i orderly kingdom or government order, how it
thieves a government order, When he saw the
evation, the graduation for achieving government
der, he went to Medina, G-d opened the way for him
go to Medina and there he established the
wernment order. You can clap if you want to, I am
praise be to Allah (swt).
Ezekial 16.6; Wallow in your own blood
"And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in
thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy
blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy
blood, Live."
Q.100.1; Horses that pant
By the (Steeds) that run with panting (breath)
Rev. 14.20; Blood up to horse's bridle
is called the ascension and the night travel and it has
have something to do or a connection with Lail Qadr,
Le night of power. The Quran coming down in the
nth month and in the blessed night "Lailatul Qadr
lairum men alfe shar" translated it is, "The night of
)wer better is than a thousand months. Tanaz-zalul
alaa-e-kate war ruuhu feeha be-edhne rab-behim me
amr," translated, "Therein descends the angels
id the holy spirit." "Salaamu heya hat-taa matla'il fajr."
ranslated, "Peace it is until the rise of the dawn."
!ising of dawn was building society in Medinah
) when Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) went to Medina
id started building the Ummah, the Islamic order for
ociety, that was the rising of dawn.
"And the winepress was trodden without the city, and
blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse
bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred
The prophecy is that when the truth has come, the truth
will lead you into all truth. And the prophecy is that Gd will send you another comforter and the prophecy is
that when he returns he will have not mercy for his
enemies, the wicked. He will spill their blood and their
blood shall flow in such great volume, that the blood
shall come up to the reins that hold the horse, the
horse's reins. That means his mouth, right into his
mouth. This is an exaggerated picture but it is a picture
exaggerated for effect and it has double meaning.
The problem is spilling blood means to reveal the
secrets the controls the masses
U.S. secrets to control society is from Greece and
What is blood? Spilling the blood, giving them mortal
flesh, their blood comes from their flesh bodies, that is
Dne killing, but is that the worst killing? The worst
killing is spilling their secrets, cutting them so that the
secrets come out of their body, and the knowledge that
they were hiding from the world that was needed to
build the society.
See the Greeks had that secret and the modern world
took it from the Greeks. The United States secrets
mostly comes from Egypt and Greece, and I am telling
what I know not what I'm guessing at. No guess, God
has blessed me to know for sure and completely.
And the Scripture says, "I found you wallowing in your
own blood," I don't have to say more to some of you.
And Allah (swt) says, "From congealed blood and then
a fetus lump, and then bone in the lump, and then skin
covering it and thereafter another creation." Praise be to
Allah (swt).
Their secrets for containing the society, comes from
ancient Egypt and from ancient Greece. With the coming
of Quran they got big help and the Quran is what made
their society more human, more humane. Before the
Quran came their society, it was not near as human and
humane as it is now. I am speaking of not only America
but also Europe, the Western world. And because of the
Western world getting the benefit the whole world is
now much more humane than it was before the coming
of the Quran. They had been for centuries students of
Christianity but had not established a human and
humane world, this is history. You could read about their
brutality, their savagery, Christian world leadership
savage and brutal, cruel, barbaric and professing to be
Numbers 22.21-31; Why hit me these three times
[21] "And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled
his ass, [23] And the ass saw the angel of the Lord
standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand:
and the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into
the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into the
way.[25] And when the ass saw the angel of the Lord,
she thrust herself unto the wall, and crushed Balaam's
foot against the wall: and he smote her again. [28] And
the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto
Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast
smitten me these three times?"
Common people are the horses for the wicked
The second coming, he is going to slay the wicked and
spill their blood so much until it will come up to the
mouth and nose of the common people who are the
horses for the wicked world. And to the common
people who are their horses to run their races, to carry
their burdens, to carry them across the land. Their horses
are going to taste what has been kept secret, going to
smell what has been kept secret. And the horse is going
to say like the donkey said "Baal, get off of my back."
And he will say, "Why are you balking on me, my ride
animal?" There is an angel in my way with a flaming
sword, justice is illuminating before my eyes, get off my
Quran humanized the world
You students you know about the Inquisition, right?
Look what they did to the poor Spanish-speaking people
of the continent, that was after Al Islam. That shows
you that all of their leaders were not influenced by the
beauty of Quran that really is the key for them
understanding or them unlocking the beauty of their
Bible. I'm not doing any sloppy work up here,
everything I'm doing is very skillful done, precise, take
my word for it.
Quran to unlock Bible for the Christian world
Prophet Muhammad was the return of Christ
Q. 21.107; Muhammad mercy to al the worlds
"We sent thee not but as a mercy for all creatures."
Muhammad (pbuh) is a mercy to all worlds, Al Fatiha,
and the Quran are the keys to unlock Bible, to bring
out its beauty and its purity more abundantly for the
Christian world.
o isn't Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the return of
'hrist? He is the return of Christ and he also is Prophet
luhammad (pbuh), he is two in one. And he said, "The
me shall come when they see myself and Christ Jesus
)gether." So the promise of the return of Christ Jesus
ras not the Ahmadiyyah leader, Ghulam Ahmed, may
i-d forgive him his wrongs and give him paradise for
is goodness. It was not him and all these others who
laim to be the return of Christ, it is not them. Prophet
tuhammad (pbuh) is such man he doesn't want to claim
nything, he doesn't want to take any credit, he doesn't
rant you to look at him, he does not want you to see
him s a Christ. The world that saw Jesus Christ as Christ
it ecame a world of shirk. So Mohammed avoided
saying, I am the return of Christ," that was not in
Mohammed's pbuh) spirit or nature to claim that, to say
I am the
:turn of Christ. But G-d revealed it to him in a plain
ray so that the students like me, Imam W. Deen
lohammed will see him and know that he is the return
f Jesus Christ. I know that and I hesitate to tell people
its because I know it may make problems. But I have
) tell somebody or my body will explode like that
fictional stuff you see in the movies if I go to my death
rith this in me. I have to tell it to somebody.
tell you what I know. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is
le return of Jesus Christ and no other person after him
the return of that Christ except as missioned by
rophet Muhammad (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad
)buh) missioned others to continue to come back and
how the picture, but they are not the original, he is the
riginal, they are missioned by him to show the picture
D that the world can see the true Christ again, praise be
alah (swt). If they are true they will point to him not to
iemselves, he is the Christ return. As the Book says
Then he comes he will be a warrior, the other one took
buse. This one will be a fighter, he will be a warrior and
e will establish justice and he will establish the
). 33.6; Prophet closer to believers than their own
The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own
Ayes and his wives are their mothers. Blood-relations
rnong each other have closer personal ties in the Decree
f Allah than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and
luhajirs: nevertheless do ye what is just to your closest
•ends: such is the writing in the Decree (of Allah)."
Government is inherent in man's creation
Abraham, I hope you understand what we mean by
man's political association. Man is created to be
governed by laws and he's created to want those laws to
be agreeable with his own best human appetites and
sensitivities. So this is created in him. The kingdom for
the government order is inherent in the creation of man.
Abraham engaged the universe with his intelligence
So Abraham, the one who Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
was lifted up to, he was the one who engaged the
universe with his intelligence seeking to know what
should govern in man's life, what should rule in man's
life. He left his father because he worshiped idol gods,
this is not only Al Islam this is also Judaism, this is the
story of Abraham. He left his father because his father
was the ruler in a great society, modern society. Some
people say he came from the place called, Sumer. And
Sumer is in the Middle East, the part of the Middle East
that's rich in ancient history, ancient civilization and
sciences, that part, that is where Sumer goes back to.
Isn't it something that a Prophet comes out of a great
civilization ruled by his father and he's still a child not
quite yet a man, he's really still a child, and he rebelled
against the order of his father. You know the story it is
beautiful to mention especially in Ramadan. It shows
that young man already had great wisdom. So he broke
the idols up and his father brought him to account for it.
He said, "it is reported that you destroyed these idols.
Did you destroy these idols son?" He said, "Father ask
the biggest one who did it." You got people worshiping
these things and they can't help you out? Just like I was
rejected by my father when I didn't gave him his
answers, he didn't want my answers, he wanted his
answers. Abraham was rejected and just like Moses
when Moses was exiled, G-d spoke to him directly. And
when Abraham was exiled G-d communicated to him on
the highest level. And he became G-d's Prophet and
Messenger and our second father or the Imam for all
people, leader for all people.
Abraham blessed with universal knowledge
This says what? G-d blessed Abraham with universal
knowledge, not just knowledge for local situations or for
regional situations.
He blessed Abraham with the knowledge for the vision
that would open up the whole world to his truth,
universal knowledge.
Islam is the order of Abraham
Q. 2.135; The Millah order is of Abraham
"They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be
guided (to salvation)." Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather)
the religion of Abraham the true and he joined not gods
with Allah."
"Milla Ibraheem hanifa"translated "Our order is the
order of Abraham the upright in his nature," this is Al
Islam. Our Prophet is Muhammad (pbuh), our order is
the order of Abraham. G-d blessed Muhammad (pbuh)
to have the order of Abraham, the upright in his nature.
So who are now claiming to be recognized as the people
of the covenant? We are, yes. Moses' people were the
people of the covenant, Jesus Christ's people were the
people of the covenant, the Quran came, Muhammad
(pbuh) was given to us and now we are the people of the
And not only are we the people of the covenant, the
covenant has been fulfilled for us, we have reached the
promised land. We have the "Milla" of Abraham, the
upright in his nature. You are really not knowing your
religion when you are looking for the coming of Christ
Jesus again. You really don't know your religion when
you are separating yourself from a claim to the covenant
and from a claim to the promised land, you are missing
your religion.
Q. 6.75-79; Abraham searched for G-d
Abraham, his mind was burdened with the world as he
was seeing it, his father's civilization and it worshiping
idols claiming those idols were gods. So a story of him
is given, it's really a pictorial script or screen, listen to
me please.
Q. 39.3; Idol we not worship, they only bring us to Allah
"Is it not to Allah that sincere devotion is due? But
those who take for protectors other than Allah (say):
"We only serve them in order that they may bring us
nearer to Allah." Truly Allah will judge between them in
that wherein they differ. But Allah guides not such as
are false and ungrateful."
It is a pictorial script or screen put before our eyes. And
it says Abraham was sitting, contemplating the reality of
matter, the order of the objective world, looking for
something that would point him to the knowledge of
what authority should govern in man's life so the
kingdom could be established, the governmental order
could be formed. And he saw, he observed the heavens
at night and he watched it until he saw a bright star, the
brightest star in that sky for him on that night. Some say
it was Sirus and he looked at it and said, "That must be
the god."
Now understand, look at his progression, he said "That
must be the god." While he was watching some stars
fell, he didn't see the bright star fall, he just saw a star
fall. What does this have reference to? Not stars up
there, but people down here. Stars up there really in the
language of the wise who tell the common people,
"These idols are gods and give them names. They know
their intelligence won't permit them to really believe, to
have the superstition to believe that if they pray to that
idol they will get answers. But they put that on their
masses to keep their masses out of their hair, to tie them
up so they won't get into the hair of the ruler asking for
bread. "Give them water, give them tiddy milk, we
keep the bread. Keep them infants, we eat the food for
They knew better so when they were challenged, what
did they say? "We know these idols can't speak but
they are a means for reaching G-d."
John 10.8; All before me were thieves, robbers
"All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers:
but the sheep did not hear them."
John 19.23; Soldiers took Jesus robe
"Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus,
took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier
a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam,
woven from the top throughout."
They said they know the idol has no power, couldn't
speak or anything, but they are a means, meaning that
this is our instrument, this is our connection for them
that will connect them with G-d.
n answer, a reasonable answer. But for the
telligence that G-d created man to have, no excuse for
e injustice done to common people. You are thieves
Id robbers and the Book says, "All before me were
ieves." What does that mean? All before the truth of
man nature and its value were nothing but thieves and
obbers. Once the truth of human nature and value
)mes those who have been robbed will get their
operties back. They have been robbed of their
ccellent nature, they will get their properties back. And
:sus is a sign peace be upon him. And what did they
)? They sought to crucify him, and to kill him and to
)b him of all his properties, stripped while he was
:,1pless on the cross, according to in their language even
Lough we don't have to believe in that in that way, in
ie way they believe in it.
o Abraham he sat all night, and after he saw one star
ill he said, "Well these stars are not G-d, they are
lbject to die, to fall." So he sat around a little longer
Id when the sun began to come up he said, "Oh what
iagnificent one, a bright and magnificent one, this must
G-d." I told you I said it was given as though it was a
ictorial script on a screen or something, this story.
That does it have reference too when it says that he saw
ie sun and he said this must be the G-d?
When he saw that he said, "this must be the god."
Remember what I told you, I said Abraham is just a
means for communicating to us, not his personal
problem, but the problem for man in the history of the
search for the authority that should rule government of
his life or should rule over his government.
He watched it. He saw it rise and reach the zenith, the
highest point at noon, and he saw it start to decline and
he did not question it at any of those points because
goodness can come down and kiss the earth and bless it,
he didn't have any problem with that. But when it went
out, when the light went out Abraham had a problem
with that. Ibrahim said, peace be on him, "My G-d is
not One to set.
Seth ancient Egypt myth killed, hid body of his father
Sun not set
Stars fall means influential people fall
Abraham's story relates our problem to us
2.6.75 79; Abraham searched for G-d
his is not really Abraham's problem, Abraham is a
gure relating to us our problem, the problem of man in
is search for the right authority to govern in his life. He
these stars in the night who separate themselves
•om the day, these saintly heavenly creatures, these top
ious, holy people. And he sees, he is relating to us
ow man saw them and the brightest one among them
rid, "That must be god." But he saw one of them fall,
knew that some of them fell. So he concluded that
one of them could be god because they all have the
rine nature, they are all in the same realm and if one of
tem falls, all of them are subject to fall one day, so he
ismisses them. No its not my G-d. And when the sun
rine up, he saw, the sun he said, "Oh this is the
rightest, oh how beautiful and splendid, how bright,
ow magnificent. That's human intelligence, the
itellect of man, the rational productive mind of man.
Luke 22.52 53; Arrest me in the day
"Then Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains of
the temple, and the elders, which were come to him, Be
ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and staves?
[53] When I was daily with you in the temple, ye
stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your
hour, and the power of darkness."
And the word "Set" has a play on Seth, the evil one in
the ancient Egyptian mythology who after his sister had
eclipsed their father, he Seth, took and mutilated the
body of his father and hid the pieces so that nobody
would be able to find his father and put his father back
together. His father is not a human body, his father is a
body of wisdom, a body of knowledge for governing
So he hid it in many different places believing that
nobody would find it. And Seth has reference also to
darkness. And Christ Jesus said, "I have preached all
the time in the open, why you come and arrest me in
dark?" That is Seth. So the word set for the sun goes
back to Egypt, I told you there were secrets that all go
back to ancient Egypt and Greece.
Two Adams, one deceived and one in heaven with G-d
So the word Seth, set, "And he taught Adam the names
of all the things." But there is an Adam that was
deceived by the satan and there was an Adam that
repented and is with G-d in the heaven. The one that
erred and followed the suggestion of satan is still here,
on earth, he is in every government of man on earth on
this planet. He lives in human body with stolen
knowledge, he waits for his descendants, when he dies
one of his descendants will get it. So they continue the
order of the thief that robs the people of their
inheritance, their G-d given properties.
Man names things and forms language
Q. 2.31; Allah taught Adam the names of everything
He is still around and he is still naming things, he is still
giving the names to things. G-d gave him, created him
with that power, to give names to things. That is a
mortal property, that is a mortal ability, the ability to
give names to things. The rational mind enables man to
do that. He created man with the rational intelligence
and that enables man to give names to things. To
perceive their nature, and give them names, their natural
form and function and give them names, the rational
mind can grasp that and then name that thing. The name
is improper if it is not true to the contents. A label on a
product is improper if it is not true to the content, a name
for anything, electricity or whatever we are talking
about, wood, tree whatever, man, woman, a name for
anything it is improper if it is not true to the content.
So no one can give names properly but the rational
thinker who seeks to know the natural form and the
natural functions of that form. When he perceives that
then he can form language that says what he saw. That
is why one word means so much, communicates so
Seth communicates a lot, but who will hear in s-e-t, Seth
the thief? In the midst of ancient Egypt's religion, who
will hear that but those who have studied and have been
guided? So is it every Adam, is it every common human
that can see the names and understand the names and
give names? No, it's only those who been blessed to
have the elevation that G-d created Adam for that can
see names and understand the names and give names.
And I'm telling you the wicked they are still giving
names to things, the language is filled with the imprints
of the wicked schemer. Not just in the English, English
is a bigger language so it has more of this in it. It is a
more widely used language, it's a bigger language in the
world so it has more of it in it, but it is in all those
languages, in Arabic too.
Righteous in heaven are seen as light, they're scientists
This picture, a description of a time when the lights
went out in the world and Abraham would say to it, "My
G-d is not One to set," and Christ Jesus said, peace be
upon G-d's servants according to their report, "I am the
light of the world as long as I am in the world," meaning
when I'm gone I'm not your light, is that plain or not?
Meaning when I'm dead and gone, not among you
anymore I'm not your light, hence, "He will send you
another comforter."
Abraham looking at things and staying with them even
after he believed he perceived them correctly, he had the
patience to study their nature, to study their movement,
to study what was happening to them before he put the
final stamp of approval on what he believed. That's the
discipline of a scientific mind, so Abraham is not only a
Prophet he's also a scientist aided by G-d, and he was
believing in G-d so G-d aided him. In fact all those in
heaven, are not only righteous beings but they are
scientists, that is why they are seen as light.
When we study that pictorial script or screen upon which
the story of Abraham is put we see Abraham as a human
being, a great thinker searching for a certain truth and
proof of what should rule the life of man and his society,
he is searching for that. And he sees the things that man
has had trouble with and we think there are objects and
these are really dispositions in the reasoning of man that
brought him to believe that he is god, that man is god;
hence, the language, "Son of man," he is mortal but he
is also god, that's the mistake they made.
And what makes him god? Because he is free, a perfect
intellect of man so he is the savior of man. Jesus he
gave up the ghost and the light went out of the world.
Abraham said, "My god is not one to set."
John 9.5; Jesus the light of the world when in it
"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the
Dhn 16.7; Expedient I go away so the comforter comes
'Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for
Me that I go away: for if I go not away, the
Comforter ill not come unto you; but if I depart, I
will send him [to you."
sus said according to their reports, I am the light of the
Drld, as long as I am in world, when I'm gone I'm not
our light. When I'm dead He will send you another
!uran take best meaning thereof be selective with it
1.39.18, 55; Quran take best meaning thereof
"Those who listen to the Word and follow the best
leaning) in it: those are the ones whom Allah has
tided and those are the ones endued with
hat is what he said. I studied the Bible when I was
arching for understanding and help, to help my
ther's works. I am not talking about G-d, I'm talking
lout Elijah Muhammad, my mortal father, the father of
y flesh. When I was searching for the knowledge I
udied the Bible and I said, "This is ridiculous that these
ople believe that Jesus Christ is G-d." I said, "He
ressed plainly here." And you know Allah (swt) says in
e Quran of revelation, of the Quran itself Allah (swt)
ys, "And take the best thereof." Meaning that there is
ore help in some revelations and some of these ayat for
Kr than others.
) G-d says "And take the best thereof." G-d is telling
students of Quran to be selective when reading the
uran. Isn't that respecting us and our worth as moral
Id rational creation? That's G-d respecting us so much
at He gives you His own word, His own reading for
tu, His own communication for you and He tells you to
lect the best thereof. Here I give you this Book all of it
from Me, but select the best. That's respecting my
oral life, my moral excellence and my rational life.
uran says, And He sends down rain, it comes down
on the same ground, but some things come up
ggardly and other come up beautiful, better.
) even the Quran says this is food for everybody low
,d high, to the free, high, so they won't be held too low
-d says, "be selective, take the best thereof.
John 13.16; Sent not equal to the sender
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not
greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than
he that sent him."
Malachi 4.5-6; I will send Elijah before the dreadful
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the
coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: [6]
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children,
and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come
and smite the earth with a curse." Jesus Christ he says
of himself, "The sent is not equal to the sender," this is
in the Bible they haven't taken it out yet. And they say
G-d sent him into the world, is that what they say? He is
the sent, isn't he? And the scripture promises that G-d
will send them a Messenger before that coming of the
awful, dreadful day and the Lord said, I will send you
Elijah the Prophet, right? To unite the hearts of the
father with the children and the children with the hearts
of the father.
John 1.25; John was asked if he was Elijah
"And they asked him, and said unto him, Why
baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias,
neither that prophet?"
And John when he was asked, "Are you that Prophet?"
He refused to say yes, why? Because, yes I am a figure
representing that Prophet, he didn't say that, but the truth
is John was a figure representing the coming again of
Elijah. But he was just a figure coming as a herald to
announce even a brighter and greater presence of the
fulfillment of that. He didn't say Jesus Christ, but that's
who it was. That's why you see John and Jesus in the
second elevation.
II King 4.32-34; Elijah widow's son dead he raised
[32] And when Elisha was come into the house,
behold, the child was dead, and laid upon his bed. [33]
He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain,
and prayed unto the Lord. [34] And he went up, and lay
upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and
his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands:
and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of
the child waxed warm."
Elijah, what was he? Elijah had two great powers that
G-d gave him. One was the power of righteousness, the
courage to face evil and not to be afraid. So he
challenged the order of the world that was. But also he
came as a medicine man, wasn't he? He had powers
also to heal, isn't that Christ Jesus? Christ Jesus came
announcing the kingdom and warning the world of
impending doom for the wicked and calling them back
to their humanity so that they will have compassion on
the weak and the poor, the sick, etc. He himself had
healing powers. He could heal the sick, he could give
life to the dead by G-d's permission, Allah (swt) in the
Quran, with G-d's permission. And Elijah had the same,
didn't he? Elijah is the power to heal the sick and give
life to the dead. I believe it was the widow's son, wasn't
it? He came to the aid of the widow and gave life to the
widow's son. So the two figures are the same. I told you
I am a student of both Books.
Matt 5.17; Jesus law not come to destroy
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the
prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."
Mark 9.2-4; Jesus transfiguration tell no man
so you studied those things and you got familiar with the
Bible especially the New Testament. Christ Jesus said
he comes not to destroy the law, not even one small bit
of it, but to fulfill it. So the connection had to be made
for Christ Jesus with Moses, so Jesus Christ showed his
disciples that our light is one. They were a configuration
seen in one light, Moses, Elijah and Christ Jesus.
John 1.25; John asked if he was Christ or Elijah
And they asked him, and said unto him, Why
baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias,
neither that prophet?
Bukhari 2.250; Bilal footsteps in paradise before
Abu Huraira narrated at the time of the Fajr prayer the
Prophet asked Bilal, "Tell me of the best deed you did
after embracing Islam, for I heard your footsteps in front
of me in Paradise." Bilal replied, "I did not do anything
worth mentioning except that whenever I performed
ablution during the day or night, I prayed after that
ablution as much as was written for me."
John represents return of body of knowledge of Elijah
Mark 1.9-10; John baptized Jesus
"And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and
James, and John, and lead them up into an high
mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured
before them. [4] And there appeared unto them Elias
with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.
When Jesus wanted to show his followers, his disciples,
himself, he took them up in the mountain and showed
them a configuration. And the Bible says in that
configuration was Moses, Elijah and Christ, if I
remember it correctly, I believe I do. They asked if he
comes to do away with the law. He said no, but to fulfill
it. Jesus said he comes not to destroy law but to fulfill,
its connection had to be made with Moses. He showed
his disciples light, it was one transfiguration seen in one
of Moses, Elijah and Jesus. So they said to him, "Are
you coming to do away with the law of Moses?" He
said, "No, to fulfill it," isn't that Bible?
Many of you were attracted from Christian theology by
the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam to him
and you're still with him through his son Warith Ud Din
Mohammed, I know you studied those things. Many of
you had no following but that's where your interest was
"And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came
from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in
They asked John they said, "Are you that Prophet?"
meaning Elijah, he refused to say yes to that. Why?
Because he was a figure representing the return of that
Prophet, not in person but as a body of knowledge and
help for mankind. He was a figure representing the
return of that so he couldn't say no, but he really
couldn't say yes because Jesus Christ was going to be
the bigger manifestation of that. But look what Jesus
Christ asked of John, when John was baptizing, he came
to John and said John baptize me. So here he asked John
to baptize him. And I see a connection for that with our
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Bilal. Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) he said that he heard the footsteps,
the sandals of Bilal going before him in the paradise.
So here is John going before Jesus Christ and Jesus
Christ authorizing John to baptize him.
ark 1.7; I'm not worthy to unlace his shoes
"And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier
an I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not
3rthy to stoop down and unloose."
nd John he was humble before the great Christ Jesus,
said, "I am not worthy to lace your shoes," but Jesus
irist kind of overlooked that, bypassed that and
sisted that John baptize him. All of this is not in there
e conversation ends there. I'm giving you my
asoning for this.
aptism cleans sensitivity, other cleans the rational
tatthew 3.11; One baptizes with fire
"I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but
that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I
n not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the
oly Ghost, and with fire:"
he Bible says, one is coming who will baptize you in
re. So there is another baptism there isn't it? A
aptism of water and a baptism of fire. One baptism
eanses the human sensitivities, the second baptism will
eanse the rational mind, two baptisms.
2.51.23; Intelligent speech
"Then by the Lord of heaven and earth this is the very
ruth as much as the fact that ye can speak intelligently
) each other."
duhammad fulfilled that. His teachings focused the
alue and importance of society benefitting from the
recious tool that G-d created when He created intellect
f human beings, the rational mind. It keeps pointing
) the rational mind and challenging man to test it with
our rational mind, test these claims with your rational
'incl. And let your speech be also logical, didn't G-d
reate you to articulate? To be precise and have exact
.braham dismissed everything that man had identified
3 a god in the material world or in the material picture
f the world. He dismisses the stars, he dismisses the
in, he dismisses everything that man had attached
imself to and believing it was a god, he dismisses it all.
And he concludes that the G-d is the Artist Who created
all this,
G-d is the Artist Who did all this beautiful work, that is
the G-d.
So he reasoned the plan had a Planner, the effect has a
Cause, that it did not cause itself as Marx and some
others tried to establish. That the earth, the creation, the
material world is its own creator, that the material world
itself is evolving and had no Creator, the communists
leaders or fathers Karl Marx and others. Abraham
dismissed all of that, and he said, G-d is the One Who
did this, caused all this to be. And he is one who
established one G-d or monotheism for the searchers
who searched for that truth, on G-d. And he is called the
leader or father of the three faiths, Judaism, Christianity
and Al Islam. And you see how the leaders in these
three religious disciplines are propagating or publishing
that idea, that we are all tied together under Prophet
Abraham, the three, Jews, Christians and Muslims.
Promised land is a society under G d
I have here the word dialectic, devotion to that kind of
discipline of the rational mind searching for the right
thought, searching for the right idea, searching for the
right direction for arriving at a specific logic that would
govern man's life on earth or in society. That kind of
study was Abraham's devotion, he devoted himself to
that. And most of his life was devoted to that. Abraham
is not known to go around preaching, he was not a
preacher, he was not a roaming preacher, he did not go
around preaching to people. He studied, he searched and
researched and he eventually came up with his
conclusion and he left it to the generations and told
them, "You use what I have given you and it will lead
you to the promised land." That is to the best order for
society possible, the promised land, only the excellence
of government life that can come to man with
G-d's help, only with G-d's help.
Abraham millah means order and hope
Abraham was promised that he would have a covenant
with G-d, G-d promised him that he would get that and
he left that with his descendants. And with the
generations to come they were left that. And we find that
it was accepted by Jews, and then later by the Christian
and then finally the Muslims, the promise G-d made to
His hope is called millah, and it is translated order, the
order of Abraham the upright in faith or upright in his
nature. But it is more than just an order, the word comes
from a word meaning to desire or hope. It is an inborn
desire, it is our inborn hope, the desire or hope for a
society that will be fair and just by everybody. And
gives everybody the opportunity to reach their growth
planned for them by G-d or their possibilities given to
them by G-d without being held back, without being
denied freedom or opportunity to reach the highest level
or the highest height possible for them in the creation Gd gave them.
world and that is what has opened the world and
beautified it and humanize it, nothing is to get more
credit for that kind of progress for man and society than
the revelation of G-d. Because before the Quran the
world didn't have it, there was no such thing as public
Public education did not begin two decades ago or a
century or so ago in this world, public education began
with Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) leadership. As soon
he became the leader he obligated the society to educate
all members of the society, no matter what their levels
were, whether they were male or female.
Medina the answer to promised land Abraham, Moses
So this is their hope, what their hope was, so the word
"Millah" is from the word meaning to hope for
something. We have the expression, "His hopes were
fulfilled." So finding that order that is satisfying the
best of human hopes or aspirations for a just order or
society was given to Abraham as a vision and it was
passed on to others to follow him and it finally came to
Muhammad (pbuh) and all of his followers that hope.
And the order for society we see in the life of the people
of Medina during the lifetime of Muhammad the
Prophet (pbuh) and immediately after is a sign of the
birth of that kingdom that G-d promised and was prayed
for, "Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it
is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread."
Education 5 loaves bread 2 fish is the right to
Matthew. 14.17-20; Two fish, five loaves
"[19] And he commanded the multitude to sit down
on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes,
and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and
gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the
Public education compulsory under Muhammad
Q. 96.1; Read with the name of your Lord
The bread was five loaves and the fish were how
many? Two fish and five loaves of bread, it is the
promise of free society and liberal society, a free and a
liberal society where the citizens, all members will have
the right and the freedom to become educated. So this
is a hope that liberal education, knowledge will come to
So really the prayer of New Testament, "Give us this
day our daily bread," is answered with the Quran and
Muhammad (pbuh). And the promise of the kingdom to
come is answered by the Quran and Muhammad (pbuh)
and the establishment of the ummah in Medinah, called
in Arabic "Munarawah," it means the city of the light.
See even the name of the city tells you something.
"Medinatul munarawah" means the city of
We will begin this evening at Asr time or maybe right
after Jumah we will begin where we left off we will
begin part two, we finished part one. So we see that
there is need in man's soul and mind, intellect to make
sense of his existence, to make sense of his own life and
to make sense of the external world. And those thinkers
who G-d blessed to come up with that sense, they
sought and couldn't help it because there was an urge in
their own spirit and nature.
Languages all formed from the same logic
They sought to find the wholeness, the systemic
wholeness of matter of the universe and they came to
understand that everything in this whole is related and
works together for the life, preservation and progress of
the whole. And upon that perception of the creation
they began to establish the order and rules for speech,
language and thereafter they developed these wonderful
great languages. English is from terms of many other
languages, Arabic, English and others. English is a
language taken from many other languages, it is because
of the wide influence that the West has had. So it had to
include into its language terms from many other
languages even Arabic.
it Latin -- that is a dead language now they say -ench, Spanish, Arabic, all of these languages and there
many others, Chinese, Japanese, whatever the
iguage, all these languages have formed to the same
gic. Do you think they formed accidentally? You are t
scientists yet, you're not scientists studying these
ings yet. No language formed accidently, these
iguages formed to a superior logic.
they discovered that the whole is governed by
tural law and every part in the whole comes under the
tural law for the whole, all governed by natural. So
come up with the perception of this governed
Liverse as being the universe having essentially one
ture and a universal law. And that it is a consistent
iole that is not in conflict with itself.
niverse in conflict yet one Man's unity likewise
1.41.11; Earth come willingly or unwillingly
e see expressions in conflict with each other, but the
sence and the nature is not in conflict with itself.
st like if we return to the original humanity, the human
rson in his excellence, we will have no conflicts for
x nations and races etc. But it is only when we
press our separate spirits and our separate interests do
have clashing.
id the same is for the universe. G-d used the universe
speak to us, He says, and the heavens were in violent
mmotion and G-d said, come ye together willingly or
id they said, "We come willingly," meaning that
Dugh they were disturbed and out of order they spoke
nn their stronger nature and purpose and they said,
Ve come willingly." And isn't that what the obedient
rvants of G-d say to Him when they are reconnected
th their original nature, their Fitraa that G-d gave
mi. They say, "G-d surely I confess my faults I come
p.30 of 54
11-22-2002 Ramadan session Asr Prayer Friday
Chicago, Ill
CPC new business dietary supplements
I hope we have time to make our gathering here
acquainted with our new CPC business, the dietary
supplements. Sister Kizie I met her some time earlier in
business. I got acquainted with her really through her
husband, he was bringing her products to me and I was
using her products. And I ran out of it and forgot and I
forgot how it got to me.
And I'm panicking trying to think, "I got to have this
product." I asked the Mosque Cares office, I said, "Get
on the Internet, find these people." I went to the health
food store I said, "Do you know how to get this
product?" They said, "The label is blurred, information
is missing if we had all the information we could give
you supplements that would be the same but not in one
substance or pill." She said, "I suggest you go on the
Internet and look for both of those names on the label
maybe you will find it."
So I asked my office, the Mosque care's office, the
ministry office to do that, they could not, they never got
back with me, I did not get any help. I told sister Ijlah,
that terrific producer for CPC, I don't think it was hardly
24 hours before she got back to me. She said, " I found it
brother Imam," she said, "Do you know where you got
that from?" I said no. She said, "You got that from
Sister Kizie."
People bring me things and they don't tell me the source,
they just leave it. So they must have just brought it and
left it and did not make the connection, so I did not
know where to go for it. But I believe in this, it is not a
sales pitch. I was relieved when she found it and sister
Kizie is here now and we got acquainted, she saw what I
wanted her to see, what I am involved in right now as a
businessman but also as a representative of CPC.
And we decided that we should work together because
both of us will be handling dietary supplements, selling
what we believe in, I would not sell what I do not
believe in. I am selling what we believe in and she is
not only my partner she's our partner because she is also
now a partner with CPC.
So she will be helping me sell the product for CPC and
also for us because we are business people we're going
to earn something too, get some money out of that too.
p.31 of 54
But I am doing it as a CPC member and investor and I
put this product in the hands of CPC.
The commercial attorney, we have been advised that we
need a separate company, he said you shouldn't handle
something that people put in their mouths under the
same corporation or company that is selling clothes or
something else. He said because if you are sued - - and
you know we are liable to be sued by anybody. People
are crazy, they are just out to get somebody in court and
try to get some money. You do not have to be wrong
when they sue you, you did nothing wrong, but they can
get a crooked attorney and get you tied up in court. So
he said if they get to you, you do not want them to get
the whole company. He said, for something like this you
need a separate company. And really they can't get us
because when they take us into court, the judge is not
going to blame us because we are not responsible for
the contents. The people that sell us the dietary
supplement, they are responsible for the content, we are
not responsible for it. So if they can't prove that we did
something improper or wrong we won't have to even go
to court except maybe to be dismissed, to be heard and
the judge would dismiss us, I am sure.
We don't expect that because we are dealing with all - - I
would not even be involved with anybody that I thought
had any wrong in them or any bad intentions. These are
all straight people. Everybody we are dealing with under
my leadership in business you can count on, you can
trust them and count on them. I don't select them until I
know they like what we are doing, if they like what
we're doing they have to be good people. If they like
what we're doing and they have similar values, they are
G-d fearing and share our values, their values are very
much like ours, then I feel free to engage in business
with them, to involve us.
So that is the way it is with me and it is beautiful, it is
working fine, G-d has given me that protection, that is
our protection. Don't get involved with anybody that's
not like you. Don't form any business relationships with
them or partnerships or anything. That's my policy and
it's working well, good. And there are plenty of
important, good people out there that are ready to do
business with you if you tell them your leader is Imam
W. Deen Mohammed.
We've got some terrific people in the leadership of this
community. I am so happy I thank Allah (swt) so much.
You people are making me feel wonderful, yes you are.
belong to a heavenly community, we're doing things
cat's unheard of for black folks. We're doing things
nheard of for black folks, for African-Americans. And
elieve me the other African American leaders like Rev.
,,sse Jackson and others they are looking at us, with
yes admiring, happy eyes admiring what we're doing.
hey aren't saying anything publicly, they can't because
ieir associates, their friends will condemn them for it,
ut their hearts are touched and they are cheering us on
uietly, they are watching what we're doing. And Jessie
lckson he does not hide it, when he sees that we're
oing works for good he gets on it right away. And that
good and if I see him doing anything that I like I'm
oing to get on it right away too, that is the way we
lould be.
2.18.49; Book, leave nothing out small or big
"And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before
ou); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because
f what is (recorded) therein; they will say "Ah! woe to
s! what a book is this! It leaves out nothing small or
reat but takes account thereof!" They will find all that
ley did placed before them: and not one will thy Lord
tat with injustice."
We are beginning now our afternoon Ramadan session.
We have had two Fajr sessions now, this will be the
second afternoon session, that will make a total of
four, won't
? I'm going back to a perception that I believe G-d
'spired in me or inspired me to have that I gave you
rid it resembles something in ancient religious wisdom.
i fact I would not even move on it unless I thought that
was also in the Bible, in Scripture and in the Quran.
.18.49; Book leaves out nothing small or great
Q. 98.3; In Quran are books made upright
"Wherein are laws (or decrees) right and straight."
Q.18.29; Let him believe whosoever will
Whatever is in the Bible is in the Quran if it is
important for the human being, hence the saying, "And
ley say, what a book; it leaves nothing out small or
great." It leaves out a lot of things of man's world. But
when it is talking about Scripture, "What a peculiar
book, what a surprising book, it leaves out nothing
small or great," this is the people of scripture saying that
didn't overlook or pass up anything in our scripture
p.32 of 54
whether it was a small issue or a big issue, it did not
miss any of that. That is what we have to believe about
the Quran.
