UNC Financial Systems Conference 2012 df UNC SciQuest Purchase to Settlement Update Ken Craig (UNCGA) Julie Hepner (SciQuest) Session Outline ► SciQuest E-Procurement Update SciQuest Background SciQuest System Overview / UNC Implementation Status UNC Path to SciQuest Initiative SciQuest Benefits and Savings Spend Analysis / Strategic Sourcing (Top Manageable Spend Categories) FY 2012 Operating Plans Questions and Answers Page 2 SciQuest Background Page 3 SciQuest Strategic Procurement Spend & Performance Analysis Supplier & Diversity Information Management Settlement Management Sourcing & Contract Management SciQuest is the leading provider of strategic procurement and supplier management solutions Marketplace & eProcurement Inventory & Supply Chain Integration Page 4 The Source-To-Settle Process RECRUIT & SET UP NEW SUPPLIERS • Qualify and on-board new vendors • Manage supplier performance & risk UNDERSTAND & MANAGE YOUR SPEND NEGOTIATE STRATEGIC CONTRACTS • Analyze spend by category • Determine sourcing opportunities • Search qualified suppliers • Award new business • Author and manage contracts PAY SUPPLIER INVOICES • • • • SHOP PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND DRIVE SAVINGS Receive goods Match invoices Manage exceptions Approve payment SEARCH IN-HOUSE SUPPLIES • • • • • Connect suppliers Standardize catalogs Highlight preferred suppliers Approve requisitions Transmit orders • Integrate stockroom inventory into marketplace • Manage chemical stockrooms & approvals Page 5 The SciQuest Difference ► Recognized leader in academic / research-centric organizations More than 147 colleges and universities; 270 campuses 58 of 108 universities classified as ‘very high research activity’ 34 of top 50 research schools based on NSF funding Established and relevant Supplier Network – No supplier transaction or participation fees ► Low-risk choice Preferred SunGard eProcurement Partner (56 SunGard clients) 12+ years of experience, solid financial standing Proven client results and ROI at peer institutions ► Unmatched customer relationships 97% customer satisfaction ratings 98% customer renewal rates Client Partner Program Higher Ed Customer Community: Regional and national user groups Page 6 Select SciQuest Higher Education Clients Page 7 SciQuest State Government, Private Industry and Higher Education Clients Page 8 HigherMarkets Platform and Unique Capabilities Page 9 HigherMarkets Source-To-Settle Solution Search and Shop Catalogs Services PR creation Accounting Approvals PO creation PO consolidation PO distribution Receipts EInvoicing Matching Bid Management Reverse Auctions EPROCUREMENT MODULES SOURCING DIRECTOR SPEND DIRECTOR REQUISITION MANAGER ORDER MANAGER SETTLEMENT MANAGER SUPPLIER INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SUPPLIER CONTRACT MANAGEMENT & AUTHORING MATERIALS MANAGEMENT BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE AND REPORTING SciQuest SUPPLIER NETWORK Page 10 One Stop Shopping Drives User Adoption and Spend Under Management Punchout Catalogs Services Forms Consulting, Legal, Business Cards Dell, E&I, Consortia Hosted Catalogs Science Catalog, Local Suppliers, Diversity Suppliers On-site Inventory Internal Requests Catering, Printing, IT requests, Travel Approval Order Status Personal Assistance Contract Details Procurement Policies/Info Page 11 Manage Supplier Connections via SciQuest TRANSACTION DATA MANAGED SERVICES • • • • • • • Supplier connectivity Extensive product taxonomy Centralized eCatalog Price/content management Transaction integrity Transaction tracking Customer support • • • • • • Purchase Order Advanced Ship Notification Invoicing Receipt notification Contract data Payment data University of North Carolina System Schools Page 12 SciQuest Requisitioning: Driving Campus Wide Spend Through the Platform One Stop Shopping Single channel of spend for all goods and services on campus Inclusion of internal and external services spend Integrated shopping, requisitioning, ordering, receiving, invoicing Configurable workflow to meet needs of diverse research campus Integration with other campus systems (ie; MRO) End user insulation from SunGard Banner application Procurement Result Easy to use system draws end users Majority of campus spend flows through platform Procurement obtains comprehensive and actionable spend data Page 13 University of North Carolina System – Solution Overview Page 14 UNC Solution Overview Search and Shop Catalogs Services PR creation Accounting Approvals PO creation PO consolidation PO distribution Receipts EInvoicing Matching Bid Management Reverse Auctions EPROCUREMENT MODULES SOURCING DIRECTOR SPEND DIRECTOR REQUISITION MANAGER ORDER MANAGER SETTLEMENT MANAGER ENTERPRISE/ Contract Mgr SUPPLIER INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SUPPLIER CONTRACT MANAGEMENT & AUTHORING MATERIALS MANAGEMENT All UNC Schools ECU Only SciQuest SUPPLIER NETWORK Page 15 UNC Member SciQuest Configuration & Status Supplies Manager Spend Director Requisition Manager Order Manager Settlement Manager Contract Manager √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ NC A&T √ √ √ NC Central √ √ √ UNC Asheville UNC Charlotte UNC Greensboro √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Prod Ready 2/2012 Pending Kickoff Live Pending Banner 8.6 Live Pending Banner 8.6 Pending Kickoff √ Pending Kickoff UNC Pembroke UNC Wilmington Western Carolina √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Winston Salem √ √ √ √ Pending Kickoff Pending Kickoff App State ECU Elizabeth City State Fayetteville State √ * Contract Manager is turned on and available for schools when they are ready to use. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Page 16 UNC Campus SciQuest Marketplace Logos Page 17 User Analysis Total Active SciQuest users by Peak Active Users - by % of Total UNCGA member 1% 5% App State 5% ECU 13% Elizabeth City State 14% Fayetteville State Total Active Users = 4,081 5% 5% 7% 4% 10% NC A&T NC Central UNC Asheville UNC Charlotte UNC Greensboro 20% 4% 7% UNC Pembroke UNC Wilmington Peak Active Users by UNCGA Member 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 808 590 525 400 225 295 190 171 270 153 195 Reporting period: July 1, 2011 thru March 31, 2012 199 60 Page 18 Spend Analysis – Consortium Spend by Supplier/By Member FYTD 2011-2012 Spend for consortium Enabled Suppliers Reporting period: July 1, 2011 through 3/13/2012 Page 19 Spend Analysis – Consortium Spend by Supplier/By Member FYTD 2011-2012 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 Appalachian State University $4,000,000 Fayetteville State University Elizabeth City State University $3,000,000 Winston Salem State $2,000,000 UNC Wilmington $1,000,000 UNC Asheville $0 Western Carolina UNC Greensboro UNC Pembroke NC Central University UNCCharlotte East Carolina University NC A&T Reporting period: July 1, 2011 through 3/1/2012 Page 20 UNC System / UNC Campus Sample Catalog Listings ► Sample System Contracts Fischer Scientific WVR International CDWG Gov Connect NAPA Autoparts Grainger Capital Air Services National Educational Music Co Professional Lighting & Supply Anderson Sanitary Maintenance ► Sample School Catalogs Hewlett Packard CaterTrax Impact Plus Uniforms Xerox MyOffice Products Pocket Nurse Henry Schein Forms & Supply Dell Staples Page 21 UNC System Initiative Page 22 UNC E-procurement Strategic Enablement Path ► 2004 UNC gained consent from DOA to pursue an integrated Banner EProcurement solution ► 2005 SciQuest piloted at ECU with consent from P&C • • Saves ECU $600K annually Generates $1.3M in process and cost avoidance savings ► November 2006 - PACE recommended significant opportunities for EProcurement savings ► March 2007 – UNCGA created PACE E-Procurement team with campus representation ► May – August 2007 – PACE E-Procurement team defined system requirements ► January 2008 – CFOs reviewed SciQuest solution Page 23 UNC E-procurement Strategic Enablement Path ► March 2008 – UNC-GA submitted business case for SciQuest to campuses • • • • • Lowest E-Procurement total costs of ownership Sole E-Procurement strategic partner with real-time interface with Banner Provides an electronic payment to settlement solution No duplicated IT support required Uncertainty with continuation of the NCEP system (set to expire February 2010) ► June 2008 – UNC System participated in demonstration of the NC E-Procurement system (NCEP) by P&C ► June 2008 - SciQuest was identified as the sole E-Procurement solution as best value, given the software’s functionality, low total cost of ownership, and existing Banner interface capability ► June 2008 – UNC-GA entered into negotiations with SciQuest Corp. for system level contract as an E-Procurement solution ► July 2008 - UNC executed SciQuest contract that provided a 61% recurring license fee discount with consent for Division of Purchase and Contract Division Page 24 University of North Carolina System – Benefits Page 25 UNC System E-Procurement Annual Costs vs. NCEP Costs UNC System NCAS Expenditures for Period ended 06/30/2011 (objects: 53XXXX) E-Procurement Effect On Spend Non-Procurement Related Costs Fixed Price Contracts or Single Instance Contracts Opportunity to Negotiate Savings - Services Opportunity to Negotiate Savings - Commodities Grand Total Total Spend Potential NCEP ECommerce Costs @ 1.75% SciQuest Annual License Fee Costs UNC EProcurement to Settlement Savings for Using SciQuest $ 7,206,984,276 - $ 329,546,472 - $ 650,657,599 - $ 