Ohio History - Wright State University

Ohio History
Grade 4
Ohio Social Studies Strands
By Heidi Shively
ED 417-02
Table of Contents
American Heritage
 People in Societies
 World Interactions
 Citizenship Rights
 Democratic Processes
 Decision Making and Resources
 Science, Technology, and Society
American Heritage
Aspects of the Past
 Uniqueness of the American people in the
 Recognizing similarities between cultures
American Heritage Goals
The students will be able to:
1. Students will be able to identify the
sequence of events in history.
2. Students will be able to group events on
a timeline.
3. Students will be able to recognize that
change occurs in history.
Web Sites
This website shows what Ohio has to offer. It
includes major events, maps, etc.
This website has a countdown until the
Bicentennial celebration for Ohio.
This website has a current update on the
Birthplace of Aviation design recommended for
the Ohio quarter.
More websites
This website offers timelines, history, games,
and programs for kids.
This page shows the development that is
occurring in Ohio. It shows results of the
census and more.
Students will create a timeline of important
historical events that occurred in Ohio
 Students will look up reference materials on Ohio.
This will include: encyclopedias, magazines,
almanacs, atlases, maps, globes, etc.
 Students will visit the Springfield Heritage center
on a field trip to see artifacts and historical
More Activities
Students will talk to a relative about what
has happened in Ohio during their lifetime.
 History Bingo: Create a bingo card with
vocabulary words, facts, and events during
Ohio’s development. Play bingo using this
information with the students.
People In Societies
Recognizes what cultural groups are.
 Recognizes the differences of ethnic groups.
 Recognizes what immigrants are and their
continent of origin.
People In Societies Goals:
Students will be able to:
1. Identify the various kinds of cultural groups that
have lived or live in Ohio.
 2. Identify or explain how various cultural groups
have participated in the state’s development.
 3. Identify or compare the customs, traditions, and
needs of Ohio’s various cultural groups.
Web Sites
 This website is about Ohio. It offers
information for visitors and residents.
 http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?ti=
 This website offers information about Ohio
More Web Sites
This webpage has information on famous
This webpage is about the Renaissance Festival
that is in Harveysburg, Ohio.
This webpage covers American communities and
Students will write a paper about a famous
Students will take a field trip to the Ohio
Renaissance Festival.
Students will compare cultures and customs of
different Ohio groups.
Students will write a letter to the governor of
Students will talk with an older relative about their
favorite traditions.
World Interactions
Awareness of what is going on in other parts
of the world.
 Cultural, economic, and government issues
around the world.
 Understanding of major reference points on
World Interactions Goals:
Students will be able to:
1. Identify various reference points on
 2. Locate major landforms and bodies of
 3. Use a number/ letter grid to locate places
on a map.
Web Sites
Students will find out how many miles it is to
a destination.
This site has map information on trails, cities,
continents, and time periods.
More Web Sites
Students can create their own map and change the
shape, size, and color of the maps.
This website shows maps of different times.
This webpage shows maps, directions, and
construction zones.
Students will use the xerox website to help them
design a map.
Students will identify continents and bodies of
water by matching them on a map.
Students will all go to the board and mark on one
map where they were born. As a class, we will
figure out who lived the farthest away, etc.
Have students color a map and identify the
locations on the map.
Have students pick a country and share with the
class the customs, cultures, and where it is located.
Citizenship Rights and
Help prepare students for their role as adult
 Examine activities that are a part of people’s
civic lives in a democratic republic.
Citizenship Rights and
Responsibilities Goals
Students will be able to:
1. Differentiate between statements of fact and
opinion found in information about public issues
and policies.
 2. Identify and assess the possibilities of group
decision making, cooperative activity, and
personal involvement in the community.
 3. Identify the elements of rules relating to fair
Web Sites
This website is dedicated to securing democracy
for the future by involving youth in the election
process today.
This website studies voting patterns,
representation and political influence of money.