When Allah (swt) says of the Quran that it is "Feehe
kutubun qayyeemah," translated "In it (in the Quran) are
the books in their corrected form." We have to believe
that. So whatever Books G-d gave Moses, whatever
Books He gave Christ Jesus, whatever revelation He
gave Jesus, we have to believe that those are contained
in the Quran in their correct form. So isn't it stupid for
us to be fearing that our following if they read the Bible
they're going to prefer maybe going to Christianity? If
they do we're happy, go you do not belong here.
We do not want people who were already inclined to
leave us, anybody who goes to them they are already
inclined to leave us so why should we hold them here?
Be happy that they go. I'm telling how we can be
comfortable with this freedom that G-d gives us. G-d
gives us the freedom to go where ever we want with our
mind, wherever we want with our heart. G-d is not going
to force anybody to be in His religion that He prefers for
us, no.
No force in the religion of Al Islam
Q. 109.6; To me my way and to you your way
"To you be your Way and to me mine."
Q.16.125; Argue people of book beautifully, wisely
"Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and
beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that
are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best
who have strayed from His Path and who receive
You read the Quran you will never get that idea or
impression that Allah (swt) is saying "You have to be a
Muslim, you have to stay with this." No, He tells you
says, "The way is free for anybody, and those who don't
want it they may reject it, and those who want to accept
it let him accept it. Let him who wants to reject it who
wants to reject it, and him accept it who wants to accept
it." Another surah in Quran says in Arabic, "Qul yaa-ay
yuhal kaafiruun," this is talking to those who reject faith
period. "Say oh you disbelievers, rejecters, "Yaa-ay
yuhal kaafiruun," and it continues. Then it says "For you
is your religion for me is mine."
Now isn't that saying G-d has given you the freedom to
make your own choice? And it didn't say, "But we're
going to follow you up and kill you. We're going to kill
you for choosing another religion other than this or
we're going to persecute you or we curse on you." No it
doesn't say that. And Quran says in another surah in
Arabic, "Wa jaadelhum bel latee heya ahsan," translated,
"And complain against them but in the best way argue."
They translate it, "Jaadilhum" to argue, but actually it
means call them to issue, register your complaint against
them, but in a way that is excellent and beautiful.
It means call them to issue in a way that is excellent
and beautiful "Bel latee heya ahsan." The Arabic word
"Ahsan " is the intensifier, superlative, I think it is the
correct term, it is the stronger word for saying beautiful
and excellent. Excellent means respecting intelligence,
respecting logic, good sense, intelligence, logic.
But it also has a reference to how it appeals to the
person, that it is beautiful. With excellent and beautiful
speech, not insulting, not speech cursing them out, with
excellent and beautiful speech. This is instruction to us
from G-d Almighty.
When the angels expressed fear of what could be the
consequences when G-d revealed to them or told them of
His plan to create a man, a human being with rational
ability and the jinn and free will. He had never trusted
any jinn with His creation, but now He is going to trust a
human being with His creation and look what man has
done with His creation. And the people of faith, as I
have often pointed out to you here recently, in the last
few years of my life with you, I have pointed out to you
the miracle, what is a miracle. And I say a miracle it is
the great thing that has been proven to support the belief
in Gd and in His Word and in His Messengers, peace be
on them.
And that is that this world has been a world of nations,
ideas, clashing, competing with one another to show or
to prove which is of more value to human society, which
is more valuable to man or to human life, which is more
worthy to be the idea or order or the faith for all people.
And who has survived and excelled and has produced
more for mankind, all people, than any others. It is the
people of Abrahamic faiths, Jews, Christians and
Muslims. I did not put it in that order for any reason except
calendar. On the history calendar Jews are first, Christians
next then Muslims, the Ummah of Muhammad the Prophet
So who has contributed to this great civilized world,
industrial world, advanced world more than those three?
None, and we know others they have contributed, they
had great civilizations and contributed to science. The
Indians they say contributed a lot to man, the Asians, the
Indians from the Far East. All of them have contributed
a lot, the Greeks before they were Christians contributed
a lot, but who gets the credit now? Under them we
didn't have medicine developed like we have now, under
them we didn't have government developed like we have
now, under the past contributors.
We did not have industry developed as it is developed
now. It was only after the coming of the Quran and
Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) works that the world got
new help for its destiny. And because the Christians,
Jews are close, we are kindred faith communities having
closer ties with one another than we do with Buddhists,
Hindus or anybody else. So it's because they are people
speaking the language we speak, I'm talking about the
spiritual and academic language. They speak in the
same spiritual essence or in reality, really the same
academic language we speak. Because of their closeness
now they benefitted from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
just like Muslims did.
Al Hadith 1p140#67; Islam return
Abu Hurairah reported the Prophet (pbuh) said, "Al Islam
began with a few (poor strangers) and it will soon go back like
it began. (Then) how happy are the few.
And Muslims got so comfortable, they were fresh out of
tents, fresh out of barbarism and etc., when they got all
these comforts that Al Islam opened up to them they
went to sleep and Muhammad (pbuh) said it would
happen in the comforts.
The Prophet said "My community is going to go down,
go into darkness," but he said, "It will rise upon what it
a-med upon as it did before in the beginning." And hat
did it rise upon?
he people, philosophers, scholars in Al Islam the pious,
•ght minds in Al Islam, we say it started on the backs
'the common people and it will be supported again by
e common people. I'm not differing with that, but
ore importantly we are to see it started with obedient
11lowers that wanted with all their mind and soul, they
anted to obey what G-d had revealed to Prophet
[uhammad (pbuh). And they wanted to obey their
ader Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
started with very sincere supporters who were
orking selflessly, not for self interest, they were
orking for the cause and they were real believers. I
,lieve we should first see that prediction in that light,
at his community will come back to the sincere ones.
nd it got its success because it was supported by
ncere ones, after losing its purity, it will again be
!vived and it will be revived because of attention and
ipport given by sincere ones.
A hard worker just like Muhammad Abdullah, my old
friend who died, just like he was. His age never stopped
him from working, he was just as busy as he was when
he was young, every day trying to do something for the
cause. Even what appears to be nothing but a friendly
relationship with a person if you studied Muhammad
Abdullah you knew that friendly relationship was also
for the cause.
We have among us some brothers who knew him very
well, they were his friends too, his companions, they are
here, we thank Allah (swt), we love him don't we
brothers, we pray for his soul to be in paradise. That man
was W. D. Fard, that is who that was. He came back,
made a second appearance in the same way he appeared
to get help to us, through my father and mother, he
appeared to again get help for the next progression
through me and my wife Shirley.
That we see as a revival of Al Islam here in the United
Cates, in this special circumstance that G-d has brought
)out in the African-American people is not the only
Tort like this. I love Imam Quftaro of Syria, who is the
and Mufti of Syria, if they have not taken it from him.
he last I heard he is almost like under house arrest, the
yrian government will not permit him to travel outside
['Syria because he is a free soul, he's a free spirit, he is
)ing to speak his mind no matter what the
rnsequences are. If he thinks it should be said he is
)ing to say it. I love him, that is the kind of man that I
n. I call him my leader, my Imam and I mean it.
Then I'm around him I don't want to teach him, I do not
ant to give him a khutbah, I don't want to challenge
m, I don't want to show him what I know.
He came to our house in Philadelphia exactly the way
Mr. Fard came to my mother's house in Detroit, offering
the same assistance. He came in the kitchen, he did the
same thing that Mr. Fard did in my father and mother's
house. He asked me, "Can I show you how I fix the
food?" I said "Yes, sure," but this time he did not give
Moroccan food, how to make something close to
Moroccan food, he gave me his food, the Indian food,
Pakistani food. But when he left his country there was
no such thing as Pakistan, he left it long before 1947
when it became Pakistan. India was separated and
became two nations, two separate governments. He
came from what is now Pakistan, but then it was called
India. And he gave me their food and he told me he
wanted me to come in the kitchen with him like he did
my mother, he actually was relating to me like he related
to both my mother and my father but more like he
related to my mother.
lust want to embrace him and be his little brother,
tting by his side and I'm just ready to hear anything he
ants to tell me. I'm ready to accept any of his good
ivice he gives me. For me? No, for the cause in this
orld, for us. He has been working for a long time, he is
old man approaching 90 years old I think, he has been
orking for a long time.
So he came in there and he said, "It is almost dinner
time," I said, "Yes, my wife is going to prepare
something." He said "Do you have onions, do you have
garlic, do you have that and this?" I said, "Some of those
things no, I don't." He said, "May we go to the store?" I
said , "Sure." We went to the store, I went with him, we
shopped, we brought the groceries back, chicken and
stuff. He said, "I want you to come with me."
Muhammad Abdullah was Fard Muhammad
I went in the kitchen with him, we took the groceries out
again to prepare. He showed me how to prepare, he
prepared the garlic, he prepared the onions, everything,
he got the chicken himself. And I was with him
watching, every now and then he'd said "Do you have
this?" I say, "I think so," and I get it for him, hand it to
So when he finished we sat down we ate, it was
delicious. He came back to the house again and this
time he offered to teach me Quranic reading, how to
read Quran in Arabic.
But while he was teaching me, he said "Your Arabic is
so good," he said, "I can't teach you Arabic." he said,
"Would you like to learn Urdu?" that is his native
language. I said, "Sure." I want to learn all of the
languages I can, if I have the time and the situation for it,
it opens your mind, expands your mind. So I said, "Yes,
sure." He started teaching me Urdu, I can speak some
Urdu, I can understand some Urdu.
But He said, "Let's sit down and read the Quran
together." So we would sit down and he would have me
read it in Arabic, and he read it very little, sometime he
would read a little bit in Arabic, but he would have me
read it in Arabic. And he was just marveling over the
beauty of the Quran, not teaching me the Quran, but he
would read something and he said, "Isn't it wonderful?"
and I could see it affecting him, he was a lover of G-d
and G-d's Word. I could see it affecting him, he said,
"This is what G-d Allah (swt) is saying, isn't it
wonderful? This is the beauty of Islam." That is how he
would be talking to me. And when we finished, just
reading the Quran much like Imam Quftaro, the grand
Mufti. We sit with him, we have conversation, but he's
also a lecturer, Quftaro is a lecturer, he just has to give
khutbahs forever. And I love him for that, sainty man,
beautiful man. When he finished he said "Let's prepare
the food," this is the second time. We went in the
kitchen he said, "Oh no, you are going to do it."
He said, "I will be here, you do it." I had to do what he
did, the onions and the garlic, everything, cut up the
chicken, separate the bone parts, leave a little meat on it
for the curry and put the solid chicken meat in a different
situation to make the chicken Palau and chicken curry
those were the two dishes. So I did it and after I finished
and everything was ready he said, "Let's eat." We sat
down and ate and he said, "Yours is better than mine,"
and never again did he cook, he would always tell me to
prepare the food. I think some of you understand. After
that, never did he prepare anything.
Fard turned community over to Imam W.D.
Q.19.10-11; Zacharia speak not three nights
10. (Zakariya) said "0 my Lord! give me a Sign." "Thy
Sign" was the answer "shall be that thou shalt speak
no man for three nights although thou art not dumb."
11. So Zakariya came out to his people from his
chamber: he
told them by signs to celebrate Allah's praises in the
morning and in the evening.
This man is speaking to men like Zakaria spoke during
his fasting in the Quran. It said, "Do not speak except
by signs, don't audibly speak, just speak by signs" don't
speak except through signs. So this man was telling me,
Fard can no longer prepare food for you, Fard is turning
it over to Warith Ud Deen Mohammed, that is what he
was telling us, saying, "I showed your father and I'm
showing you and I'm telling you that you are the one to
feed your people, not Fard Muhammad."
And I'm a good cook, that is no joke, I am a good cook,
G-d has blessed me to be a good cook. I love my own
food, I love others' too, but I am the greatest admirer of
my own dishes I am always looking for somebody to
taste it, "What do you think?" And I love to prepare
meats, I am not interested in deserts, I don't make
deserts, I love to prepare meats, vegetables and soups
and some breads, I got my own bread. I got something
that is not whole wheat or white and not rye either, I
hope you get a taste of it sometime. It has soy flour in it
and some other flour in it, it has wheat germ in it, it has
other flours in it.
It has other bleaches, white flour and it is delicious. I
start eating it and I cannot stop. Let's return to what I
introduced to you hesitantly, I did it with some hesitation
because I don't want anybody - - and I know among you
are those who can't accept anything from me unless you
can piece it apart, unless you can completely understand
it and approve of it with your own intelligence, you
don't want to accept it from me. If you can do that you
are my superior, if you can judge everything that I give
you, why do you need me?
If you can grade, you're the teacher and I'm the student.
I haven't met the person who can grade my work, this is
no boast.
maybe they exist but I haven't met them. So I hesitate
tell you certain things because you are so doubtful,
oubting Thomases, so doubtful so suspicious. And you
now you do not know everything, but you believe you
now enough to check everything I say. So where are
ou going to get the evaluation of it? To the immigrant
4uslims, if you're going to them to get the evaluation of
, they might be in worst situation than you to evaluate
that I am giving. If they were in such great situation
thy isn't the state of the Muslim world better than it is?
'he few good people around are not enough to make a
ifference in the Islamic world. The great Imam
ihuftaaro, the grand Mufti of Syria and the others that I
now, he is not the only one, there are others and they
re around, they are from different countries. Egypt,
'akistan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia they all have special
finds producing for Al Islam. And many of them have
rganized efforts producing under the qualified leaders
Dr Al Islam. But they are unable to bring sense,
obriety, sanity to the Islamic world, not to mention
.stice, fair dealings, freedom, justice and quality, they
re not in any situation to establish that, not even for
ieir own publics. It's time we accept that this is a new
eginning over here in the United States, and it has
tarted without them and they need us more than we
eed them, that is what you have to accept. If you don't
ccept that you are just hurting yourself.
Iuman product of the tree of the universe
Vhat I brought was this idea that the human being is
ally the product of the universe. If the whole universe
ould be seen as one huge tree the fruit of that tree is the
uman that Allah (swt) wants. Now the fruit of the tree
really the life of the tree, it is the essence of the tree, it
; the beauty of the tree, it is the best of the tree. If we
an imagine the whole universe stars, moon, planets„
arth, sun everything as one tree, I repeat that tree its
ruit, its final product is the human Allah (swt) wants.
Universe is our mother we are children of the universe
.34.24; Allah feeds from sky and earth
Say: "Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and
le earth?" Say: "It is Allah and certain it is that either
re or ye are on right guidance or in manifest error!"
). 95.1; Fig and the olive
"By the Fig and the Olive"
So we say mother earth, no, the universe is our mother.
We are closest to the mother, our closest mother is earth,
but really it is the whole universe - - because the earth is
nothing but a member in the scheme of the whole
universe, that's all it is. And its nature, etc. is the same
as the nature of the whole universe. And we are being
born in one place but we are being fed from heaven and
from earth, we mentioned that is in the Quran, so we are
really children of the universe, aren't we?
Fig, imagination first tool of intelligence
You need to develop what that white man had and still
has who got ahead of all of us, that is the power of
imagination, use your imagination. That is the first tool
of intelligence that G-d gave you, imagination. In
Quranic Arabic it is, "Wat teene wa zaytun wa turee
seneen", use your fig power, and they still connect it to
the mind by saying, "That's a figment of your
imagination." Fig-ment of your imagination.
See I you told that G-d said He taught Adam the names
of all of them. So much evidence, I am never in want of
proof for what G-d has blessed me with to give you, I
am never in want of proof. The proof is so available to
me and you know when I started out I could preach until
the sun set and come up again, couldn't I? You know
how long I can preach now? For 80,000 years
philosophically speaking without interrupting the
discourse. Is this man for real? Yes, your circumstances s,
and your need called for G-d to involve Himself with
you, with us as much as He involved Himself with any
other people.
So you should expect that G-d has engaged your leader
like He engaged the leader of other special people,
special groups, that He Himself was obligated to work
with. It is not hard to understand, when I think of
myself, like you, I say, "No not me." That's why I have
to separate the self that has been blessed by G-d from the
self that my mother gave birth to. So I say, "My Imam
is Warith Ud Deen Mohammed, I can accept that I am
that big.
I can't take the credit, I can't believe I'm that man
that's my Imam, Allahu Akbar. This picture I give you
of universe as tree if you can use your imagination, the
universe as a tree and its final product, its best product is
a fruit and that fruit is the human being. Put another
way, not only the earth but the creation as a mother is
giving birth to it's finest product the human being that
G-d wants.
Jews were the fathers of communism
The communist, world the fathers of the communist
world, do you know they were Jews? How many of you
know they were Jews, raise your hand? Most of you
know, who did not know that they were the fathers of the
communist world were Jews, who did not know it? A lot
of you did not know it either, they were Jews. Karl
Marx, a Jew, he was the main, the main father of
But even those who came into his circle or that he
included in his circle, like his companions, his coworkers were Jews. Later on it went to others, but it
came from Jews. Jews have been in the knowledge, in
the business of preserving, protecting and disseminating
the light, the revealed light long before the Christians. It
was the Jews who passed it on to the Gentiles, who
passed it on to the Europeans, it was the Jews. I don't
believe, unless they can prove it to me, that any leaders
in Christianity know as much about that business as the
learned and taught ones in Judaism.
They have to prove it to me to make me believe that, and
I don't see the evidence that they know more than the
top and most learned in Judaism. It is not saying they
are not as good as these people as servants of G-d, for
tht most part I think they are better than Jews as servants
of G-d because they have been freer with His blessing,
with His light, Christians have been freer as open
workers for G-d. But as secret workers for G-d the Jews
have done more, because They passed it on to the
Gentile that we call the Christian world now.
Gentile means jinn
I am using their language. I hate to call the Christians
Gentiles, to me they are not Gentile, they are human and
they are believers in G-d. Gen-tile means they are jinn,
do you hear what I'm saying? Gen-tile means they are
jinn, not truly human. So the Jews devised a plan to
bring the Gentiles into the family of faith, followers of
the Book and it worked.
So it was Karl Marx who was the father of these theories
that gave the world a new ideology that they thought
would be good enough to have religion if they wanted it,
but it was not necessary any more. They put down the
value of religion and even spoke of it very insultingly.
The communist party said, "Religion is the opium of
masses." Meaning drugs, to keep the masses drugged.
We know the effect of religious preaching coming from
some preachers is like a drug, just as drugs to people, it
does not help the condition it just keeps them drugged.
But we know that religion can't be described as such
because religion has opened the eyes of many people and
has fed their total life, spirit, intellect, moral life
everything and it is responsible for them progressing
and rising in the world. So though there are some
preachers who are silly and they give the people nothing
but strong wine, drugs to keep them sedated or high, we
cannot charge that to the religion and say religion is the
opium of the masses.
So they were not fair, the communist people. Now
understand this came from Jews, the same people who
gave them the religion, the same group who gave the
world Christianity now has members from among them
out to discredit it, you think about that.
Dialectic mean where energy trying to take matter
But look, they are wise and all that they said is not to be
dismissed, but is to be seen correctly. They spoke of
dialectic -- we used dialectic already in the outline -they gave us their people in the world something called
the dialectic materialism. This is an expression from
communist theories or ideas, Marxist theories or ideas.
Now they explained the reality of matter, the nature of
matter, the dynamics of matter, that is where the energies
are trying to go, where they in energies in matter are
trying to take matter including man, because we belong
to matter too. They explain it with that language
dialectic materialism, meaning that the material body we
call the world is evolving itself, that there is no G-d to be
given credit for this. That it is evolving itself, its nature,
its workings, the matter itself is striving and struggling
for more and more progress or improvement on itself.
And the theory says that the material world is evolving
man. This theory in the mouth of some of the advocates
of this idea goes like this: "If there is a G-d the material
world is producing that G-d, that G-d is evolving and
what is producing G-d is the material reality." So they
are seeing the world too like a tree and not only man but
verything else, even G-d if there is a G-d it is the
roduct of material dynamics.
he nature of the material thing improving by engaging
conflicts or being engaged in conflicts, conflicts
utralizing themselves or the more powerful
vercoming the weaker and the matter is evolving
ronger and better, just growing, an organic world
rowing, and it is growing to reach its heights, its height
man. The communist theory definitely claimed that its
right is man. And to the religious people they said, if
sere is a god, it also is an evolving G-d.
am what I shall become
I am but you can't see me now but I will appear in the
end. I am a coming G-d, I am a coming light, a light in
the process of establishing itself and showing itself to
the whole world. I am a light in progress. Again I say
that is not talking about G-d Almighty the Creator,
that's talking about man. That the light is coming to man
but it is coming so gradually you can't see it now.
When He made Adam, you don't see it. But as others
were given to mankind - - Noah, Abraham, Moses - the light gets brighter and brighter doesn't it? So He is
coming, not G-d, Himself but in His Word. He is
coming and His presence is becoming more obvious and
more obvious. His light is becoming brighter and
brighter and in the end every eye shall see him.
Exodus 3.13-4; I am that I am
Muhammad is second corning of Christ
"And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come
to the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The
od of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they
call say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto
ern? [14] And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I
M: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children
['Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."
ow we can't accept that. The Quran, the Scripture says
-d is not evolving. Now look how the Bible reads in
enesis, said He told Moses to tell his people, "I am as I
tall be", are you familiar with that language? I am
hat I will be. If G-d doesn't guide the seeker, you will
ke what is said of man and think that is being said of d. That's not talking about G-d, that's talking about
Wan in the light of G-d is coming not that is G-d
102.7; You shall see with certain vision
ley. 1.7; Every eye shall see him
"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall
e him, and they also which pierced him: and all
ndreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so,
Rev. 1.7; Every eye shall see him
"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall
see him, and they also which pierced him: and all
kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so,
 ...,
Al Hadith 3p.410#579; Prophet's character the Quran
 ....
1 jli flave zyll ...Z.cfJ
. ..•. . 4A • jr
0, • , , •
. 4.51:1 Lij TOrilii lidti C...../1 :z..ili .4th
Orja ,LS
Ott L.:it;
j JI..),.. ‘31,;..  ,..- cislo
Sa'ad bin Hisham reported I went to Aisha and asked:
Oh mother of the Faithful, inform me about the conduct
of the Prophet of Allah (pbuh). She asked, "Do you not
read the Quran? Yes, replied I. She said "The conduct
of the Prophet (pbuh) is the Quran."
Muhammad is the return, the second Christ
-d told Moses to tell them I am that I am. But the Jews
y the translation is not correct it should say - - and they
ay be correct, it should say, "I am what I will be." And
is explains the idea of the coming savior, the coming
esence of G-d.
The Bible says "Every eye shall see him", not G-d, His
Word, His revelation. His revelation is what is growing
man, it is the real life of man, His inspiration and His
communication is really the real life of man. That's why
Aisha she said of her husband Muhammad the Prophet
(pbuh) he is the Quran living among us, the Word of G-d
living among us.
What is she saying? That he is the second coming of
Christ, the word has again appeared among men, that's
exactly what she's says, he is the Word of G-d manifest
and living among us.
into his heart. They are trying to get through the
Christian church leadership and throughout government,
they are trying to get the message to our public through
our leaders that Israel is god.
Jacobites said David and Jesus were the son of G-d
Psalm 2.7; David begotten son of G-d
Jesus and Muhammad be together
If he is the Quran, the Quran is the Word of G-d, so he
is the Word of G-d. And he said, "In the end they shall
see me and Christ Jesus together." And Imam Warith Ud
Din Mohammed, this little black son of Elijah
Muhammad, the strange guy is the one telling the world
that today, I'm not just telling you that. I'm telling the
pope of Rome this, I'm telling the whole world this,
Allahu Akbar, praise be to Allah (swt).
This communist idea, this communist theory, they are
nothing but theories, in fact all man got is theory,
scientific theory, communist theory, all theories. The
only One Who has reality is G-d. He has the real thing as
the youngsters say, praise be to Allah (swt). And He
gives to whomsoever He pleases, that is what He says in
His Book.
The Jacobites want to present Israel as god to the
They say matter is evolving man, but they shouldn't stop
there, they shouldn't just say that, they are really trying
to project themselves as god for the Gentiles. You heard
me I said exactly what I wanted to say. These thieves in
the sacred knowledge they are trying to get the Gentiles
as their instrument, they think they are their instrument,
that instrument is going to deceive them again. They are
trying get their baby that they created to recognize them
as G-d Almighty, as the presence of G-d Almighty on
This present government in Israel is influenced more by
these thieves than anything else. And they are trying to
bring America to be their police, their robo cop.
Don't think that they are not also the creators of robo
cop, they are the creators of that too. They are trying to
get President Bush, our great president, the man is a
beautiful man, but a victim of heavy foreign political
trouble right now and battling almost alone. And he has
an advisor breathing his suggestions into his ears and
I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me,
Thou (David) art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
Why do they not accept the Prophet, Messenger, servant
Christ, Jesus peace be on him? Because they have
schemed and planned to introduce themselves, their own
power as the Christ, the son of G-d. Is this something
new for them? In their scriptures they say David was a
son of G-d, G-d's beloved son, His only begotten. And
then later introduced Christ Jesus as His only begotten
son of G-d, the same people that influenced the reading
of scripture to say that one of their great leaders, David
was the begotten son of G-d. The same ones who
introduced Christ Jesus improperly and said he is the son
of G-d.
And the same ones who permitted the West to put Jesus
in the picture of a European Gentile with blond hair and
perfect Aryan, white European features. And they just
recently changed it after the Hon. Elijah Muhammad
started saying that the white man is the devil. They liked
that, these thieves they liked that, they say, "Yes this is
the devil we created, Elijah is right, we know our
creation, he is the devil. But look they are hurting our
projections of the coming savior, Israel. They are going
to be suspicious of this blue-eyed, blond-haired Christ
Jesus. Aren't we controlling the literature? Well let us
change the way he is presented. Let us make him look
darker, give him dark hair, he has to look Semitic not
Aryan." They did it, they took that picture out of
circulation. And where was that picture more popular or
more present than anywhere else? In the poor black
neighborhoods, in the homes of the poor black
neighborhoods, hundreds of blond hair, blue eyed Christ,
that was done to tell you, "This is your god and don't
you make no mistake," it's a blue eyed white man.
It is terrible, we are halaling that goat, praise be to Allah
(swt). When we get through with him he going to be
clean and fit to eat, praise be to Allah (swt).
Man is born out of creation then stands over it
they would say -- put it like this; in fact I could put it
ke this and give it to you and it is really good, it is great
sight. The material world is giving birth, I do not want
say evolved, it is giving birth to its finest product, the
Est of itself, the human being following the plan for it
F its Creator. This is a plan of the Creator, it had no
ewer to design itself, the Creator designed it. And one
F the attributes of G-d in Al Islam we know is the
esigner "Al Musaw-wir." He is the One Who gives
..sign upon which things develop and materialize. If we
tst say that, we will be correct, the creation is giving
irth to its best product, the best of itself, man, human
ings in the nature and in the condition Allah (swt)
ants for His human creature, that is true.
here is a religion, I know the one that I have read
bout and I read this in their language, in the script on
ieir religious disciplines and ideas, I read this in their
inguage. The idea that matter, this material world gives
irth to the enlightened one and when he is fully
eveloped he is freed from the material womb. The
iaterial womb can no longer hold him, it has to let him
o like the woman has to let her child go in the ninth
ionth, when it is ready to be born. The material creation
annot hold him any longer so it releases him and he
reaks from the material realm and rises, towers above
, and towers above it as light in the form of a man.
he smaller cosmic figure eventually becomes the
uperior and escapes the cosmic body and is freed from
and towers over it as the light, the tower of light, this
their imagination. It is beautiful, it is similar to what
re're told in Islamic tradition that Jibril the angel
ppears in every respect as man. And he was once seen
big, so huge, so tall passing through the lands that his
hadow eclipsed the sun and darkened the area that he
assed through. Now we know that this is folk tales, see
ou were looking for something higher. Folk tales,
!,gends, to me that is what that is, it is somebody
tretching their imagination.
lut if you penetrate what they are saying and if you seek
) know why they made that big exaggeration you can
ccept it. And I think it is very closely related to the
ains idea. I thought the Jains had disappeared from the
arth. I was reading their literature, I didn't know they
rere here on earth. Now I met somebody, I consider him
ly friend, who is one of the leaders in Jainism. He
eves and admires your Imam so much and I love him as
free soul, a free spirit and a wise man. He is a Jain and
he said, "oh yeah there are plenty of us in Asia and here
too in America no." Their idea is something else.
I was looking for material that Mr. Fard got that
inspired him to plan his works, I knew he got it from
somewhere, from what I heard him, I was studying him.
See you can know a man by studying his mind and you
study his mind by studying his actions, when he did
what he was doing. So I was really learning his mind,
studying his works. G-d blessed me to figure him out, to
know what he would do.
I see it, this man went everywhere getting stuff, putting
it together to form his temporary logic, his Frankenstein.
He's going to the graveyard of the ancients digging up
stuff to form in his creature and give life to it, raise up
to the storm and let the lightning hit it and charge it and
give it life. So he was making his Frankenstein and he
went to these different places. So when I saw the number
8, 4, and it didn't say hundreds, it said thousands, I said,
"The zeros don't matter, this is where he got these
numbers from that Yakub was born in the year 8,400.
So I went all over the world searching their myths, not
physically, but searching the myths of the world to see
where he got this from and the religion. I read of the
religions of the people of Asia, Hindus, Buddhist, this
man worked, I was worked, I earned it, I did, G-d
rewarded my works. I wish Shirley was here just to tell
you, what she tells sisters sometimes, brothers, she says,
"I know Wallace, we have problems, but he is sincere.
One day I left him, I got tired I had to go upstairs and go
to bed. He had papers and books all across the table, a
big dining table too. I woke up and came downstairs the
next morning, there he was still sitting at the table
working in those papers."
When you have an honest person serving you and
seeing you like that, nobody can make them believe that
you are not sincere and that you did not earn what you
got. Shirley is one of my strongest followers, yes she is,
to the death she will be with me as a follower, as a
Universe created as a womb to birth and educate man
Now I have given you enough I think really for you to
understand and appreciate this statement: the whole
orderly universe, the picture of material objects in the
sky and in the earth, all of this exists as a womb, support
ind as communication. Allah (swt) says it's signs, not
only is this a mother giving birth to be the special
:Teature that Allah (swt) wants to be khalifa in the world
- - he's a plural body, he's a type for all, the excellent
:Teation that G-d made. He's not a single figure, he's
Wallace D. Mohammed, he's not Moses except that
Moses represents too a type for the many and not one
person, not Moses by himself.
Also the womb supports and communicates to man,
man's life and life functions, his vital life and vital life
functions, educating man. G-d created the universe to
educate man. But man can't handle the school alone, Gd had to come and make His presence known and assist
man in his struggles to learn the lessons that G-d had put
in matter for man when He created it.
Q. 20.27; Moses said untie my tongue
"And remove the impediment from my speech."
Q. 2.58; Enter door humbly
"And remember We said: "Enter this town and eat of
the plenty therein as ye wish; but enter the gate with
humility in posture and in words and We shall forgive
you your faults and increase (the portion of) those who
do good."
G-d, Himself had to come and unlock something that
was locked up. Moses said, "Untie my tongue," He had
to unlock something that was blocked or locked up for
man's thinking, make man universal and tell man, "You
can't come in unless you're straight, and you can't come
in proud, you must humble yourself."
look what it has done in about 20 to 30 or 40 years, look
what it has done.
When that astronaut said, "A small step for man and a
giant step for mankind." I think that was a kind of a
prophetic statement he made. It has more to do with just
their landing on the moon, it has to do with the progress
for a scientific world in its many aspects and activity.
So we look at what it did some years back in my lifetime
and I see what it is doing now, what it has done recently
is certainly one giant step for mankind. Now we may
think, "Oh what can it do now?" Well look back at what
has happened recently and for those like me when I was
a teenager, look what has happened recently for those
who thought, " What can it do after this?" And believe
that more giant steps are coming for mankind.
If you have my spirit you cannot be held back from
progressing, this going into your life germ right now,
believe me, I'm not mad, they called some Prophets
crazy, mad, they called Christ Jesus a mad man they
called Muhammad (pbuh) a mad man. I'm not mad and
I'm not a Prophet either, I'm not mad and I'm speaking
from intelligence.
I'm telling you that I know if you absorb, it you accept,
you eat, you accept my food and you love it, it's going
into your body, it's going to be into your genes and
when you have children you're going to bear the
product, the fruit of this labor. And your children will
be more powerful mentally, morally, spiritually and even
physically than those who didn't get this sensitizing that
I'm giving you, I know that.
Universe exists as womb to give life to man
In Arabic it is "Wadkhuluul baaba sujjada," enter the
gate or the door in prostration, in sajdah. G-d had to
come and give man that help so he can conform to what
G-d's will was for his mind and for his spirit and for his
ego. And then he could engage the material world and
get all the great education in it for him, it is unlimited.
G-d has turned us on to it, G-d has situated us for this
relationship with matter. And G-d has turned us on to
this interest and has fired up this attribute in us.
We are going to be learning and progressing until G-d
finishes this creation. Don't think we know, how much
farther can we go? Much farther. Look how amazing it
is to look at what has been accomplished by man now
over what we saw 20 years ago, and 20 years ago we
were saying, "Oh this world what else can it do?" But
The whole orderly picture of the material world, its
objects in the sky, in the earth, all exists as womb taken
all together or separately, that's what I'm saying. It
exists as womb, as a support and communication.
Communicating to man, man's life and life functions. As
our first native Americans have it and I'm quoting them,
their wise men's words: "Every part of it, meaning the
material world, holds a message for the human and
human society."
These are the native Americans that we write off, don't
think they are not wise. "Oh they are savage and the
white man conquered them" no not yet. They are still
defying them, that tells me that they are not completely
conquered yet, they are still defying him and their wise
men have told them "Don't give in to him, to Western
vilization we will outlive him and you will have your
Fe back again."
3 they tell their children that when they're born, they
ait and they see who is going to be a chief, who is
)ing to be wise and when they find one mind they can
ust, they pass it on to that child, you have been
;lected. And it stays among them generation after
meration. And they are not going to give it up they will
with it until Allah (swt) changes this world.
dentity is preserved by keeping logic for your life
'hey are wise, they are faithful, they are human, they
•e little giants, their wise ones, do not underestimate
tese people that the white man conquered. Hasn't the
hite man, the West also conquered the following of
luhammad (pbuh)? Certainly, are we uncivilized, are
e stupid? No, do we have a survival plan like the
itive American? I don't see it, we keep deteriorating.
he Islamic world keeps deteriorating, where is our
irvival plan? At least we don't see the native Indian
Aeriorating, he's holding, he's now where he was when
to white man came. In fact he's wiser speaking for
tem as a whole or the majority of them, they are wiser
an they were before white man came. But they still
we the same determination to preserve their own
[entity and to preserve your identity, you must preserve
cur logic for your life, that's how you preserve your
[entity. And they are not giving it up.
elieve me it hurts my heart seeing how they were
eated, it hurts my heart seeing them held back from the
,;nefits of civilization, of industrial world comforts and
iucation and everything, it still hurts my heart. But
hen I really saw their plan and their determination that
Sin went away, I don't have that pain in my heart for
tem anymore, they are little giants. And they are not
bad off as the world thinks they are. They have a
irvival plan and are not giving it up. I wish they could
T Al Islam. Al Islam is their property, Al Islam is their
theritance just as it is ours.
he whole orderly picture of matter, the material world,
)jects in it, in the sky and in the earth exists as womb,
a support and communication, communicating to
tan, man's life and life functions as our first native
mericans had it, "Every part of it, meaning the
iiverse, the object world it holds a message for human
Id human society." End of quote.
Q. 93.1-3; By the morning and the night
1. By the Glorious Morning Light.
2. And by the Night when it is still
3. The guardian-Lord Hath not forsaken thee Nor is He
The sunlight moves and softens, the light itself. It
appears at Fajr time soft, the light has softened it is
softer than even the light of the night, the stars, the moon
that early dawning of the light it is soft. So it appears
softened, it grows intense to reach the time we call
Duhaa, believed by the Arabs and many others to be the
brightest time of day.
Allah (swt) says in Arabic, "Wad duhaa" translated
"And by the dawn" and "Lail" the night. "Edha sajaa"
when they appear or come, "Sajdaa" stretch out. "Maa
wa da'ka rab-buka" translated "Your lord has not
forsaken you and has not left you void." I know the
translation, I don't have it down I'm giving it to you, I'm
translating it.
This is Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh), G-d is speaking
to him saying to him, "By the dawn and by the light as
it is stretched out, extended, your Lord has not forsaken
you. Your Lord will tell him that "We shall ease your
burden. Your Lord shall enrich you." So that you will
not have any hunger or want or neglect in your life. This
is what Allah (swt) is telling him. G-d is going to fulfill
your needs, "He has not forsaken you."
This is said to Muhammad (pbuh) and he was burdened
carrying grief or burden because of the condition he saw
the people and the world in and G-d was promising him
enlightenment and assistance that would relieve him of
all his distress and fully equip him for his mission.
That's Allah's (swt) promise to His Prophet (pbuh), His
servant Muhammad (pbuh). If we accept him,
Muhammad (pbuh), that's also G-d's promise to us.
We're burdened now, we've been struggling with a
heavy load on us and we've been distressed.
But we shouldn't despair because G-d's promise is true
and if we accept what He offers us for our life as
guidance, mercy etc., we are going to be relieved of all
our distress. And G-d is going to guide us to the full
light of day.
Eid you get a new birth and blessing of the light
We are going to be enriched by both the Lail and the
Duhaa. The brightest time of the day. Do you know the
two Eids are observed at the time of Duhaa? And the.
two Eids represent for us the new birth where you will
get what Allah (swt) promised you, a new birth where
you will receive what Allah (swt) promised you, the
blessing of the light.
