Chapter 17 Advertising & PR Objectives of Advertising to develop initial demand INFORM REMIND PERSUADE increase demand for an existing product to reinforce previous promotions. Advertising and Market Share New brands spend proportionately more for advertising than old ones. A certain level of exposure is needed to affect purchase habits. Beyond a certain level, diminishing returns set in. Advertising Response Function ‘Advertising Response’ Function Advertising Evolution& Effects Ad expenses have risen over the past decade (mature mkt). Ex: Arm & Hammer U.S. spends more on ads than any other country GM, P&G, and Time Warner each spend approx. $10 Million a DAY on U.S advertising!!!!! Major Types of Advertising Institutional ………….. Advertising Enhance Corporation’s ……………… identity Advocacy ……………… advertising Pioneering Product …………….. Advertising Competitive Comparative What kind? What kind? What kind? 2004 2005 2007 eu 2009 Types of Ads Product Ads – promote a specific item Pioneering: inform/build primary demand for item (intro stage; net phone, and what else??) Types of Ads Comparative ads Specific brand comparison of a specific attribute (Pain relievers and Caffeine) The Cola Wars! The Beer Wars! The cereal wars! The detergent wars! Research must support (Listerine and plaque) vs. Any differences? Competitive (brand) Ads -Later in PLC -Selective demand -Build brand recall -Create affect 1.6 Advertising Campaign A series of related advertisements focusing on a common theme, slogan, and set of advertising appeals. Steps in Creating an Advertising Campaign Determine the advertising objectives. Make creative decisions. Make media decisions. Evaluate the campaign. How do dirty boys get clean? Problem Sales plateau. 53% of the target (1834 year old guys) still switched between bars and shower gel, and 33% stuck entirely with their old-fashioned, non-Axe (and lowmargin)bar soap. Objective: To increase Axe Shower Gel occasions by 4% and sales by 13%. Creative Decisions Identify Product Benefits Components of Creative Decisions Develop and Evaluate Advertising Appeals Execute the Message Evaluate the Campaign’s Effectiveness Creative decisions Aha! moment (creative idea) Sell more Axe Shower Gel by creating a manly shower tool (why the leap?) Guys wanted: -Something tough to clean them but…not that tough -Something versatile as some parts are sensitive -Something controllable ( to match the level of scrub with their different needs) -‘because girls notice everything, from head to toe’ -Product benefits? Rough and Gentle scrubbing!! Common Advertising Appeals Value Product saves, makes, or protects money Health Appeals to body-conscious or health seekers Love or romance Used in selling cosmetics and perfumes Fear Social embarrassment, old age, losing health Admiration Reason for use of celebrity spokespeople Convenience Used for fast foods and microwave foods Fun and pleasure Key to advertising vacations, beer, parks Vanity and egotism Environmental Consciousness Used for expensive or conspicuous items Centers around environmental protection What appeal? Executing the Message Scientific Slice-of-Life Musical Lifestyle Spokesperson/ Testimonial Demonstration Mood or Image Fantasy Real/ Animated Product Symbols Humorous What kind of execution? Media Selection Considerations Cost per Contact Factors Influencing Reach: portion of audience we want to reach Media Mix Decisions What media? Frequency: how often? Audience Selectivity Media Scheduling Continuous Media Schedule Flighted Media Schedule Pulsing Media Schedule Types of Media Schedules Seasonal Media Schedule Make media decisions Plus PR Communication in Ads Effectiveness – very difficult to measure Testing improves performance (Dr. Pepper) Recall of ads may be poor (Infiniti) Results: Plus: 630,000+ YouTube spot views to date and over 500 comments. • 101 product reviews on, with a 4 star rating average. • 2,839 Facebook requests for a free Detailer and 63,786 Detailer Gifts given. • “Axe Detailer” searches were as popular as (and sometimes more) “Axe Effect” searches – traditionally our biggest hit Public Relations The Role of Public Relations Evaluates public attitudes Executes programs to gain public acceptance Identifies issues of public concern Can you imagine Axe PR? Functions of Public Relations Press Relations Product Publicity Corporate Communications Lobbying News Release Feature Article Product Placement Product/Brand Placement Advertainment PR vs Publicity