Dance I: Course Expectations

Course Expectations
Ms. Gavazzi
Binghamton High School
Dance I
Welcome to Dance I! This is a beginner level dance course in which you will be exploring and expanding
on your knowledge of dance and its history, techniques, aesthetics and nature. This course is designed to
develop physical, intellectual and emotional awareness related to dance as an expressive art. When you
complete this course, not only will your knowledge, understanding, appreciation and embodiment of
dance improve, but also your ability to think creatively, divergently and critically will also develop and
improve. It is my hope that the students will appreciate that dance is much more than a mere physical
activity and that through dance, as through other disciplines, individuals can enrich the quality of their
lives. The skills that you acquire and practice through this class will prepare you for your future as you
become reflective, creative and innovative leaders of tomorrow.
In this course, we will explore the following dance-related areas:
-Physical Skills and Conditioning
-Self-Expression through Movement
-Critical Thinking
-Aesthetic Appreciation
-Performance Skills
-The Nature and History of Dance
-Group Cooperation and Collaboration
Classroom/Studio Procedure:
1. You must be in the dance studio in the appropriate dancing attire 3 minutes after the bell rings. If
you are there before the bell rings, make sure you are in the dance room stretching and preparing
for class. Please make sure you are not our chewing gum, have your hair tied back, have removed
all large/loose jewelry, left cell phones outside of the dance studio and are bare foot.
2. Please remain quiet while I take attendance and explain the daily learning objective. If you have
been absent, you must place a white legal absence slip or a pink (illegal) one on my desk in the
appropriate class sectional. Legal absences can be made up but illegal absences may not be made
3. Once class has started, talking will not be accepted unless given permission. However,
appropriate questions will always be welcomed!
4. At the end of class, I will allow you 3 minutes to change your clothes. This time will also be
designated for you to hand in any homework or assignments which should be placed in your
binder. You will have your own binder that will stay in the dance room at all times where you
will hand in and receive graded work.
Grade Breakdown:
Participation- 50%
Unless you have physical and/or situational reasons that keep you from adequately participating,
your grade will measure the effort you put into class.
Written Tests- 10%
Every marking period you will have one written test. . However, the first marking period will
have 2 tests (pre-assessment and term test). For the 4th marking period,
your post-assessment will act as your term test.
Physical Tests/Choreography- 10%
For the 1st and 2nd marking periods you will have a physical test where you will demonstrate your
understanding of certain dance movements and techniques. You will not have a physical test for
the 3rd and 4th marking periods as they will be graded on your performance in the Spring Dance
Concert and your self-choreographed dance performance/work.
Term Papers- 10%
You will write a 2-3 page double spaced paper every marking period on various topics.
Quizzes- 10%
You will have between two and three quizzes every marking period.
Homework- 10%
In order to receive full credit for homework, the assignment must be submitted on time and show
that you have put effort into completing the homework.
*Extra credit will be offered on most assignments, tests, quizzes and homework! Please make sure you
ask if you feel you would like to improve upon a grade through extra credit work and I can/will make
arrangements with you!
You should come to class every day with the following:
-Composition notebook
-Pen or Pencil
You must change your clothes for class except on lecture days. If you do not, you won’t be allowed to
dance and will lose participation points.
Girls: Black leggings, yoga pants/capris or shorts (appropriate length) with either a tank, t-shirt or leotard
(any color).
Boys: Black sweats, jazz pants or shorts with a tank or t-shirt (any color).
Important Dates:
All students must attend all after school rehearsals and performances as it is part of your grade. If you
have any issues with this, please come see me at the beginning of the year and we can discuss if/ how to
alleviate any issues.
Spring Dance Concert: April 23, 2015.
-After school rehearsals for concert: April 15-16, 2015 and April 20-22, 2015.
Student Choreographed Showcase: June 10, 2015.
-After school rehearsals for showcase: June 1-3, 2015.
Class Structure:
Your grade is largely determined by your participation in class. I will try to stick to the following weekly
schedule however, this is subject to change:
Monday- Notes/Discussions/Lectures (you do not have to change clothes).
Tuesday- Technique class.
Wednesday- Stretch and Strength class.
Thursday- Technique class.
Friday- Choreography class.
You have the opportunity to earn a maximum of 3 participation points per class. In the effort to provide
clarity of what is expected on a daily basis and how you earn participation points a breakdown is provided
(Notes, Lecture
and Discussion)
Brings notebook,
pencil/pen and
folder. Comes to
class on time.
respectful and
throughout class.
Participates in
discussions, asks
questions when
appropriate, and
works to
Failure to
complete one of
the above.
Failure to
complete two of
the above.
Failure to
complete three of
the above.
Wearing appropriate
clothes for class
(Black leggings,
yoga pants or shorts
with either tank, tshirt or leotard and
hair tie). No socks or
gum. Comes to class
on time.
(Stretch and
Wearing appropriate
clothes for class
(Black leggings,
yoga pants or shorts
with either tank, tshirt or leotard and
hair tie). No socks or
gum. Comes to class
on time.
Wearing appropriate
clothes for class
(Black leggings,
yoga pants or shorts
with either tank, tshirt or leotard and
hair tie). No socks or
gum. Comes to class
on time.
Wearing appropriate
clothes for class (Black
leggings, yoga pants or
shorts with either tank, tshirt or leotard and hair
tie). No socks or gum.
Comes to class on time.
Remains focused,
respectful and
engaged throughout
Remains focused,
respectful and
engaged throughout
Remains focused,
respectful and
engaged throughout
participates, asks
questions when
movements to the
best of your
abilities, listens and
tries to apply
corrections and
works to potential.
participates, asks
questions when
appropriate, tries to
finish entirety of the
conditioning and
stretch class to the
best of your
abilities, listens and
tries to apply
corrections and
works to potential.
participates, asks
questions when
movements to the
best of your
abilities, listens and
tries to apply
corrections and
works to potential.
Failure to complete
one of the above.
Failure to complete
one of the above.
Failure to complete
one of the above.
Failure to complete one
of the above.
Failure to complete
two of the above.
Failure to complete
two of the above.
Failure to complete
two of the above.
Failure to complete two
of the above.
Failure to complete
three of the above.
Failure to complete
three of the above.
Failure to complete
three of the above.
Failure to complete three
of the above.
Remains focused,
respectful and engaged
throughout class.
Actively participates,
asks questions when
appropriate, positively
collaborates with other
( when
needed), tries to be
inventive, divergent,
creative and open to the
choreographic process,
embodies movements to
the best of your abilities
and works to potential.
***If you are having any difficulties, please do not hesitate to see me. I am available 1st, 2nd, 8th and
every other day 6th period and after school by appointment. Just let me know you are coming and I
am happy to provide assistance!
Parents and Students: Please feel free and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
You may reach me in room B211 or by calling the Main Office (607) 762-8200 or by email, .
Please sign and return course expectation handout by Monday, September 8, 2014.
I, ___________________________________________, have read and understand the course
expectations for Dance I. I will do my best, and understand that my success or failure to meet these
expectations is my own responsibility.
Print Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name: ________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Phone Number: ___________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Email Address: ____________________________________________
Thank you for your help and support!