Eid fitra celebrates original nature
And the first is the fast and the celebration is the Eid of
the fast and the second Eid is the pilgrimage, the unity
of mankind and the revelation that G-d gives us on the
Hajj, if we're blessed. And that Eid is called Eid Al
Adhaa, what does it mean? It means the brighter of the
Eid Adhaa celebrates enlightenment for nature
The first Eid is the Eid Al fitra, the Eid of the human
nature, of the original, and the second Eid is the Eid Al
Adhaa, the brighter Eid. And the brighter Eid is the
enlightenment for the nature. We celebrate the blessing,
the gift of this beautiful nature that G-d created and we
celebrate the gift of enlightenment for this nature. So
the enlightenment, the help for the nature it must be the
Quran because the Quran came in the month of
Ramadan and you're supposed to concentrate yourself,
you're supposed to devote yourself to the reading of the
Quran more intensely in the month of Ramadan than at
any other time. So the Word of G-d, the Quran must be
the help for the nature, right?
Eid adhaa comes after three months
After Quran you be will dead in earth three days, three
months later it is Eid al Adhaa that great illumination.
You say, "When is it going to happen?" It is a promise
and it is happening all the time, but few know about it.
These are signs, the month is a sign, they hold great
knowledge for us, these are concepts, this is
communication holding great knowledge for us.
So in the third month after the celebration of the Eid,
the birth of the nature and its purity aided by the Word
of G-d, when the Word of G-d comes to it in only three
months, three periods, three days, see it is symbolic.
Only three months, three time periods, three phases,
three days and there will be the birth of the enlightened
one, the brightest of them all Al Adhaa the Eid, the
brighter celebration.
Eid Adhaa commemorates Abraham sacrifice
Eid Adhaa commemorates Abraham's sacrifice doesn't
it? And he thought he was supposed to sacrifice a real
living body, his son's mortal life. But G-d stopped him
and told him, "You have fulfilled your obligation, now
sacrifice a lamb and feed the poor." Beautiful and some
of you understand I am sure the full language.
Shadows go in the opposite direction as sun rises
Q.25.45-46; Shadow contracts, draw to ourselves easy
25.Hast thou not turned thy vision to thy Lord? how He
doth prolong the Shadow! If He willed He could
make it stationary! Then do We make the sun its
26. Then We draw it in towards Ourselves a contraction
by easy stages.
G-d speaks to us of the shadows, the light grows
extending itself and then it relaxes, starting to set. The
light starts to relax like going to sleep, going to bed, it
relaxes as it calls man's attention to the concepts in
reverse. When the sun rises the shadows are pushed in
the direction that the sun is going and the shadows are
stretching out, reaching in the direction that the sun is
going in. The sun is coming up from the East and going
westward and the shadows in the beginning of the rising
of the sun are stretched out all the way, straining for
where the light is to go. And it reaches a point and it
starts to retreat, it pulls itself back. And it keeps
shortening itself as the sun approaches noon time, the
zenith, and it disappears, like the moon waxes to fullness
and thins, it starts waning until it disappears. And for a
day or two almost it is gone, no moon is visible hardly in
the sky.
If you look closely you can detect a little ring of its
presence, but the first sight of it, the average child will
say, "There is no moon out tonight."
But somebody really straining to see it, if it is visible -it
could be in a position where it won't be visible. You
will see a black moon and a little light ring around the
edge of it. And it is gone, the moon has gone, darkness is
where it was. The light is not really the moon it is just
e radiation, sunlight radiating or reflecting on the outer
n of it or outer perimeter of it.
le moon and the sun start to go down, it didn't change
; direction did it? It came from the East but it's going
estward. But the shadow at the afternoon time changes
; direction. The shadow was reaching for the destiny
at the sun was straining for (Westward), then it stops
aching for the destiny that the sun was straining for
id it starts reaching for the place of its rising the
tadow. The shadow then goes eastward.
s the sun goes down it keeps stretching and the more
e sun moves past the zenith point, it keeps stretching
wards the East. And at sunset just before the light is
one it has stretched itself as far as it can go. And the
iadow of things are longer than they ever were. When
is coming up in the East, as soon as it comes up and
fists a shadow, the shadow is as long as it possibly can
A. But as the sun goes up to the Zenith the shadow
tracts and become smaller and smaller until at the point
'exact zenith -- and the sun is hardly ever exact, it will
a little North or little South or something, you see a
:tle shadow, but the shadow is almost completely gone.
mnetimes the movement of this body will be perfectly
erhead and there will be absolutely no shadow. And
at le time in the year there will be absolutely no
shadow all, it is gone.
tut as it starts to move more westward to go uphill, at e
zenith it is going downhill in its path or down slope, e
shadow starts to grow but now it's reaching for the
ace of its nativity, the shadow and it is stretching out
astwards. It wants to know its origin, the light, while it
fists a shadow, the shadow it wants to know its destiny.
ill shadows become one in the earth's shadow
nd then darkness overcomes it, shadows are infused
ith other shadows and all the individual shadows are
st in the one shadow of the earth. This is at sunset and
hen that happens the night comes and reveals many
ghts in heavens. And the sun rises again in the dawn
id the same thing happens again, the shadows stretch
perceive the destiny, to reach the destiny.
nd it stretches so much that they lose their effort in the
iiversal effort, isn't that beautiful?
. 45.3-4; Signs in heavens, earth and yourselves
p.44 of 54
Allah (swt) tells us there are signs in the heavens and
signs in the earth and signs in you that most go heedless
of, they are not reading these signs. Now if you can
appreciate what I have observed and shared with you,
you are on the way to be the new mind to lead the new
world. Maybe not in my time, but eventually you are
going to be the best or you are going to join the best in
the leadership of the world. Once you been have
reconciled with the creation of G-d and your interest
now is engaging His creation, you are on way brother
and sister you are on the way to the top.
Shadow is the concept of man's identity for his destiny
Q. 79.27; Is man more difficult to create or the heavens
When man is shadowed, it means a concept. Man wants
to form concepts and he strains to form a concept that
will hold for him his identity, for the destiny, and he
loses it in universality, he's not that important as an
individual. The Quran says, "Oh man don't you know
that your creation is not a bigger thing than the creation
of the world?" No your creation is a small thing, it is
birthing you, is it producing you, you didn't produce it.
Man gives up hope and he loses himself in the shadows
of the earth. The earth's shadow is bigger than he is, he
loses himself first in the light of the sun and then he
starts straining to find his birth place to find his origin,
to know his origin, to know his nativity and he strains
and he strains and the shadow goes as far as it can go
and after a while all shadows become one in the shadow
of earth.
Shadow stretch means man's knowledge increases
Allah (swt) does not want us in His creation having
these great wonderful time periods for our searching
mind and intellectual curiosity growing in knowledge.
The shadow increasing means the knowledge is
increasing, man's knowledge is increasing and you're
seeing the context. Everything that is objective casts a
shadow in the light. The shadow means the concept,
your own shadow means your concept, the light reveals
your concept, what you are, your identity, the light
reveals it.
Revelations 21. 23; city needed no light
"And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the
moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it,
and the Lamb is the light thereof."
But as the light of this world reveals it and continues to
progress, it loses it and that is repeated over and over
again. We are promised a light that will not set, there
will be no setting of the sun, isn't that the Bible? So man
has in his desire to get out of this cycle, history for his
intellect and his curiosity wherein he grows and grows
and then dies and loses it all to the influences of the
bigger body. The earth itself overcomes him and he has
to be born and reborn over and over again into
knowledge, into civilization, into history however you
want to put it.
He wants to break that cycle where he will not have
temporary glory and it passes, it defeats him, the earth
defeats him and he loses it all. He wants to have the light
stay with him. So G-d has put it in his nature to want the
light to stay with him and G-d promises him that there
will be no setting in that glorious time on the other side,
there will be no setting of the sun. And no burning
under the light, the light will be burning but it will be
cool, very pleasant for you, meaning there will be no
extremes that are unpleasant, no burning of the sun on
you and the light will not leave you it will be with you
always. This is the promise.
Quran is the light that will not set
Where is that light? It is the Quran. The Quran is
revealed light and if you keep it your civilization will
never need to go down or die. But you have to keep it
and obey it and respect it and not let comforts, the
material benefits weaken your faith and take you from
your duty to Allah (swt). Stay piously devoted to His
cause always and He will preserve your civilization,
your order for society. The sun will never set on you, the
sun of enlightenment will never go down, it will be with
you always. This I believe with all my heart, this I read
in His signs, that is for your understanding, praise be to
Allah (swt).
p.45 of 54
These shadows what do they do? They make sajda.
Quran says, "Man don't you observe these objects? And
how their shadows make sajdah?" And they submit and
give up their knowledge no matter how glorious it was in
the bright time of their heyday for their efforts, they give
up theirs and they die in the body that Allah (swt)
created. And because they submit and die a Muslim
they have a resurrection and G-d has promised them
life eternal. They make their sajdah, or their sujud and
then they point to the intellect, the thinker, the searcher
away from themselves on to the bigger picture, to the
universe that shows itself when all shadows are gone,
praise be to Allah (swt). We have to break fast now, we
have to stop for Iftar.
Perpetual Wholeness that's where we are in part II
Contextual Wholeness, man's aspiration, his aspirations
for unity, for consistency in his logic and the unity of
existence, the unity of matter. He is searching for
Tauheed, the one
G-d, Creator and the unity of matter. Its harmony, its
consistency, its one nature and laws for all, the Muslim
in all of it. And he is straining for ideological
development to develop his idea so his idea can be
passed on to the next generation. And they can continue
to work on these ideas so these ideas reach perfection,
grow and progress with the coming generations of
thinkers, searchers.
Tomorrow en sha Allah we will start with [A] in the
outline, building the context of sexual expression family
life, that is where we will start tomorrow. Fasting, if
you eat Iftar one minute early you broke your fast, that':
disobedience. Allah (swt) is teaching us perfect
obedience, exactness. And the tendency is if you aren't
hungry, if you're doing something in the office or you
got company and you're enjoying the company, the
tendency is to forget to break your fast on time, that's
bad, that's disobedience.
Sometimes I see believers I ask, "Did you break?" and
is a minute, sometimes a half a hour or more "Oh no I
didn't break it yet." What do you mean you didn't brea
it yet? You break it when you want to instead of
breaking it when G-d says break it? That is not
Shadows make sajda give up their knowledge
Q. 16.48; Do you not observe the shadow make sajdahSo the whole purpose of their fasting is defeated becaus
they are disobeying what G-d asked them to do. You at
not supposed to do what you feel like doing, you're
supposed to do what Allah (swt) says to do, not what
you feel like doing. "Oh I'm not hungry, I can go on I
don't have to eat right now. I will break my fast later."
You are doing what you want to do, not what Allah (swt)
asked you to do. If you want to strengthen your will
power and become closer to G-d when you're suppose to
break your fast at a certain time then you break it at that
time I don't care how strong you feel or how busy you
are with something else, you break it at that time. You
should have something in your pocket or something in
your car to make sure you are not without something to
break your fast when the time comes to break your fast.
Allah feeds from sky and earth materially, spiritually
Q. 34.24; Allah feeds from sky and earth
"Say: "Who gives you sustenance from the heavens
and the earth?" Say: "It is Allah and certain it is that
either we or ye are on right guidance or in manifest
He feeds us from the earth and the sky, He feeds us
materially and spiritually. Fitraa refers to our nativity,
birth of our nativity. We don't break fast with any food,
hamburger, we break with any natural food that Allah
(swt) made.
Travel break fast make up later
There is a question when you travel and arrive do you
continue to fast? No once you arrive you resume
fasting, but if you're in travel and your stay is temporary
you are allowed to eat.
Is it permissible to read more than 1/30 per day?
Imam W.D. Mohammed:
You can read the whole Quran in one day but don't
neglect your needs. I mentioned our problem with
immigrant Muslims, those who come here have plans,
they have us in it but as their little children that they
take by the hand and market. Back home in their own
land among their government officials, they are not like
that. They don't like their citizens coming here and
doing what they are doing. They say to me, "Imam
Muhammad you should be their leader, because you
struggled there, you can best help all of us to get the
p.46 of 54
benefits. You just accept to go out front and be leader.
They will support you." I told them, I can't do that, the
Muslims in America would have to invite me. I don't
want to go out campaigning. Most of the countries
they're happy with us, only those over here have a plan
to be in control of Islam and control us.
Eid join all Muslims in prayer
Should we knowing them, should we have our Eid by
ourselves with our own gathering, by gathering our own
group and having our Eid with our own group to better
celebrate our culture and pertinent concerns of our
community from our own leadership? What is best?
Imam W.D. Mohammed:
It is best that we be with all Muslims and try to have our
Eid with all Muslims, that's best. We should at least pray
with them and then come back to our center and
celebrate Eid.
Savior's Day celebration
Should the focus be on our early history or a day of
celebration of the wonderful ways of G-d or a day to
commemorate our past leadership?
Imam W.D. Mohammed:
I discussed this with a person who is interested in us not
losing, and not getting out of touch with our history and
what has helped us along the way, that's Imam Idris
from Charleston, South Carolina sitting right there. So
we discussed this and I told him, "Since you have the
interest why don't you represent this interest?" And
that's what he has done and I have two or three times
been with you to observe Savior's day, right? So the
question is, Should the focus be on our early history or a
day of celebration of the wonderful ways of G-d or a day
to commemorate our past leadership? I think it should
be a day to focus on our history, not for the sake of just
recalling history but also to benefit from the best of our
past history as we make history, that is what it should be
all about.
About the Quran how it was revealed to address certain
events, certain circumstances as those presented
themselves, as they occurred.
Imam W.D. Mohammed:
The first need was the need in Muhammad (pbuh), and
the Quran came to him saying, "Read three times" and
he began to read or recite what G-d was revealing, that's
the first.
Please explain how Prophet knew how to consolidate
ayats into complete surahs.
Imam W.D. Mohammed:
No, G-d revealed it that way, G-d revealed it to him, it
appeared at different times and it was left to them to
collect it, the scribes, and put similar passages together.
So the ordering or the arrangement was done by the
collectors, the scribes who wrote it down and then later
arranged it.
But I'm sure that they were obeying the Prophet (pbuh),
they didn't disobey him, they were obeying him. For a
while they were not written down but it was preserved
by hafiths. The first word from G-d to Muhammad
(pbuh) was not Al Fatiha, the first words were, "Read in
the name of your Lord Who created? Five verses were
revealed. Ok here's a question, a good question,
intelligent question but somebody got it wrong.
Q. 2.138; Our religion is the baptism of Allah
p.47 of 54
Stick to your good knowledge and let the tongue speak
only with respect for your good knowledge. The color of
G-d, it doesn't mean
G-d has color, our dye is the coloring of G-d meaning
"Sebghatunaa sebghatullah,." our dye, our coloring is the
coloring of G-d, just like the Word of G-d. It doesn't
mean that - - this is not a description of G-d. And I
think the person here has a problem, has confused
thinking that this is a description of G-d, no.
The color is not describing G-d. "Sebghatullah," means
that it is the coloring that we were given from G-d, we
got this from G-d. G-d gave us this just like the Arabic
term "Ketabullah" the Book of G-d, the Word of G-d.
The coloring it means that is what He gave us, but this is
the real meaning "Sebghatullah." our dye or our coloring
material is the color, it means that G-d gave us this, it's
not the color of the world, it's the color of G-d.
In the English language they have literature that has this
language color, "He colored it," what does it mean?
When you took an expression or an idea and colored it,
what are we saying in English literature when we say
"You colored it?" We mean you put your own opinion
there, you put your own thoughts and ideas there, you
took away from it, it's purity and originality, that's what
we mean when we say you colored it. So coloring
something that's pure and genuine and original, you
made it defective. And what is this saying? The teachers
in the world who ignore obedience to G-d's Word they
have coloring that takes the truth out of its original
form. They colored truth, make it defective. We don't
do that, our coloring is from G-d, not from our own
minds, from our own selves.
"(Our religion is) the baptism of Allah; and who can
baptize better than Allah? and it is He whom we
I don't know about you I'm ready to put these papers
down and pick up a knife and a fork. And we have to
make Magrib prayer.
Index 11-22-2002 Session
Q. 3.193; We heard one calling to faith 3;
Q. 28.77; Seek hereafter don't forget share of the world
Please explain what is meant in the Quran when it
revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) our religion is the color
of G-d.
Imam W.D. Mohammed:
When G-d says, the whole Quran is the Word of G-d.
No, there is nothing in the Quran like this, it said, "Our
color is color is the color of G-d," our coloring, our dye
for coloring is the color of G-d. It doesn't mean G-d
has color, it means it is the color given to us by G-d.
Q. 7.40; Rich man no heaven until camel pass eye of
needle 2;
Q.57.11, 18; Loan to Allah beautiful loan 4;
Q.18.9, 14, 21; Youths in the cave 5;
Q. 18.61 63; Moses fish straight in the channel 5;
Q. 56.79; None can touch it 7;
Q. 33.40; Muhammad is last, seal of Prophets 7;
Q. 20.38-9; Mother Moses, received revelation 7;
Q. 3.45; Mother Jesus received revelation 7;
Q. 2.221; Marry not your daughters to polytheist 8;
Q. 18.29; Let believe whosoever will 8;
Q.37.10; Steal a hearing get flames 10;
Q. 2.35; Adam, wife in garden 13;
Q. 89.28-30; Soul pleasing to Allah and yourself 13;
Q. 103. Faith and good works 13;
Q. 30.30; Din religion of fitraa, nature 15;
Q. 2.261; Charity parable seven ears 16;
Q. 55.1-5; Allah taught Quran created man 16;
Q. 30.30; The religion of nature Din Al Fitraa 19;
Q. 3.110; Enjoin by what is right, equitable 3;
Q.7.199; Order by what is right 20;
Q. 89.28-30; Soul pleasing to Allah and yourself 20;
Q.5.112-115; Send down table spread 21;
Q.2.36; Get you all down in the earth for a time 21;
Q. 21.30; Heavens and earth was once joined together
Q. 97;3; Night of Power better than a thousand Months
Q. 96.1; Man made from congealed blood 23;
Q.100.1; Horses that pant 23;
Q. 21.107; Muhammad mercy to all the worlds 24;
Q. 33.6; Prophet closer believers than self 24;
Q. 9.120; Prophet love prefer not your selves to him
Q. 21.58, 62-63; Abraham idols destroyed 25;
Q. 2.135; The Millah order is of Abraham 26;
Q. 6.75-79; Abraham searched for G-d 26;
Q. 39.3; Idol we not worship, they bring us to Allah 26;
Q. 2.31; Allah taught Adam the names of everything 28;
Q. 39.18, 55; Quran take best meaning thereof 29;
Q.51.23; Intelligent speech 32;
Q. 41.11; Earth come willingly or unwillingly 34;
Q.18.49; Book leaves out nothing small or great 36;
Q. 98.3; In Quran are books made upright 36;
Q.18.29; Let him believe whosoever will 36;
Q. 109.6; To me my way and to you your way 37;
Q. 16.125; Argue people of book beautifully, wisely 37;
Q.19.10-11; Zacharia speak not three nights 40;
Q.34.24; Allah feeds from sky and earth 41;
Q. 102.7; You shall see with certain vision 43;
Q. 20.27; Moses said untie my tongue 46;
Q. 2.58; Enter door humbly 46;
Q.25.45-46; Shadow contracts, draw to ourselves easy
Q. 45.3-4; Signs in heavens, earth and yourselves 50;
Q. 79.27; Is man more difficult to make or the heavens
p.48 of 54
Q. 16.48; Do you not observe the shadow make sajdah
Q. 2.138; Our religion is the baptism of Allah 53;
Ibn Majah 3p185#1968; Marry your equal, culture 9;
Forty Hadith p.64#17; Excellence in everything 14;
Bukhari 4.429; Prophets ascension to the seven
heavens 22;
Bukhari 1.13, 14; Prophet love him more than family
Bukhari 2.250; Bilal steps in paradise before Prophet
Al Hadith 1p140#67; Islam return to poor 38;
John 3.3-6; Rich man born again not see heaven 2;
Numbers 16.1-3, 12-13, 30-33; Dathon vexed Moses
James 2.17, 20, 26; Faith without works is dead 13;
Matt 25.21; Faithful servant enter the joy of the Lord
Matthew 13.23; Seed in ground increase 16;
Mark 4.28; Earth blade, ear corn 16;g16
Numbers 1.52; Each man by his own standards 19;
Matt 25.21; Faithful servant enter the joy of the Lord
Matthew 6.10; Thy kingdom come 21;
Ezekial 16.6; Wallow in your own blood 23;
Rev. 14.20; Blood up to horses bridle 23;
Numbers 22.21-31; Why hit me these three times 23;
John 10.8; All before me were thieves, robbers 26;
John 19.23; Soldiers Jesus rob took 27;
Luke 22.52-53; Arrest me in the day 28;
John 9.5; Jesus the light of the world when in it 29;
John 16.7; Expedient I go away so the comforter comes
John 13.16; Sent not equal to the sender 30;
Malachi 4.5-6; I will send Elijah before the dreadful
day 30;
John 1.25; John was asked if he was Elijah 30, 31;
II King 4.32-34; Elijah widow's son dead he raised 30;
Matt 5.17; Jesus law not come to destroy 31;
Mark 9.2-4; Jesus transfiguration tell no man 31;
Mark 1.9-10; John baptized Jesus 31;
Matthew 3.11; One baptize with fire 32;
Mark 1.7; I'm not worthy to lace he shoes 32;
Matthew. 14.17-20; Two fish, five loaves 33;
Exodus 3.13-4; I am that I am 43;
Rev. 1.7; Every eye shall see him 43;
Psalm 2.7; David begotten son of G-d 44;
Revelations 21. 23; city needed no light 50;
a- Abraham blessed with universal knowledge 25;
a- engaged the universe with his intelligence 25;
a- idols destroyed 25;
a- Islam is the order of Abraham 26, 33;
a- Medina answer to promised land Abraham, Moses 33;
a- millah means order and hope 26, 33;
a- searched for G-d 26;
s- story relates our problem to us 27;
a- The Millah order is of Abraham 26;
a- Get you all down in the earth for a time 21;
a- two; one still deceived and one in heaven with G-d
a- wife in garden 13;
Angel Messengers are angels and men 7;
a- Allah feeds from sky and earth 41;
a- coming is Man in the light of G-d not G-d coming 43;
a- Our religion is the baptism of Allah 53;
a- taught Adam the names of everything 28;
a- taught Quran created man 16;
a- Founding fathers respect G-d and man 17;
a- The founding fathers studied human nature 18;
a- recognize G-d as authority not Jesus 17;
a- U.S. secrets to control society from Greece and Egypt
Arrest me in the day 28;
a- Fitraa nature to ascension the government order 22;
a- Muhammad connection of knowledge bodies 22;
Baal Why hit me these three times 23;
Baby Enter door humbly 46;
b- John baptized Jesus 31;
b- One baptize with fire 33;
b- Our religion is the baptism of Allah 53;
b- two cleanse sensitivities and rational mind 32;
p.49 of 54
Believe Let believe whosoever will 8, 36;
Believer Prophet closer believers than self 24;
b- Quran to unlock Bible for the Christian world 24;
b- In Quran are books made upright 36;
Bilal footsteps in paradise before Prophet 31;
b- Blood up to horses bridle 23;
b- Common people are the horses for the wicked 23;
b- Man made from congealed blood 23;
b- Spill blood is reveal secrets for control of masses 23;
Book leaves out nothing small or great 36;
Bread Two fish, five loaves public education 33;
b- Blood up to horses bridle 23;
b- Common people are the horses for the wicked 23;
b- Spill blood is reveal secrets for control of masses 23;
Camel Rich man no heaven until pass eye of needle 2;
Cave Youths in the cave young in knowledge 5;
Charity parable seven ears 16;
Child Universe our mother we are children of universe
41; Christ Muhammad is the return, the second Christ 43;
Christian argue with the people of book beautiful wisely
37; City needed no light is Quran 50, 51;
Clothes Soldiers Jesus rob took 27;
Communist Dialectic mean energy trying to take matter
c- Founding fathers respect G-d and man 17;
c- recognize G-d as authority not Jesus 17;
c- The founding fathers studied human nature 18;
Corn Charity parable seven ears 16;
CPC new business dietary supplements 35;
Culture Dance is not halal it is cultural 11;
Dance is not halal it is cultural 11;
Dathon gave Moses trouble 10;
- begotten son of G-d 44;
)awn Rising was building society in Medinah 22;
- Arrest me in the day 28;
- G-d coming is Man in light of G-d not G-d coming
)eath Greatest sacrifice is not to die but live right daily
)eeds Faith and good works earns heaven 13;
)estiny Shadow is the concept of his identity for it 50;
- means consistent whole on nature and language 18;
- Dialectic mean where energy trying to take matter 42;
)onkey, Baal Why hit me these three times 23;
)oor Enter door humbly 46;
)ress Soldiers Jesus rob took 27;
- Earth come willingly or unwillingly 34;
- Get you all down in the earth for a time 21;
- Heavens and earth was once joined together 21;
- Universe created to educate man 46;
- Universe exist as womb to give life to man 47;
- Allah taught Adam the names of everything 28;
- Allah taught Quran created man 16;
- Universe our mother we are children of the universe
- Public education began Muhammad 33;
- Shadow stretch means man's knowledge increases 50;
- Shadows make sajda give up their knowledge 51;
- Two fish, five loaves 33;
- Universe created to educate man 46;
- you get a new birth and blessing of the light 48;
go Leaders don't allow people to worship them 25;
 I will send Elijah before the dreadful day 30;
 John represent return of body of knowledge of Elijah
 John was asked if he was Elijah 30, 31;
p.50 of 54
e- Jesus transfiguration tell no man 31;
e- widow's son dead he raised 30;
Excellence in everything 14;
Exodus mentally 10;
Expedient I go away so the comforter comes 29;
e- Every eye shall see him 43;
e- You shall see with certain vision 43;
Faith to whom the
f- and good works earns heaven 13;
f- servant enter the joy of the Lord 13;
f- We heard one calling to faith 1;
f- without works is dead 13;
Faithful servant enter the joy of the Lord 20;
Fard Muhammad Abdullah was Fard Muhammad 38, 39
Fasting of pregnant women 3;
Feed, food Allah feeds from sky and earth 41;
Fig, imagination first tool of intelligence 41;
Fire One baptize with fire 32;
f- is mind searching in your spirituality 6;
f - Moses fish straight in the channel 5;
f- Two fish, five loaves is public education 33;
f- ascension Fitraa nature to the government order 22;
f- Din religion of fitraa, nature 15, 19;
Force No force in the religion of Al Islam 37;
f- fathers respect G-d and man 17;
f- recognize G-d as authority not Jesus 17;
Four needs Spiritual, industrial, speech, politics 16;
Garden Adam, wife in garden 13;
Gate Enter door humbly 46;
Gentile means jinn 42;
Get you all down in the earth for a time 21;
g- David begotten son of G-d 44;
g- Idol we not worship, they bring us to Allah 26;
p.51 of 54
p.52 of 54
g- Jacobites said David and Jesus were the son of G-d
g- Man is born out of creation then stands over it 45;
i- is preserved by keeping logic for your life 47;
i- Shadow is the concept of his identity for the destiny
Good deeds Faith works earns heaven 13;
Idol we not worship, they bring us to Allah 26;
Imagination Fig, imagination first tool of intelligence 41;
g- Fitraa nature to ascension the government order 22;
g- is inherent in man's creation 25;
g- of the four needs of man 16;
g- Order by what is right 20;
g- U.S. secrets control society from Greece and Egypt
Hear Steal a hearing get flames 10;
h - Adam two one deceived and one in heaven with G-d
h - Adam, wife in garden 13;
h - and earth was once joined together 21;
h - Bilal footsteps in paradise before Prophet 31;
h - Faith and good works earns heaven 13;
h- due to obedience to the best of yourself 17;
h- Get you all down in the earth for a time 21;
h- Muhammad ascension connect knowledge bodies 22;
h - Prophet 7 heavens reconciled lives of the Prophets
h- Rich man no heaven until camel pass eye of needle 2;
h - Seek hereafter don't forget share of the world 1;
h- Thy kingdom come 21;
Hope Abraham millah means order and hope 26, 33;
h- bridle Spill blood reveal secrets control of masses 23;
h- Common people are the horses for the wicked 23;
h - that pant 23
I am that I am is man growing in the light not G-d 43;
I am as I shall be 43;
Al Islam
i- Din Al Fitraa is your natural property 19;
i - No force in the religion of Al Islam 37;
i - is the order of Abraham 26;
i- will return to poor 38
i- Fig, imagination first tool of intelligence 41;
i-speech 32;
Isreal Jews want to present the world Israel as god 44;
j- Jacobites said David and Jesus were the son of G-d 44;
j- want to present the world Israel as god 44;
j- All before me were thieves, robbers 26;
j - Arrest me in the day 28;
j - Expedient I go away so the comforter comes 29;
j - Jesus the light of the world when in it 29;
j - John baptized Jesus 31;
j - John said I'm not worthy to unlace his shoes 32;
j - law not come to destroy 31;
j - Mother received revelation 7;
j - Muhammad is the return, the second Christ 43;
j- recognize G-d as authority not Jesus 17;
j- Rich man born again not see heaven 2;
j - Sent not equal to the sender 30;
j- Soldiers Jesus rob took 27;
j- son of G-d Jacobites said David the son of G-d 44;
j- Thy kingdom come 21;
j- transfiguration tell no man 31;
j- Two fish, five loaves is education 33;
j- Argue people of book beautifully, wisely 37;
j- Exodus mentally 10;
j- The enemies to Moses was destroyed 10;
j- want to present the world Israel as god 44;;
Jinn Gentile means jinn 42;
j - baptized Jesus 31;
j - I'm not worthy to unlace his shoes 32;
j - represent return of body of knowledge of Elijah 31;
j- was asked if he was Elijah 30, 31;
j- Enjoin by what is right, equitable 19;
j - Each man by his own standards 19;
j- Order by what is right 20;
Kingdom Thy kingdom come 21;
Knot Moses said untie my tongue 46;
k - Allah taught Quran created man 16;
k - Public education began Muhammad 33;
s- Shadow stretch means man's knowledge increases 50;
k- Shadows make sajda give up their knowledge 51;
k - Two fish, five loaves 33;
k- Universe created to educate man 46;
Lace John I'm not worthy to unlace his shoes 32;
1- Medina answer to promised land Abraham, Moses 33;
1- Promised land is society under G-d 32, 33;
Languages all formed from the same logic 34;
Last day not G-d but Man with light of G-d is coming
Law Jesus law not come to destroy 31;
Leaders don't allow people to worship them 25;
Life Greatest sacrifice is not to die but live right daily
I- city needed no light from Quran 50, 51;
I- Jesus the light of the world when in it 29;
I- Shadows make sajda give up their knowledge 51;
Loan to Allah beautiful loan 4;
n - Allah taught Quran created man 16;
n - Allah feeds from sky and earth 41;
n - Man is born out of creation then stand over it 45;
n - Universe our mother we are children of the universe
n - Is man more difficult to create or the heavens 50;
n - made from congealed blood 23;
n - Messengers are angels and men 7;
n - Universe in conflict yet one Man's unity likewise
m - not your daughters to polytheists 8;
m - your equal, culture 9;
Maruuf known society standards 20;
Medina the answer to promised land Abraham, Moses
m - are angels and men 7;
m - Last Prophet not last messenger 7;
Mercy Muhammad mercy to all the worlds 24;
Mind Fig, imagination first tool of intelligence 41;
Millah order is of Abraham 26, 33;
Miraj Prophet 7 heavens reconciled the lives of Prophets
Money Loan to Allah beautiful loan 4;
m - Dathon gave Moses trouble 10;
m - Exodus mentally 10;
m - fish straight in the channel 5;
m - Jesus, Elijah transfiguration tell no man 31;
m - Medina the answer to promised land Abraham, 33;
m - Mother received revelation 7;
m - said untie my tongue 46;
m - The enemies to Moses was destroyed 10;
Mothers Jesus Moses, received revelation 7;
m - is last, seal of Prophets 7;
m - is the return, the second Christ 43;
Music Sing halal songs 11;
Muslim will sleep but Islam return to poor 38
Name Allah taught Adam the names of everything 28;
Nature Din religion of fitraa, 15, 19;
Needle Rich man no heaven until camel pass eye of
needle 2;
Rich man born again not see heaven 2;
Night of Power better than a thousand Mhimonths 22;
Obedient Faithful servant enter the joy of the Lord 20;
Oneness Universe in conflict yet one 34;
Order by what is right 20;
p- Government is inherent in man's creation 25;
p- of the four needs of man 16;
r- man no heaven until camel pass eye of needle 2;
r- Rich man born again not see heaven 2;
Rob All before me were thieves, robbers 26;
Power Night of Power better than a thousand Months 22;
p- Enter door humbly 46;
p- Do you not observe the shadow make sajdah 51;
Pregnant Fasting of pregnant women 3;
p-land is society under G-d 32, 33;
p- Medina answer to promised land Abraham, Moses 33
p- ascension Muhammad connect knowledge bodies 22;
p - Bilal footsteps in paradise before Prophet 31;
p - Jesus Muhammad is the return, the second Christ 43;
p- closer believers than self 24;
p- Last Prophet not last messenger 7;
p- Muhammad mercy to all the worlds 24;
p- Muhammad is last, seal of Prophets 7;
p- seven heavens reconciled the lives of the Prophets
p- We heard one calling to faith 1;
Qadr Night of Power better than a thousand Months 22;
q- Allah taught Quran created man 16;
q- books made upright 36;
q- humanized the world 24;
q- is the light that will not set 50, 51
q- None can touch it 7;
q- Quran reveals man's nature, composition 18;
q- stories shows what can happen to any people 10;
q- take best meaning thereof be selective, watchful 29;
q- translation requires piety, great knowledge 6;
q- unlock Bible for the Christian world 24;
Ribaa 4;
r- Al Islam Din Al Fitraa is your natural property 19;
r- Din religion of fitraa, nature 15,
r- Let believe whosoever will 8;
Sacrifice Greatest is not to die but live right daily 10;
s- Enter door humbly 46;
s- Do you not observe the shadow make sajdah 51;
Savior's day celebration 52;
s- In Quran are books made upright 36;
s- stories shows what can happen to any people 10;
s- Allah taught Quran created man 16;
s- Public education began Muhammad 33;
Seed in ground increase 16;
Sent not equal to the sender 30;
Seven heavens Muhammad reconciled Prophets lives 22;
s- all become one in the earth's shadow unity 50;
s- go in the opposite direction as sun rises 49;
s- is the concept of his identity for the destiny 50;
s- pray Do you not observe the shadow make sajdah 51;
s- Shadows make sajda give up their knowledge 51;
s- stretch, contracts, draw to ourselves easy 49;
s- s- stretch means man's knowledge increases 50;
Shoe John I'm not worthy to unlace his shoes 32;
s- Signs in heavens, earth and yourselves 50;
s- Zacharia speak not three nights 40;
Sing halal songs 11;
Society U.S. secrets control it is from Greece and Egypt
Son of G-d Jacobites said David and Jesus were 44;
Soul pleasing to Allah and yourself 13, 20;
Speech Intelligent speech 32;
Standard Each man by his own standards 19;
Stars fall means influential people fall 27;
- a hearing get flames 10;
- All before me were thieves, robbers 26;
able Send down table spread 21;
alk Intelligent speech 32;
'auheed Universe in conflict yet one 34;
Thief All before me were thieves, robbers 26;
Tongue Moses said untie my tongue 46;
['ouch None can touch it Quran 7;
Transfiguration Jesus tell no man 31;
1- created to educate man 46;
1- Earth come willingly or unwillingly 34;
1- exist as womb to give life to man 47;
1- in conflict yet one 34;
1- our mother we are children of the universe 41
Vision You shall see with certain vision 43;
Widow Elijah widow's son dead he raised 30;
Will Earth come willingly or unwillingly 34;
v- Fasting of pregnant women 3;
v- Marry not your daughters to polytheist 8;
v- receive inspiration from G-d 7, 8;
Womb Universe exist as womb to give life to man 47;
World Jesus the light of the world when in it 29;
:-1; Zacharia speak not three nights 40;
Index 11-22-2002 Session
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Q. 2.187; Fasting begin distinguish black white thread
11-23-2002 Ramadan session Fajr Prayer Saturday
Chicago, Ill
As Salaam Alaikum
We praise and thank G-d for our presence here. We
witness that He is One, there is no G-d except Him. And
we witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is His servant and
His Messenger (pbuh)
Fajr, Duhaa Prayer
This is the Fajr time, the time after the Fajr prayer and as
you have been told already during these sessions where
we are devoting ourselves to what Allah (swt) has
revealed through His servant and Messenger Muhammad
(pbuh). We have been told of this time that it is a
tradition with the pious leaders of Al Islam in Asia,
Africa and wherever we Muslims are, and we are in
America too, that we are to begin our devotion with
reading Quran and teaching it in the morning until the
sun is at the brightest point in the sky.
It is thought that time is around 9:00 O'clock a.m. and
when the sun is high in the sky but it is not noon, it is
before noon and there is a small angle that is maybe an
angle of about 30 degrees that is left before it comes all
the way straight up at an angle of 90 degrees. If you
measure the angle from the point of rising where the sun
first appears, that is the ground level, and you go up 60
degrees, that is where Duhaa most likely is. The sun is
believed to be at that time the brightest not the noon,
that time is the brightest time of the day. En sha Allah
we will continue to have sessions until about that time.
Q. 97.5; Peace until the dawn
"Peace!... This until the rise of Morning!"
"Seek what Allah hath ordained for you and eat and
drink until the white thread of dawn appear to you
distinct from its black thread; then complete your fast
until the night appears;"
The Word of G-d in the Quran says in Arabic "Salaamun
heya hatta Matla'el Fajr" translated "A blessed night
until the rising of the dawn," in which the Quran was
revealed bringing peace to the world. It says, "Peace it
is until the rising of the sun," it is seen in the growing of
the dawn, which appears firstly for us to begin the time
starting our fast and abstaining from things in the
daytime. It begins when the sign of the dawn as a
straight white line across the eastern sky or horizon. And
that leaves the sign of night also as a straight line. The
two lines are paralleling each other and it is spoken of in
the Quran as the white thread of the dawn and the black
thread of the night. Thread only means the straight line
of the night and the straight line of the dawn paralleling
in perfect agreement with each other, that's what the
paralleling straight line means. It means that they are
flowing perfectly in agreement with each other, that the
dawning and the night meet in perfect agreement.
