Paper Tower Lab

Lab 01-3
The Paper Tower
What is the tallest freestanding tower you can construct with a single sheet of paper and 30 cm of scotch
Learning Objectives
At the end of this session, each participant should be able to:
Discuss the process of using the scientific method to solve a problem
Demonstrate a basic understanding of the lab report format
Materials Needed
One pieces of 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper
One piece of 1/2 -inch x 1-foot tape
1. You must brainstorm with your partner and come up with facts about building a paper tower
2. You must write a hypothesis describing the paper tower you are going to build.
3. You must construct each tower from paper and /or tape only. The groups can use no other materials or
employ any substitutions.
4. Contestants have a ten-minute period to construct their towers. Any modifications made to towers after the
allotted ten-minute period will disqualify the tower. Late arriving students may enter the contest at any time
after the ten-minute period has begun, however, they must stop when everyone else stops. Late starters will
not receive extra time.
5. Each tower must stand on its own; the tower cannot lean against any other surface (e.g. floor, wall, desk,
etc.), or inserted into holes on tabletop. The groups cannot attach the tower to anything.
6. Towers must stand for 10 seconds.
7. The judge will measure towers, whether standing straight/erect or
sagging/curved, from the base to the highest vertical point. The participants
may not straighten and measure towers that curve or sag; measurement will
only account for the distance between the base and highest point, even if the
group loses height because of a sag or curve.
Judges will evaluate each tower once.
All contestants will start at the same time.
Questions / Things you need to do
Brainstorm with your partner and write down a bullet pointed list of facts about building a paper tower.
(Normally you will have to cite your research)
Write a hypothesis
Record your results. You will do this with out any quantitative data other than the height you achieved.
(Normally we will support the results with more data)
Create a conclusion that includes a new hypothesis that shows how you would improve your design if you
were to do this again.
Type this up and submit it on
Lab 01-3
The Paper Tower
The purpose of this lab is to build the tallest free standing paper tower possible with the materials