Fall 2011 PHED 4650: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LESSON PLAN Teacher Education Candidate:Faith Mallory, Tabatha Hanson, Abbey Rowe, Montana Richardson Date of Implemented Lesson Plan: November 7, 2011 Specific Lesson Topic: Nutrition Grade Level: Kindergarten Stage 1 The Desired Results Georgia Physical Education Standard(s) Specific Learning Objective(s) Psychomotor HEK.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. a. Name healthy behaviors. Identify healthy food choices. Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Assessment(s) Strategy (tied to objective(s) above) Make a plate worksheet. There will be a worksheet given with a plate on it divided into five spaces. Students are to draw on there the correct serving sizes along with food from each food goup. Stage 3 Learning Plans Materials Needed: Tape, Pictures of various food from food groups, plate worksheet, index cards, computer Class Formations/Student Grouping: The class will be working together as a whole to individually place the specific food groups where they belong on the large taped food triangle. Then the class will be working individually on the plate worksheet that will be given out after the class wide activity. Sequence of Teacher Actions: *Motivation/Attention Getter/Set Induction/Introduction Teacher One: The class will start off with the energizer “Space Jam”. One member of the group will be reading the story while the other group members act out all the “action words” along with the class. We will then pull up an example of the food pyramid on online. We will go through each food group and talk about what kind of foods are in each group and how much of each food we should have to complete a healthy diet. Abbey will talk about the food pyramid and what it is, Tabatha will talk about the food groups and what food is in each one. Montana will discuss serving sizes, while Faith will explain food labels and what they mean. *Significant Teacher Actions to Guide the Focal Activity Teacher Two: In the classroom there will be a pyramid made out of tape that will be placed on the floor. Each individual student will be given an index card with a certain food on it. Each student will then go and place the card on the section they think best fits his/her food group within the pyramid. After each student has placed his/her index cards in the pyramid, we will review the pyramid on the board to make sure our floor pyramid is correct. The next part of the lesson will be the “make a plate” worksheet. We will hand out a worksheet for each student to build his/her own correct meal with the right portion sizes for each food group. Fall 2011 *Technology enrichment (Select a website pertinent to your activity that parents/students may access.) Sequence of Student Actions: *Student Engagement During Lesson (What will students actually be doing? This is where you describe the actual activities in greater detail.) * Student Demonstration of Meeting Objective(s) http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_center/healthy_eating/pyramid.html http://www.nourishinteractive.com/hco/lesson_plans www.brainpop.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q413VcqOlyU Students will participate in energizer activity. Students will then be shown and discuss with the group leaders the food pyramid and healthy eating choices. After our class discussion, students will be given an index card with food on it and place it in the correct food group on our pyramid made from tape on the floor. The students will take their cards and actually get up out of their seats and place the cards on the correct category to complete the food guide pyramid. The students will be discussing with the instructors about correct serving sizes and food groups. Following the discussion the students will be given a worksheet placing the correct serving size for each food group on their plate. The class will then participate in “Good Food, Bad Food”. A group member will ask if a certain food is good or bad, if the food is good students jump as high as they can and if the food is bad students will fall down to the floor. Teacher Action: *Lesson Closure/WrapUp/Transition Teacher Three: After the students complete the worksheet, we will hold a whole group discussion on healthy choices students choose to include for each food group on their plate. As a wrap up, the group will lead the class in “Good Food, Bad Food” where students jump as high as they can if it is a good food and fall to the ground if it is a bad food. Adaptations for Exceptional Students (How will you modify for students with disabilities?) Students with disabilities can tell the instructor where to place his/her index card on the pyramid. For students with learning disabilities they could partner up into teams or another person to help work together to finish the assignment. For students who are visually impaired could have an instructor describe the colors, taste, and feel of each type of food group. There would also be a sheet with different textures for the students to feel the different foods. Student will learn the correct way to make a meal healthy. They will also be able to list and describe in detail the food groups of the food guide pyramid. With this knowledge, students will be able to make correct serving size choices at home and outside of school. Related Activities/Extensions: (How could students take what they learned from the lesson to apply at home or elsewhere?) Integration or Connection to Other Content Areas: (Try to think of ways to bring in course content to the lesson activity.) Math- students can view the plate activity as a pie graph. The students will also have to understand ratios and how to count when it comes to portion sizes. Essential Question: Can you show healthy food choices that keep your body healthy? Lesson Plan Agenda: 1. “Space Jam” energizer 2. Pyramid overview 3. Creation of pyramid. 4. Discussion on serving size. 5. Make a plate worksheet. 6. “Good Food, Bad Food”