Q. 98.4; They disputed after knowledge came to them
"Nor did the people of the Book make schisms until
after there came to them Clear Evidence."
Allah (swt) says they did not fall into disputes or
disagree until after the guidance came, so when truth
comes serious differences that people have manifests and
become private and public issues. The truth gives
support and help that which they didn't have before. So
you have even Muslims as the truth reaches them, they
manifest their differences of opinion more, they stand
out more.
In Al Islam we have all these differences of thought, we
mentioned the four major schools of thought, the school
of Maliki which is in Africa, the one that most Africans
have. Most of the Africans are influenced by, big sufis
and mystics, this is not to criticize them, I'm just talking
now, I am not putting down anything. And we have the
Hanafi school, Hanbali school, most of you know these
major schools and Shafi, the fourth. And most of the
learned leaders in Al Islam they accept all these schools,
in fact I don't know any who reject any one of the
p.2 of 58
Those are not the only one, those are just four major
schools. In Saudi Arabia there is the Wahabi school of
thought and the name is given because it was Abdul
Wahhaab who taught them and they or he developed that
school. He was the partner with king Abdul Aziz As
Saud the father, then of all of the successors to his rule,
his sons who became kings after him of Saudi Arabia, he
is the father of all of them. He is one for whom the land
was named after being called just Arabia, the one for
whom the country has his name. So we have Saudi
Arabia, I don't think this was existing before 1918, this
is a kind of recent event.
Religious school of thought to be developed by
Q. 33.35; Thinking men and women
"And for men and women who engage (think) much in
Allah's praise for them has Allah prepared forgiveness
lnd great reward."
The Wahabi school of thought is not the only one, there
ire many schools of thought, though they don't make a
)ig show or deal of it, they are closer to these more
ecent scholars, and teachers, pious people who devoted
hemselves to obedience to G-d and showing the society
low to bring the society to conform to what G-d has
evealed and to what G-d has ordered. These persons are
nen mostly, I don't know of any woman right now, but
'm sure in time there will be females too who will
:ontribute so much, that there will be persons, students
and scholars belonging to the schools of thought
)erhaps developed or headed by females. I can't see that
tot happening one day. Because of sensitivities and
ttitudes right now we don't have that, but I believe that
vill happen one day, it has to happen.
We call them scholars, those who head schools of
thought but actually they are Islamic, Muslim
philosophers devoting themselves to the study of
understanding of Al Islam. Philosopher in the world, the
term may mean something that we don't accept it for
our thinkers. It could mean we don't accept it for our
thinkers because their orientation may not be G-dfocused, but their focus is the world. Muslim
philosophers are not material matter focused, but G-d
Christianity has given birth to many great thinkers,
philosophers, Judaism and so has all the other religions.
And even the non religious idea or non spiritual idea has
given birth to so many wonderful thinkers who were
beautiful humans and who had an interest in the world
and not just in part of the world and an interest in
humanity not just in a section of humanity.
Q. 4.164; Some Prophets names you do not know
So we have to regard those people, and I believe when
the Quran tells us of the Prophets that are mentioned in
the Book it says, "And there are those who are not
mentioned," I believe that there are some of these people
with this description that I'm giving you right now that
we if you study their life and everything we would have
to say that these were inspired men, these were
messengers to their people.
I wouldn't dare point to any philosopher I know of in
history and say that he was a Messenger of G-d, but I'm
saying that among the thinkers that have served the
betterment of human society worldwide, I'm sure that
there were some of those that were inspired by Almighty
G-d, Allah (swt) and they fit in with those thinkers who
are called Prophets and Messengers of G-d.
Prophet was a thinker reflecting on man's condition
is natural that it happens because the men are not the
nly ones that G-d has created for this role, women are
]so thinkers. The Quran says the thinking men and the
linking women to let us know that this is not the
roperty of males only, and thinking means that they can
e philosophers. In the world we don't think of women
eing philosophers, but G-d showed Muhammad
)buh), he is the kind of man that will recognize that
tese women have intelligence like men. As they
ecome interested and give thoughts to these things they
e going to be philosophers too.
Wasn't Muhammad (pbuh) a thinker when he was
looking at his people and he began to bear on his heart
the burden of their ignorance and their condition? He
went up in the mountain for seclusion and went in the
mouth of the cave and stayed there in the cave called
Jabl Nur now, named for his concentration, meditation
there in the mountain of the light. Wasn't he a thinker?
He was thinking and reflecting, that's the thinker.
p.3 of 58
Thinking, reflection like right and left legs
The thinker thinks and reflects, it is a duality as we
mentioned earlier, man thinks and reflects, he thinks on
the creation or on any single concern or focus and
matter, he thinks on creation, human life and human
misery, whatever he thinks on, he then reflects on it and
it is like walking with the right foot and the left foot, or
the left foot and the right foot; think and reflect. This is
the process that goes on in the mind of the philosopher
and it takes him closer and closer to the truth he is
Q. 3.36; The male is not like the female
The Quran says, "When she was delivered she said: "0
my Lord! behold! I am delivered of a female child!"
And Allah knew best what she brought forth, "and
nowise is the male like the female. I have named her
Mary and I commend her and her offspring to Thy
protection from the Evil One the Rejected."
the sunlight that he needs to be warm and to shine on
his crop. So his devotion connects him with earth and
sky and in time he falls in love with this beautiful world,
he becomes a philosopher, beautiful thinker.
I go back to the point, this is not only a characteristic
and a property of males, it is also open to females
because they have the same mind, the same capacity and
intelligence that we have. It is just a matter of time with
this world growing it is going to free women so that they
don't have to stay with child rearing. And as it frees
them up more around the world, they won't have to
spend so much of their life, practically all of their life
with child rearing, they are going to find that they have
to do something with their time.
Genesis 2.18, 20; Adam alone was not good
"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man
should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
And the Lord G-d caused a deep sleep to fall upon
Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and
closed up the flesh instead thereof;
Man from between rib means matter moved by
m. 312
Man's mind and heart engaged and mated creation
Q. 4.34; Men maintain, protect women
The thinker he is seeking the truth, he is seeking to know
clearer, "How I should perceive this and how I should
relate to it." And Allah (swt) says, "Laysa dhakaru kal
unthaa" translated "The male is not like the female."
But the Arabic word "Dhakaru" it has reference directly
to the thinker and the term means male. So what is
Allah (swt) saying to us? Man by description is a
thinker. Why is he a thinker? Because the burden of
serving the family has been on him, men are maintainers
of females, right?
This is Quran, men are the maintainers for females, we
support females, males traditionally, historically have
supported females by going out of the house into the
field. Going out in the field and getting food and
providing the needs for the home has engaged his
intellect. His heart was mated with the creation itself,
he field, the land that produced the food and the sky that
le needs to have rain come down to help his crop. And
Q. 86.7; Man created from between loin and ribs
6. He is created from a drop emitted
7. Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:
Gen 2.18, 21-22; Rib woman made
[2:18] "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the
man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for
him. [21] And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall
upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and
closed up the flesh instead thereof;" :[22] And the rib,
which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a
woman, and brought her unto the man."
Q 4.1; Man made from single soul
Women, they are going to be like Adam, bored.
Scripture said the man was alone, bored to death and
G-d saw that it was not fitting to leave him without a
mate. So G-d caused him to fall under a heavy deep
sleep, this is Bible, not Quran and G-d caused him to go
into a deep sleep and made from rib his mate. It is
beautiful. The rib is mentioned in the Quran. It talks of
the life fluid that issues from between the loin and the
p.4 of 58
They call it a rib cage. What is the rib cage responding
oo? Your breathing, that is what it is responding to. It is
nade to respond to your breathing. As you put more air
sown there, the rib cage opens up more, it expands.
Now before I begin addressing the outline we have here
for the sessions and start where we left off, I'm going to
ask my special assistant Imam Abdul Malik to us speak
to us from his heart, whatever he would like to say.
30 it is responding to the rhythm of your breathing. It is
;oing in and out with every breath you take. It is a
natter that is being moved by spirit. The scripture says,
`The man was lonesome and G-d saw that it was not
itting or good that he be left alone like that. So He
aused him to fall under a deep sleep." Now when it
ells us he was asleep, he was not seeing anything was
le? Unless it was in a dream and it was during that time
hat G-d formed for him his mate. And in gthe Quran it
ust says, " G-d created you from one single soul" in
krabic "Nafs wahedah." This doesn't give you a picture
)f a man in body, it gives us an idea of the human being
n his or her human essence, the spiritual body not the
lesh body. This is "Nafs waheda."
Imam Abdul Malik:
gal's means a person, but most of the literature and
liscussion of the nafs is not talking about a man in body,
t is talking about the human soul. Nafs in the Arabic
anguage more importantly is to be understood as soul.
3o G-d made one soul and from it He made its mate and
'rom those two He spread or produced all the family of
nankind over the earth, it says, "Males and females," or
nen and women, that is the idea in Al Islam.
Q.29.45; Thinking on Allah (swt) is the greatest
$4 o,
"Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee
ind establish Regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from
;hameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is
he greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah
mows the (deeds) that ye do."
We are thinkers, that is where I want you to be this
norning, know that we are thinkers and if we didn't
lave this nature and property of mind or intellect we
vould be no more than beast, maybe worst. To think is
o be alive, conscious as a human and to think with a
)articular focus, with a particular interest, seeking
;ertain rewards or certain benefits for your thinking. It
he thinking that profits you and human society,
nankind. Allah (swt) says, certainly thinking or
eflecting on G-d is the greatest power for producing
As Salaam Alaikum. With G-d's name the Merciful
Benefactor, the Merciful Redeemer, first it is my
pleasure and honor to address this special audience on
these days of importance, significance in the month of
Ramadan with our leader Imam W. Deen Mohammed.
We are all witnesses to what has transpired, taken place
over the last three days, we are witnesses to its
importance for our characterization as Muslims, as
believers, as people. We are witnesses to it's
significance feeding our hopes and our aspirations,
defining our identity. And we are witnesses that none of
us have the capacity to serve us in the way that our
leader has been inspired to serve us.
We are also witnesses that not only are we improved or
made better by what we have listened to and taken in but
also we're improved by the emphasis, where to place our
emphasis, where to focus our attention in our reading of
the Holy Quran and our study of the tradition of
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) in our interest to serve
our people and humanity. We are witnesses that we
would not know what Al Islam is essentially and what
Al Islam is as a help and a complement to man if it were
not for the special set of circumstances that produced the
need in us that was answered by the inspiration given to
our leader to guide us and to lead us from being a people
deficient and disrespected to the possibility of a people
who history will record as great servants for the progress
of man on the earth.
I don't want to take any more time from what our leader
will share with us but I want to say in conclusion that I
think we should place more importance on what has
been provided for us to get to a point where we can
appreciate a relationship with our own humanity, what
has put us in that place, what has allowed us to read the
Quran and get from it what perhaps no other Muslims
get. And has made us or put us in a place or in a position
where we are not only serving the needs of our religious
community but we actually have promise that we are
really making a contribution to advance this world.
p.5 of 58
We have to consider deeply what has put us there and I
would suggest and I am a witness and for me and my
family, children we are witnesses that we have been put
on this path because of our leader and what G-d has
given him.
And we will never leave his way. Now I just want to
read this, the Imam asked me to read this song and this a
song that I am sure many of you heard and it is brief, it
is a poem, by the great jazz musician, perhaps the father
of jazz he is called Louis Armstrong, he sang this song.
And I think that this song fits quite beautifully with the
theme that Imam Mohammed has addressed over these
last three days, how man is inspired by the world in
which he has been created. The name of the song is
"What a wonderful world."
It goes: I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them
bloom for me and for you and I think to myself what a
wonderful world. I see clouds of blue and clouds of
white, the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night and I
think to myself what a wonderful world. The colors of
the rainbow so pretty in the sky, the smiles on the faces
on people going by. I see friends shaking hands saying
how do you do. They are really saying I love you. I hear
babies cry, I watch them grow, they will learn much
more than I'll ever know. And I think to myself what a
wonderful world. Oh and I think to myself what a
wonderful world. And Louis Armstrong his tag he
would say, "Oh yeah."
Imam WD Mohammed:
Universal unity appears to be in conflict at times
Man the thinker, he strives in his mind, in his senses to
make some sense of what he sees as the world. And this
straining in his mind eventually - - because G-d has
designed His creation like this - - eventually brings him
to the conclusion that this world of matter or material
things, though existing in separate bodies where it
sometimes seems to be in conflict with other is one. One
body in the sky will at times eclipse, come in the way of
the other body and block the light and the other body is
in the dark. So one body puts the other body in the dark
and thinkers of old they saw this as death, the one body
brought death upon the other. Eclipse didn't mean
eclipse as we understand it, when we understand it, it
means black out or something, right? But eclipse for
them also meant death for that body that was eclipsed.
They also saw or observed storms in the lower heavens
like tornadoes and things, and they wondered why is this
trouble, why is this conflict going on. But they didn't
stop there, they continued to think on it like Abraham,
when we discussed Abraham or Ibrahim earlier, how he
reflected or thought about things and arrived at his
conclusion that nothing in material world is G-d and that
everything in the material world is subject to laws that
govern these material things. They operate in a system
called the universe and a system in which there are many
other systems. Focusing on one function or one activity
in the universe will sometimes make you think that the
universe is in confusion or it is a system with internal
conflicts and it is itself not agreeing with itself, this is
Education, mother the first teacher
Thank you. In Al Islam our mother is our first teacher.
So we have to give great respect and attention to our
females. That is what Muhammad (pbuh) wanted to
awaken in the heart and conscience of the males in his
following and he did a beautiful, wonderful job.
We're now in the second part of this outline headed or
titled Contextual Wholeness, Tauheed.
That is what we mean by Contextual Wholeness,
Tauheed. Man strains, the thinker, the philosopher, not
necessarily a philosopher, but the thinker. Who comes
into mind in history as the great thinker? It is the
G-d revealed with Quran that the universe, if you think
on it and reflect, you will come to agree that it has one
design that is responsible for its orderly life, orderly
existence and that should suggest to the mind, to the
thinker that the universe is a consistent whole.
Consistent means where there is obviously differences,
conflicts going on but the bigger reality is that even
though these conflicts go on, the system stays, the
system remains, the body is not being destroyed by
these conflicts that are going on. The conflicts happens,
the violence comes to rest or the conflicts come to rest,
the system remains.
p.6 of 58
So the conclusion is reached that this is one consistent
whole, that there is universal law governing this and the
permanence is greater than the passing things that are
occurring, the permanence that stays, that is greater, the
order that stays is greater than these passing
interruptions and disruptions that are coming and going,
passing away.
We come to the idea we call Tauheed from "Waahed" it
means one, the word Tauheed is formed from that word
'`Waahed" it means oneness, it means unity. That the
world G-d made is for sure one world though having in
it many other worlds, it is one world, it is one system
:hough having in it many systems.
And it should suggest to the thinker if the thinker stays
with his interests, it should at some time in the process
)f his searching or thinking suggest to him that there
nust be a Designer for this, it couldn't have designed
tself. Man respects what respects his intelligence, so
when he discovers with his intelligence a beautiful
ntelligent system that he believes accounts for the
'ermanence of the universal system - - and we know
iothing is truly permanent, but permanent in man's
)erception of things, because we know eventually all
hese things. Allah (swt) revealed this whole system is
;oing to die, but don't expect that in our lifetime and we
lon't see any need to prepare for that, it is so far away.
;o in the human mind and in the human interest the
iniverse has a permanence.
Ind when we accept that, this tells me that there must be
n Artist behind this great piece of work, there must be a
)esigner behind this great piece of work, when we start
D think like that then the idea of G-d comes and the
reat thinkers in religion, not just Al Islam but in all the
reat people of the world, the great thinkers came to idea
f G-d. Most of them came to idea of G-d because they
elieved that effects have causes.
then they study this objective world they see that
ffects have causes, there is no effect without a cause. If
ou belch something caused it, if you sneeze, if you bat
our eye something caused it, every thing and every
fleet has a cause. The thinker respects his intelligence
id he won't give up his logic that has been responsible
n- him getting as far as he's gotten with his studies and
ith his knowledge. So he is not going to stop and say,
Nell at this point the effect has no cause," that is the
ifir, he wants to come to that conclusion so he can
mtinue to be independent of any authority over him.
The Quran says, "Do you think that there is no authority
over you?" .
No one will stop at that point and say "All effects have
causes but for the universe itself, it is both effect and
cause." No, he is going to say, "This beautiful piece of
art work it is also an effect, not a cause, with no cause
preceding it, but it itself is an effect, because it is
conforming to something. What is it conforming to
scientifically speaking? It is conforming to the nature of
its own existence, that is what it is conforming to. So we
can say the nature of matter is the cause for the effect,
that is true. But now, this is a beautiful piece and I'm
also a beautiful artist and I look at my beautiful work
and I know that there is a cause behind it, I am the cause.
The world influenced me and affected me and I began to
have an interest in it and I produced my art. The art
didn't produce itself, I'm the producer of my art.
Q. 96.1; Read in the name of your Lord
So then the thinker comes to the conclusion that there
must been an Artist that was the cause for this beautiful
piece of art I see as the universe, the world. So they give
the name First Cause to G-d, among the spiritual
philosophers or the religious philosopher, not that he
identified himself as religious person, but his nature and
mind is that of a religious person. The religious
philosopher comes to the conclusion there is a First
Cause and that First Cause can't be the universe itself.
The universe it is not it's own maker, there was a First
Cause behind it. They say First Cause which tells you
that they are universal thinkers and they did not say G-d,
Allah, Jehovah or whatever they said First Cause.
Read in the name of that, that is the First Cause.
When Allah (swt) responded to Muhammad the Prophet
(pbuh) or to Muhammad (pbuh) the lonely man
searching for truth, the first communication to him said
"Read in the name of your Lord Who created." Created
means made and usually when we think of G-d, the
divine act of creation, we understand that this means
bringing into existence for the first time. Here is G-d
saying to Muhammad (pbuh) "Read in name of G-d, that
is the first cause, that is exactly what G-d is saying.
Muhammad (pbuh), the thinker he went up to the
mountain to be free of all the distractions so his mind
would not be bothered with all the things coming before
p.7 of 58
And his ears wouldn't be bothered with things he would
be hearing and he would be in a position to devote his
full mind to finding the truth. He was a thinker and a
truth seeker, and all the other Prophets were thinkers and
truth seekers. He did not understand what was
happening to him, but finally he obviously understood
what G-d wanted to communicate to him and how he
was to position himself for it. The report said on the
third order, or request of G-d for him to read he began
reading or reciting and that was the beginning of the
communication to mankind we call Quran, "Read in the
name of your Lord Who created and it continues as you
know four more verses, a total of five ayats or
Q.18.51; They witness not their own creation
Q. 56.57-59; We created man
Man is a thinker and he's looking to make sense of the
world all around him, and he wants to make sense of his
Dwn place in it at the same time. He has a twofold
interest, to understand the world he is put into and has to
De supported by and to understand his own creation.
And Allah (swt) says, "They ask questions, they direct
questions to Me, why don't they question their own
existence." This is how the thinker comes to know G-d.
You are asking questions of Me, "Who is this G-d, show
Him to us in a flesh body."
How is the dead raised from something dead, what do
you mean it is going to have another life, how can that
3-d said through His Messenger (pbuh) or servant,
`Why don't they question their own existence?" They
Ire seeking to know something about My existence, why
ion't they question their own existence?" No human
Being knows fully it's own existence, why? Because
you did not make yourself, you did not originate
yourself, you did not create yourself, you are not the
Maker of yourself, you can never fully know yourself
rnless G-d reveals yourself to you. The Maker has to
ell you about yourself, you will never fully know
yourself. But G-d has created you with a searching mind,
mind that wants to seek and understand and He brings
you to know yourself if you continue to seek and
inderstand, but you will never know yourself fully, there
will always be something about yourself that you don't
Belief in religion called theory in science
Can any one of us, any scientist tell or make us fully
understand how we came to be? No, they got theories of
how matter and life produces life, they have theory, they
never call it facts. And in Al Islam, in religion you call
it belief. One says theory, the other one says belief and
both mean, "You don't know all of it", we're not the
masters of what we're talking about. We are students of
what we're talking about. All of us are nothing but
students, all of us are nothing but seekers and searchers
whether it is in the secular or in the spiritual, religious
world, we are all nothing but students seeking to
understand, and none of us can claim that we know, we
When the person is being objective in the secular world,
the thinker being objective in the secular world, the
scientist when he comes up with something and he gives
it to you he says, "The molecular theory," theory of this
and theory of that, he is telling you, "I can't prove this, it
is theoretical." Tell me, how is that language more
convincing than the language that says, "These are
fundament principles of our faith? We construct them in
a logical order and they satisfy our curious mind and our
reasoning. And we begin forming our world upon the
principles of our faith.
Q. 28.88; What is with G-d stays and yours will perish
"And call not besides Allah on another god. There is
no god but He. Everything (that exists) will perish
except His own Face. To him belongs the Command
and to him will ye (all) be brought back."
Then we come up with some things that we say are
practical and understandable and they are not principles
of faith but they are principles of action or practice, they
are five. How is our logic thought weaker than logic of
science or the logic of the secular world? It is not
weaker, it is stronger and it survives the secular world,
they come and go, the religious world stays. The Quran
says, "What is with Allah (swt) stays, what is with you
shall disappear," that is the saying of G-d in Quran. If
you want to think independently of G-d, if you want to
go that route independently of G-d then know that what
is with G-d stays, with is with you shall perish.
p.8 of 58
Secular world puts down G-d
he secular world whether it says it plainly, loudly or
lot it puts down G-d. Not only the communist world or
he materialists, the secular world puts down G-d. My
:first few days in college I could see that the professor
was trying to discredit religion. Saying things to win the
Jerson who fears and worships G-d over to his
lisciplines, trying to win the student to his disciplines
find have student give his complete devotion to the
liscipline and not be interrupted by his belief in G-d.
College institutions create many mental problems
;o to keep the student from being interrupted, having his
:ourse or his mind entertained by G-d and causing an
nterruption for the professor, the teacher has to first feel
:omfortable with the student by tearing down belief in
3-d. These institutions of learning make more mental
:ases than everything else in creation.
low that doesn't mean we don't have to have them, yes
ye have to have them, but we have to purge them of
theists, nonbelievers who because they can't have faith
n G-d, they are not comfortable with you until they have
lestroyed your faith in G-d. Atheists or those who are
DO weak to obey
i-d's commandments they want company, so they tear
ou down so you can be built up again by them and join
hem in their way of thinking. When you go to these
istitutions don't go like a stupid nut believing that these
ersons are gods, they are no gods and there often you
re not supposed to question what they say. A good
,acher encourages you to question what he is saying.
2ollege students advised how to keep faith
o don't just question the subject, question also the one
ho is giving the subject, question both, but remain
!spectful. I am saying this because there are students in
Dllege and we want you to be very successful, be
spectful don't invite his wrath. Don't make him fear
Du or her whoever that teacher is, don't make the
'ocher fear you, don't make the teacher think that you
e trouble for him in the class. Always keep yourself in
(es of teacher and the class as one on the team, you are
member of the team and the teacher is the team master
id you are a member on the team.
Q.31.15; If parent bid shirk do it not
"But if they strive to make thee join in worship with
Me things of which thou hast no knowledge obey them
not; Yet bear them company in this life with justice (and
consideration) and follow the way of those who turn to
Me (in love): in the End the return of you all is to Me
and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye
So that means if you start to think something that you
know may cause him to fear you and to see you as
trouble in his classroom, you keep that to yourself. The
way Allah (swt) teaches us to live with our parent who is
contending with us to have us believe in something that
Allah (swt) has not authorized is how we should treat the
professor or our teacher. It says, "If they contend with
you to get you to obey something that you have no
foundation for, meaning what I have revealed, don't
obey them in that, but however keep good company with
them in this world."
So for your own interest to succeed and get that diploma
or that degree or to progress on to a higher level, you
keep good company with them but don't agree with
them if they are trying to get you to accept something for
which you have no knowledge foundation in Al Islam.
Contextual wholeness ideological development
Idea begins with an interest
What is an idea? An idea begins with an interest, a
thought and an interest to develop that thought. And
when that thought develops logically you have idea.
Ideal, the other spelling is also a thought, but idea, the
first one, it suggests more thought has been given to it
and that it has undergone a rational process and you have
come to a rational conclusion and this is your idea. The
world first formed because of thoughts studied, pursued,
worked on, dwelled on until a rational conclusion is
made about it, then we have an idea.
When we talk about this beautiful system we have we
call this system of government America, it began in the
mind of the founding fathers and they were thinkers.
They arrived at certain ideas and they discussed them
among themselves and when they were in agreement that
this idea stands, that it has been put to the test of reason
and it stands, it is beautiful for our interest, it serves our
interest, then they recorded that idea.
p.9 of 58
And that is how the process goes for any people, for any
interest that will serve the people or any people. It all
begins with ideas.
When we go to school we come under the thinkers and
their ideas that is what we come under, and man's world
has formed because of the thinker who arrived at ideas
that he could pass on to people and those ideas could
support and sustain them and open the future to them.
The greatest idea, the most powerful idea, Allah (swt)
says the most productive of the thought is the thinking
on G-d. The greatest idea in terms of what it can produce
for mankind, how it can support mankind, sustain
mankind and advance the life of mankind is Tauheed.
Tauheed is the idea that forms in the mind of the thinker
searching his own life and existence while at the same
time searching the world without to make sense of it
and coming to the belief that this system is one system, it
is a consistent whole and that it must have had a
Designer and that Designer is the first Cause. And that
first Cause is not a company of gods or a company of
first causes it is only one single cause behind one single
system. It doesn't show there were different artists
working to create this, it shows that only one artist
created all this.
If you look at the art work of Picasso and you look at the
art work of another artist they do not tell you, "This is
one mind, this is one thinker, this is one cause," the two
works tell you that there is a cause for this work and
there is a different cause for Picasso's work, they are
different causes.
When we study the order of the creation, the objective
world we don't see that there were different artists. A
snowflake falling in Chicago looks like a snowflake
falling in New York or in the mountains of California
where it is too hot for it to reach the ground and pile up,
too warm. The snowflakes look the same and we know
that there are not snowflakes on the moon, but there is
something on the moon we can study. And when we
look at the composition of matter on the moon its falls
under the laws and design that explains the composition
of matter on the earth. So it is for anything out there in
the universe, that is what scientists conclude, the thinker
has concluded.
Q. 19.93; None comes to Allah except as a servant
So the Artist is One, not two, there are no two gods,
there are no two first causes, there is no three in one,
there is only One. And Allah (swt) says, "And none
comes to Him except as a servant." So there are no gods
that come to G-d, if Jesus has come to G-d he came as
servant not as a G-d. So I know I still have a few
Christians in this audience and I love you my Christian
brother and my Christian sister, I love you, but what you
got is inferior to what Allah (swt) gave Muhammad
(pbuh). You wouldn't dare challenge me. And it is not
because you respect and love me only, it is because you
fear losing the argument and being put to shame.
Q.2.36; Get you down from here all of you
Then did Satan make them slip from the (garden) and
get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had
been. We said: "Get ye down all (ye people) with
enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your
dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time."
Q. 20.55; Earth place of birth, death and resurrection
"From the (earth) did We create you and into it shall
We return you and from it shall We bring you out once
The satan, according to the teachings of G-d that He
gave Muhammad the last Prophet (pbuh), the satan after
G-d made the world to be our support and be the support
for us reaching our destiny, satan changed the world G-d
made originally. Where is that given? When the
trouble was made in the heavens G-d said, "Get you
down from here all of you together," in the earth will
you find your livelihood and the fulfillment of your
aspirations." Look what G-d says, "In the earth there
you will live, there you die, and from there you be raised
up again," that's what G-d said to them.
This again is a pictorial display as though on a heavenly
screen for the thinkers to look at. It says and from there
you will be raised up again, living after it caused you to
die. Where I am putting you is going to bring you to
life, to prosper, but also die. Not you singularly only,
you collectively; "And for you will be a resurrection."
You will be raised up living. But the point here for this
discussion is G-d saying that you will find fulfillment for
all of your appetites or your aspirations in the earth, on
the earth you will find that fulfillment.
p.10 of 58
luild the context to sexual expression
Q. 77.25; Earth made place of drawing
"Have We not made the earth (as a place) to draw
have a beautiful drawing from Atique Mahmood he
vas sitting over here yesterday and he has these words in
rawing, beautiful painting, inspired and it says that G-d
as made the earth "Kefaata". You forgot my little piece
f chalk again and I know you say "Well take that little
iece of chalk away, we want him to have a nice piece of
balk in his hand." Leave my little piece of chalk please.
can't do it without a little piece of chalk, you can't
tone the devil without a little rock either. Don't get a
ig rock you will end up with a hernia and the devil
ron't be hurt. What is it saying? I believe out of
iillions of Muslims that speak Arabic that read that I
on't believe it dawns on their mind exactly what G-d
as said, that He has made the earth "Kefaata." He made
le earth sufficient enough to serve all your needs.
o He said He put you in the earth, get down from here
11 of you together, there you will find your livelihood.
he activities that you have up here are not for up here,
ley are for you in the earth, so it is out of place here.
'ou get down there in the earth where you belong with
its interest and there you will find the earth prepared to
apport all of your appetites bodily and spiritually and
ientally. I made the earth to support all of that.
Man conceived in heaven formed in the earth
.2.36, 38; 7.13; 20.123; Get you down from here
We said: "Get ye down all (ye people) with enmity
,-;tween yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling
lace and your means of livelihood for a time."
can't have them up here detached and separated from
your mother the earth. Get you down from here
altogether into the earth, there you find your activities
that you are trying to carry on up here. You'll find the
place for those activities in the earth and there you will
have a situation for the fulfillment of all of your
aspirations. You want to be up here but go back down
there and down there is where you are going to qualify
to be up here. You are starting up here and you don't
have any form yet, you're nothing but watery fluid,
praise be to Allah (swt).
We underestimate as religious people the importance and
value of material reality. Man cannot have any
development or anything existence or any language, or
concept without him being firstly in the womb of his
mother thinking in the body of the material existence
and reflecting on it, that is how we come to be, how we
develop, how we make progress and earn admission into
G-ds' paradise.
Innocence is your goodness
So the satan decided that this goody - goody that G-d
made - - see the true servant of G-d is a lover, satan is
not a lover. The true servant of G-d is a lover and satan
looks at the lover and he despises him, "Oh this inferior
piece of boo, boo, "I'm serious, that is how he puts
down the innocence of man. He sees your innocence as
something terribly ridiculous. Your innocence is your
goodness that is what is responsible for you being good,
it is your innocence.
We underestimate the importance and value of material
reality. Man can't have language, concept without him
being firstly in the womb of mother, in the body of
material existence, that is how we develop and come into
Jinn from a fire of smoke means he doesn't repent
Ian is said to have been made from the earth, isn't he?
onceived in heaven formed in the earth. So you had no
rm until you are in the context of matter, the earth.
ou had to be in womb or body of your mother for you
have form.
the body of your mother you start to get form from
mething that is no more than milky looking water.
nd then you start to have form. So likewise for your
oughts, your mental interest, your intellectual
iriosity, you can't have them up here in heaven. You
Q. 55.15; Jinn from a fire without smoke
"And He created Jinns from fire free of smoke:"
Q. 22.37; Blood not reach G-d but your sacrifice does
"It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah:
it is your piety that reaches Him:"
p.11 of 58
Philip 4.18; Sweet savory smell up to the Lord
"But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received
of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an
odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well
pleasing to God."
Satan decided that this goody - goody that G-d made - the true servant of G-d is a lover, not satan. Satan looks
at the lover and he despises him, that is how he puts
down the innocence of man. He sees your innocence is
your goodness and you don't want to be guilty. Satan is
not worried about being guilty of anything, he
acknowledges no guilt for anything. That is what it
means when it says, "He is a fire without smoke."
Smoke in the religious language is not only in Al Islam,
it is in the religious language of the other great religions.
Smoke means repentance, it means you are repenting.
And the beautiful expression in the Bible it touched me
it says, "And the Lord acknowledged a sweet savory
smell that went up from the sacrifice that they made."
The smoke of the burnt sacrifice went up and it reached
G-d and G-d acknowledged it as a sweet savory smell,
that is the repentance, the true repentance. And how does
Allah (swt) put it? The Quran says, "Your sacrifice of
blood that doesn't reach G-d, but your Taqwa does. So
that's the sweet smell that the Bible is talking about, it is
that Taqwa that goes up to G-d, that reaches G-d, it goes
up to heaven, your innocence, your true reverence,
respect for G-d and for what G-d has authorized that you
respect, your mother, parents and so forth.
Q. 17.53; Satan is enemy to man
"Say to My servants that they should (only) say those
things that are best: for Satan doth sow dissensions
among them: for Satan is to man an avowed enemy."
Q. 2.33; Adam tell them their names
So the satan when he saw he couldn't change things, that
he couldn't convince the angels, he lost the angels, isn't
that wonderful? He lost the angels, he had the angels
until G-d produced the human and said that the human
should be the khalifa in the earth. Man should be the one
charged with responsibility in the earth, not the angels
and not the jinn. Oh the jinn didn't like that, he wasn't
the devil before, he was just a jinn at that time. Well,
when G-d made that idea manifest, he tried to influence
the angels as an angel when G-d exposed to them fully
His plan and let them know that what I am creating here
has a superiority over you.
Rev. 12.4; Tail dragon drew 1/3 stars of heaven
"And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood
before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for
to devour her child as soon as it was born."
I didn't create you with a rational mind to search and
progress your society with the tools of rational
intelligence, I didn't create you with that. The Quran
says, "He taught Adam the names of things, in Arabic
"Kullaha" translated it means all of it. And then He
exposed it to the angels, that means He displayed it, He
showed it, presented it so they could observe it. And
then He said, "Now tell Me your names if you know,"
and the angels replied, "We have no knowledge except
what You gave us." He said, "Adam tell them their
names, " and he told them their names and they all
submitted. It is not like the Bible wherein it said only
1/3 of the stars in heavens were left, I think 2/3 fell. The
Quran said only one fell that was shaytan, that was Iblis
who by his refusal became satan, the devil. And
because he was disappointed. I'm not going to go over
all of this I have gone over a lot of this with you at other
times. Because he was disappointed he vowed to be
man's enemy, not G-d's enemy.
satan think he's helping G-d
So in Al Islam shaytan or satan is the enemy of man
"Aduuwan nas, "the enemy of humanity, the enemy of
all humans, it doesn't say the enemy of G-d, but you
know he is G-d's enemy. But he's not G-d's enemy in
his own mind, that is what you have to understand.
This is a person who is so captivated, so possessed by
his own mind and thinking that he can't see that he's
really the enemy of G-d. This is not talking about
something that is supernatural, this not talking about
something that is in another reality, this is talking about
something that is in the real world of human beings. So
he can't accept that he's wrong or that he's against G-d,
he thinks he's with G-d. The devil can be in the church,
satan can be in the mosque, satan can be in the
Synagogue, satan can be in the White House, satan can
be in Israel, in the government there, satan can be in
Saudi Arabia, in the government there because satan
doesn't even know he is working against G-d.
p.12 of 58
He's so possessed by his own thinking. He doesn't
wen know he's working against G-d, he thinks he's
vorking for G-d, so he says, "This is not going to work
hat you got, it isn't going to work for you. I care about
rou more than you care about yourself And I'm going
o show you that what you are doing here is not going to
vork. I'm going to prove that this creature that you're
riving all this love and attention to and respect to and
rusting him with responsibility in the earth, for forming
he order of life down there, I'm going to prove to You
hat he's not worthy.
Seven eyes went out to condemn man
-low does the Bible say this? Seven eyes went out to
:ondemn man, to disprove, to prove man unworthy of
he station great G-d that assigned for man. And seven
yes went out to prove him. So these are the two
)ositions and the two forces that are working in man's
vorld. One working to prove him as unfit to be on his
)wn, to be free with his own mind, to develop into a
ociety where responsibility for that society is trusted to
nany and not one.
)ictator form is distrustful of others
lot free to have his republic, his democracy whatever
,,rm we may use to try to give you a picture of what
ve're talking about. This is in the nature of man, isn't
:? It is in the nature of man not to trust others if he
kinks himself superior to them. And because of that
isposition taken dictatorships form.
Republic leadership trusts the masses
Lnd then there is also in man feeling and sensitivity, the
isposition that even though they are not my equal in
nowledge, they are made just like I am with the same
ossibility for them that I have for myself. Though I am
aperior to them now and they are depending on me
nd they need me like children need their parents, I
now they have the same potential, the same capacity
:c., that I have. I want to see them grow up to my level,
want to see these babies become grown up, so I'm
Ding to form a democracy, a republic that will invite
11 them to come to the top and many of them will in
ee that's the disposition that respects the creation of
man beings, respects what G-d made and what G-d
ants for the human being He made.
So that may be put in the language, "Those are the seven
eyes that go out to approve man," in that wonderful
station given him by his Creator.
World created to inspire good but satan corrupted it
Q. 15.39; satan decorates path of error
(Iblis) said: "0 my Lord! because Thou hast put me in
the wrong I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on
the earth and I will put them all in the wrong."
The satan decorates the world after G-d made it to
inspire goodness, to inspire faith, to inspire truth, etc.,
and to form thinkers and position them to have real and
lasting progress, the satan comes back and he puts his
screen up before you and he shows you yourself on his
screen. G-d shows us first on His screen and then He
shows you the material interest on His screen.