1,278,047,195 22,365,826 1,282,020 21,083,806 $ 9,465,235,541 22,365,826 1,282,020 21,083,806 Manageable Spend: $1,.929 B Banner Schools: $817 M PeopleSoft: $1,112 M 1.75% of Manageable Commodity Spend - - - - 0.07% of Manageable Service and Commodity Spend Notes 1, Salaries, benefits, rental / lease exp., travel, debt service, depreciation, scholarships, grants, etc. 2. Utilities, insurance and bonding, capital improvement projects, 3. Contractual services, repairs, maintenance agreements, communication, mail, supplies and materials, purchase for resale items, capital equipment purchases, etc. 4. PeopleSoft provides a fully integrated electronic procurement to settlement solution within it’s baseline ERP system at no additional cost. Page 26 Common E-Procurement – Calculated Savings Descriptions ► Contract Compliance Savings (Hard Savings) Savings achieved by channeling more spend/transactions to existing contracts thus taking advantage of already existing discounts ► Strategic Sourcing Savings (Hard Savings) Savings achieved using strategic sourcing initiatives to identify / create new and / or better contracts with new / existing suppliers and ► Process Savings: (Quasi Hard / Soft Savings) Requisition to PO Delivery: • • • Reduction in processing costs from requisition through the delivery of the PO to the suppliers. Elimination of auto-fax service fees Reduced paper costs Settlement Automation: • • Reduction in processing costs from the receipt of goods through invoicing and to payment of the invoices. Avoidance of duplicate invoice payments. Page 27 Common E-Procurement – Non-Calculated Savings Descriptions ► Contract Lifecycle Savings (Soft Savings) Savings achieved through more effectively and proactively managing contracts throughout their lifecycle ► Settlement: Prompt-Payment-Discounts (Soft Savings) Savings achieved through enabling quicker payment of invoices and negotiating early payment or enablement of electronic invoicing discounts ► P-Card Rebate Savings (Hard Savings) Savings achieved through driving more spend / transactions to university PCards thus enabling a larger rebate from the University’s P-Card bank. ► Software as a Service Savings (Soft Savings) Cost avoidance benefit for effective use of software as a service (SAAS) solution to avoid redundant IT interface and application support costs, to leverage single instance contract and catalog management services with member institutions, to drive spend to preferred vendors, to create a system wide purchase to payment data warehouse to drive strategic sourcing and catalog enablement to generate savings and efficiency for the UNC Banner institutions. Note: UNC plans to incorporate the above mentioned performance metrics into our SciQuest implementation ROI report in FY 2012. Page 28 UNC SciQuest – Estimated Savings Metrics – Banner Schools •Negotiable goods and services spend: $817M • Estimated annual savings: $15.6M 1. Contract compliance and strategic sourcing savings (20%) 2. Requisition to PO processing savings (35%) 3. Accounts payable processing savings (40%) Page 29 Process Savings Metrics Performance Area Before E-Procurement After E-Procurement Spend Under Management 48% 65-80% Requisition-To-Order Costs $ 60 $ 31 Requisition-To-Order Cycles 11.0 Days 4.4 Days 39% 12-23% Invoice Receipt-To-Payment Costs $ 34.11 $ 2.18 Invoice Receipt-To-Payment Cycles 35.1 Days 2.8 Days Percentage of Maverick Spend Page 30 Process Savings Examples Strategic Vendor Savings Increase on-contract spending Increase diversity spending Negotiate better contract pricing Reduce maverick spending (spot buys) Foundation for strategic sourcing Process Benefits Consortia catalog and contract maintenance Improve researchers tools for acquiring materials for research Self-service to improve customer service to campus users One-stop shopping & request portal Improve back-office staff productivity & efficiency Improve payment cycle time Improve time-to-order cycle time Eliminate redundant processes, manual processes and delays Overall increased efficiency of administrative staff Enable other financial and non-financial workflows with SciQuest forms functionality Supplier Network Benefits (TBD) Page 31 UNC Banner Schools - Top Opportunities to Negotiate Savings Spend Categories – Service and Commodities ($817M) Rank OBJECT DESC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 532199 - MISC CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 532181 - FOOD SER AGREEMENT 533800 - PURCHASES FOR RESALE 535890 - OTHER ADMIN EXPENSE 532310 - REPAIRS-BUILDINGS 534630 - LBRRY&LRNING RESRCE COLL 533900 - OTHER MATERIALS & SUPP 533720 - EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES 534539 - OTHER EQUIPMENT 532170 - ADMIN SERVICES 534534 - PC/PRINTER