Revolution in Russia Section 3 World War I

Section 3
World War I
Revolution in Russia
• Main Idea / Reading Focus
• Russia and World War I
• The Russian Revolution
• Faces of History: Vladimir Lenin
• After the Revolution
Section 3
World War I
Revolution in Russia
Main Idea
The war and social unrest combined to push Russia to the edge
of a revolution. The events that followed led to Russia’s exit from
the war and became a major turning point in world history.
Reading Focus
• What was Russia’s experience in World War I?
• What were the main events of the Russian Revolution?
• What major events took place after the Russian Revolution?
Section 3
World War I
Russia and World War I
The Years Before the War
• Russia a troubled nation
• Czar Nicholas II had promised
reform after 1905 revolution, but
delivered little real change
Bolshevik Plan
• Adaptation of Marxist ideas of
overthrow of capitalism
• Wanted elite group to keep
much of power over Russia
• Bolsheviks sought to change
life through revolution, wanted
to overthrow czar
• As Russia’s problems grew
more serious, Bolsheviks
gained more followers
• Led by Lenin, wanted proletariat
to rule Russia as socialist
• Czar Nicholas hoped World
War I would cause people to
rally to his leadership
Section 3
World War I
Russia in World War I
At the start of the war, Russia had an enormous army of some 6
million soldiers.
Preparations for War
• Outbreak of fighting caused
patriotism, rush to join military
• Otherwise Russia ill-prepared
for war
– Factories unable to produce
supplies quickly
– Transportation system weak
– Equipment outdated
On the Battlefield
• Many Russian officers
advanced on connections, not
• Some initial successes on
• Losses soon outnumbered
• Millions of Russian soldiers
wounded, killed during early
Section 3
World War I
Conditions Grow Worse
Czar Nicholas II took personal command of forces, 1915
• Move made little sense since he knew little of military matters
• Czar’s fate became linked with fate of Russian armed forces
• Bad situation grew worse under Czar’s command
Russian army seemed doomed
• Central Powers were able to stop Russian offensive
• Destroyed Russian soldiers’ faith in leadership
• Army had little strength, even less confidence
Conditions in Russia worse than on battlefield
• Food, goods scarce; peasants grew desperate
• Unpopular Czarina relied on Grigory Rasputin, viewed as corrupt, immoral
• Shaky support for Russian monarchy dipped even lower
Section 3
World War I
Find the Main Idea
How did World War I affect Russia?
Answer(s): poor economic conditions, worker
strikes, unpopular czar
Section 3
World War I
The Russian Revolution
By the end of 1916, Russia was once again on the edge of a
revolution. As the new year began and conditions in Russia continued
to worsen, the Russian people clearly wanted a change.
Revolution Begins
Czar Nicholas II
• Citizens protested in
streets of Petrograd,
March 8, 1917
• Ordered legislature
to disband
• Police, soldiers
refused to shoot
• Citizens,
government, military
refused to obey
• Government was
• His order defied
• Forced to abdicate,
March 15, 1917
Calendar Change
• March revolution
known as February
• Russian calendar at
time 13 days behind
• New calendar
adopted, 1918
Section 3
World War I
The Russian Revolution
Provisional Government
• Duma established temporary
• Led opposition to Kerensky’s
provisional government
• Led by Aleksandr Kerensky
• Wanted fundamental change in
government and society
• Many unhappy with new
• Abolish private property
• Enforce social equality
• Later known as MarxismLeninism
• Planned Marxist revolution
Vladimir Lenin
• Bolshevik leader forced to live
outside Russia
• Returned, April 1917
• Germany hoped Lenin would
weaken Russian war effort
World War I
Section 3
Section 3
World War I
The Bolshevik Revolution
Kerensky’s final offensive
• Kerensky ordered final military offensive against Central Powers
along Eastern Front, mid-1917
• Drive failed and led to widespread rebellion in Russian army
• Weakened Russian army collapsed
Bolshevik takeover
• Conditions ideal for Lenin
• Armed Bolshevik factory workers,
Red Guard, attacked provisional
government, November 1917
Lenin became leader
• Established radical Communist
• Made private ownership of land
• Known as October Revolution
• Land given to peasants
• Kerensky’s government collapsed
after nearly bloodless struggle
• Control of factories given to
Section 3
World War I
What were the main events of the Russian
Answer(s): the February Revolution and the
Bolshevik Revolution
Section 3
World War I
After the Revolution
Lenin sought to end Russian involvement in
World War I
• Sent Leon Trotsky to negotiate peace with Central
• Russia’s army virtually powerless
• Trotsky had to accept agreement harsh on Russia
• Russia gained peace, gave up large parts of empire
World War I
Section 3
Reaction to Treaty
• Bolsheviks’ acceptance of peace treaty angered many Russians
• Bolsheviks’ opponents organized the White Army
• White Army included army leaders, political opponents, wealthy
Russians opposed to Communist system
Civil War
• White Army received military help from France, U.S.
• Civil War raged for 3 years between Lenin’s Red Army and White
• Millions of Russians died in fighting, famines
• Bolsheviks finally triumphed, late 1920
Section 3
World War I
New Economic Policy
Collapsing economy
• Brought on by civil war, pushed Russia to edge of total ruin
• Peasants, workers especially hard hit
• Lenin introduced New Economic Policy, 1921
Key points
• New Economic Policy permitted some capitalist activity
• Peasants could sell food at profit
• Tried to encourage badly needed food production
The Soviet Union
• Russia reunited with several neighboring lands, became Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, dominated by Communist leadership
• Lenin’s death in 1924 led to struggle for control of Soviet Union
Section 3
World War I
What events took place after the Russian
Answer(s): The Bolsheviks formed the Red Army
which fought against the White Army. The White
Army was made up of army leaders, political
opponents of the Bolsheviks, and wealthy