G-d shows you the life force on His screen and He tells
you that on earth you exist for pleasure without telling
you your pleasure fulfillment is impossible without you
pleasing the First Cause. He won't take it further Arabic
says, "Mukhleseena lahud deena falau karehal
kaferun."We are the thinkers who work for the logic
taken to its natural conclusion even though rejecters of
faith hate it". These are devils and servants of the devils
and dupes of the devil who don't know they are the tools
and instruments of satan in the secular world order.
They reject faith and they hate that Muhammad (pbuh)
and his students who pursue the logic to it's natural
conclusion. They want you to stop in the material world
and say there is nothing beyond this. I have a human
heart and it heart tells me there is something beyond. I
have my human soul that tells me there is something
beyond where you have stopped. I have a human spirit
that is pushing me to go further and I have a human
reasoning machinery, a rational machinery that tells me
to keep working on it.
Q. 109; I worship what yo worship not
Says "For you your religion and for me mine."
"For you your religion and for me mine." Let us part in
peace, praise be to Allah (sws) "Mukhleseen lahu deen"
and the followers of Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) the
faithful students and teachers who followed his way,
they the are ones who caused the surah to be called Al
p.13 of 58
The surah that says, "Say He G-d is One." Ikhlas is not
in that surah, they put that name there because they
know that surah concludes the matter, the argument is
finished. "Say He G-d is One, G-d is the Self sustaining
One," He sustains Himself and He resists all attempts
for something to change Him.
His permanence cannot be affected, He is eternal, "As
Samad He is One, "Ahad" not just one but He is Ahad
because the scripture could have said "Qul huwallahu
wahad. Wahad means one, but it didn't say that. It says
"Qul huwallahu Ahad, meaning one by Himself, One
alone. So what is this responding to? The trinity, the
idea of a trinity of gods, it is saying there is no trinity of
gods, but it is not saying it directly.
It is medicine from a doctor and the doctor wants to give
you the medicine in the most pleasant way possible. So
it doesn't say you have falsehood this belief in more than
one G-d or three gods in one, three gods together,
working or existing as one.
Like the musician who has a beautiful language that he
feels inside and he takes the wind instrument, the
trumpet or whatever and he blows his breath into it and
the instrument had been designed to take breath that says
nothing but w000 and give it language of music.
Similarly G-d has created the whole material world, all
of it is a beautiful world that He just gave us as a poem
that tells us that writer was inspired by this wonderful,
beautiful creation. All of this beautiful, material world
has been given to us as a body through which our spirit
can "Woo, express itself through," and come out as
beautiful buildings, beautiful paved streets, beautiful
skyways, beautiful airplanes, automobiles, beautiful art
works, beautiful systems to sustain the society, the body
of outer world in which we find greater expression, it is
philosophical but true.
Spirituality with help of the intellect engages the
Q. 53.9; Two bow lengths
Eventually the doctor too, he will come and ask, "What
is the problem? I'm going to prescribe something for
you," and you keep insisting on something not
respecting the prescription. He will say "Look you have
a disease, are you stupid, follow this prescription, you
have a disease. This is a lie this is corruption. Allah
(swt) is like the loving doctor. He doesn't just come and
say "Hey this trinity is nothing but a falsehood." He said
to Muhammad (pbuh), "Say G-d is one alone, Qul
huwallaahu ahad, Allahu samad." Allah (swt) is eternal
existing unchanged. This change that you are talking
about, that He is now in a human body and He's now a
servant and G-d at the same time is not acceptable. No,
He is the eternal resisting all attempts to bring any
change in Him, needing nothing from without. He is self
sustaining and self supplied, needing nothing outside of
Body expresses spirit like instrument expresses
G-d created the world for us not for Himself. The earth
He created to give us a body, not to give G-d a body. Gd did not need the world for Himself, He created the
world for man, for human beings, for our comforts yes,
even for our bodily comforts, yes. But more importantly
to grow our minds, our intellects as food for us, that's
food for thought. He created this whole world and made
it a place to express your spirit, your soul.
"And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or
(even) nearer;"
The spiritual expression of the mortal in his flesh body,
his aspirations, that's what we're talking about. Man's
spirituality with the help of his intellect, in fact
spirituality cannot be separated from intellect. Man's
spirituality with the help of his intellect engages the
world G-d made and put him in and it began to express
it's wants, it's appetites and give language and increase
in forms to the material world, isn't that wonderful?
And he can't do it except as G-d has willed for him to do
it. So really He doesn't know that, what he is breathing
into matter and giving as language and forms that
enables him to have a bigger and better material reality
to house himself, is really not his spirit alone, but two
going to the purpose as shot from one bow. it is G-d too
in him going with His spirit to the purpose.
So though man thinks this wonderful creation that he has
created by breathing into it of his spirit, it was G-d's will
that gave direction to his spirit until his spirit ran parallel
with the spirit of G-d and went to the purpose, as two
arrows fired by one bow. The rational expression of
spiritual life, is it clear now?
p.14 of 58
Society must not plan sin to entrap the masses
The moral urgency G-d says He did not create this
world except for just conclusions. So whatever you do
man it must support justice, it must respond to the need
for truth and justice and if it does not G-d is going to
condemn that, that you did not do in the interest of truth
ind justice. And He is going to show where your aim
went off from His and a wrong thing was done in your
world. Take that pork out of your community, take that
;ambling out of your community, take sin out of your
Manning, don't plan sin, leave people on their own and
f they fall into sin let it be their fault and not your
'cult. Don't plan sin for My people. But the satan did
hat and deceived others to be like him, possessed by
heir own logic to the extent that they can't even see that
hey are against G-d. They say "Oh we believe in G-d,
ye are for G-d we know this is the best way to govern
they believe the religious people and they believe the
noral life to say "This is wrong," I'm not saying they
ire not doing some good, they lead the moral life to say
This is wrong," this order of society. That you be free
o gamble, you be free to drink liquors, you be free to
Io things that you know Allah (swt) in any religion, says
lon't do but you're free to do it in this secular world
ystem or order for us, you're free to do it. But they
on't tell you, "You're free to also say it is wrong." You
an say it is wrong. They permit the moral life to speak
bile planning sin. Some say, "Oh they didn't plan this
in," no don't tell me that. If sin is legalized then sin was
lanned and established by them, so don't try to excuse
iem, this is what we should see as the influences of
haytan after Allah (swt) made man innocent and created
le beautiful world to inspire him in a good way then the
ratan comes in and he sees things, he does his own
:reation helps intentions good or bad
you read creation Allah (swt) says the whole creation
a sign. If you read creation from your innocence
)u're going to get nothing but help for your innocence
do good. But if you read the creation from your
eaknesses you're going to get help to feed your
Matter created to guide man to G-d
Q. 3.185; This world surface is deception
"Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the
Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full
recompense. Only he who is saved far from the fire and
admitted to the garden will have attained the object (of
life): for the life of this world is but goods and chattels
of deception."
Q. 15.39; Satan decorate path to wrong
Al Hadith 1p555#347; Hell surrounded (decorated) by
Satan, shaytan is the one who first read creation from his
weaknesses, he read a reading that's harmful, that's
detrimental, that's poisonous, that's deceptive. It says in
this world, the great thinkers, they say all of this world is
deception. But who made it deception? G-d didn't
make it deception. The world as G-d made it is not
deception, the material things that G-d made is not
deception if you remain as He made you, innocent
without wrong in your nature, without wrong in your
heart, without wrong in your spirit, innocent like a baby
you will get help.
Later on you get these diseases, this corruption in you
and with the satan coming into the world ahead of
everybody else and designing the world over and telling
you how to perceive it, how to see it, how to look at it,
how to understand it, it is almost impossible for you not
to take the wrong disposition and fall into sin. And the
reference supporting this from our sources of knowledge
is that G-d showed the great angel Jibril His creation
before satan put his thing on it or presented it to man in
the form he wanted man to see it changed. Jibril said,
"My Lord how can anyone err, go wrong in such a
beautiful creation?"
So that tells us beyond a shadow of a doubt that in Al
Islam we are to believe that matter perceived as Allah
(swt) made it and intends men to perceive it or see it will
not lead man astray. So Allah (swt) says of satan that he
places attractions all through it to take your mind and
heart off of the original attractions, he places his
attractions all over.
p.15 of 58
Ghuruu deception one of the names of the devil
Satan decorated it with allurements, things to allure you,
attractive things to lure you away from seeing it as G-d
wants you to see it. And after he did that G-d showed
Jibril what satan was going to do and when Jibril said,
"My Lord, how can anyone go stright in such a world?"
So yes we have the deceptions, but who is the author of
it? The Ghuruu. The ghuruu is one of the names of the
devil and it means the one who created allurements,
things to attract you that are deceptions, they are
attractions but they are put there for the purpose of
deceiving you and getting you to come out of your
nature and state that G-d put you in.
The devil is also the ghuruu, the one responsible for all
of the deceptions in the creation. And look how he has
gotten us to relate to sex. Ghuruu is, not only what he
did which is called deception, but also he himself, that is
one of his names, deception, he satan is deception. And
it is used like that in the Quran.
Sex problems from satan affects the industrial man
If you go in societies that have not been touched by
cultures of the industrial world, you go in those societies
you will not find pornography there, you will not find
sex fetishes there, you will not find shops or sales people
selling sex objects, that is only in the so-called civilized
world where the industrialist has influenced the culture
of people. And who does satan want first? Adam, the
man of industry, the industrial man, that's who he wants
to get first.
Satan has conquered the secular world
satan as angel of light, his ministers transformed
Isaiah 14.29; Rejoice not Palestine cockatrice coming
"Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of
him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's
root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a
fiery flying serpent."
2 Cor. 11.14-15; satan transformed as angel of light
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into
an angel of light. [15] Therefore it is no great thing if
his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of
righteousness; whose end shall be according to their
Satan has conquered the secular world, it belongs to
satan, it is his and much of the spiritual world belongs to
satan. He has conquered also much of the spiritual
world, this is in Quran, this is in the Bible. The Bible it
says, "Rejoice not Palestine for out the serpent's root
shall come a flying cocatrice," a serpent that can fly in
air. And the prince of darkness went up and mounted
the air, this is the Bible, he went up and mounted the air.
I'm saying the same thing that is said of him in the first
reference as is said of him in another reference. He went
up and mounted the air and it goes on to say that he
sought to have power with G-d and to be perceived as
god. So he went up into heavens and showed himself as
god, this is the Bible.
satan influences education and the arts
So most of our trouble forms in industry and in the
commercial life of the society and it is assisted by
servants who are like members of a secret order that
have been created by shaytan and they too think that
they are angels that are guardians of the way. And they
influence the education and the arts. They are in these
circles influencing education and the arts and they are
working for satan to put his language into the culture
and they are thinking they are angels protecting the way.
But also look for the devil in that, that claims to be from
G-d because the devil aspired to present himself in the
place of G-d. Who can see that but people who believe
in G-d, the sanctuary is corrupt where should you look
for devil? In every evil and that, that claims to be from
G-d because he aspire to put himself in place of G-d.
And his influence is also in the language of religion, his
influence is also in the way religious people perceive
reality. And we are not safe anywhere except in Quran
and even there you have to be careful Allah (swt) it
guides only the pure at heart, the "Muttatahhereen."
Any one with deceit in his heart or a selfish thing in his
heart, it will guide him to nothing but to more error, to
perdition, to self destruction. So be careful even when
you enter the Quran. Because if you are not innocent it
will not guide you.
p.16 of 58
Q. 2.26; Allah causes wicked to stray or guides
"Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things
owest as well as highest. Those who believe know
that t is truth from their Lord; but those who reject Faith
say: 'What means Allah by this similitude?" By it He
causes nany to stray and many He leads into the right
path but -le causes not to stray except those who
forsake (the )ath). "
Q. 2.58; Enter door in sajdah
And remember We said: "Enter this town and eat of
he plenty therein as ye wish; but enter the gate with
iumility in posture and in words and We shall forgive
ou your faults and increase (the portion of) those
who lo good."
[he Quran says , "Go into the door, the gate in sajdah,"
ike a little baby at the time when it is to be delivered
rom the womb of its mother. Come through that door
nto the great big garden that G-d created for it, the
universe. If we don't enter like that we are going to
;Wier bad consequences. That which is intended to be
nedicine is going to be poison that which is intended to
)e light is going to be darkness, tar on your eye. That
vhich is intended to be inspiring is going to inspire you
o more errors and more corruption. So G-d has made it
.o that it protects itself.
3-d said, "It is for us to publish it and preserve it,"
ffaise be to Allah (swt). I'm in heaven right now.
Moral urgency trust G-d speak against wrong
"he moral urgency, what is the moral urgency? The
noral urgency is that we trust G-d's Word, trust the
urity that He has given us and trust the purity that He
ays will sustain our life and will preserve our life, our
uman goodness and our human innocence, that is the
Loral urgency.
ASM must establish Model Muslim communities
knd it requires that we do more than be silent, that we
peak out against wrong and that we work to build, our
wn Muslim model of what the human being's world
hould look like. We must start on it today, you might
ay, "Oh the world is too much ahead of us," suppose
le Arabs had said that to Muhammad (pbuh) that,
supposed they said, "Muhammad (pbuh) you have this
new idea that you say can present a new order and bring
about a model that will stand as a witness that G-d had
inspired us and it. Persia is too far ahead of us, Egypt is
too far ahead of us, Rome is too far ahead of us, how can
we ever catch up with them Muhammad (pbuh)? We got
nothing but sand, no structures only this word you're
giving us." Suppose they had taken that fatalist attitude
what would have happened for them? Nothing.
We have much more than the Arabs had in the desert.
Now you're going to tell me, "The Imam is naive," I
hear you speaking, G-d helps me to hear your thoughts.
"The Imam's thinking, this is good, he's beautiful, I
love him, but he's just entertaining himself," I don't
want to say what I really want to say, what you say with
your nasty mind. "He's just masturbating, this can't
happen, he's not educated, he can't do these things."
You think, it wasn't said of Muhammad (pbuh) he's a
man gone mad, he's enchanted, his own ideas have
enchanted him," but look what happened after 20 years,
look what happened after 10 years, Allahu Akbar.
The man had no life form, and He breathed into him of
His spirit, and He said, "Be and it came to be," you think
it can't happen again? Again He's breathing into the
man of His own spirit and He's saying , "Be" and you
will be.
Islamic community can be in just a four block area
So the moral urgency is for us to do something about it,
for us to build a model of Islamic world life. You can
have a picture of Islamic world in a four block square
area. You don't need all the land in Chicago or in your
town. You can have a picture of Islamic world life in a
area no bigger than four square blocks.
And those structures are enough for us to show the world
our model for Islamic life or Islamic life in society.
You can have a school, you can have a Masjid, you can
have a cultural center, you can have a theater, you can
have businesses, dwellings, those structures are
enough to show the world Islamic life in society. Let us
get busy and do more than we have done in the past.
p.17 of 58
Q.4.76; fight satan scheme
"Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah and
those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil: so fight
ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the
cunning of Satan".
James 4.7; Resist the devil he will flee
"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil,
and he will flee from you."
His scheme is gambling, bringing many people into the
business of gambling and to support the business of
gambling. I am coming from Quran it is not me talking it
is Allah(swt) talking, it is His Word talking, I am
speaking from His Word not from myself. And fight
superstitions, so let us fight these schemes.
Many religious teachers fall under superstition in
Q.3.7; The perverse follow the allegorical seeking
Let us get busy, let us do more than we have done in the
past. The moral urgency is to fight the schemes of satan.
Allah (swt) said, "Fight the schemes of satan," you don't
go directly to him, you don't look for him as body, as a
person, as a human being. Some may say, "Oh yeah
Sharon is a satan," I'm sure that's the way a lot of us see
him, but I will tell you right now he's not satan, as bad
as he is Sharon is not satan, he is an instrument of the
satan, he's one of the instruments of the satan.
Satan intends to present himself to the world as god
President Bush serves humanity but deluded by
President Bush is a faithful servant of humanity and also
un-be knowing to himself, he is also an instrument of the
satan over there in what they're doing in the world
violence that he is involved in the world. The terrorism
that he is trying to counter in the world has deluded even
him and the planners and the government. They have
formed now as an instrument in the hand of the satan
and I'm thinking that satan is rejoicing that he soon is
going to present himself before the world as god.
This little fellow down here, I know they probably
dismiss me, "Oh you don't count," that's what they say,
I know they will say that, but I want to tell them that
"You are not going to be successful, never will you be
successful trying to present yourself as god." I know you
planned it for thousands of years, you and those before
you but you will not be able to put it over on humanity,
you will not be successful introducing yourselves as g-d
or god in the flesh or the Christ, you won't succeed.
The moral urgency is that we fight the schemes of satan.
The scheme it is drugs, or alcohol, alcohol is a drug too.
He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are
verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning);
they are the foundation of the Book: others are
allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity
follow the part thereof that is allegorical seeking discord
and searching for its hidden meanings but no one knows
its hidden meanings except Allah and those who are
firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the
Book; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will
grasp the Message except men of understanding.
Many of our religious teachers they fall under the
intoxicant of superstition in the religion, they become
fascinated with the unknowns and with the hard to
explain as Allah (swt) says "And they take the
metaphorical over the plain teachings, plain scripture,
they prefer the metaphorical over the plain logic, the
plain teaching so they go astray and they take their
followers or their student astray.
Now this is talking about the Quran. So the Quran is
designed as it says of itself in two characteristics, this
scripture has two characteristics, metaphor or allegorical
that is what you read in the translation. Metaphorical or
allegory and the logical that is supported by human
logic. So they prefer the metaphorical or the allegorical
over that which is rationally clear, logical and can be
proven by logic to hold up and serve your needs. They
prefer the mystical, they fit into the mystical and they
preferred that over the rational and logical, over the
practical and what happened? That defect in them caused
them to go astray, and those who they lead, they also go
astray behind them. So this is the tendency to become
superstitious and to enjoy superstitions.
p.18 of 58
Prophet chest opened as a child
"he idea about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), angels
oming to him when he was a little boy before even he
vas missioned to be the Messenger of G-d (pbuh) and
plitting his chest open, operating on him, cutting his
hest open and filling his chest with light. That stuff
tufts our effort to awaken the rational mind of followers
n Al Islam
o they can really be productive followers for the cause
f G-d and the ummah.
3abriel shadow darkened a whole town
Four needs are the four constitution rights
Q. 41.10; Allah gave what you need in four measures
"He set on the (earth) Mountains standing firm high
above it and bestowed blessings on the earth and
measured therein all things to give them nourishment in
due proportion in four Days in accordance with (the
needs of) those who seek (sustenance)".
Q. 10.16; Prophet lived a lifetime among you
Q. 2.51; Moses fast forty days and night
Al Hadith 4p.208#4; Angels created of light
Luke 4.2; Jesus fasted 40 days
Aisha reported the Prophet (pbuh) said "The angels
Jere created of light and the jinn were created of
mokeless fire and Adam was created of wht has been
escribed to you."
"Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those
days he did eat."
nd a report says that Jibril was seen walking through
le town, they don't give you any rational explanation
Jr it, that he was so huge that his shadow put the whole
rea in darkness. G-d doesn't send angels to put people
darkness. An angel is light, how in the world
Dmething made of pure light can cast a shadow? And
yen those teachers of yours if you ask them, "Well what
the angel made of? We're made of flesh, what are
ley made of?
Going back to what I said G-d has created man
essentially a spirit, human male and female essentially
we are spirit to be expressed materially. Spirit needing
to have material expression so it will be visible to us in a
material world or in a material reality. This spirit must
express itself also in culture, so we talk about the four
winds, we talk about the four elements wind, water,
earth and fire.
ure light. Well how in the hell did the angel pass a
ark shadow over the people, so big that it was nighttime
)r them while he was in their area, how in hell did that
appen sheik? The mystical thinker, he has an answer,
on't think he doesn't have an answer, he has an answer
'hen he is put the spot he says, "he's made of ether, it
not like our world. It was a shadow but you can't see
, you can't see it with the eyes of this world. You have
see it with the eyes of the other world. If you could
:e it with the eyes of the jannah brother you would see
big shadow," and that's enough for some of you putty
inded people. But for me it is not enough, address my
ality I am not over there, I am here. So how in the hell
n I going to see it? The son of Elijah.
Spirit needs material to express itself
This is ours, it is our right, we have the right to life, we
have the right to property, we have rights to engage the
material world and get the benefits, we have the right to
have our aspirations express themselves, we have the
right to pursue our appetites or our passions, we have the
inherent right to do that. And we have the right to speak
from our sensitivity to say what is morally correct and
what is morally incorrect. These are the essential
features of life, these are the necessary features of life,
from these four follow all the other developments.
Forty means when your conscious
And when you hear 40 it only means that, which is in the
conscious mind and Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) G-d
said of him, "And he has already lived with you a
lifetime." G-d is referring to the 40 years before he
became Messenger of G-d, Prophet of G-d (pbuh). It
could be said again very correctly, very accurately, "He
has already lived with you for 40 years."
p.19 of 58
40 acres and a mule
getting it, a lot of us have gotten it, Christians and
Q. 21.16; World not created for sport and play
Hollywood black man image is heroic
Not for (idle) sport did We create the heavens and the
earth and all that is between!"
Forty is a very special number in the language of
scripture or revelation, 40. The Prophet fasting 40 days
etc., do not think the secular world does not know
something about it. When we were freed they said, "We
will give you a mule and how many acres of land? Forty
acres, and they are wise, they are Adam, they are the
sons of Adam and they are also Adam.
Acres means ache
They are very wise when it comes to language. When
they say acres it is a play on ache, see the deceivers,
those who play with secrecy they enjoy the game. So
what they say has to amuse them too, it has to be secret
but also has to amuse them too.
That is why Allah (swt) says He didn't create this world
for sport and playing, for your games, for your
plaything and for satan. Satan inspired orders of secrecy.
Mule means your stubborn mind
So when they said a mule and 40 acres, the mule is you.
They are saying, "You aren't nothing but a stubborn
dumbbell, you were in good hands when you were in the
white master's hands. We woke you up in the morning,
we told you when to go to go to bed, we whipped your
iss, your animal to keep you in line, to keep you on the
ob. And without us overpowering you, you would be
iothing but a stubborn, defiant donkey, mule headed,
lonkey headed person. You insist upon this freedom,
ou got it. We will give you a mule, we will give you
ourself. And we will give you 40 acres, we give you
he right have your inheritance, your four measures from
3-d let us see if you can get it with your donkey head.
40 acres means space, freedom to pursue your
)id you ever get forty acres of land? Yes you did, they
Lo not mean real land, they mean space and freedom to
ursue your potential that G-d gave you, your divine
Iheritance, that is what they mean. We are close to
I guess they are acknowledging it now, look at their
culture, look at their fiction, look at their Hollywood
movies, see how they are including the black man
among their heros. See how they are including the black
man in heroic pictures of white and black men together?
They are acknowledging with their art and their culture
that the black man has now qualified to be recognized as
one of the guardians of our society, our civilization. So
we did do something with our mule and 40 acres, didn't
we? And really Frederic Douglas was proof that could
happen so they where laughing at us and even right now
they say, "Oh Frederick Douglas is the exception not the
Wallace has a good nature, he has a good mind, he has
big ideas, he's want to do big things, but he is working
with people who aren't going anywhere. He is the
exception to the rule, not the rule," that is what they say.
Q. 31.28; Your death resurrection as single soul
"And your creation or your resurrection is in no wise
but as an individual soul: for Allah is He Who hears and
sees (all things)."
You don't need many, you just need one. The Holy
Quran says,"Their death and resurrection is as the death
and resurrection of a single soul." So once we all
identify in that single soul, one man can call us to
identify in that one single soul. We don't need but one
person and once we all identify in that single soul if we
can have a resurrection for all of us, that is how it is
done, that is how it is being done now.
Culture is effect of man's sensitivity and spirituality
So the culture is really an effect of man's sensitivities
and spirituality, it expresses itself in culture. And
culture in its wholeness is every expression of man's
essential life, his pure sensitivities, sometimes corrupt
sensitivity. I'm speaking of this white culture. His
sensitivity, his intelligence, his reasoning, his affections
for his heart, his aspirations or his spirit, all of it. So if
you look in the dictionary and you look up the term
culture you will find that culture has different entries,
different meanings. It can right away take your mind to
p.20 of 58
ltertainment, singing, theater etc, but that's not all of it,
yen the expression of the intellect, education, literature
of that we have expressed is culture.
lessed Ramadan to you who I have not greeted. We are
ill addressing the problems for our perception that
Bah (swt) wants us to have. Our understanding the
icture of His world that He wants us to have, the
roblem for that made by the great deceiver, the satan
imself. How he made the world to be seen by us and it
not the world as Allah (swt) wants us to see it or eated us to see it, it is deception Ghuruu by the ghuruu
'ho is the satan. Ghuruu is another name for by satan,
ie shaytan, the devil.
Sex problem
zorty hadith p.84#25; Charity is in legal sex act
On the authority of Abu Dharr he reported some of the
Dmpanions of the Prophet (pbuh) said to him, 'The
(fluent have made off with the rewards. They pray as
e pray, they fast as we fast and they give away in
parity the surplus of their wealth. He said, "Has not
.11ah (swt) made things for you to give away in charity?
ruly every Tasbeeha is a charity, every Takbira is a
parity, every Tahmeeda is a charity and every Tahleela
a charity. To enjoin a good action is a charity and in
ie sexual act of each of you there is a charity."
.nd addressing sex, the problem for sex. The way sex is
eated there it no respect for sex in most of the people.
he way satan has inspired the secular world to present
to us has caused the majority of us to have a real bad
lea of sex and a bad relationship with sex, that is the
'ay we see it. The people in religion were first deceived
i religion, not just in the world. In religion they were
rst deceived to believe that sex is something you
lould despise, sex is something that is dirty, and that
as being preached or told to us over generations behind
.nerations for hundreds, or few thousand years. And
ght now there is someone with sensitivity in this
Idience, you don't like to talk about sex openly. Sex
)r many is a dirty word.
Al hadith 2p633#377w; Marriage is half the religion
Anas reported the Prophet (pbuh) said, "When a man
is married he has fulfilled half of religion. Then let him
,ar Allah (swt) for the remaining half."
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) wanted to get rid of the
influence of satan and the wrong perception of sex for
Muslims. He said for everything that you do which G-d
permits there is a blessing. And one of the followers
said, "If we have sex is there a blessing?" The Prophet
(pbuh) said, "If you have it unlawfully isn't there a
punishment?" And he made it clear to them that if you
have sex lawfully there's a blessing in the pleasure.
They were talking about pleasure, the act of sex, they
were not talking about the rewards later such as children,
they were talking about the act of sex itself, is there a
blessing? In the answer of the Prophet (pbuh) he said
"Yes there is a blessing because if you have it
unlawfully there is a curse." So if you have it lawfully
there is a blessing. I guess they were trying to find
something that they said, "Maybe he would except this
but not that." He stuck to it, in everything that Allah
(swt) has permitted us there is a blessing and Allah (swt)
has permitted us to have lawful sex. This community is
not a community of celibates or celibacy, people who
vow not to indulge in sex like many in Catholicism,
among priest and among nuns, the fathers and the nuns
or the priest and the nuns in the Catholic church. It is not
only there it is in some other religions too where they
don't have sex, where they don't marry.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "That to marry is part
of your religion, that you perform half of your religion
when you marry and keep your marriage and your
family good, your relation with your wife good. You
marry and keep the relationship with your wife good
then you have performed half of your religion.
Sex foundation of society like the body
Sex is not only something that is not offensive for
Muslims but it is sacred for Muslims and sex is a
pleasure G-d created for us and it is the foundation for
society, sex is in the foundation of society. Just as it is in
the foundation of the government of our physical body,
if you don't have sex and don't want any more children,
no more youth eventually no more you.
Sex best in mental intercourse
So just like it is the foundation in the procreation or in
the preserving of our physical body isn't it also the
foundation and the preserving of our society? So let us
look at sex and perceive it all over again. Sex is the
way pleasure is realized for the two mates, male and
p.21 of 58
female. It is pleasure but there is also is a message - - in
everything there signs, this pleasure is a message.
The height of pleasure is in the minds of many, but for
me it is not, it is intercourse but it is intercourse for my
intellect, that is my highest pleasure, not intercourse with
my body or my sex organs, intercourse with my mind is
the highest pleasure for me. But for most in this material
body, yes the highest pleasure perhaps is the pleasure we
experience when we engage sex with our mate. What is
that a sign of from our Creator? To reproduce, to have
what Allah (swt) gave you, to reproduce for you. You
should enjoy it, the more pleasure you find in it, the
better the results, the bigger the results.
Work like sex if you like it you get good production
People who don't love work, they don't do well, the
more pleasure you find in your work, the greater your
work. So really it's a sign that if you engage something,
if you do something that gives you great pleasure, it will
give you great reward. And what is a better reward for
a parent than to see themselves reproduced in another
new life, a baby? And that's what really gives more
power to the family to work together, to stay together
and see the future together, when the baby, addition
comes. When the addition comes then it is not just a
bond or a company of two but now it is a company of
three, daddy, mama and child. So the company gets
stronger, the company get richer in human interest and
gets richer in social interest. They gets richer as you
have that reproduction.
So that's a sign from G-d that what you indulge for
profit or gain or for your pleasure, get pleasure out of it.
The more pleasure you get out of it the more you will
devote yourself to it and the more fulfilling it will be for
you and the more productive your business will be or
your interest will be, that's the message. We eat food
and say "Umm" I know a brother when he tastes
something, when he's eating he says "Umm," but the
pleasure of engaging in our lives is more intense than
that, the pleasure is more than what we get from
chewing food. I don't know if some of you are hungry,
fasters, I don't know if you probably forgot that you are
on the fast, we can lose reality. These brothers devote
themselves so much to their brain that they don't want
food hardly and don't want women hardly. That is
really hurting to see your brother like that.
Sex belongs in the social context One man looks at sex,
looks at the female organ and he sees maybe just sex, just
the flesh pleasure he gets out of it. The thinker who
looks for the message from G-d in it and the beauty of
the Creator in it, he looks at it and he may see a
beautiful flower. And the fluid, one may think it is
despicable, another one may see it as drops of honey, it
depends on how you look at it. But if you don't see it
in the social context as Allah (swt) created it, that is sex
in the social context, sex belongs always in social
It is not in the erogenous pleasure alone, that erogenous
pleasure it is sensual pleasure, flesh pleasure, erogenous
pleasure, that pleasure sends a message to us, that if you
attend the needs of your social life to preserve it and
extend it you will get the greatest pleasure fulfillment
Look how it tortures our flesh when our child goes to
corruption, look how it tortures the flesh when the
relationship becomes ugly with my mate. Look how my
flesh is tortured, many times it is killed and my heart
can't take it, I have a heart attack, I have a stroke
sometimes my mind can't take it. I go crazy, I say it for
everybody. It is true for me, I'm really a mess when it
comes to trying to live with these women I make a mess
for myself, I been very unsuccessful and I don't blame
them I blame myself. I guess that's my biggest problem
in my life not knowing how to have a marriage, I'm
guilty. Not guilty of being unfaithful, no, but guilty of
spoiling women too far inviting - - I could handle it,
Wallace the welder could handle it, wouldn't have ever
had to leave but Wallace the Imam not knowing how to
relate to these women and not follow them all the way,
not try to treat them too nicely all the time, he made big
trouble for himself and wives.
Wallace the welder wouldn't have had any trouble. So
he would have plenty of time to follow them around and
please them I don't have that much time, I can't follow
them all the time, you can't tell me, "Stop and talk to
you," about your sensitivities, about your hurt feelings
someone else caused, I didn't cause it I'm busy. Wait
until I have time, no, "Do you love me? Well you better
talk to me right now you it aint no Imam."
So that got too much for me, when it gets too much for
me I have to say, "I can't carry you and me, I got too
much load on my back. I will carry you when I have the
time. I don't have time, I can't carry you. It is making
p.22 of 58
Tour life miserable and mine miserable, let us separate. I
Joint the finger, I said I'm a failure but I also want to tell
Tou that if you go to any one of those women, every
voman that I ever had involvement with she will have
;ood things to say about that man, not bad things. And
he will still tell you that, "He's my friend," some of
hem will say, "He's my husband whether he is here or
Tow I don't accept that I am your husband, you lost
hat, we lost that, I'm not your husband but that's okay.
got a birthday card from one not so long ago, real
)eautiful and really I didn't expect that beautiful
anguage to come from one. I had to read it two or three
imes and I still have it on the mantle, all the other cards
ire gone I still have her card up on the mantle. I couldn't
ielieve it and she said, "To my husband," at the end of
he card and I haven't been with her in years. But what
he's saying to me and I love her for saying that, she is
aying that, "Though we cannot have the relationship, in
ny heart you're still my husband." And she almost got
ne back with that, in fact it is working on me even now.
3ut so are the memories of frightening times, they both
re working.
in the parent, the male and the female. So this is
strengthening the social bond, isn't it?
So can't you see that your purpose for sex is not just the
small time quick pleasure though it is heavenly in it's
taste, it is not for that. That pleasure is to tighten and
bring you closer in affection with the wife, can you see it
is not just the quick pleasure, but it is to tighten the
bond. The Holy Quran says G-d bonds you with
affections of your heart, He brought you together upon
the affection of your heart or by the affections of the
heart, to bond you together with your wife. When two
people are bonded that is the beginning of social
bonding, male and female. The child comes here it and
increases the social family, the membership, it becomes
a stronger social bonding.
So never see sex separate from the social interest, the
social bonding and extension of your life. If you see it
that way, if they present it in schools like that, if it is
presented in the Sunday school for the children in church
or the dawa lessons to our children, if we present it like
that, if its presented in education like that, and in
academic courses like that, we will have a sexually
healthy society.
Sex in the social context
Ve should get rid of this perception, this picture of sex
hat the satan has inspired, he wants us to see it as dirty,
e wants us to see it as lust and he wants to feed the
1st. He wants us to become lustful. Allah (swt) forbids
iat we marry out of lust for a woman, the sexual
ppetite. We can have it and certainly we're supposed to
ave it and it can be very, very strong but if you don't
lake the distinction between that enjoyment and the
ocial bond that you are forming, the social bond is more
nportant than the sex bond. The sexual bond is to be
xpressed through the social interest not outside of the
ontext of the social interest. That is why it is so
nportant, you are violating, you are not having a
twful marriage if you have sex outside of the social
o have sex for sex is fornication and adultery, to have
x to tighten the social bond, the love, the affection
etween you and the wife to make the bond of male and
male stronger that is sex for social bonding, sex
Kpressed through social interest or in the social contest.
eep it in the social context. When you have children it
iiould strengthen that because now the social family has
2come three and not only two and the third one
desperately needs the good support that G-d has created
Because it is taken out of context - - primitive people
keep it in the social context, they are not exposed to all
this madness that the satan has given the industrial
world, they are not exposed to it. So they are not freaks,
they want sex in the normal human way, sex doesn't
occupy them all the time. Some youngsters and some
old people too can't even work for having sex interrupt
their work.
Sex punishment abnormal acts
I went to the movie and a woman was sitting in front of
me and I could not even enjoy the movie for her making
all kind of sexual noises and gestures, becoming
sexually insane. The satan, that is his work to occupy us
with sex interest out of the social context so that we lose
connection with the life stream, the direction for our life.
So this woman was messed up bad, it is not normal and
in many ways it is terribly abnormal. And the way we
are having sex , the way we are relating to sex is
certainly freakish and abnormal.
Don't tell me it is pleasure. It is pleasure with
punishment and the punishment is more than the
p.23 of 58
pleasure. Look at the bad relationships we have with the
males and females now. These young girls are telling
me, "I know you are old," I say, "You don't know how
old I am", I say, "I am three times your age." They say,
"It doesn't make any difference, I don't want these
young guys, Mr. Mohammed they aren't any good."
That is what young women are telling me, young girls,
and you would be surprised how young and thank G-d
I'm still a good man, I don't take advantage of it, but it
is there because the satan has influenced the sexual life
to corrupt it, to debase it, to make it so low that really
the bonding now can't be respected.
Is it worse than animals, an animal has sex in the social
context, maybe dogs and a few others they will have sex
outside of the social context, but once pregnancy is
there the mother and most dogs, even an alley dog will
respect that. Sex has to be in the social context. Family
interest becomes stronger than just flesh, having
erogenous sex for pleasure.
If an animal keeps sex in the social context and if man
lets sex get out of the social context his whole life is
headed for destruction, the satan knows that. The satan
knows that if he can take sex out of the social context,
your whole life is headed for destruction. Never has sex
been exploited to bring society down as much as it has
been exploited recently for that purpose, never in the
history of mankind and we have had some ugly pages of
history, but for a very few people, mostly the ignorant
and the mentally sick, not for the whole society, only a
very few times in history can you find something like
Sex is flower of our social interest
It was only at the time when the society was without
enlightenment or those who had that enlightenment had
lost it, then sex took over as an erogenous pleasure,
rather than as a social need and a social flower. It is the
flower of our social interest. Sex is the beautiful flower
of our social interest, from it comes our children, that
beautiful flower has seeds and from it we get our
Men and women meetings
I want to have a meeting with brothers only, there are
things that I want to say that I cannot say in the presence
of sisters. I was told that some of you were trying to get
a meeting for me, with the brothers and a meeting with
the sisters, you are not working on it hard enough, I have
not heard from you. Please arrange a meeting for me
with the brothers and a meeting for me with the sisters
separate at different times so we can discuss these
things, you can ask me questions. Muhammad the
Prophet (pbuh) made himself available to sisters alone. I
am not him, I'm not as good as he, I'm not as
trustworthy as he, but I must follow his tradition.
Tape 11 side A Nasir
I will make self available to you sisters and let us have
discussions like this and other discussions that you
would like for me to have with you, please let me know.
