sexual harassment - Syracuse University

For your immediate safety or to report a crime:
Contact of Department of Public Safety at:
▪ 711 campus phone ▪ #78 your cell ▪ 315-443-2224
To report and resolve a complaint or any issue of harassment,
discrimination or sexual misconduct contact our Title IX Coordinator at:
▪ 315-443-0211 ▪ ▪ 005 Steele Hall
Concerned about sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking
or harassment?
For 24/7 privileged* and confidential support and advocacy:
Contact the Sexual & Relationship Violence Response Team at:
▪ 315-443-4715 ▪ 200 Walnut Place ▪
Assistance and support services are available for both the
accused/respondent and victim/complainant. All University resources
share information (except communications within a privilege*) only with
those who have a need to know in order to ensure that the complainant’s
needs are met, the respondent is treated fairly, and campus safety needs
are met. Such information could be the nature, date, time, and general
location of an incident.
Office of Student Assistance (315-443-4357) serves as a central
support hub to help students and their families manage crises, life
traumas, and other concerns or barriers that impede success. The
office works to address the needs of students who struggle in
areas such as psychological health, physical health, crime
victimization, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and social
adjustment through a variety of interventions, referrals, advocacy,
and follow-up services. In the event of a complaint, this Office,
working with others as necessary, provides support to the
complainant including supporting students through the University
conduct process. This Office also designates a person to support
the respondent throughout the complain process.
For policy details, go to the Syracuse University Policies website
The Counseling Center (315-443-4715) offers privileged and confidential
crisis counseling, referrals, advocacy and ongoing assistance for all
students addressing mental health, sexual misconduct, relationship
violence, and substance abuse issues. It has experienced, licensed mentalhealth professionals, including psychologists, and social workers. Help is
available 24 hours a day.
Hendricks Chapel (315-443-2901) provides privileged support for
students, faculty and staff by listening, nurturing and guiding them
through concerns related to human dignity, ethics, and spiritual welfare.
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (315-443-1087) provides privileged
counseling services for faculty and staff.
For off-campus support:
Contact Vera House ▪ 315-422-7273 ▪ 6181 Thompson Rd., #100
You are free to discuss issues with faculty and staff members with whom you are comfortable, but recognize that their response (appropriately so) may
be to discuss the matter with one of the resources above. The goal is to prevent problems, and if a problem arises, to address it and meet the needs of
those affected. SPEAK UP and BE HEARD! ■ For more information regarding Title IX resources, contact the Title IX Coordinator at 315-443-0211.
*Privileged resources are those who are, by reason of statute, barred from sharing information except in unusual circumstances.
SU Cares, Understands, and is a place of
Connection: this is about our Syracuse
University community and our culture here
at the University.
Syracuse University’s Core Principles:
The University’s Code of Ethical conduct
guides the activities of all faculty, staff, and
students. It provides, in part: We respect
the rights and dignity of all persons and
harassment in any form undermines the
fundamental principles of the University.
We support a respectful environment
through our own actions, encourage
respectful behavior in others, and speak
out against hatred and bias.
Each member of the
campus community is
responsible for preventing
harassment and
discrimination in work,
academic, and residential
environments, both on and
off campus. Retaliation
against any individual for
reporting concerns is strictly
…and Be Heard
sexual orientation
domestic violence status
gender identity
gender expression or
perceived gender
Sexual harassment is prohibited.
It is a form of sexual discrimination.
It is unwelcome behavior of a sexual
nature that relates to the gender or
sexual identity of an individual. Even
without creating an intimidating or
hostile environment for study, work,
or social living, unwelcome behavior
of a sexual nature is a violation of
the University’s Code of Ethical
The definition of sexual harassment
includes: sexual violence (physical
sexual acts perpetrated against a
person’s will or where a person is
incapable of giving consent due to
the victim’s use of drugs or alcohol),
rape, sexual assault, sexual battery,
sexual coercion, and non-contact sexual
abuse such as voyeurism and sexual
exploitation. This definition includes
such conduct against a significant other.
Gender- and sex-based harassment also
is prohibited, such as acts of verbal,
nonverbal, or physical aggression,
intimidation, or hostility based on sex,
gender (gender identity, gender
expression, and perceived gender),
sexuality (sexual orientation and sexual
including those not of a sexual nature
(such as jokes mocking a transgender
person’s gender identity or expression,
or women’s “place” in society).
The University does not
discriminate and prohibits
harassment or discrimination
related to any protected category
• creed
• ethnicity
• national origin
• sex, gender
• pregnancy
• disability
• marital status
• political or social affiliation
• age
• race
• color
• veteran status
• military status
As a member of the
Syracuse University
community, you are entitled
to work, study, and
participate in the
University’s programs
without fear of harassment
or discrimination.
It is the responsibility of
all to ensure such an
environment is maintained.
Speak Up if you witness
harassment or
discrimination, and report
any such incidents that
happen to you.
Sexual harassment can be:
 verbal/audible (jokes, teasing,
nicknames, suggestive
remarks, flirting, sexual
advances, music with graphic
lyrics, etc.)
 non-verbal (gestures, staring,
personal gifts, etc.)
 visual (graphic pictures, screen
savers, email jokes, text
messages, cards, etc.
 physical (touching, hugging,
standing very close, etc.)
 implied or overt sexual threats
 quid pro quo (work or
education benefits in return
for sexual favors either implied
or explicit)