EQUIPMENT 534523 - EQUIP-SCIENTIFIC/MEDICAL 532811 - TELEPHONE SERVICE 532850 - PRINT,BIND,DUPLICATE 532390 - REPAIRS-OTHER 533110 - GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 534530 - OTHER DP EQUIPMENT 532441 - MAINT AGRMT-OTHER SOFTWRE Total Top 25% Next 25% Next 25% 106,363,467 97,938,138 88,707,479 47,747,935 42,301,499 38,091,543 23,735,278 21,493,705 19,549,337 19,081,044 17,382,379 16,774,566 13,315,698 13,292,486 13,016,219 12,653,104 12,349,174 11,957,703 % of Manageable Spend 13.02% 11.99% 10.86% 5.84% 5.18% 4.66% 2.90% 2.63% 2.39% 2.34% 2.13% 2.05% 1.63% 1.63% 1.59% 1.55% 1.51% 1.46% Page 32 UNC Banner Campuses - Top Fixed Price Contracts or Single Instance Contract Spend Categories ($177M) Rank OBJECT DESC 1 532210 - ENRG SER -ELECTRICAL 2 532220 - ENRG SER -NAT.GAS/PROPANE 3 532919 - OTHER INSURANCE Total Top 50% % of Manageable Spend 64,861,760 36.68% 27,123,949 15.34% 23,446,874 13.26% Next 25% 4 534331 - BLDG-GENERAL CONTRACTS 20,573,556 11.64% 5 532230 - ENRG SER -WATER & SEWER 14,636,819 8.28% 6 532911 - PROPERTY-INSURANCE 5,082,023 2.87% 7 532913 - LIABILITY INSURANCE 4,060,248 2.30% Next 15% Page 33 Future UNC Spend Analysis / Strategic Sourcing Strategy ► Conduct a UNC System spend analysis study using existing Banner / PeopleSoft data to determine the most impactful opportunities to strategic sources University spend along with eenabling high volume transactions across the University. ► Implement SciQuest UNC System consortium dashboard reporting for purchase to settlement process, and catalog management services operations to effectively and efficiently manage University spend. ► Explore expansion of the Education Advisory Board’s Spend Compass tool to effectively manage University spend in FY 2013. The service is a purchase to settlement benchmarking data warehouse tool for 55 universities and over 200 hospitals to manage, analyze, and monitor spend. Current members are UNCCH, UNCW, and UNCC. Other campuses are evaluating membership. (Examples of analysis provided are: top vendor spend, top vendor spend by commodity class, non-preferred vendor spend by commodity class, price benchmarking against similar higher education institutions by commodity class or item number, P-card spend analysis, price variance reports, etc.) ► The above mentioned analysis will drive catalog and contract enablement to vendors that provide fully enabled purchase to settlement capability with the largest ROI to member institutions ► Have plans with DOA to share state and university contracts and catalogs where applicable Page 34 SciQuest Electronic Workflow Forms Efficiency Opportunities (Examples) Suggestion: Utilize additional forms for services, processes or suppliers & share forms down to members > > > > > > Brings additional spend under management Customized Design Can route workflow by form “type” Improved form design tool on SciQuest Can associate with a contract E-enable other campus financial and non-financial approvals Research Animal Orders Vendor Quote Surplus Property Copier/Printer Orders Business Cards Laundry Services Print Services Professional Services Car Rental Payment Form Sole Source Justification Check Request/Direct Pay New Supplier Request Travel Authorization Travel Reimbursement Banner System Access Fund Authority Request Page 35 Examples of Forms Usage UNC System Contract Manager Consortium Add non-catalog products to contracts > Use as a substitute for self managed catalogs or suppliers with small number of items (up to 100) > Searchable like a Hosted Catalog, and can be showcased as a catalog > Can upload items to SciQuest and make available within search results > Can share down to members and make items visible within each member’s site > State term, and other UNC System contracts > NO LICENSE CHARGED! Page 36 UNC SciQuest E-Procurement FY 2012 Plans ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Establish project advisory committee, process lead, and project plan in November Establish University Procurement Office to manage strategic sourcing and spend analysis operations Conduct UNC System strategic sourcing study. The analysis will use existing data from SciQuest and Spend Compass campuses to drive catalog enablement with vendors that provide end-to-end purchase through settlement capability Expand system level catalog inventory from 10 to 20-30 catalogs by June 30, 2012 Sustain 60 state term contracts, and load Alliance and other UNC campus contracts on GA consortium site Develop implementation plan to leverage and expand SciQuest forms workflows adoptions (i.e. Clemson and VA Tech) Develop a purchase to pay return on investment annual report for the SciQuest Implementation Page 37 UNC SciQuest Update Questions and comments Page 38