If you don't feel too comfortable with the brothers
around, if you don't feel comfortable the say like some
sister have already told me, "Imam we need you to meet
with us and to address us and to respond to our concerns
and questions," fine. I'm supposed to do that so let me
know when.
I have to repeat that sex is basic, fundamental in the
formation, preservation of life and if the satan can enter
that sanctuary and corrupt it, he brings your whole life
down. He knows it so that is what he planned and that is
what he has done to the world, not just the West. In
Muslim lands they tell me, men and women are in the
privacy of their homes looking at pornographic films.
If you give yourself to that kind of stuff it is going to
take you more and more into it. You have already
shown that you have a weakness and a disease because
you are looking at it. So the weakness is there and it is
going to get more and more and enlarge that weakness, it
is going to make that weakness bigger and bigger until it
takes you from your moral essence, your moral
excellence. And you are going to find yourself
becoming freaks, nasty people. The innocent nature G-d
gave us to say, "That is nasty," don't lose it.
If it was nasty when you were ignorant, it should be
nasty when you become wise. Not the thing, the natural
act, not the natural flesh, it is not nasty, it is a sweet
smelling flower, beautiful flower, to me it is the prettiest
of all flowers. But if you have the wrong approach to it,
it become nasty and you become freakish, your whole
life becomes stinky. One movie I saw it said, "It stinks
so bad even stink would say that stinks." You become so
funky, even funk would say that's funky. Please if we
are going to have our life we have to fight the schemes
of satan. Keep sex in the social context.
p.24 of 58
Tower Babel
Gen 11.1; Tower of Babel language confounded
"And the whole earth was of one language, and of one
speech. [7] Go to, let us go down, and there confound
their language, that they may not understand one
another's speech."
Satan is the one who dismembers - - Tauheed, we
started with Tauheed, the unity, the oneness. So satan is
the one who knows also that really your life is preserved
and advanced by bonding, making connections. So he
exploits these connections, he corrupts these connections
so that the connection is broken. The male is separated
from female, the interests of male is separated from the
interests of female. The sexual interest is separated from
social interest, everything that G-d intended to be
together, the satan conspiring against man wants to
break these sacred bonds.
satan thinks he works for G-d
The scripture says, "Let us go down and confound their
language, break their bonds so that they be a people no
more," do you think that is G-d speaking? That is satan
;peaking in the Bible. The satan thought he was working
For G-d, that is satan speaking, thinking he is working
For G-d. He says, "This is the way we get our enemies,
et us go down and confound their language." So he
comes down and your language that you had before did
lot make big trouble for you. Satan comes and he
nfluenced the way you use your language, influences
he nature of your language. And he breaks every sacred
)ond and causes you to die as a society, be a people no
Vocabulary for the transcript
We are using terms here in the vocabulary for this
peech, I wish I could really give you the whole
'ocabulary, I think we need and I will do it en sha Allah
swt), maybe later, maybe for the printing, for the
ranscription maybe I will do a little more work and
stablish a vocabulary, it will be helpful. A vocabulary
or the first part and the second part.
Dialectics, many of you do not know what this word
means and some of you are in the habit of hearing but
you won't go and look it up in a dictionary, that is not
how I became the student that I am and the leader that I
am. I cannot be comfortable reading something and
having a word there that I do not know the meaning of. I
go to the dictionary, I make a note and later on if it is not
convenient for me at the time, I make a note so that
when I get home where there is a dictionary and I have
time to go back to it, I go back to it, I get the meaning
and then I read that part again so I will understand.
I told my son, I said, "You are not reading and getting
benefit if you read and pass over words that you do not
know the meaning of, you do not know those words." I
said, "Reading to get the benefit you must make note of
every word that you do not know and then go to the
dictionary or ask someone who knows to save the time if
you want, look up the meaning of those words.
After you get the meaning then go and do a second
reading of that part where that word is that you did not
know so that you will be sure that you know or had
communicated to you clearly the whole reading that you
did. You want the whole reading to communicate itself
to you, you do not want to miss any of it. Sometimes
one word will make you miss the message or the
meaning in the whole paragraph or maybe the whole
Dialectics logical argument
Dialectics, the dictionary entry says, "A method of
logical argument in which contradictions are disclosed
and synthetically resolved." So this is a process that
went on in the mind of Abraham, this is a process that
went on in the mind of thinkers who are trying to
understand the objective world, even man's own purpose
in it, his life and his purpose in. This is a process that
goes on, logical discussions, it says argument, argument
means discussion also, it does not mean it is a heated
thing or a thing that involves anger or something.
Logical discussion or argument in which there's
contradiction. I said the world shows us contradictions,
but these are not as prevalent and not as obvious and not
as enduring as the unity, the Tauheed. But man wants to
find the Tauheed and believe in the Tauheed so he
studies the contradictions and he wants to resolve the
conflict for the contradictions or at least understand
them in the logic of the whole. He wants to understand
these contradictions.
p.25 of 58
Again I repeat in the logic of the whole, in which
contradictions are disclosed, he wants to see these
contradiction more, that is he wants to understand these
contradictions; what is the role for these contradictions
in the system that is whole, the whole system.
Diversity of the races are to carry man's unity
What role are they serving to preserve? I gave a
statement once and the Focolore leaders they quote me
and I've heard it many times from them,"Imam Warith
Ud Din says, "That we have diversity so that our unity
will be given legs or wheels to carry it, " and they quote
me, PhDs quote Imam W. Deen Mohammed and you
have - - shame on you, you are a disbeliever shame on
Q. 9.61; The Prophet believes in Allah and the
He (the Prophet) believes in Allah has faith in the
believers and is a Mercy to those of you who believe"
Allah (swt) wants us to believe in each other, not just
believe in G-d, but trust each other, believe in each other
in which contractions are disclosed. So they study these
contradictions or these conflicts in the nature of the
world that Allah (swt) made so that they will eventually
lead us to understand their purpose for being in this
creation. And we come to understand that they are really
there to serve and promote the Tauheed, the preservation
and advancement of the oneness.
Q. 40.64; He made your features beautiful
"It is Allah Who has made for you the earth as a
resting place and the sky as a canopy and has given you
shapes and made your shapes beautiful."
Look how the division of the races, black and white,
ethnic divisions have challenged man and forced man to
see that these divisions are here for a purpose. And these
divisions are to be respected. This is the creation of Gd, black man, white man, African man, European man,
this is the creation of G-d, we don't want to get rid of
that. G-d doesn't want us to carry our identity as a
burden and see it as a discredit. G-d wants us to feel
good about our identity. He says, "He made your
pictures when you were in the wombs of your mother
and He made all of your pictures beautiful and excellent,
this is Quran.
The Quran is far more advanced than the world, it is
always ahead of the world, so while the races and the
world are seeing individuals and saying, "This one is
black so that is the mark of inferiority on them. This one
is white that is the mark of superiority on them." While
they are falling victim to their bad dispositions to this
reality, they are bad, weak, ugly dispositions so they
can't perceive this reality Allah (swt) has revealed long
ago to Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh). It did not just
start, this attitude, this superiority attitude that people
have did not just start.
Transparency produces the colors in the rainbow
I have read the history of blacks too, how their
civilizations developed and they too put language in
their culture that said black was superior. Actually the
white man coming into knowledge of the civilization of
the African people, he discovered that and he just
reacted to it and he made white superior, just as they had
black as a mark of superiority in ancient black
civilizations. The white man reacted to it and he put
white as a mark or sign of superiority in his civilization.
And now after man has lived and seen the trouble that he
has created for himself now in this time of you and me
we are seeing a new mind coming into the world where
nobody wants racism. When they say they want to
achieve transparency, and they are saying this in high
quarters, don't think they are not signaling that interest
to every level under them, that we have to achieve
Color consciousness has been our downfall, now we
have to come back to perceive man in his abstract not in
his concrete and know that his abstract is his superiority
not his concrete that he expresses his abstract through.
But his abstract is his superiority, it is not the colors in
the rainbow but it is the transparency in the rainbow that
can produce the colors.
Coming back to this strain in the intellect to make sense
of things, this is the description of that process that it is
looking at conflict and differences and it is trying to
make sense of these conflicts and differences in the order
of the whole so that there is harmony, there is
agreement, there is a consistency, there is coherent
expression, a coherent language.
p.26 of 58
Muhammad, Jesus word dwelt among men
Al hadith 3p.410#579; Prophet character was the Quran
Sa'ad bin Hisham reported I went to Aisha and asked:
)11 mother of the Faithful, inform me about the conduct
2f the Prophet of Allah (pbuh). She asked, "Do you not
'ead the Quran? " Yes, replied I. She said "The conduct
2f the Prophet (pbuh) is the Quran."
John 1.1; In the beginning was the word
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God. [14] And the Word
was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his
;lory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)
u11 of grace and truth."
Universe means one verse Tauheed
Nhen you say universe you are saying, "One verse,"
iniverse means one verse. So it is not separated from
;xpression, language, "In the beginning there was the
word. The word took on flesh and dwelled among men."
Jniverse, the whole world is a verse the Quran says,
And all are signs, ayats, the world was once one whole
yefore. Are you following me? I mean are you
ollowing my language? What I'm saying I'm bringing
hings together, this is the bringing together, this is
reation separated I bring things together this is act of
reation, bringing things together that belong together to
vork together so you have growth and the right results
nd be synthetically resolved..
synthetic means bringing parts together
,et us look at synthetic, synthesis. Coherent means
ringing parts together to see or realize the coherent
thole. Connecting separate parts to see the whole or a
oherent whole, that is what synthesis is about. This all
an be found in the rational and logical way of thinking,
)r the thinker and for Abraham who came to perception
f Tauheed and is the father not only of monotheism,
(though one G-d was before. But he is the one who
ducated the world, he is the one who started the
ducation that would eventually educate in the
nowledge of this unity of matter and oneness of G-d.
o next time when we start we will start with dialectic
Kpression in the community life. Shuraa or As shuraa,
community ethical rule. Al Islam wants ethical rule,
Christianity wants ethical rule, Judaism wants ethical
rule, but the satan is in there working against it. And I
got the expression here that I know you will say, "What
does he mean the spiritual republic?"
It has nothing to do with the Republican party you can
count on that. As Salaam Alaikum I have an
appointment for CPC, I wish all of us could, but we
can't, but I wish all of us could go and see what this
African-American man from Mississippi has done in
Chicago with catfish, is something. I was so impressed, I
was so happy to see him, I told him, "We do not have a
business relationship, still I thank G-d that I came here
just to see what an African-American is doing. Sister
Ijlal discovered this businessman and brought me there
and we formed a business tie with him. He came from
Mississippi and he started a catfish business and he has
been in the catfish business for I think twenty something
years. But he has been in the Chicago area with his
business he has now for 17 years.
And he said it was hard, he did not have to tell us it was
hard. He said, "They were trying to knock him down."
He said, "He would not accept it, stayed with it." And it
looks like now he is really on top. He is the biggest and
most important processor and distributor of catfish and
catfish fillets in the Chicago area, African-American.
And CPC has a business partnership with him. I should
be back then at 11 AM, I hope by 12 PM.
I hope I can get here at least one hour before Asr prayer
because I'm going to miss the CPC meeting - - all of you
are invited, but you do not have to be here. I want to
meet with the CPC investors and those who are doing
business with the CPC products. While I am awaited
between this session and the next if you're not tired and
have to go to bed, if you are tired go to bed, go back to
bed, get a couple of hours of sleep, it helps you a lot. But
if you're not that tired and you do not want to go back to
bed then meet. I don't know what time David Hasan is
the official for CPC interest and he is given the
responsibility for promoting CPC interest and promoting
CPC investments and sales. If you can meet with him, at
least he will adjourn the meeting and then those of you
who want to bring your concerns, bring your concerns to
those investors or those who are interested in CPC and I
hope to join you myself I hope maybe by 12:30 PM.
Thank you. As Salaam Alaikum.
p.27 of 58
11-23-2002 Ramadan session Asr session Saturday
Chicago, Ill
As Salaam Alaikum we just came back from visiting an
African American at the catfish processing plant. And I
have been aware of it, live catfish being available in our
area for maybe two years or more, maybe three years,
going on three years. When I heard of it I made a call
and called the owner, we talked on the phone and at that
time I didn't see where we could have a good business
relationship for us, for CPC, because to me it is a small
volume that we couldn't get into right then. I thought
was best to continue to pursue the line of catfish as we
were pursuing it.
And then it happened that sister Ijlal, the main
salesperson for us right now and really the reason why
we are still in business, sister Ijlal you met her, you
know her. She learned of this business and she said,
"Brother Imam you got to meet this man," and we
finally did. I was so impressed and after meeting him I
told him I said, "If we don't do any business I am so
happy that I had a chance to learn about you, it is really
encouraging. It makes us very proud to see an African
American in this business that you are in and doing what
you are doing." I was so impressed.
He had about 16 or more workers doing things
manually, he had catfish brought in, live from
Mississippi and they were in these big cement containers
that look like small swimming pools, rectangular
swimming pools. And the water kept suitable for them,
the water was temperature controlled, heat controlled, it
is beautiful. And it is a family business, he, his daughter
and a son, I saw them working there. We met his
daughter again today and his son. A young girl and boy
finishing high school or college, around that age or just
beginning college, they looked to be about that age. I
was so impressed, an African-American family doing
this business and employing a few African-Americans
but the majority looked like maybe two-thirds of the
employees were Spanish Americans, not AfricanAmericans. He said, "I have plans for this business,
we're going to expand it, I am going to automate it," and
within about three weeks the man had all he was talking
about. So that is what we went there to see and 11
o'clock today and I am so impressed with this man. It
makes you proud just to know him.
One day I am going to ask him can we do a video, not
of his whole operation because business has to be
protected, we don't want everybody to see everything
he's doing. I mean anybody, we don't want anybody to
see what he does not want everybody to see. So what he
can show us, like what he made available to us we want
to show it. Maybe some of the operations.
But what he would permit us to video I'm going to ask
him can we video and at one time in future when we are
having our CPC meeting or other meetings that will
permit us to address business en sha Allah (swt) we're
going to show you what this man has. An African
American from Mississippi, a G-d fearing man, he
believes in G-d, we know that, when you talk to him you
know he believes in G-d. He started out working with
the church, and then he got into the fish business. We
were very much impressed with this man.
How many members of CPC do we have here? Raise
your hands, excellent, look at that, that tells us a lot, this
is no revelation for me. I believe if you support me in
my business with religion we will be successful. The
same people will support me I don't care what I am
doing as long as they know that it is something for the
community or for people, business politics I don't care
what it is. Whatever I go into and the same people that
support me for the religion or for G-d will support me
for everything, anything. I do believe that, that is how it
is supposed to be.
It is kind of surprising to see all your hands go up like
that, we are getting in good shape I want you to know
that. We are situating ourselves to do big business, but
right now we need money to invest and I believe in G-d,
I'm not afraid to invest. I believe that some way we are
going to keep being successful, I spend the money for
Growth, I am spending the money so this business will
grow. You authorized me to be president, you
authorized me to be your leader and I am spending our
money so we can grow.
We are situated now, the department of agriculture they
are just so proud of us, they say, "You have the cleanest
facilities we have ever been in." They say, "The way
you are setting this business up, we don't see you doing
anything but making plenty of money." That is what
they tell us. And it does not have to come from the
community, that is what is so good, we hope the
community will cooperate with us, but it doesn't have to
p.28 of 58
come from the community. We are going to get as much
business as we need right in this Chicago area.
CPC duplicated everywhere
We would like to see this good, sound business
operation duplicated wherever you would like to see it
duplicated. So one day en sha Allah (swt) we will have
them in different areas, different cities. But to work
better they should all work as sister operations, they
should all come under the same design, working the
same way, we will be very successful. And if we see
any need to make changes
or to do something a little different we should put our
heads together and do it, and when we do it we should
do it in agreement with each other. We should not do it
separate from each other. That is a hard thing for us in
business, most of our people in business when they make
a few dollars they think they know everything, you
can't tell them anything, they think they know and you
don't know.
Eventually we have to pull out our credentials for them,
from big business school, with the white man's signature
Dn it, that impresses them a little bit. If you did not go to
school they say, "What does the Imam know about
business? He ought to leave this to us and he take care of
:he duas'." That is their attitude. When G-d blesses a
nan He blesses a man to do what he has to do. And if
He gives me an assignment He blesses me to do
verything I have to do. He is not going to bless me to
ust know how to read Quran, this community is what
-le blessed me for. And this community needs more
han just reading the Quran, this community needs
inances to take care of it. Moses and Muhammad (pbuh)
)oth men were not just leaders in the spiritual life, both
>f them were leaders in the community life. They were
he boss in all areas of community life.
Muhammad delegated authority
oses was the boss in all areas of life, Muhammad
pbuh) was the boss in all areas of community life. He
lelegated authority, he gave people specific jobs to do,
le used people who were resourceful and who could be
rusted, he supported them in their positions, he trusted
hem with certain interests. He was the one who was
esponsible for leading the community and saying what
hould happen and what should not, what should be and
That should not be. And I do believe G-d has qualified
le to do just that.
Believe me if I meet some of you who I think I can turn
any of these responsibilities over to, I'll be so happy,
because the more somebody else can do and I don't have
to do it, the more that relieves me to do more, to
concentrate more in the more important areas. I'm
looking for a person who can replace me in certain areas
of responsibility and business is one of them. Anytime a
sister or brother qualifies to take over this business
responsibility I have, I'm ready to give it to you. But am
I not going to give it to you if you just got a theory, you
have to have more than that.
I've seen them with a certificate for 2 years in small
business management, I am telling you it is something
else. So the person that replaces me, you show me that
you started a business and kept going and progressing
for the same number of years that we have been with
this. And show me your business being in a good
situation making money for one year and I will give the
job to you. So I am not wasting any more time with you
folks, I'm sorry I'm not saying this for nothing, they
don't have anything but theory.
Somebody has trained you to be under a computer, they
gave you four years of education, they trained you to go
work under a computer, everything they want you to do
is in to the computer and you're just going to be
someone doing what they have put into the computer.
So what are you? You are a person with a computer that
is your boss, you say "Wait a minute that should be in
the program." I asked you a simple question, and you
are telling me that it should be in the program.
They say, "Do you have a plan, do you have a marketing
plan, where is the market plan?" Bring us some business
and maybe we will have what you're talking about. First
show me that you can do some practical things, that you
have business sense, that you have a feel for what is
correct and incorrect. They say, "Oh we need about a
half million dollars," For what? It is going, it is
progressing, it is looking better and better, we are in
business already, we are selling, we are buying, we are
selling, what do we need half million dollars right now
for? "To pay me, I graduated from business college I
didn't do that to come here and make nothing." Sorry,
very sorry you want to go back there and help those
meat cutters? That is the only job we got for you right
now, sorry.
Immigration allowing foreigners in to save business
p.29 of 58
And right away we think this is black people's problem,
no this is the problem for the American people's work
force. Our work force has deteriorated so bad, that is
why the government, immigration department has
permitted so many Asians, Africans and others to come
into the country, to save our country, save the business
of our country because our work force can't qualify to
do it, white and black, terrible. People who are working
are the Asians, Indians, Arabs, Japanese, these people
they still have work spirit, they still have respect, they
value work. Our Americans, white and black all they
want is money, they live for money, work for money, the
values are not good for the work force.
Family motivated business
Family is what motivated people to want to make
business. And our family is gone, family establishment
is gone. So those who are still in the world, who are still
devoted to family, America wants them and has opened
the doors. They come in here, they work hard, they
work with respect for work and they respect their boss.
This African American if you go there and see all those
people working for him, we saw them Spanish, he got a
few whites, blacks, a couple of them, that is all we
could find. Maybe half of them are on their way out of
the door.
And it is the non-whites and non-blacks of America who
are really keeping him in business working hard and
faithful, doing a beautiful job, they respect him. We
hire folks
and you know the first thing they do, you hired them,
you gave them the opportunity to make an income, the
first thing they do is start looking to see who can they
partner with, that you hired, they want partners to protect
each other. Partners take advantage of the opportunity
you have given them. So here you have hired people
who are going to organize now to weaken you, to
weaken your position, to weaken your authority and
weaken the results that you expect from them by
teaming up with each other, "oh here he comes, keep
quiet, he's coming." We're not going to take that, we're
not going down, I will cut my hand and leg off before
we go down. If my own hand and leg was hurt, I would
chop it off, take some fire and burn it to stop the blood
from coming out and wrap it up with some rags until I
can go to the hospital, this is serious business. We are
doing this for our future, for our life. We are doing this
to survive with dignity.
Marriage ceremony
We're going to start our sessions but it's going to be
sometime later it should take me no more than a few
minutes. At two o'clock I have an obligation that I
accepted and I'm honored that I have been asked. A
young sister wants me to officiate a marriage for them,
they are here, Allahu Akbar. So we congratulate them
and we wish them every good and every happiness,
praise be to Allah (swt).
The sacred ceremony of marriage according to the
guidelines for marriage in Al Islam, I will make a dua'
and open with Al Fatiha, then after quoting from Quran,
some verses I will then ask them to give their vows in
the ears of myself and all these wonderful witnesses.
Al Islam requires we seek G-d and His approval, and
His support for everything we do. This occasion is a
very, very sacred occasion and a very, very beloved and
beautiful occasion.
Marriage ceremony
This occasion for beginning life and the occasion for
beginning life goes back to the beginning of our father
Adam and his mate. And G-d charged Adam and his
mate with being responsible not only to each other but
being responsible to Him and being responsible for their
duty in the earth, responsible for the environment.
So marriage is a big thing, it a big issue, every time a
couple marries that first contract is repeated and they
should look at their future the same way the first people
looked at their future. Here is an opportunity to start life
and make it right. And to make it beautiful Allah (swt)
wants us to have life and a beautiful life and a productive
life. A productive life in the sense of number one being
successful as a family, as man and wife and as parents,
but also a successful life in the world of opportunities.
We pray Allah (swt) bless them with all of that and we
pray Allah (swt) bless them to have family and children
that will be protected from the evils and harms of the
world and that will give us a better future. Children and
themselves who will contribute to us having a better
future. And the future is yours may Allah (swt) bless
you to make a great future.
p.30 of 58
kllah (swt) says He has caused you to come together,
nan and woman because of the sentiments of your
wart, your human affections. He created you of water
Ind blood, He has given you your affections, your
sensitivities and your affections are from G-d. And to
narry is half of your duty, half of your religion.
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) he said, "The people of
ny ummah marry, marriage is for us," because there are
some religious communities that require their priests,
heir religious leaders not to marry. And by doing that
naybe the message goes out to their members that to
tay away from the flesh and not marry is a virtue higher
hen the common people are prepared for, but that is not
.1). Marriage is a sacred responsibility and it is beautiful,
t is holy and we want to always see it that way. And
ye should not forget that our reverence is for G-d, but
ye also should remember to reverence the family ties.
hope that the marriage will strengthen your family on
)oth sides and makes you more proud and make your
hmily members not you only, but your family members,
rour parents and all of your family members feel happy
bout this occasion and make them strong as a family
;nd more proud as a family. We began pray to Allah
swt) that He blessed this occasion and bless this couple,
his wonderful and beautiful young couple with every
;ood and every happiness that you seek Ameen.
Wonderful and congratulations, wasn't that wonderful?
3lessings in Ramadan, you can expect beautiful things
nd good things to happen in Ramadan, don't ever be
urprised. Wonderful young businessman, he finished
ollege and went into business he and his family
nembers and they have been successful and now he is
aying that he wants to become also a member investor
f CPC. And not a small investor in CPC, big money
nd we congratulate him and we pray that Allah (swt)
icrease him and help for his business, good help an
pen up more and more opportunities for his business
'hank you brother Anthony, a wonderful businessman
nd his product I don't know if he knows where all of
is products are being sold. We were in the Lincoln
that is near the area where we are now, a very big
hopping mall area. We found his garments in the
incoln mall, Heaven and Hell brand in the Lincoln
They are very attractive, youngsters love them, my
ins, both of my sons that are with me here in this area,
Then they saw them they were ready to grab them, they
"Can you hold one for me?" They are very
appealing and this brother is very productive, creative
and productive and every season he has a new line.
He is going to present to CPC his line for the coming
season pretty soon and we're very proud of him. With
Anthony I know, many of them know you, stand up for
them. Some people don't know who I am talking about,
he has fine products, he (Imam Shuaib) is wearing one
of his shirts, that hat too? I got one too it is upstairs I
had it down here early, I was wearing the cap too, and I
mean fine products. So he advertises in the Muslim
journal, we just want you to know that youngsters are
grabbing them right up, and are eating them up and
gobbling them like hot cakes.
And he is a great help for us, he agreed to support us, he
faxed us a statement saying exactly what he already
agreed to. He agreed to support us with CPC, anything
he can do for us he is ready to do it. He went over with
the delegation that we sent to Thailand to see their
factories and to do business for us and protect our
interest, he went over there and they did a beautiful job.
They were buying suits and made me feel very
comfortable with what we are doing.
He is ready to help us in all of our needs if he can, if
there is something he can do. Really he is special
consultant for CPC, but he also has his own business that
is a very, very beautiful business and a very successful
business, the future is going to be even much greater for
him. He says to me, I am reading his letter to me: "Imam
Muhammad I commit all of my business skills, efforts to
you, this community" brother Anthony.
A lady just walked in here who can tell you more things
about me than I can't even tell you. Because she knew
me from the time I was born until now.
My mother and my father had eight children, I say more
than eight alive and I have only two sisters, the oldest is
my sister Ethyl and the youngest sister Riyah, the baby
sister in the family. Riyah was called before the Islamic
name Lottie and she just walked in, I am happy to see
her. Riyah do you believe I still love you as much as I
ever did and more? I do, I have to say that because I'm
so busy I am guilty of not staying in touch with my sister
like I should.
p.31 of 58
And there is a beautiful sister in this community that I
have known for some time, she is so close to my family
and so much supportive of our community that I feel
she is relative too, I feel that she is very close to us,
sister Gladys Bostan. I know her husband, my mind is
so filled with so many thoughts I can't tell you his name
right now, Shamsideen. She cares about my sister and
she went and got her and brought her here, thank you.
We want to begin where we left off in this session and
want to continue until about 15 minutes or ten minutes
before Iftar if that is comfortable for you. I know some
of you have to leave, you have catch an airplane, if you
have to go don't feel embarrassed or anything, if you
have to leave earlier or even while I am speaking that is
okay I understand that. I am letting you know how long
this session is going to be. The session will go until
about 4:15 p.m, let us say until 4:25 p.m en sha Allah
(swt) and that will leave us almost 15 minutes before
break fast. I think break fast time is about 4:35 p.m. it
was 4:35 p.m. yesterday, but we allowed a minute extra
so we do not want to be right on the scientific time, that
is the scientific calculation that the sun was set at 4:35
So it might be 4:35 p.m. again today, this is Friday,
Jumah. When you are going to bed at all the wrong
times, you don't know what day it is. I thought it was
Friday. I have not yet hit that bed like I should, I
thought it was still Friday. The scientific time is more
reliable, we need to look in the paper, somebody needs
to look in paper. I need to see a paper, Sun times,
Tribune any paper.
I get this paper delivered to my door every day, the
Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune and I get a
lot of other publications delivered to my door. I did not
do that when I was a welder and had no responsibility
but my family. But now I am your leader, and my
obligation is to know what is happening in this world.
How am I going to be your leader and I do not even
know what is happening in the world, don't even know
what is going on in the news? That is a poor leader, he
should be fired. If you find out that he is that kind of
leader you should fire him. Give him a warning, an if he
does not straightened up and fly right, cut his wings off.
Devotional expressions of spiritual life
Masses are the resource for thinker leaders inventors
We are going to start again and we will start at the
Devotional Expression of Spiritual Life, culture. We
have already addressed this earlier in our sessions, but I
will again address this. How the spirit of the people and
especially the ones who contribute to the establishment
and growth of the whole society. In the different areas
of interest how they contribute to the beautiful pattern or
designs that we see in our society we call cultural life.
Immediately we think of the arts, the entertainment etc.,
but it includes every human expression that comes from
the human individual and from the society itself.
We know that the thinkers, the visionaries, the skilled
people, the professional people they are the ones who are
making the greater contribution, but really their greatest
resource is the common life of the people, that is their
greatest resource. They are looking at a common life of
the people, they are catering to the common life of the
people and they are trying to prepare better for the
common life of the people and serve the common life of
the people better.
This is the main, I would say concern that moves in the
artist, it moves in the entertainer, those who are in the
performing arts and moves in the educators and the
neighborhood developers, the business people.
They are all contributing to the cultural life of the
society along with many others, the sciences all of them.
If they are not in touch with a common life of the people
and responding to the common life of the people, the
needs for that life and the aspirations for that life, then
they are not really real creators, they are not real
producers for the cultural life of the people.
G-d made man a creator, innovator
Q.23.14; Allah is the best of creators
So blessed be Allah the Best to create!"
Now you might say "What do you mean by creators? " I
mean the power that G-d has given us to produce things
and when we produced these things for society or for
people we say, "Oh that was so creative." If you come
with something that strikes them that way, they say, "Oh
that was so creative." And you will be given credit for
creating new things for the society.
p.32 of 58
Ind when G-d says that He is the best of creators, Allah
swt) says in His Holy Book, "He is the best of
reators." When He says that He is respecting man's
bility that He gave him to utilize or benefit from what
1-d did originally, the first creation, to create himself
Lew, previously unseen and beautiful things, wonderful
hings in their service and also in their appearance or in
heir beauty, their appeal to the eye that appreciates
Culture is the expression of the human spirit
vulture is the expression of the human spirit also.
verything that man produces for his world is an
xpression of the human spirit. If the human spirit is
Lefective the product is defective and it will eventually
Lunish the society.
Urban renewal made mistakes
'lanning America's life many mistakes were made
specially during urban renewal, the poor were not
onsidered, the weak were not considered.
Jrban renewal black businesses were lost
'hey planned to do something to give to the rich and to
he established people that was in the poor people's
ommunity in their own establishments. So we lost,
frican-Americans and other poor people. We lost
much f our business achievements, our
accomplishments, we )st them and not only business
we were hurt in many ther ways too, to urban renewal.
Urban renewal brought lore hurt than happiness or
goodness, no I'm not
aying that. But for us we were hurt more than anybody
Ise. African-American people and minority groups, we
)st a lot to urban renewal.
Irican-Americans lost more than any other ethnic
roup and it is because we don't have the community
wareness and the community sense and devotion that
ther ethnic groups have. Seems like we are just looking
)r better situations for ourselves, so if there's a better
tuation, a better neighborhood to live in and we have to
love out of our own neighborhood, we seem to have no
roblem doing that, at least this is our past behavior. We
,,em to have no problem doing that. We just pull up
akes and move and go in an all white neighborhood far
way from our people and we were contributing, our
resence there was contributing to the strength of that
righborhood, to the strength of that community.
So we have weakened our community, we have really
taken the support from our businesses by not having a
strong community sense and a strong commitment to
your community. It is automatic for other ethnic groups
to think community. The Mexican will think the
Mexican community, the Polish will think the Polish
community, the Irish will think the Irish community and
on and on and on. But the African-American, just a few
of us will think the African-American community before
we make decisions that, for ourselves, that may
negatively affect our community. No we just go we
don't even think of the consequences to our community.
Black buy in other places weakens their
We hear of a new business, a new store and we say, "Oh
that store is fabulous, have you been there girl, have you
seen it yet?" It is 25 miles away from your area, deep
into the area of another group. Now you're going to take
your money out of your area even if you don't own the
store, if Jewel's is there, you're going to take your
money from Jewel's now in your neighborhood and
you're going to go away over to Jewel's or a
Dominick's or somebody else 25 miles from you
because your friend told you that place is exciting "And
they have, oh the products look so good girl. They have
vegetables and produce miles of it." It is ok to go there
and see it and maybe come back with a few things, but
you should still frequent your neighborhood store
because you take tax dollars out of your neighborhood
and you take business out of your neighborhood to
So here you are contributing your finances to another
neighborhood and making that neighborhood financially
strong, you are contributing to its strength and you have
taken away from your own, this is not good community
sense, that should stop. We have to keep working against
that until our people are normal, that is not normal to
take your money from your neighborhood, from your
community and strengthen somebody else's
neighborhood and their community, it is not normal.
And I know what you say, "Well what if mine is not
good?" What did people do in history, what have they
done when they have a need or problem for their
p.33 of 58
The conscious neighbors meet and discuss the problem,
they say, "Look we have a problem, now all of us need
this store, we get our supplies from the store, but this
store is not respecting us. It is giving us inferior stuff,
not keeping the place clean, undesirables coming in and
out of that business," whatever the problems are. The
prices keep going up higher and higher and we see no
justification for these high prices. Community life
obligates members of that community, neighbors to
protect the interests of that community for all members
of that community.
Good neighborhoods have community watch, but the
African-American it looks like they are just there for
crime, crime just occupies them, community watch is
just for crime. Community watch should be for every
important need to watch the interest of that community,
the whole interest of that community, not just crime, it
should not be just for crime. We need to become much
more community sensitive, and accept that the
responsibility is on each and every citizen of that
neighborhood or that community to watch, look out for
and work in the interest of that community, that
obligation is on all of us.
Neighbors should assist the businessman if
Consumer awareness regarding inferior products
So we are obligated to keep community watch and don't
just throw up our hands and walk away from problems in
our community, let us put our heads together and address
the problems in our community. Let us go to the
businessman and say, "We support you. If we all would
pull out or stop trading with you, you would not want
that would you? Here are our complaints. Can you
satisfy our complaints? We know it is going to be
difficult for you, we are prepared to work with you so
that you can satisfy our complaints."
And even if you have to have some people volunteer
from the neighborhood to go in and sweep, wash, paint,
maybe his money is out, maybe he is struggling, you
should help him. Because when you help him, you help
your community, he is a supplier in your community,
when you help him, you help your community. Now if
it is not justifiable to do that tell him, "No you're
making good money, you're able to do these things
yourself, you have to do this, you have to improve this
business." If it is not improved it becomes an eyesore on
the neighborhood or the community and if you leave it,
money is taken out of your community and put into
another community.
Community watch for all needs not just crime
We need community sense, that means we need more
involvement in what happens in our community. If we
do not have a group that is serving as a community
watch, then you should get together and say, "We need a
small group, a small body of persons to serve us as a
community watch." Good neighborhoods have that,
don't they?
Consumer awareness is knowing when the prices are too
high, knowing when the products are inferior, knowing
when you're not being dealt with fairly by business, that
is very important. They should not be only in the hands
of individual members, we need to structure
governmental bodies, and not put everything on the
federal government and the local government, but do
what other groups do. They do not leave all of their
interests to government, they form themselves little
government bodies, to protect their interests, we have to
develop that too.
We have it in-house but let us start doing it with our
Christian neighbors. A Christian neighbor who is trying
to get our community to be more conscious and to
protect itself against bad things that are happening, even
bad business operations, let us join those persons, let us
be a part of it, let us be with them. And if it does not
exist at all and no one is doing this, let us do it and Allah
(swt) will be with us even much more.
I want to do this myself, I am too busy with the
responsibilities of this office that I have as your leader, I
am too busy, but occasionally I've gone out, I've done
those things, nobody knew about it but me and the
people I went to. Occasionally I do something to help
the community, to protect the community, the
environment and the members of that community. But I
wish I had more time, I love doing that and I believe I
can be very successful working with neighbors to pull
together, the people who care and work to have a
beautiful, very strong successful community.
p.34 of 58
Organize your neighborhood associations
I believe I can do that, I know I can do that, and I really
would love doing that, so I'm asking you to do that and
it is very, very important, it is our obligation as Muslims
to care about not only ourselves but also our neighbors,
this is what Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) told us. To
know your obligation to your neighbor, to care about
your neighbor, do not even rest going to bed knowing
that your neighbors next door they are going to bed
hungry, these are the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh), so
we have to care about the neighbor.
Culture, individuals are threatened by the same
Ml of this is protection for the cultural life, what
threatens our cultural life more than anything else are
those things that threaten the individual's life, drugs,
:Time, violence etc., these are the things that are hurting
he cultural life more than anything else, we should
iddress those things.
Breath Quran to revive fallen cities
Q. 2.259; See how their roofs have caved in
Or (take) the similitude of one who passed by a hamlet
all in ruins to its roofs. He said: "Oh! how shall Allah
bring it (ever) to life after (this) its death?"
If we can just affect the spirit of the people in that
society by breathing into them what G-d has blessed us
with of His spirit the whole life will change. So it is not
as hard as we think it is, is it? Allah (swt) speaks of the
life and death not only of human beings, flesh and blood
persons but Allah (swt) in His Quran, in His Book, our
Book that He gave us speaks of the life and death of
communities, cities, towns and He say, "See how they
have deteriorated their roofs are caving in?" And then
something is done and the town is renewed, He said,
"And likewise is a resurrection of the dead."
Q. 89.30; Enter you My garden
Genesis 2.15; Man dress the garden
Weak business weakens invites neighborhood
If you weaken the business life of a neighborhood or of a
ommunity, then you really invite all those other
)roblems. So let us see the whole picture and work to
seep our community and our culture healthy and
Breath in society Right spirit makes the world right
f the spirit is right the world will be right, if the spirit is
ight in the business people responsible for the business
ife of the community, the business will be right. If the
pirit is right for the artist, the art will be right. Those
vho are performing for us in the culture, the artist, what
hey show us, what they present to us, their theater,
vhatever they have it will be good for the community, it
vill be right if the spirit is right. If we want to help
hange the material look and the material appearance in
11 of this design, business, art, industry, everything,
ducation whatever it is, if we want to change all that we
hould be involved with those who are doing those
pings, in making those things happen, but if we have the
ight leadership and if we're coming from G-d's
uidance we can blow a breath into the society, we can
reathe into the society a spirit that would change that
thole society
"And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the
garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."