This website explores a nonpartisan voting guide
that highlights politicians’ stances on women’s
More Web Sites
 This website analyzes the effects of voting
systems on citizen participation and
discusses possible methods of reform.
 http://vote-smart.org
 This website locates candidates and elected
officials, one may learn about political
issues, and track the status of legislation.
Students will be given statements and
students will be asked to explain why a
statement is factual or an opinion.
 Students will need to decide as a class
public issues such as vandalism, school
rules, recycling.
 Students will have a mock trial and vote on
a particular issue.
More Activities
Students will debate certain issues in front
of class.
 Students will look at newspapers and
distinguish between facts and opinions.
Democratic Processes
This is how state and local governments
 This strand concerns the functions of the
various branches of government and the
purpose of government.
Democratic Process Goals
Students will be able to:
1. Identify the function of each branch of
state government.
 2. Identify the purposes of state
 Identify or explain the purposes of local
Web Sites
This website can help a student locate their
This website is the largest United States federal
cultural institution that has a massive collection in
books and other media. One may search databases
and view multimedia.
This website shows American democratic process
at work.
Web Sites Continued
 This website helps students find information
about Ohio.
 http://www.whitehouse.gov
 This website shows pictures of the President
and the White House.
Students will be given a branch of the government
and asked to identify its function.
 Students will be given a purpose and asked to
identify or describe an example of governmental
activity appropriate to the purpose.
 Students will take a field trip to Columbus to visit
the governor or lieutenant governor.
 Students will make a chart of the three branches of
government and name a government position to
each branch of government.
More Activities
Vocabulary Bingo: Students will play bingo
based on vocabulary definitions and words.
Decision Making and
Examines basic economic concepts as they
relate to people’s everyday lives.
 This includes land, labor, capital, and
Decision Making and
Resources Goals
Students will be able to:
1. Identify the factors of production (land, labor,
capital, and entrepreneurship) needed to produce
various goods and services.
 2. Name the resources needed to produce various
goods and services, classify each resource by the
factors of production, or suggest alternative uses
for those factors.
 3. Classify various economic activities as
examples of production or consumption.
Web Sites
The mission of EcEdWeb (Economic Education
Website) is to provide support for economic
education in all forms at all levels.
This website links to university departments and
they are organized alphabetically or by state.
This website is a partnership of the USDA and
Cornell offers reports and data sets on crops,
lifestock, trade, and prices.
Web Sites
 This is the official site of the federal
government. On this site, trade data,
economic indicators, business services, and
agency links and contracts are found.
 http://www.usaee.org
 This is the website for the US Association
for energy economics.
Students will be presented with common goods
and services and asked to identify particular
resources needed to produce them.
 Students will be given a task (land, labor, capital,
entrepreneurship) to use in a marketplace.
 Students will watch a movie about a successful
company and how they make wise business
 Students will be asked to examine an activity and
to indicate if the activity is an example of
production or consumption.
Activities Continued
Students will participate in junior
Science, Technology, and
Examines how advancements in technology
and science have helped society.
 Examine the necessity to continually
improve society.
Science,Technology, and
Society Goals
Students will be able to:
1. Examine science, technology, and
 2. Name some uses of science and
technology and its effects on society.
 3. Identify the advantages of knowledge in
science and technology.
Web Sites
This website is about NASA and space
This website is about science and technology
coverage with audio files, full text stories, and
QuickTime clips.
This website covers issues on waste treatment,
pollution, and environmental changes.
Web Sites Continued
 This website is the official page of the
Smithsonian Institute.
 http://www.sciencemag.org
 This website is from the weekly research
journal published by the American
Association for the Advancement of
Students will create a PowerPoint Presentation
about science invention or technology
Students will do a science experiment, example a
Students will watch a NASA video.
Students will evaluate society.
Students will work in groups and together find out
information about a contributor to the science or
technology field.
Citizenship is an important part of the
fourth grade curriculum. Students will be
able to better understand their rights as
citizens and young adults.