The Fairfax Sportsplex Youth Recreation Soccer 2015/2016 League Registration Form Session 1 November 14 – December 20, 2015 Deadline Nov 5th 6 games 6V6 $695 Session 2 January 2 – February 7, 2016 Deadline Nov 23rd 6 games *may have games 12/27, 1/1 or 1/18 Session 3 February 13 – March 20, 2016 Deadline Jan 22nd 6 games *may have games MONDAY 2/15 5V5 Individual AGE GROUPS $640 $100 6 on 6 leagues: U6 COED, U7-U19 Girls, and U7U19 Boys 6V6 5V5 Individual $760 $715 $110 6v6 5v5 Individual $760 $715 $110 5 on 5 leagues: U9-U12 Girls, U8-U12 Boys To Register Fill out the form below for either team or individual registration and mail with payment to: The Fairfax Sportsplex 6800 Commercial Drive Springfield, VA 22151 Games are played Friday 7pm to 10pm, Saturday, 7am to 11pm and Sunday, 7am to 8 pm. Please contact the League Director for specific age group time brackets. We accept individual registrations for age groups U6-U13. Children will be grouped together by age to form team. We rely on parents to coach teams made up of individuals. Teams in Session 1 are guaranteed a spot in Session 2 and Teams in Session 2 are guaranteed a spot in Session 3 only if full payment is received by the registrations deadlines. EARLY REGISTRATION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! This league is intended for RECREATION (house) level players only. Each team may only carry 2 Travel (carded) players. Exceptions may only be made by the League Director. For more information please contact: Nicole Brower, League Director 703-723-3490 YOUTH RECREATION SOCCER 2014/2015 – TEAM REGISTRATION Session 1 ☐ Session? Session 2 ☐ Session 3 ☐ Returning Team from Previous Y/N Team Name Team Color Coach’s Name Age Group Boys 5v5 ☐ ☐ Street Address City State Zip Phone (home) Phone (alt) Email INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION (not necessary for team registration) Child’s Name Parent’s Name U6 – U13 ages only Date of Birth Boy ☐ Girl ☐ Street Address City State Zip Phone (home) Phone (alt) Email WWW.FAIRFAXSPORTSPLEX.COM The ORIGINAL Sportsplex est. 1992 ☐ 6v6 ☐ Girls