So Allah (swt) doesn't leave us to just think about the
resurrection of human mortals after they die, Allah (swt)
want us to think of also the resurrection of our
environment after it dies. He tells us you should work
for a resurrection of your community, do not let it stay in
bad repair, but do what you know should be done to give
new life and beauty to your community. And G-d made
man, put him in the garden to be custodian, caretaker in
that garden, isn't that the story of our beginning, the
human family's beginning in the Quran and in the Bible?
Yes, it never changes our obligation will remain the
same, we can blame the federal government, we can
blame the local government but G-d blames each and
every human being He created for letting his life and his
neighborhood deteriorate.
Greatest happiness is when we accept responsibilities
The greatest happiness we can have comes to us when
we accept our responsibilities that G-d has given us and
when we try to perform the best we can answering or
trying to answer those responsibilities.
p.35 of 58
When we do that we have the maximum happiness in
our life. More happiness comes to the worker than
comes to lazy person, more happiness comes to worker
than comes to the silly person, the person who just
engages in play, fun and folly, they fight their happiness,
their happiness is a cosmetic happiness. The real
happiness that which stays and it is all the way down, is
not just a decoration on the outer surface, the happiness
is all the way through and through. It is the happiness of
the person who serves G-d in community for the benefit
of the community and is not idle. Once you accept and
fall in love with your duty to serve not only yourself, but
also your community once you fall in love, that love
makes you much more powerful, makes you much more
energetic than you were before you had that love.
know when you will not be able to get it." That is what I
do. So it is no miracle, it is no spook here, this is a real
Now you are so resourceful, you have so much energy,
they ask me, "Imam where do you get the energy, where
your get the stamina? Imam get some rest." Thank you
I will and believe me I will get rest because I want to
stay fit for this job, this job is important to me than this
individual life. It is more important than my personal
life. So I am going to get rest because I know if I don't I
won't be able to do this job.
There is a logic supporting everything, if anything stays it
is because there is a logic supporting it. The world was
built to be an intelligent body, I am talking about the physical
matter itself, the system of matter is an intelligent body. And
because it is an intelligent body it is also a sustaining
body, it is sustained.
And don't you be stupid brother. Just keep going and
you know you're not getting enough sleep, your wife is
telling you, your children are telling you, "Daddy you
better get some rest." They know you will risk a stroke
or a heart attack, they are cautioning you and you think
you are protecting your interest. Protecting your interest
is protecting yourself. You keep yourself fit and that is
the protection for your interest, even if you have to close
up the shop for two days, you close up on a holiday
anyway, you close it up for vacation don't you? Well I
am telling you if you are sick or approaching a stroke or
something it is time to take a vacation say, "Temporarily
closed for short vacation, say, see you Monday," and go
to bed and get some sleep, take care of yourself please.
Because you who are with us, we need you.
Don't worry about me, I am a conscious person and I
know I am a sensible person and I know that if I do not
take care of my health and get rest I will not be around to
do this work. I will get my rest. I sleep on the plane, I
sleep in the car while somebody is driving, I even let
somebody drive, I say, "You want to drive?" I give
them my seat, I sleep in a business place waiting to be
seen, if they have a seat, I sleep in the bank waiting to be
served. I thank Allah (swt) for Muhammad Abdullah he
told me, "Get sleep whenever you can because you never
Dialectic expression in the community life
Q. 40.7; G-d's reach over all in mercy and knowledge
"Our Lord! Thy reach is over all things in Mercy and
Matter is logical and intelligent
When we say intelligent what do we mean for creation?
Creation is an intelligent composition, it is an intelligent
construction, it is intelligent. Where are we coming from?
When we study it we see laws and we see functions that we
can measure and that we can perceive a design for, so we
see a logic supporting it. Allah (swt) says in Quranic
Arabic "Rob banaa wasia kul la shayen rahmatan wa
ilman." In one place of Quran maybe more than one place.
Rahma means compassion, mercy, it means that for
everything we look at there is knowledge or science, it is
not only a physical body it is a knowledge body.
Not only a material body or physical body it is a body
holding science, exact science, so when we are coming
from or really expressing the innocence of our own nature
and the beauty of our own nature whether we are planning
this or not, when it comes out it comes out as a knowledge
body, it comes out as a logic.
Music, from the nature man and animal
No musician sits down firstly, in the beginning and planned
a logic for his expressions, pages came from his feelings,
from his mind, from his feelings, from his natural rhythms
he came. Like a bird whistles and it is a song, it is music.
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And then the man whistles this is song in music and it
has a natural rhythm, measured rhythm, precisely
measured, it is a logic.
Nature is logical and extends the message of logic
So nature itself is designed to come from a logic and to
extend the message of logic, we're talking about the
dialectic or that dialectical expressions in community
life, that is what we are addressing right now.
Jazz is spontaneous is from nature not your thoughts
[n jazz they call it spontaneous expressions, meaning
hat you did not think about it, you did not plan it with
your mind, you just responded to the drumbeat inside
(ou. There was a drumbeat inside of you boom, boom,
)oom and it is exact timing.
Heart beat Allah wants to set us to time
guess when Allah (swt) created this heart in us He
vanted to set us to time, in precise measurements,
)oom, boom, boom. The army when it marches, maybe this is not your appetite, am I pleasing you'? I could be
lining at the Lord's table it might not be what you like
.nd I am going with you, maybe you should not be the
;nest, raise your hands if you're OK. If you are not OK
ill me I know how to talk, I know how to get into
nother vein, a different groove, I like this one right
azz is spontaneous that is the nature of jazz, am I
orrect? I have some people who know about Jazz, if I
m not correct I want you to correct me. As I understand
the nature of Jazz is spontaneity, it is its nature, that is
ow it started, spontaneity. And look how beautiful it is
nd look how it has survived many forms of music or
xpressions of music, jazz is still here, we still love it,
ou can still turn on that jazz station and get that
Eautiful Jazz like I do.
1. 40.7; G-d's reach over all mercy and knowledge
uranic Arabic says, "Wasia kul la shayen rahmatan
a ilman." Now "Ilman" is a logic, a science and
.cause of that we have a mercy that comes with it. This
aterial world in its natural form and order has been the
source for all kinds of products and ideas because an
dividual was attracted to these natural things.
Artist inspired by G-d's artwork
The artist goes to G-d's artwork for his skill, not only his
skill, for his interests. It is G-d's beautiful work that
inspired this desire in the person to be an artist, to be a
painter, to be a musician, whatever, it is the beauty in
His work that inspired the artist.
Industrialist inspired by G-d's works creation
Don't think the industrialists is not also the artist, he is
producing beautiful art, they do not classify it like that a
but doesn't he have to have appreciation for beauty and
art to build the nice structures that he builds? And if
he's not excelling in that, if he is a big businessman and
a big developer he will have somebody on his team with
that interest, with that sensitivity and those skills to help
them put beauty in his works. And when he builds
buildings and the towns didn't mercy, compassion also
come with science? When the science was taken up and
used to build scientific structures or exact measured
structures conforming to exact measurements and etc.
and with beauty it becomes a more comfortable
environment for us. Isn't that the explanation for the
Quranic statement "Wasia kul la shayen rahmatan wa
ilman ?" Certainly that is the explanation for that.
Construction for science and better conditions for
G-d is telling us that is just not revelation for you to
listen to and hear and say, "Oh that is beautiful." G-d
has created things so that all things communicate science
and mercy. It is to say that when you become a builder,
when you begin utilizing science to construct things in
the world or to add to My creation for your world,
remember that I did My wonderful work not only for
science, but also for better conditions to come to My
creatures a mercy. I gave My gift of My creation to you
as a mercy to your intellect, not only to your
environment but it is mercy to your intellect. You would
be struggling and straining and suffering to come up
with better ideas forever if I had not created My world
to speak to your mind Allahu Akbar.
The Word of G-d is life
So this is very important that you say, "Why does he
talks so long?" These are not words alone these are
words and spirit. The words of G-d are words that are
formed by man respecting the words of G-d, its life, life,
p.37 of 58
life. G-d gives us life with His Word and I mean life for
the whole body, for the whole community He gives us
life. Let us learned leaders of this community, let us
learn to appreciate science more, appreciate logic more,
respect logic more. Let us stop being only "Figs" let us
become "Zaytun" translated the olive. The fig is so easy
for you to work with, you don't have to worry about
breaking your dental when chewing figs, but Allah (swt)
also gave us the olive, lets eat olives too. And let us get
the benefit of the oil, let us take the oil and study its
essence and let us light it so it will illumine our minds
and our environment.
Better Help is in creation not college textbooks
Let us become lovers of creation with the mind that
appreciates logic, the exact sciences and let us not forget
that the necessary thing for this interest and development
is G-d's creation. All those scripture though they are
very valuable, we cannot ignore what man has written
down to record his own experiences and achievements,
but know that the better help is not in those college
textbooks, the better help is in the world G-d created.
If you will be like the establishment and use the books
but also go to the world that G-d created we will have a
renewal of life, we will have a revival, will have a new
community springing up in America like that, that
sprung up in Arabia a thousand and twenty four years
ago. It can happen again and it is going to happen again.
Just as that happened in Arabia it is going to happen
again in this community for people who were written off
they said, "Oh they will never be able to take care of
themselves." Yes we will, not only are we going to take
care of ourselves, we are going to take care of our
obligations to our neighbors, we are going to take care of
our obligations to the United States of America. We are
going to take care of our obligations to
mankind, all people.
And just as the first followers of Muhammad (pbuh) in
less than 20 years begin to serve the whole family of
mankind, we will too. You may say, "That is already
being done, why should we?" Because maybe Allah
(swt) has willed that we go in front of all those who are
doing it now, maybe Allah (swt) wants us to be leaders
to give the world better than it has gotten before, maybe
Allah (swt) wants that so let us do it.
If you want to do it like I want to do it, if you have the
tenacity of will and spirit that the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad had and that I have and some of you I know
have. I know you have it and you keep working what we
are working with it is going to happen whether the
majority of us care about it or not, is going to happen.
It is going to go from us into our seed, our children are
going to inherit what we got and they are going to
become more in number and better equipped than we
are, and it is going to happen. What I'm asking you to
do now it is going to happen. I'm not a Prophet, but I
predict that 100 years from now people who stay with
this work that we are performing are going to be among
the most important people and leaders in this world, that
is my prediction. It is going to come true en sha Allah
(swt) and I know it is His will. It is going to become true
because of His will it is going to come true.
Shuraa the most qualified persons
Q. 42.38; Believers conduct affairs by shuraa
"Those who hearken to their Lord and establish regular
prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual
Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on
them for Sustenance;"
Allah (swt) says in the Quran "The believers conduct
their affairs by shuraa." "Baynahum" shuraa amongst
them or shuraa between them. What does it mean
"Baynahum"? It means by mutual consultation and the
tradition, the history of our first leader of this ummah is
Muhammad (pbuh) himself and during his time it was
the shuraa made up of the most qualified persons. That
does not mean that lesser qualified persons or anybody is
not accepted or allowed to influence shuraa or to
participate in shuraa, it does not mean that at all.
Shura levels all shuraa
But there should be levels of shuraa , for the Prophet
(pbuh) there were those in his circle with the highest
level of shuraa, but if you have concerns like - - say if
this was our building here, this building has to be taking
care of. It should not be one person saying how this
building is to be cared for, and what should be done
without respecting that maybe some others that he has
working with him may have something to contribute that
is missing. So he has to open up to others and not just
make decisions (by himself).
p.38 of 58
4uhammad the Prophet (pbuh) never behaved like that,
ionderful man, no matter how heavy the load was or
ow important the task was, if it was big or small before
e did it he would say, "What do you think about this?"
[e would invite other people in this, it is the nature of
le human being. When you're a whole human being
iat is your nature, you do not like imposing your way
n people, even though you know you're more qualified
an they are, you just don't like that, that is beneath
our dignity to impose your way on people and not
iving them a chance to tell you what they think about or
ow they feel about it.
)r what they can do to contribute to or help you with
our responsibility, invite those people to help you with
our responsibility, no matter how high responsibility is
r how low it is. If it is something that is going to affect
of only you but the community, then involve more than
ourself in the decision-making. This is shuraa and is
apposed to be on all levels I repeat.
luhammad the Prophet (pbuh) he said, "If you have a
tsk to do, even if it is no more than something like
weeping the floor, but it requires more, it is a big job,
ou need help it too. Appoint someone to head up the
roject and that someone is obligated to involve those
'ho are working with him in the decision-making. You
ave worked with people I am sure brother, painting,
leaning the yard whatever doesn't it work well when
ne is in charge and the one in charge says, "Oh here's
le job we have to do fellas," and he does not tell you to
iut up if you say, "Well I think we need to get this I
link we need that, I think we need to start over there
rst." The good team leader he does not tell you, "I
)n't want to hear what you have to say." G-d has given
trn the nature to respect shuraa, shuraa is our nature.
D he
listens to you although he is the boss for the job,
listens to you he says, "Ok we're going to do it this
ay." After he has listened to you, right? He just did not
) without saying, "Ok fellows here is what we have to
)." If you want to speak he's going to listen to you, he
ill hear you out and maybe there is another one that has
mething to say, he's going to hear him out. And after
digests what everybody has said, he might say, "Ok
e're going to leave that alone, what you said Willie
e're going to leave that alone, but we're going with
is OK?" And the fellas see that he is a good team
ader, the fellas see that he is a democratic leader.
So even though he did not accept my contribution I am
just as excited about getting to work as the rest of them
because I know he is a fair team leader and he respects
each individual working on his team. That was
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) that is his leadership and
that is the way we have to be leaders.
Imam people won't come to you if you're a dictator
Imams and workers in different offices and areas, all of
us should be that way and we will have a beautiful
community and a much more productive community.
People will not come to you if you are a dictator, many
people won't come to you or they will say, "Let that fool
do it by himself."
Shuraa, remember As Shuraa is the name of a month too,
in the Quran is not As Shuraa, Imam Yusuf uses it a lot
too, it is shuraa. We are about to conclude this aren't
we? Wouldn't that be wonderful then we could use the
rest of this time to engage each other in dialectic
conversation. It is time to break fast isn't it? You see
how much I need you I am looking at the watch too. We
have plenty of time we're going to complete this today,
that is what I have tried to do so that we can use it for
discussion, we need time for discussion, for questions
and discussion. More comes out sometimes during
questions and discussions than comes out when you're
making presentations. Today is Saturday? I don't know
why I keep thinking this is Friday, maybe I do not want
to be concluded. Well we are right on time, we are about
to conclude it.
Securing the ethical rule Fitra
Moral life forms of human sensitivities
Let me begin with the Fitra, the original nature of man
its innocence and purity, Fitra. Now life forms of human
sensitivities, G-d has created us to be sensitive. Man is
seen in many pictures, in the pictures of logical
structure, bones logical structure, symmetry of our
bodies, but man is also seen in the picture of his
p.39 of 58
Q. 4.56; As often as a layer of skin is burned we
replace it
"Those who reject Our Signs We shall soon cast into
the fire: as often as their skins are roasted through We
shall change them for fresh skins that they may taste the
penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power Wise."
In the Quran Allah (swt) says, "He covered the body
with a piece of skin and when one skin is burned away it
will be replaced with another skin and you keep losing
your skin to the fires of hell." One of the names of the
Prophet (pbuh) himself and it is the name for all of us is
"Bashir". "Bashir" means mortal, but really what
constitution of man, what part of his life or feature in his
life is being referred to with this language "Bashir"?
There are some pious people, they are turned on to
Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) as "Bashir" so much
they refer to him as "Sayyedenaa Bashar" translated
"Our master," the human model. This word "Bashir"
really has reference to our skin, the outer surface of our
sometimes I would be awake or in the room, she'd say,
"Come here son" I would come and she would rub me.
Nature taught her that, she did not learned that from
anybody else, that was her nature, mother nature gave
her that. And she was expressing her love for her child,
not only me she did it to the other children too. Just to
just to its talk to me if you can do to an end to
Bashar means sensitive mortal
My mother would rub her hand on me, she was
communicating her love for me that was helping me
form as a beautiful person.
So back to this "Bashar" it means mortal and the mortal
means sensitive, a sensitive life. Now you go to the
desert of Arizona like I have, and cross that desert you
will see something running across that desert and you
will say, "What the hell was that? It looks like a rock
running across the desert." 'A little water out there to
soften the life and give it that sensitive outer body.
Touch helps child to develop socially
Science says that parents who will not cover the baby,
parents who will not use their hands to show their love
and affection for their children deprive the child- - my
mother was something else. She was one of the toughest
women I have ever known, but at the same time one of
the softest that I've ever known. I have been asleep and
slightly awakened by my mother, she would be rubbing,
read in science that, that touch communicates love to
your children. And that touch helps them develop
sociably, if they didn't get it they do not develop
Beautifully as a member of the social community. Many
)f them were not developed beautifully because they
were denied that touch.
Rubbing the skin communicates love
So if you want your children to be healthy and be
prepared to be healthy members in the social body, in
he community and to be better students in the
;lassroom, do not deny them the skin to skin, flesh to
lesh contact. That is why they say, "Did you hug your
;hild today?" But do not just hug the child, do what my
nother did, she rubbed me, it communicates love, this
;ommunicates a different interest. She'd say, "Come
sere son", she would rub me when I was sleep and
So there's something running across the desert that looks
just like something, inactive, dead, it looks like a rock I
am telling you. I have seen something running across
the desert look like a rock running across the desert, a
piece of dead wood, lifeless thing. It looked like it had
no life, go speeding through the sand, through the desert.
Love abused hurt the victim if he doesn't give it
So this is very important for understanding what a
human being is supposed to be, a human being is
supposed to have human sensitivity. Some of us we are
treated so bad or our giving love is treated so bad we
tighten up and say, "I am not going to love anybody
again." You are punishing yourself, not the person who
hurt you, you're punishing yourself, don't do that. I
have a poem that I have written about that, I entertain
myself with my poems. I have a guitar too, I didn't get
my lessons yet but I'm going to get them. Be a complete
person enhance the beautiful life Allah (swt) created for
p.40 of 58
Q.23.14; Man created dust, sperm, clot, bone, flesh
"Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed
lood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then
Ve made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones
rith flesh; then We developed out of it another creature:
o blessed be Allah the Best to create!"
?uran says "Then He clothed the body with flesh."
'hese are stages in the development, how G-d created
Ian, step-by-step in his development or in his growth in
le womb of the mother. Then He clothed him with
esh in Arabic it says, "Thumma ansha'naa khalqan
khar," it is translated "Thereafter another creation," it
leans another process for his development that will
ring him from step one to the finish, to the last step.
Lgain this will be repeated for him and he will have
nother, a new creation G-d promises that.
3ashar one who is alive to the needs of his fellow
low the next creation it would not just be "Lahma"
ecause "Lahma" does not say skin, skin says
msitivity, "Lahma" does not say skin or sensitivity. So
[e says,
Thumma ansha'naa khalqan akhar." Meaning the next
regression will create the "Bashar" the one who is alive
the needs of his fellow man, alive to the life of his
;flow man as he is alive to his own life. And really he
'comes more live to his own life when he becomes
tore humanly sensitive. So this is the "Sayydenaa
ashar." The humanly sensitive person.
This is selecting that which you are more comfortable
with. And we're not comparable only with things we feel
with our hands, we have to be comparable with things
we, smell,
comparable with things we taste, etc., comparable with
things we look at, so if it is something distasteful to our
eyes we say, "Oh that is ugly." Behavior we look at it,
we say, "Oh that is ugly." So that is your moral senses
speaking, that is your moral nature speaking. Then it
expresses itself in "This behavior is wrong, our society
condemns it. It is morally wrong," right?
Sensitivity born again into ethical logic
G-d promises us another creation, He gives us another
creation for our moral sensitivities. Those sensitivities
coming into our reasoning and we look at your logic and
we say, "That logic is not ethical." So ethical is just a
higher expression of moral life, we want ethical life or
an ethical society. It is only a higher expression of the
moral life that we want. It is higher because now we are
obligating our logic to be fair, our logic to be
compassionate. And it is usually the logic that creates
the real problem for society.
Leaders without sensitivity create abusive societies
When the leaders who do not have the "Bashar"
development they are not humanly sensitive, when they
get into authority and they start ordering the society and
influencing the order of the society they can take us into
an ugly and hard oppressive society and it will punish us
rather than show us mercy. It will give us pain and
misery rather than mercy or compassion.
lora] life must have strong human sensitivities
Women increasing in the Leadership of ASM
7e cannot really have strong moral life without strong
man sensitivities. And like G-d promises a second
-eation for human beings after being born in the womb
finished in the womb of the mother or in the body of
te mother, morality is naturally expressed, it is
[pressed even on your little baby in the bed. Morality
eans choices, making choices, moral life makes
toices. If we can have a room like the fresh air out in
e rural areas after the rain comes down we prefer that
r to the stale air don't we? Well that sensitivity is the
me sensitivity that expresses itself in moral choices.
So our logic, this is where we are now brothers in the
leadership and sisters in the leadership and thank Allah
(swt) for blessings with sisters to increase in our
leadership. Our sisters are increasing numbers in the
leadership of this community and we thank Allah (swt)
for that.
Leaders must have love in the intellect
We are not just to think of moral needs and moral
questions, we are to think of obligations on our logic,
obligations on our leaders' thinking.
p.41 of 58
Obligate our leaders thinking to respect the good moral
life and nature and to have ethical life for this
community where moral interest has now gone up to the
logic of this community and our logic is respecting
correct choices, respecting human nature, human
sensitivity. We need more love in this community and
we will not have that love strongly established unless
that love is in the intellect of our leaders. Love has to be
in the intellect of our leaders, you have to be lovers not
just rocks and stones.
Some say, "Oh I know I am the pillar of this Mosque.
And I will not ever break or give in." Yes you are a
solid rock, but do you love your work, do you love the
people you want to accept your work, do you love them
too? Do you love them enough to put love in your
thoughts when you're planning for them? Do you love
them enough to obligate your wisdom to love them also?
If you do you are going to help us build an ethical
community or society.
Securing the ethical rule
Q. 62.2; Prophet instructs and purifies
"It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered an
apostle from among themselves to rehearse to them His
Signs to sanctify them and to instruct them in Scripture
and Wisdom although they had been before in manifest
When Allah (swt) says that He sent Muhammad (pbuh)
to lead mankind out of the darkness into the light and to
purify them, is that to purify only one aspect or several
aspects of their life: and leaving something unpurified?
His mission is to purify or bring us to message from G-d
to purify our whole life.
So everything that we have falls under the moral
obligation. Our education falls under the moral
obligation and if our education falls under moral the
obligation our moral interest is going to express itself in
ethical teachings. The moral obligation is going to be
recognized when we hear you educate us, when we hear
you educate children.
Ethics constructs entities conforming to a moral need
We are going to feel it in your language when you're
communicating knowledge that you respect the moral
obligation, that is ethics. When the way you put
something together logically conforms to a moral need
that is ethics. They have an ethics committee don't they?
Protecting our United States of America, protecting the
citizens and the life of the country.
Ethics committee watches the thinking of leaders
the ethics committee is to watch the thinking of the
leaders in government that will affect their performance
and also affect the nature of our society, if they do not
respect the rules of ethics on them. You don't just plan
and write laws and organize activities with your brain
you have to do it also with consideration for moral
obligation on you, then when you have thinkers
respecting that you're going to have an ethical society.
These great religions want more for us and they are
obligated to give us more than the baby level of correct
choices or moral sensitivity and life. They have to give
us more than that. Al Islam, Judaism, Christianity are
more than just spiritual teachings, it is rational
teachings, it is science, it is ethics. Christian ethics,
Jewish ethics, Islamic ethics, so the higher development
for the society is not a simple common person's idea of
what is right and wrong, a common moral society, an
ordinary society of moral life for the common thinker or
for the ordinary mind, it is also an ethical society.
Q. 14.1; Prophet reveled the Book to lead out of
"Alif Lam Ra. A Book which We have revealed unto
thee in order that thou mightest lead mankind out of the
depths of darkness into light by the leave of their Lord
to the Way of (Him) Exalted in Power Worthy of all
Praise! "
Allah (swt) says of him that he was sent to take us out
of darkness into the light and to purify us, it means that
G-d has missioned him to lead us to ethical society.
Knowledge without mercy punishes people
Q. 40.7; G-d's reach over all in mercy and knowledge
Our thinkers and our logic, engaging things without
consideration for what hurts and harms human beings
takes us off the course of mercy. Knowledge without
mercy punishes people, "Wasia kul la shayen rahmatan
wa ilman." Translated, He has caused everything to
communicate, to extend both science and mercy.
p.42 of 58
Imams don't be satisfied with limited education
Co secure for ourselves an ethical rule, not just a moral
ule, but an ethical rule we have to have leaders in this
:ommunity educated better. Don't be satisfied to have an
imited amount of education and keep the responsibility
if being Imam over people. If you are not ready to
ncrease your education from an elementary level to high
chool level and then to college-level you should be
eady to resign your position. This is not a religion that
imits our growth to elementary school level, it wants us
o go to the highest level of education. "Well what about
'ou brother Imam? You and your father, you didn't get
L." You do not know what you're talking about, I am an
ducated man, many of you college graduates I don't
onsider you on my level academically at all. I could not
ave done it without G-d, but with G-d's help I have
ttended the biggest university that is in existence, the
Jniversity of the universe.
WD Mohammed graduated from the universe of
57.21; Garden its width is as the heavens and earth
"Be ye foremost (in seeking) forgiveness from your
ord and a Garden (of Bliss) the width whereof is as the
ridth of heaven and earth prepared for those who
elieve in Allah and His apostles: that is the Grace of
llah which He bestows on whom He pleases: and Allah
the Lord of Grace abounding."
-d said He will give us a field to work in and its
(pause is as the expanse of the heavens and the earth.
tell you G-d has freed me to go into that big university
id He has taken me by the hand and He has led me to
le level after another. And He has educated me and I
n a graduate of the University of Al Islam Allahu
kbar. And if you don't believe it when I speak on the
ese kind of passages look at the face of your professors
id you'll see that they know that they are listening to a
;greed man. I have told different ones, professors and
)ctors "I would like to go back to school." They said,
Vhat can we teach you?" You can teach me a lot, what
ey're saying is that, "You are on a level - - what do
u mean you are going to come in here? We are going
be embarrassed teaching you." Now you may think
is is not real, but that's real.
I have talked to them I said "I wish I could even have
some private classes from you. " They are so humbled
before me I am not saying this - - I have no ego, they are
so humbled before me, they are embarrassed that I asked
them. They "Brother Imam what we're going to teach
you?" They recognize the insights that G-d has blessed
me with and they recognize that I see further and higher
then they do. That is not done for me I am happy as a
welder, that is done for you. You don't love your child
that G-d gave you? G-d gave you a child, the
community has a child and He educated that child for
you, you don't want that? I know you all do I am trying
to get the rest of them.
Securing the ethical rule
Education is in the forefront of all of our efforts.
Taqwa, Jihad needs education in the forefront, behind it
is our Taqwa, behind it is our determination to succeed
and fight blocked ways or obstructions in our way. But
what should be in the forefront? Education is always in
the forefront, education leads societies, education lifts up
societies, education beautifies societies, education
sustains societies. Education opens up possibilities that
would not be otherwise opened for society, education is
the Herald of civilization. Education is the leader for
civilization, opening up new ways, new opportunity,
beautifying the life etc.
Not just any education, it has to be an education that is
in response to the need of community life, not just
individual needs or the needs of a certain institution, but
the needs for the whole community.
Quran sensitizes and gives insight
So this is what the Quran gives us, the Quran sensitizes
us and then prepares us to follow laws, rules, principles
of logic, so to benefit the whole community. It becomes
the body of knowledge influencing our thoughts and
educating other professions, influencing our thoughts
and equipping us better and giving us insight that we
would not otherwise have, the Quran does that.
p.43 of 58
Imam to lead this community must study Quran
Al Hadith 1p.361#111w; China go for knowledge
J0/ .0.
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eA A
Anas reported the Prophet (pbuh) said, "Search
knowledge though it be in China."
So if you want to be best prepared to lead this
to success you should make yourself a student of the
Quran, study the Quran, become a student of the Quran
and get help from others who are better qualified than
you, even if you have to go out of the community, to
members of the other ethnic community, do that.
"Travel as far as China in search of knowledge," isn't
that what Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) said? I am
sure there was no Islamic community in China at that
time, he was saying even go to those who have a
different religion, not even belonging to your sister
community of religion. Because Judaism for us is a sister
community and the Christian community, is a sister
community, we three are sister communities of religion.
But the Buddhist in China they are not even in the
family of our religion and Al Islam had not gone to
China yet. And the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) he said,
"Go even to the far country of China in search for
knowledge." So let us not just hear these things and not
get the full impact of what it said.
Spiritual republic
Q. 9.108; Masjid foundation built on Taqwa
"There is a Mosque whose foundation was laid from
the first day on piety; it is more worthy of thy standing
forth (for prayer) therein."
Q. 91.8; The soul has its Taqwa and Fujur
Q. 91.8; The soul has its Taqwa and Fujur
We will address "The spiritual Republic" to conclude
this session and this presentation. Al Islam like the
Constitution of these United States seeks to build the
society it wants upon the pure, sacred, productive
essence of the human being G-d created. The Mosque if
is the proper Mosque that is fit for our prayers, our
sujud, our sajdah is the Mosque whose foundation from
the very beginning has Taqwa and pronounced in the
Quranic Arabic, "Lamasjedun Us-sesa `alat taqwaa," and
it is translated as, "It was founded or built upon Taqwa."
Is Taqwa a property of G-d's existence or a property of
human existence? It is a property of human existence.
Taqwa is respect, regardfulness
In the creation of the human being G-d said that He gave
the human its Taqwa and its Fujur, it is the human. So
here is a Mosque built upon a property that is given by
G-d but it is a property of my own human composition
or construction, it is Taqwa. It is built upon Taqwa.
What is Taqwa? Regardfulness. Isn't it respect for
things of value that accounts for man building valuable
structures whether they are concrete or abstract, whether
they are seen visibly with our eyes or just appreciated or
seen with our minds?
If they're beautiful and valuable to human society the
persons who account for the creation of these things or
for the building of these things or for the contributions of
these things were people who had respect for things of
So we must first have respect for things of value
especially those we charge with responsibility to care for
our community and to promote its growth etc. We must
have appreciation in us for things of value and we must
regard them and respect them. The honorable Elijah
Muhammad really dwelled on that, to respect things of
value, respect this property, respect yourself, wasn't that
his teaching? That was his voice wasn't it? Respect
respect this property, respect your responsibility that we
have given you, respect your post that we assigned you
this was the honorable Elijah Muhammad. A man who
was always stressing the need for us to have respect for
things of value. And he was a very strong and productive
leader. In fact it was almost like a miracle, he having
p.44 of 58
)rely three formal years of education in the South that
was as far as he went, the third grade in education.
io the spiritual republic it is founded upon the
appreciation for the equal valuable essence order and
lignity of every man and woman G-d created it is
bunded upon that. Now if you're going to be a
:ommunity off/people your psyche is made more
)owerful, I could say your spirit is made more powerful,
nit not only the spirit, your psyche. If you don't know
hat word, do what I told my son to do make a mental
cote and go to the dictionary and look it up P.S.Y.C.H.E.
(our psyche is empowered much more when you're
working with things of higher value. The savage cannot
)roduce much for the world because he does not value
iuman life like the enlightened man in the enlightened
,ociety. He doesn't have the appreciation for human
ife, for his own life that enlightened society has. So his
:ontributions are really thwarted, blocked by his little
:valuation of his own worth. Allah (swt) does not want
is to estimate our worth and value to be something
)elow, He gives us a high picture of our value as His
:reation. He has valued as above all the other life forms le created.
nd we see that in His works, He did not have to reveal
hat to us we see that we have been lifted up in the scale
f life above all otherliving things. And what accounts
or our great value? This inherent need to be selective
nd to be regardful of the value of things. So the more
ducation you get the better selection you can make, is
hat not true? When you were not educated as much as
ou are now you perhaps did not even have caviar in
our vocabulary. Perhaps you did not even have loin
hops in your vocabulary, but as your education
:reproved your knowledge improved of things of higher
alue and it freed you to make higher and better
hoices. So now you have on your dining table stuff that
ou did not have before, some of you do not want to
elieve that, you want to believe that you always have
een where you are now.
)on't be ashamed to look back, G-d says, "And
!:member from where you came from, when you were a
espicable life germ in sperm." Right? That is not
tlking about the physical life brother, that is just
Dnditioning you to look back at your life in history, in
le history of your family, in the history of yourself and
n- society and the history of mankind, look at your life
t history. I go back to the neighborhood where we used to
live in when we were very poor, I occasionally go back
there, it hurts my heart because the neighborhood has
not changed. It looks just like you did when I lived there
on Wabash, 5308
South Wabash. We were on Michigan too, but I am
going back to 5308 south Wabash, if I am wrong Riyah
will certainly tell me. She knows this history she knows
the family better than all of us. She knows, she can tell
us things that happened for us. Not only that, we looked
at her as an adviser, all my brothers and sisters I am sure
they know, especially the brothers they appreciated
Lottie, they said, "Lottie is talking man it pays to listen
to her. Lottie gives you some helpful advice." It is her
nature to offer it. And we recognized her as such in the
family among the children. I go back and I drive
through 5308 South Wabash, that area and I see the
same pitiful bodies and faces walking down the street
that I saw when I was a boy. I go around and see the
taverns it looks like it did, and a little storefront churches
those that have survived the urban renewal.
I don't know if you heard what I said or not? I got
insight for another poem and we see the same pitiful
human species, locked in and cannot come out, they can
hardly go any distance more than about four blocks,
hardly ever goes out the four block area. He does not
know even the town that he lives in. If they could
expand their minds they would come out of their
We are obligated to do something about that, what did
Mr. Fard say? The duty of the civilized person is to
civilize the uncivilized. It is true today, it is true in this
understanding of Al Islam just as it was true back then,
the duty of the civilized person is to civilize the
uncivilized. Let us not forget where we came from
brothers and sisters and let us carry that burden on our
hearts until we can change their condition.
Leaflets for the community dawah
Now we know we have no power to change their
condition unless Allah (swt) has mercy on them, so pray
to Allah (swt) to forgive them, their negligence and have
mercy on them and then let us after making our dua'
let us go in there with leaflets. I can't do all these
things, I am one man let us go in these areas with
leaflets, not saying come to the Mosque for a khutbah,
give them a leaflet that has a whole message ask nothing
p.45 of 58
for that leaflet, but it has a whole message designed to
awaken an appreciation in them for the great value of
human life Allah (swt) has revealed to us, let us to that.
Republic means to re-people by raising the
The spiritual Republic builds its order upon the respect
for the equal essence and high essence of every human
being. Republic means to re-people, you're obligated to
re-people your society, you keep raising the conscience
of your people until you give new birth to them, to their
sensitivities and their vision. Just like the generation
keeps increasing
from father and mother to children, from children to
grandchildren and on and on and on. With the
knowledge we can re-people our society. Give new
energy, new inspiration, new vision to our people so that
they are made a new people and keep them undergoing
Mujeddid sent when community spirit is stagnant
Al Hadith 1p143#247-8; Mujeddid every 100_yrs
a Jr.) 4.1Li
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Sami reported: about what I know from the Prophet
(pbuh) he said: "The Almighty and Glorious Allah (swt)
will send for this community at the head of every
century (100 yrs). One who will revive their Religion for
them. (Abu Dawud)
Muhammad says, "At the head of every century will come
a Mujeddid to renew his community." So this community is
a community that is promised renewal at the head of every
century. Now we know this century is symbolic. It means
whenever it loses its spirit, whenever it loses its life and
starts to be complacent, starts to be stale and stagnant G-d
will bless it with a thinker and with a moral force and a
thinker to regenerate, to re- people it.
You also can re-people your society by selecting better
leaders periodically, get better leaders, so we live in a
country that is a republic, isn't it? I'm not talking about
its parties I'm talking about its description, this is a
democratic republic, that's what this is. So let us
understand how Allah (swt) wants us to begin building
our society and let us build it as a society that will
benefit from G-d's help, His Quran and benefit from the
life of Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) and be free to
experience renewal and will listen to what has to be said
not only by leaders but by every member in the society.
It will give every member the freedom and opportunity
to speak and work and influence the shaping and future
of our community, then we will have an Islamic
republic, that will be an Islamic republic and that will be
a spiritual republic because our life is essentially
And we wouldn't have it had not G-d breathed into us of
His own spirit and we became a living soul. Thank you
very much As Salaam Alaikum Allahu Akbar.
Break the fast with the natural food as Allah made
It is important to be with your relatives for break fast
and for dinner, the family that prays together stays
together, the family that eats together stays together too.
It was the habits of our people from the South that one
day of the week or at least at certain regular intervals
that the family would meet and those who left the house
would come for dinner and they would all eat together.
That's a good practice, it keeps the family strong, it
keeps the family together. Me and this little fellow here
we never hardly eat by ourselves we're always together.
Let us make dua' for breaking fast "Billaahe amantu
`alallaahe tawak-kaltu wa be risqel laahe aftartu ameen."
You got manmade food there, he said, "He's going to ea
that after he eats. He knows how to do it, after he eats
the G-d made food untouched by man and creating it, he
can at the manmade food, so that's how it happened.
Tape B
Man was first fed by G-d the Creator and then
afterwards he made his food and some of his food got
me constipated with diarrhea and everything else,
excus me I'm sorry. I don't know why children don't
care too much for dates, olives, tomatoes nowadays.
When I wa:
p.46 of 58
ittle we stayed so hungry it wasn't anything we did not
ike to eat, we liked anything you gave us. If our parents
tte it, we ate it too and enjoyed it, those days are gone
iren't they?
