3 ANTHROPOLOGY Paper - I11 SECTION - I Note : i) Answer all questions. ii) Each question carries twenty marks. iii) Each answer should be given in 500 words. What is the role of culture in personality formation ? OR Write an essay on evolutionary origins of Homo sapiens. Examine the distinguishing features of Anthropology as a social science. OR Mention the significance of dating in archaeology and discuss in brief the principle, methods and sources of error in C l4 dating. "Ontogeny repeats phylogeny." Justify. [ P.T.O. sscrecruitmentresults.in 11 SECTION - I1 Note : i) Answer all questions. ii) Each question carries fifteen marks. iii) Each answer should be given in 300 words. 3. "Health is not the exclusive domain of medical science." Discuss the contribution of anthropology in the context of health. OR Evaluate the contribution of Physical Anthropology in Bio-Medical Research in India. OR Write about the post-pleistocene environmental changes in Europe. 4. Discuss the features of the caste system. Examine the role of the caste system in the present-day context. OR I Write briefly on Mesolithic economy and society. ~ Briefly discuss the changes in human skeleton due to the assumption of erect posture. 5. Discuss the salient features of the Indus Valley Civilization. Examine the urban features of this civilization. OR Briefly discuss the factors responsible for race formation. OR What do you understand by sustainable development ? [ P.T.O. sscrecruitmentresults.in 6. What is controlled comparison ? 7. What is development anthropology ? 8. Who are the primitive tribal groups ? 9. Distinguish between social structure and social organisation. 21 SECTION - I11 Note : i) Answer all questions. ii) Each question carries ten marks. iii) Each answer should be given in 50 words. 10. What is the meaning of functionalism in social-cultural anthropology ? 1 1. Define a unilinear theory of socio-cultural evolution. 12. Define Genetic Polymorphism. i 13. What is Ethno-Archaeology ? 14. What is meant by ABO Blood Group Incompatibility ? [ P.T.O. sscrecruitmentresults.in 31 SECTION - IV Note : i) Answer all questions. ii) Each question carries five marks. iii) Each answer should be given in 30 words. 15. What does Folk-Urban continuum mean ? 16. How is 'social fact' defined ? 17. What is Ethnomedicine ? 18. What is HLA? 19. What is the significance of Hathnora in Indian prehistory ? [ P.T.O. sscrecruitmentresults.in