[he date, I saw on a food show on TV the host said the
late is the most complete food existing, there is no other
',pod, apple, orange whatever it is greens, no food exists
hat is more complete than the date. It means it has more
)f what your life needs, your body needs than any other
qow don't try to survive on dates if you have diabetes
ike I do. He said my son), "I thought you were a random
liabetic?" That's right sugar does not appear in my
)lood all the time. Sometimes they take the test and no
;ugar appears in the blood and at another time they take
t and sugar appears in the blood. I told you I have help
rom one of the pioneer brothers in our community and
'm doing well, I am doing fine.
While we are doing Mar sister Kizie, is she here? Sister
(izie if you are here could you come up front, come up
sere with me? The sister with the health supplement
)usiness, dietary supplements. This is sister Kizie the
;ister who sells supplements for your health, dietary
,upplements and I got from her a gift of a supplement
nice and I used it and I had such faith in it, I saw benefit
- he knows too (my son) he could tell you. We were
ick with a cold once, I am not saying it cures colds all
he time, but this happened for us this time, it must have
een some bacteria that this product has the power to
We were sick like with the flu virus and - I had
)een taking it as a capsule, my mind told me "This time
pen the capsule boil water but the outer in it drink it
lirectly," so that is what I did.
opened the capsule and I put more than two in, I made
t strong. I gave him a small portion I gave myself a big
ortion and we drank it, both of us were sick. And
lmost immediately as we swallowed it - - I am not
aying this to sell this to you, I am saying this to report
that happened, my experience, just to let you know
/hat I experienced. G-d knows I am not saying this to
lake money off of you, but because you should have it,
[you need it. And if you don't need it you should have
because it is a blood purifier, it helps in many ways,
he can tell you all about it but we don't have time for a
mg presentation. She might have something that she
could like to say, so I would like for her to say
Dmething to you. Whatever you would like to say to
them in the interest of this product, this business that we
got, but please make a very short like two minutes, we
don't have time.
Muhammad when we swallowed it what happened?
Muhammad Shakir Muhammad:
We Looked at each other.
Imam WD Mohammed:
And I said "Mohammed how do you feel?" Right, what
did you say?
Muhammad Shakir Muhammad:
The body senses things good for it
Imam WD Mohammed:
I said I do too. Almost instant results, cure, the next day
we got up in the morning and we came in the kitchen I
"Mohammed how do you feel? He said, "Good," I said
"Do you feel like you still have a cold?" He said "No" I
said I don't either. To me for whatever virus I had it was
more effective and quicker results than you get from a
shot of penicillin. But that is not why I had it, I had it
because I had faith in it, your body like an animal body
has been created by G-d to sense certain things that is
good for it. And my body taking that just told me to keep
taking it and I was desperate when I ran out. I said
"Wow I ran out I have to get it, I didn't know who gave
it to me."
And I went to the health food store, I showed them the
bottle, I had been using it, my hands were sweating a lot
and were wet, it had taken a part of the information off
of it. They said, "If we had everything on the label that
is in here we could give you perhaps several products or
substances that would have the effect of this. But we
cannot see it, we don't know. Want to go to Internet and
look up both of these names, New Body and the other."
I asked the office to do it, they did not get results fast
enough for me, so I finally ran into our productive
business lady sister Iflal and asked her if she could help
me. I said, "Can you go to the Internet and see if you can
p.47 of 58
find this product?" She found it and guess who was on
the Internet, Sister Kizie.
And she said, "Brother Imam do you know who gave
you that product? She said, "Sister Kizie, brother
Raheem her husband gave it to you." I said, "What"
Somebody handed it to me, maybe he did too and I
might have forgotten or they left it with me and it got in
my hands but they didn't tell me how it got in my hands.
I didn't know how I got it, I was desperate to have it, so
she gave me a supply so I could start back using it.
I don't think I told you this Sister Kizie, there was an
African that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad allowed to
become member of the Nation of Islam in my
understanding or knowledge I don't think he had ever
permitted any persons from outside of the African
American people or what we used to call back then socalled Negroes to come in the Nation of Islam, but he
permitted him to join the Nation of Islam. His name was
Namar Blee he said he had a cure for pneumonia and I
was sick with the flu, I have been very susceptible or
weak for flu germs, viruses.
This was way back there I am talking about 30 years ago
maybe or longer than that maybe we called him Dr.
Namar Blee but he was a natural doctor. He learned that
I was sick and he said, "I got some medicine you won't
like it, but if you take it you'll purify your blood and it
will help you get well." I took it, he told me what it
was, it was hard but I took it. I cannot leave you in
suspense like that, there was cow manure in it and he
gave it to me and I got well. And he left me with some
of the substance and I kept it and whenever I started
feeling sick like that I would take it. It really was very
helpful in protecting against that cold virus like the flu.
When I smelled the capsule - - you can actually smell it
before you taste it, you can actually smell the capsule, it
is not offensive, but it is not pleasant not like flowers of
something. When I took it to put in my mouth, the first
time I took what you gave me I said, "Wow this smells
like brother Namar Blee's medicine." It has more in it
some different substances in it than he had, but it has one
that he had I know that. Because they smell the same
and let me tell you I would not want to be without it.
It is not only for when you are sick, it is for you all the
time, to help protect your system, to give you what you
need, to purify your blood and she has a long khutbah to
give you on it, as long as those I used to give you own
Stony Island. And we are going to one day have an
opportunity for her to at least give you a presentation
and a time sister that you
deserve to make a good presentation. It won't be in an
hour she can give you a good presentation and maybe 20
minutes, at some future time en sha Allah (swt).
Actual Sister Kizie we're partnering up, she has her own
business so I told her that if she would help us, me to sell
these products we're going to give her 50 percent of all
increase over total expenses. CPC will get 50 percent,
she gets 50 percent. Do you agree to it? Raise your hand
I can't work for CPC unless I know I am getting your
approval, thank you very much.
I told her as the volume increases and her income
becomes unreasonable that we're going to put a stop on
it or reduce
the margin for her and increase for CPC, is that fair? Yes
it is fair. She accepted it, she is my sister and she is our
sister, beautiful lady Sister Kizie. A beautiful husband
that is missing, where did he go? That is okay, I will
catch up with him. They are separated now, that is too
bad, its too bad for my heart but if I knew the whole
story it might be good for my thinking, my mind I don't
know only G-d knows.
Now this supplement is one, CPC, the commercial
attorney, this is important that I give you this
information, the commercial attorney, we need to make
Magrib prayer pretty fast, pretty soon. The commercial
attorney that we have to protect our business he told me
he said, "Well Mr. Mohammed I'm going to advise that
you form another company to handle these products
because if you're sued then all of the businesses are sue(
and will have to go into court. But if you establish
another company for this product that is going to be
taken into the mouth or by mouth, if you're sued only
that company will go into court." So he is hired, paid, tc
give us that kind of protection. I didn't question him I
told him "Fine."
p.48 of 58
CPC, Comtrust Investors
So that is what we have done, we have formed another
company and that company is called CPC, Comtrust
Investors, that's our company. We are owners of that
company too, it belongs to us CPC investors. So monies
overall cost including what we're going to allow as fees,
compensation to Sister Kizie will go into CPC account.
Another product this was given to me by brother Rafa
was the first one, I saw Rafa too yesterday I don't know
if he is here today, he is here somewhere. Brother Rafa
made me aware of this product and he told me of the
value of it and a brother that he knew was distributing
this product. He just came up here Bashir El Amin if
you're here please stand so we can see you. This is the
brother Bashir El Amin he knows that I had an interest
in it and I wanted to keep taking it, he refused to take a
penny from me, he has kept me supplied ever since then,
if he knows my supplies are out - - in fact one time he
sent me the product and I did not tell you I was out. I
guess he figured I should have been out by then and he
sent me this product.
I wanted you to know that Rafa he also shares it,
whatever you give me he shares it, he gives me half, he
takes half, I don't know if it is quite like that or not, I
don't blame him I would be taking it too, this product is
something. This product has all kinds of values too, this
product has values that I believe or has been established
but because there are so incredible I am not going to
even tell you about it. I am not because I don't want to
pressure you into buying this product, I don't want you
coming in to it just crazy, when your emotions saying,
"This is going to do this for me this is going to do that
for me."
Every system of the human being is different, there are
one out of 1000 maybe that won't get the benefit that the
rest of us get. And then you will come to us and say, "I
didn't get that benefit." And you want to take us to court
and sue us, we're not going to say too much about this.
What we know is that this is a source of calcium that
goes directly to your bloodstream, almost instantly to
your bloodstream and it has benefits for your immune
system, it has benefits for the purity of your blood, it
has benefits that fight bacteria etc., that ordinary calcium
does not have.
This is not all calcium, it is calcium but it contains also
some silver doesn't it? We will give you more
information on this Sister Kizie and I we are going to get
together and Sister Kizie is going to help us put together
some information sheets that will be passed on to you in
time, advertisements she is going to help me get some
advertisements too. Some sheets that we can put
together into a sales presentation package or just a
presentation package for us when we have workshops.
We are going to her native state, she was born in North
Carolina, we are going to her native state first where she
has most of the support for her business. Now when you
find family members and friends supporting you that is a
good sign that what you have has real worth on the
market. So we're going to her state and it is fortunate for
us that we have a wonderful brother in her state who is
also a salesman, brother Imam Waheed. A beautiful
brother that I trust with all of my concerns, my interest.
He is there and we're going to have a seminar, the first
seminar for these supplements would take place in
Charlotte, North Carolina and that is a good place to
have it.
Can we expect to attract more investors and business
people from there than they can from may be Durham or
This product I had been taking it for a good while and I
really would not want to be without this product. These
things are coming to us I think because Allah (swt) loves
us. We did not have to have this come to us, that is what
I believe. It cost but how much does it costs for you to
pay the Doctor Bill? You take about three or four of
these little sachets that are in here in each package I
think has five, is that right brother El Amin? Six, I got a
package from another supplier it got five in it, I think it
is only five in there in this package, one of the little
sachets can take care of a gallon to maybe a pint of
water, it depends on you, what is your condition. But
just for the ordinary, no problem with your health, I
would say from two to four of these in a gallon of water.
You just take them out of here put them in a gallon of
water, your buy the water take the cap off put about four
of these in a gallon of water, and you don't think you are
feeling good and you don't need a whole lot of help,
your immune system is pretty strong all the time just
maybe put a couple in a gallon of water and agitate it,
you did not tell me this but I agitate it. As soon as I put
it in there I shake the water, I agitate it and you can take
that water and drink it immediately, is that right brother
p.49 of 58
El Amin? You don't have to wait you can drink of water
immediately and it is there, it is in the water, you got it.
I do a lot of talking but I listen a lot and I just ordered
too big packs of coral calcium from an incredible
infomercial on television. They were saying just as that
capsule is saying, backing up what you saying about the
long life, and is saying we are calcium critical. So what
you're saying is absolutely verified and the doctors even
have agreed but they don't want to get into it and they
said that they don't do the doctors about it because the
drug companies of course want the doctors pushing the
drugs. But this coral calcium after my supply runs out
I'm going to deal with them. I got it coming in the mail.
Imam WD Mohammed:
Thank you very much, you heard that didn't you? Let
me tell you what the company we're working with and
because of your Imam that is only reason why, because I
am the leader of this community, these people see me as
being very special. And they said to me, "Mr.
Mohammed we don't want you coming through
anybody," there were some brothers were introduced
them to me and I am sure they have others in their
business that can handle our needs, serve us.
They said, "Your stature is so great," this is the first boss
who told me that, he said, "I am one boss and there is
another boss." He said, "I want you to meet him, you
will be dealing with the top people, the owners of this
company." And that is who I am dealing with, the
owners of the company.
You just take them out of here put them in a gallon of
water, you buy the water take the cap off put about four
of these in a gallon of water, and you think you are
feeling good and you don't need a whole lot of help,
your immune system is pretty strong all the time just
maybe put a couple in a gallon of water and agitate it,
you did not tell me this but I agitate it. As soon as it is
put it in there I shake the water, I agitate it and you can
take that water and drink it immediately, is that right
brother El Amin? You don't have to wait you can drink
of water immediately and it is there, it is in the water,
you got it.
I do a lot of talking but I listen a lot and I just ordered
two big packs of coral calcium from an incredible
infomercial on television. They were saying just as that
capsule is saying, backing up what you saying about the
long life, and is saying we are calcium critical. So what
you're saying is absolutely verified and the doctors even
have agreed but they don't want to get into it and they
said that they don't do the doctors because the drug
companies of course want the doctors pushing the drugs.
But this coral calcium after my supply runs out I'm
going to deal with them. I got it coming in the mail.
Imam WD Mohammed:
I had a meeting with them recently, I have been meeting
with them now for about maybe five weeks or more, I
had a recent meeting with them like three days ago. They
said, "Mr. Mohammed we recently went on the
Internet, we went on Internet for the first week we were
doing about $700. Now it is up to $500,000." He
said,"Do you know you can't see this except during the
hours that most people are sleep." So they are not on the
time when most people are watching television, they are
on the time when most people are sleep.
They said the sales went from $700 to $500,000 in three
weeks so that tells you the product is selling itself. I
think we have gold in our hands. What she brought to
me I think we have gold in our hands and we only need
a few of you want to work with us. Any brother who
wants to make money or sister can make some money, you have no excuse to be without income or money.
Allah (swt) is blessing us with job opportunities for our
community with the CPC, the meat processing company
and with these products now that we are going to be
selling. There will be no excuse for you to be saying,
"Oh I can't find a job." You can find a job, you don't
even have to look for it we will bring you a job.
But we're going to be highly selective, we are going to
be very careful with whom we trust with our interests.
So many of you may come and give us your name but
only a few of you will be selected. And those who we
select you trust whoever you want to trust. If you trust
those who we did not trust that is fine with us, maybe
you can handle them and we can't.
I just wanted you to know about these two products.
There is a third one, it is very similar to this one, but it
should not be ignored so we're going to get it too. It onl:
helps this one, it only gives you more help, is a
p.50 of 58
complement to this one here. It does not have any
conflict with it, it is a complement to it. I am not going
to tell you everything about it, as I said I don't want you
to be having a belief in miracles happening, but the
Japanese businessmen, this product comes from the coral
reefs of Okinawa Japan. And we have more to say to you
about it, I do believe it is G-d sent, this product.
They say 500 years ago they had it recorded by one of
their leaders a saying that from the waters of Okinawa
healing would come for disease. They recorded it, they
have kept it all of these years, it is said from the waters
of Okinawa will come something that will be a cure for
the diseases of the world, this was recorded 500 years
ago. And now here is this product, now they could lie. I
am a scientific thinker, somebody could have fabricated
that, it could be a fraud. But these people who tell me
these things are genuine and they tell me that they are
going to arrange for me to go to Okinawa, Japan, I did
not ask for it, they say they want me to come to
Okinawa. They will arrange for me to go there, not on
our expenses, they are going to arrange for me to go
there, to Okinawa and meet these people.
They say a man who experienced what this product can
do before they started selling it, it came out of Japan, he
experienced what this product can do for domesticated
animals. He noticed that the ones who drank the water
that this substance was in had more life, more vitality,
they were healthier, they lived longer than those who
didn't drink the water with this product in it. Why did I
get it in the beginning? Now I have many more reasons
after they informed me of the product, I have many more
reasons for getting the product. But I had decided to
carry this product for CPC before I learned of all these
things about it. And I will tell you when I decided upon
it. As we age over the age 50 your bones start to
deteriorate, you start to lose your bone and they become
more brittle as you get older. You can fall you break
your hip, you can break something, if you supply
yourself with the right amount of calcium it helps reduce
the problem or the likelihood of that happening.
African-Americans have problems drinking milk and
most doctors, they told him (my son) to drink six glasses
of milk, recently. The doctor told my son Mohammed to
drink six classes of milk. He does not like milk for some
reason, maybe that is his own nature protecting him from
cow's milk. He does not like milk for some reason, he
won't drink it and I am not going to make him do it, but
do feel hurt, he knows it too. I say, " Mohammed did
you drink the six glasses? The doctor told you to drink
six glasses of milk." He is not even drinking one glass
of milk.
I see him lacking and I encourage him to eat yogurt, so
obviously it has the enzymes in it , his body accepts it,
so I said, "He is getting good calcium. I encourage him
to eat more yogurt. And he will tell you that he drinks
this water. He is short for his age, he will be thirteen
this coming July 6, 2003 next year. He was much
shorter, his height was just like this, may be a year and a
half ago, but look how much he grew in about a year and
a half.
Mohammed what you think did that?
Mohammed Shakir:
The calcium.
Imam WD Mohammed:
Drinking that calcium water. Because he has been
drinking it with me. After he was drinking it I noticed it
and I said "Mohammed you are growing" and my mind
told me "It might be that calcium water." I am a
scientific thinker, I am not positively sure it is the water,
but I am going to sure keep giving it do him and I'm
going to keep taking it too.
Transcript 1 5f draft unedited Nasir Ahmad
Index 11-23-2002
Q. 97.5; Peace until the dawn 1;
Q. 2.187; Fasting begin distinguish black white thread
Q. 98.4; They disputed after knowledge came to them 1;
Q. 4.164; Prophets names some you know not 2;
Q. 3.36; The male is not like the female 3;
Q. 4.34; Men maintain, protect women 4;
Q. 86.6 7; Man from between the backbone and the rib
Q 4.1; Man made from single soul 4;
Q.29.45; Thinking on Allah (swt) is the greatest 4;
Q. 96.1; Read in the name of your Lord 7;
Q. 56.57 59; We created man 7;
Q.18.51; They witness not their own creation 7;
Q. 28.88; What is with G-d Stays and with you perish 8;
Q.31.15; If parent bid shirk do it not 9;
Q. 19.93; None comes to Allah except as a servant 9;
p.51 of 58
Q.2.36; Get you down from here all of you 10;
Q. 20.55; Earth place of birth, death and resurrection
Q. 77.25; Earth made place of drawing 11;
Q. 55.15; Jinn from a fire without smoke 12;
Q. 22.37; Blood not reach G-d but your sacrifice does
Q. 17.53; Satan is enemy to man 12;
Q. 2.33; Adam tell them their names 12;
Q. 15.39; satan decorates path of error 13;
Q.109. I worship what yo worship not 14;
Q. 53.9; Two bow lengths 15;
Q. 2.26; Allah causes wicked to stray or guides
righteous 17;
Q. 2.58; Enter door in sajdah 17;
Q.4.76; fight satan scheme 18;
Q.3.7; The perverse follow allegorical seeking discord
19; Q. 41.10; Allah gave what you need in four
20; Q. 10.16; Prophet lived a lifetime among you
Q. 2.51; Moses fast forty days and night 20;
Q. 21.16; World not created for sport and play 20;
Q. 31.28; Your death resurrection as single soul 21;
Q. 9.61; Prophet believes in Allah and the believers 27;
Q. 40.64; He made your features beautiful 27;
Q.23.14; Allah is the best of creators 35;
Q. 2.259; See how their roofs have caved in 38;
Q. 89.30; Enter you My garden 38;
Q. 40.7; G-d's reach over all mercy and knowledge 39,
Q. 42.38; Believers conduct affairs by shuraa 42;
Q. 4.56; When skin layer is burned off we replace it
Q.23.14; Man created dust, sperm, clot, bone, flesh 44;
Q. 62.2; Prophet instructs and purifies 45;
Q. 14.1; Prophet reveled Book to lead out of darkness
Q. 57.21; Garden its width is as the heavens and earth
Q. 9.108; Masjid foundation built on Taqwa 48;
Q. 91.8; The soul has its Taqwa and Fujur 48;
Al Hadith 1p555#347; Hell surrounded (decorated) by
desires 16;
Al Hadith 4p.208#4; Angels created of light 19;
Al hadith 2p633#377w; Marriage is half the religion
Forty hadith p.84#25; Charity is in legal sex act 21; Al
hadith 3p.410#579; Prophet character the Quran 28; Al
Hadith 1p.361#111w; China go for knowledge 47; Al
Hadith 1p143#247-8; Mujeddid every 100 yrs 50;
Genesis 2.18; Adam alone was not good 3;
Gen 2.21-22; Rib woman made 4;
Philip 4.18; Sweet savory smell up to the Lord 12;
Rev. 12.4; Tail dragon drew 1/3 stars of heaven 12;
2 Cor. 11.14-15; satan transformed as angel of light 17;
James 4.7; Resist the devil he will flee 18;
Luke 4.2; Jesus fasted 40 days 20;
Gen 11.1; Tower of Babel language confounded 26;
John 1.1; In the beginning was the word 28;
Genesis 2.15; Man dress the garden 38;
a- forty and a mule means ache 20;
a- 40 means space, freedom to pursue your potential 21;
Ache Acres means ache 20;
a- alone was not good 3;
a- Man dress the garden 38;
a- tell them their names 12;
a- gave what you need in four measures 20;
a- is the best of creators 35;
a- made man a creator, innovator 35;
a- reach over all in mercy and knowledge 39;
a-Thinking on Allah (swt) is the greatest 4;
a- What is with G-d Stays and with you perish 8;
Allegory in Quran the perverse follow seeking discord
America allowing foreigners in to save business 32;
Angel satan as of light, his ministers transformed 17;
Animal Music, sounds from man's and animal nature 40;
Arrow Two bow lengths man and G-d's purpose 15;
a- Artist inspired by G-d's artwork 40;
a- Music, animal sounds from man's and animal nature
a- Right spirit makes the world right 16, 38;
a- satan influences education and the arts 16, 38;
ASM women increasing in the Leadership of ASM 45;
Atheist Secular world puts down G-d 8;
p.52 of 58
Babel Tower of Babel sex language confounded 26;
b- Right spirit makes the world right 38;
b- Sex problems from satan affects the industrial man
b- means sensitive mortal 43, 44;
b- one who is alive to the needs of his fellow man 44;
Charity is in legal sex act 21;
China go for knowledge 47;
Begin In the beginning was the word 28;
c- Rubbing the skin communicates love 43;
c- Touch helps child to develop socially 43;
b- in religion called theory in science 8;
b- Prophet believes in Allah and the believers 27;
Believers conduct affairs by shuraa 42;
Back Man from between the backbone and the rib 4;
b- Community watch for all needs not just crime 37;
b- Hollywood black man image is heroic 21;
b- Organized your neighborhood associations 38;
b- shop in other places weakens their neighborhood 36;
Blood not reach G-d but your sacrifice does 12;
Body senses things good for it 51;
Book Prophet reveled the Book to lead out of darkness
Bow Two bow lengths man and G-d's purpose 15;
b- in society Right spirit makes the world right 38;
b- Breath Quran to revive fallen cities 38;
Brother Men and women meetings 25;
Bush President serves humanity but deluded by
errorism 18;
)- Black shop other places weakens their neighborhood
)- Consumer awareness from inferior products 37;
)- Construction for science and better conditions for man
) - CPC duplicated everywhere 31;
)- Family motivated business 32;
)- Immigration allowing foreigners in to save business
)- Industrialist inspired by G-d's works creation 40;
Neighbors should assist the businessman if necessary
)- Urban renewal black businesses were lost 36; b- life
weakens invites neighborhood problems 38;
City See how their roofs have caved in 38;
Cockatrice Rejoice not Palestine cockatrice coming 17;
c- Better Help is in creation not college textbooks 41;
c- institutions create many mental problems 8;
c- satan influences education and the arts 16;
c- students advised how to keep faith 9;
Color Transparency produces the colors in the rainbow
c- Consumer awareness from inferior products 37;
c- Islamic community four square blocks 18;
c- Neighbors should assist the businessman if necessary
c- Organized your neighborhood associations 38;
c- Right spirit makes the world right 38;
c- See how their roofs have caved in 38;
c- watch for all needs not just crime 37;
Confound Tower of Babel sex language confounded 26;
Conscience Republic is to re-people raising conscience
Consumer awareness from inferior products 37;
Constitution Four need are the constitution rights 19, 20;
Construction for science and better conditions for man
Contextual wholeness ideological development 9;
c- Believers conduct affairs by shuraa 42;
c- Shuraa the most qualified persons 42;
CPC duplicated everywhere 31;
CPC, Comtrust Investors 53;
p.53 of 58
a- a- Allah is the best of creators 35;
a- G-d made man a creator, innovator 35;
a- Industrialist inspired by G-d's works creation 40;
a- They witness not their own creation 7;
c- Man's mind and heart engaged and mated it 3;
c- Universal unity appears to be in conflict at times 6;
c- Business life weakens invites neighborhood problems
c- is effect of man's sensitivity and spirituality 21;
c- is the expression of the human spirit 35;
c- individuals are threatened by the same things 38;
Dark Prophet reveled the Book to lead out of darkness
Dawah Leaflets for the community dawah 49;
Dawn Peace until the dawn 1;
Death Your death resurrection as single soul 21;
Desire Hell surrounded (decorated) by desires 16;
d- fight satan scheme 18;
d- satan as angel of light, his ministers transformed 17;
d- Ghuruu deception one of the names of the devil 16;
d- Satan intends to present himself to the world as god
d- Rebuke, resist the devil he will flee 18;
d- satan influences education and the arts 16;
s- Satan has conquered the secular world 17;
d- satan decorates path of error 13;
d- Tail dragon drew 1/3 stars of heaven 12;
d- satan think he's helping working for G-d 13, 26;
d- World created to inspire good satan corrupted 13;
d- Dialectic expression in the community life 39;
d- logical argument 27;
Dictator form not trusting others 13;
Dietary supplements Body senses things good for it 51;
Diversity of the races are the to carry man's unity 27;
Door Enter door in sajdah 17;
Drawing satan influences education and the arts 16;
Duhaa Prayer 1;
e- Allah made place of drawing 11;
e- Better Help is in creation not college textbooks 41;
e- Man's mind and heart engaged and mated creation 3;
e- Matter is logical and intelligent 39;
e- Nature is logical and extends the message of logic 40;
e-place of birth, death and resurrection 10;
e- satan decorates path of error 13;
e- World created to inspire good satan corrupted 13;
e- Belief in religion called theory in science 8;
e- Better Help is in creation not college textbooks 41;
e- China go for knowledge 47;
e- College institutions create many mental problems 8;
e- College students advised how to keep faith 9;
e- Read in the name of your Lord 7;
e- Religious school of thought to be developed by
women 2;
e- satan influences education and the arts 16;
Entertainment Hollywood black man image is heroic 21;
e- committee watch the thinking of the leaders 46;
e- constructing something conforming to a moral need
e- is higher expression of moral life 45;
e- Sensitivity born again into ethical logic 45;
eSecuring the ethical rule 43;
Eye Seven eyes went out to condemn man 13;
Fajr, Duhaa Prayer 1;
fLove abused hurt the victim if he doesn't give it
f- motivated business 32;
f- Rubbing the skin communicates love 43;
f- Touch helps child to develop socially 43;
f- begin distinguish black white thread 1;
f- Break the fast with the natural food as Allah made it
f- Jesus fasted 40 days 20;
f- Moses fast forty days and night 20;
p.54 of 58
Female The male is not like the female 3;
1- As often as a layer of skin is burned we replace it 43;
1- Jinn from a fire without smoke no repentance 12;
Flower Sex is flower of our social interest 25;
Flyer Leaflets for the community dawah 49;
Ideological development 9;
Iftar Break the fast with natural foods as Allah made 50;
i -people won't come to you if you're a dictator 43;
i - Leaders must have love in intellect not rocks, stones
i - must not be satisfied with limited education 46;
i- to lead this community must study Quran 47;
1- Jesus, Moses fasted 20;
1- Forty means when your conscious 20; Idea begins with
in interest 9;
Immigration allowing foreigners in to save business 32;
Individual Culture are threatened by the same things 38;
Four Allah gave needs in four measures constitution 20;
Fujur The soul has its Taqwa and Fujur 48;
i- inspired by G-d's works creation 40;
i- Sex problems from satan affects the industrial man 16;
g- Atheist Secular world puts down G-d 8;
g- None comes to Allah except as a servant 9;
i- Matter is logical and intelligent 39;
i- Spirituality with intellect engages the world 15;
Gabriel shadow darkened a whole town 19;
Interest Idea begins with in interest 9;
;- Man dress the garden 38;
g- Garden its width is as the heavens and earth 46;
i- Marriage is half the religion 22;
i- Mujeddid every 100 yrs 50;
Sate Enter door in sajdah 17;
'jet you down from here all of you 10;
3huruu deception one of the names of the devil 16;
3ood Innocence is your goodness 1;
Islamic community four square blocks 18;
3overnment Republic leadership trusts the masses 13;
-Iadith Prophet chest opened by angels 19; lappy is when we accept responsibilities 39;
iealth Body senses things good for it 51;
- beat Allah wants to set us to time 40;
I - Man's mind and heart engaged and mated creation 3;
L- Man dress the garden 38;
- Garden its width is as the heavens and earth 46;
fell surrounded (decorated) by desires 16;
-1 Innocence is your goodness 11;
Jazz is spontaneous is from nature not your thoughts 40;
j - Jesus fasted forty days 20;
j - Muhammad, Jesus word dwelt among men 28;
j- None comes to Allah except as a servant 9;
Jinn from a fire without smoke no repentance12;
k- Allah reach over all in mercy and knowledge 39;
k- Belief in religion called theory in science 8;
k - Better Help is in creation not college textbooks 41;
k - China go for knowledge 47;
k- College institutions create many mental problems 8;
p.55 of 58
k- Religious school of thought to be developed by
women 2;
k- satan influences education and the arts 16;
k- They disputed after knowledge came to them 1;
k- without mercy punishes people 46;
m - Marriage ceremony 33;
m - is half the religion 22;
m - Love abused hurt the victim if he doesn't give it 44;
m - touching helps child to develop socially 43;
m- Rubbing the skin communicates love 43;
1- satan influences 26;
1- To it tower of Babel sex language confounded 26;
1- Imams mustn't be satisfied with limited education 46;
1- Imam to lead this community must study Quran 47;
1- must have love in the intellect not rocks, stones 45;
1- people won't come to you if you're a dictator 43;
1- Republic leadership trusts the masses 13;
1- without Bashar create societies that punish 45;
- Women increasing in the Leadership of ASM 45;
Leaflets for the community dawah 49;
Leg Thinking, reflection like right and left legs 3;
Lifetime Prophet lived a lifetime among you 20;
1- Prophet reveled the Book to lead out of darkness 46;
1- satan as angel of light, his ministers transformed 17;
Logic Nature is logical and extends the message of logic
Love abused hurt the victim if he doesn't give it 44;
Male The male is not like the female 3;
m - Man created dust, sperm, clot, bone, flesh 44;
m - Diversity of the races are the to carry man's unity
m - dress the garden 38;
m - G-d made man a creator, innovator 35;
m - heart, mind engaged and mated creation 4;
m - He made your features beautiful 27;
m - made from single soul 4;
m - meeting to discuss concerns 25;
m - from between the backbone and the rib 4;
m - maintain, protect women 4;
m - The male is not like the female 3;
m - The soul has its Taqwa and Fujur 48;
m - Transparency produces the colors in the rainbow 28;
m - We created man 7;
m - witness not their own creation 7;
Masjid foundation built on Taqwa 48;
Masses are the resource for thinker leaders inventors 35;
m - is logical and intelligent 39;
m - Universal unity appears to be in conflict at times 6;
Material Spirit needs material to express itself 20;
Media Hollywood black man image is heroic 21;
Medicine Body senses things good for it 51;
m - Allah reach over all in mercy and knowledge 39;
m - Knowledge without mercy punishes people 46;
m - Man's mind and heart engaged and mated creation 3;
m - Thinking, reflection like right and left legs 3;
Model Islamic community four square blocks 18;
m - Ethic construct something conforming to moral
need 46;
m - is higher expression of moral life 45;
m - life forms of human sensitivities 43;
m - must have strong human sensitivities 44;
m - Sensitivity born again into ethical logic 45;
m - urgency trust G-d speak against wrong 17;
Moses fast forty days and night 20;
Mosque Masjid foundation built on Taqwa 48;
Movies Hollywood black man image is heroic 21;
m - delegated authority to members 31;
m - Jesus word dwelt among men 28;
Mujeddid every 100 yrs 50;
p.56 of 58
m - 40 acres means space, free to pursue your potential
m - means your stubborn mind 20;
m - animal sounds from man's and animal nature 40;
m - Jazz is spontaneous is from nature not your thoughts
rn - satan influences education and the arts 16;
Muslim Islamic community four square blocks 18;
Name Adam tell them their names 12;
Nature is logical and extends the message of logic 40;
n - assist the businessman if necessary 37;
n - Organized your neighborhood associations 38;
Palestine rejoice not Palestine cockatrice coming 17;
Parent bid shirk do it not 9;
Peace until the dawn 1;
Play World not created for sport and play 20;
Politics Republic leadership trusts the masses 13;
Prayer Fajr, Duhaa 1;
Propagation Leaflets for the community dawah 49;
p- believes in Allah and the believers 27;
p- Book reveled to lead out of darkness 46;
p- character the Quran word dwell among men 28;
p- chest opened by angels 19;
p- instructs and purifies 45;
p- lived a lifetime among you 20;
p- Muhammad delegated authority to members 31;
3- Muhammad, Jesus word dwelt among men 28;
)- names some you know not 2;
)- Prophet was a thinker reflecting on mans condition 3;
)- Read in the name of your Lord 7;
1- Breath Quran to revive fallen cities 38;
1- Imam to lead this community must study Quran 47;
1- Perverse ones follow allegorical seeking discord 19;
1- Prophet character the Quran 28;
sensitizes and gives insight 47;
p.57 of 58
q- The Word of G-d is life 41;
r- Allah made your features beautiful 27;
r- Diversity of the races are the to carry man's unity 27;
r- Transparency produces the colors in the rainbow 28;
Rainbow Transparency produces the colors in 28;
Reflect Thinking, reflection like right and left legs 3;
r- Islam Marriage is half the religion 22;
r- Many religious teachers fall in superstition in religion
r- school of thought to be developed by women 2;
r- means to re-people by raising the conscience 49;
r- Spiritual republic 48;
Responsible happiness greatest when we accept it 39;
Resurrection Your death resurrection as single soul 21;
Rib Man, woman from between the backbone and the rib
Roof See how their roofs have caved in 38;
Rubbing the skin communicates love 43;
sajdah Enter door in sajdah 17;
s- as angel of light, his ministers transformed 17;
s- decorates path of error 13;
s- fight satan scheme 18;
s- has conquered the secular world 17;
s- is enemy to man 12;
s- intends to present himself to the world as god 18;
s- Rebuke, resist the devil he will flee 18;
s- Tail dragon drew 1/3 stars of heaven 12;
s- think he's helping working for G-d 13, 26;
s- World created to inspire good satan corrupted 13;
s- Belief in religion called theory in science 8;
s- Better Help is in creation not college textbooks 41;
s- College institutions create many mental problems 8;
s- Religious school of thought to be developed by
women 2;
s- satan influences education and the arts 16;
p.58 of 58
Secular world puts down G-d 8;
Sensitive Moral life forms of human sensitivities 43
Seven eyes went out to condemn man 13;
s- can punishment abnormal acts 24, 25;
s- belongs in the social context 23;
s- best in mental intercourse 22;
s- Build the context to sexual expression 11;
s- Charity is in legal sex act 21;
s- is flower of our social interest 25;
s- foundation of society like the body 22;
s- problems from satan affects the industrial man 16, 22;
s- problems from satan 16, 22;
s- Tower of Babel language of sex confounded 26;
s- Work like sex if you like it you get good production
s- Culture is effect of man's sensitivity and spirituality
s- Right spirit makes the world right 38;
s- needs material to express itself 20;
s- Spiritual republic 48;
s- with help of the intellect engages the world 15;
Sport World not created for sport and play 20;
Synthetic means bringing parts together 28;
Sweet savory smell up to the Lord 12;
t- Masjid foundation built on Taqwa 48;
t- Taqwa is respect, regardfulness 48;
t- The soul has its Taqwa and Fujur 48;
Shirk If parent bid shirk do it not 9;
Tauheed Universe means one verse 28;
Theory Belief in religion called theory in science 8;
s- Believers conduct affairs by shuraa 42;
s- Shuraa the most qualified persons 42;
t- Allah Thinking on Allah (swt) is the greatest 4;
t- , reflection like right and left legs 3;
s- As often as a layer of skin is burned we replace it 43;
s- Rubbing the skin communicates love 43;
Thread Fasting begin distinguish black white thread 1;
s- means repentance 12;
s- Sweet savory smell up to the Lord 12;
t- helps child to develop socially 43;
t- Rubbing the skin communicates love 43;
Town See how their roofs have caved in 38;
s- Breath in society Right spirit makes the world right
s- Culture, individuals threatened by the same things 38;
s- Leaders without Bashar create societies that punish
s- Masses are the resource for thinkers, leaders inventors
s- See how their roofs have caved in 38;
s- Sex foundation of society like the body 22;
s- Urban renewal made mistakes 35, 36;
u - Man's mind and heart engaged and mated creation 3;
u- Matter is logical and intelligent 39;
u- means one verse Tauheed 28;
u- unity appears to be in conflict at times 6;
s- has its Taqwa and Fujur 48;
s- Spiritual republic 48;
s- Your death resurrection as single soul 21;
s- Man made from single soul 4;
Vocabulary for the transcript 26;
Urban renewal
u- Urban renewal black businesses were lost
u- made mistakes 35, 36;
Imam WD Mohammed graduate of the universal school
p.59 of 58
w- increasing in the Leadership of ASM 45;
w- Man made from single soul 4;
w- meeting to discuss issues 25;
w- Men maintain, protect women 4;
w- The male is not like the female 3;
w- Of G-d is life 41;
w- In the beginning was the word 28;
w- Muhammad, Jesus dwell in flesh among men 28;
Work like sex if you like it you get good production 22;
w- Breath in society Right spirit makes the world right
w- created to inspire good satan corrupted 13;
x-1; Y-1; z-1; Index 1123-2002