Lesson Plan Template

2013-2014 Week of____Oct 21-25______
Grade Level __6___Lesson Plan Template____ Content_SS___
Lesson Title:
What was the impact of World War I on Europe and on the
How did the world change between World War I and World War
What was the impact of World War II?
What are the lasting effects of World War II?
AKS/CC Objectives:
6SS_E2009-52: Examine the cultural characteristics of Europe
6SS_E2009-57: analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization
on various world regions (GPS) (6SS_E200957)%C77AC01002AC6014852572C20059D1A2,
explain the impact of European empire building in Africa
and Asia on the outbreak of WWI
explain conflict and change in Europe to the 21st century (SS6H7)
o describe the major developments following World War I:
the Russian Revolution, the Treaty of Versailles,
worldwide depression, and the rise of Nazism
6SS_E2009-58: explain conflict and change in Europe to the 21st century
(GPS) (6SS_E2009-58)%7FC412EFD82FB6F0852572C20059D22F
o explain the impact of WWII in terms of the
Holocaust, the origins of the Cold War, and the rise
of Superpowers
ELACC6-8RH4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are
used in text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social
ELACC6-8RH8: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a
L6-8RH7: Integrate Visual Information (charts, graphs, photographs, videos
or maps) with other information in print or digital text.
L6-8WHST1b: Support Claims with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate
data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text,
using credible sources.
Vocabulary objectives: – alliance, World War I, Russian Revolution,
treaty, Great Depression, World War II, Holocaust, Franklin Delano
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Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, censorship,
Cold War, superpower, Berlin airlift, Berlin Wall, reunification, Mikhail
Standards of Learning :
Students will understand the importance of how the events of World War I
impacted not only Europe but life in the United States as well WRITING
ASSIGNMENT ******* How was life in the US similar to life in Germany in the
1920’s? Include specific examples as it relates to world economic status.
Day 1: Rise of Nationalism video clip, PowerPoint: World War I, PowerPoint:
World War I cloze notes , Journey Across Time book, World War I foldable
(when coping, make sure to line up both sides of the foldable), World War I
KWL chart , scissors
Day 2: Time between the wars powerpoint, cloze notes
Day 3: PowerPoint: World War II, PowerPoint: World War II cloze notes,
Journey Across Time , Important People of World War II Foldable handout
Day 4-5: PowerPoint: Cold War Day 1, PowerPoint: Cold War cloze notes,
United Streaming video World War II and the Cold War, Post-its
Anticipatory Set :
Day 1: What do I know about WWI? (KWL Chart) Anticipation Guide for
Social Change in Europe
Day 2: Great Depression Videos from Share drive
Day 3: What makes World War II the most significant event of the 20th
Day 4-5: “COLD WAR” What does it this term mean to you?
At end of class SWBAT:
Day 1: Describe the causes of WWI
Day 2: Compare the depression era in Germany and the US
Day 3: Explain world superpowers at the end of WWII
Day 4-5: Describe the Cold War: include events of how it began, important
people and how it ended
Teacher Input: (Model,
Background Knowledge
Day 1: Teacher will show nationalism video and talk about country “Pride”
Day 2: Distribute copies of the Time Between the Wars cloze notes.
 Display the PowerPoint Time Between the Wars and discuss.
 Distribute copies of the Great Depression Venn diagram.
 Have students compare Germany and the United States during the
Great Depression with their elbow partner.
 Have students brainstorm what they believe the thoughts and
feelings of a German citizen were during the Great Depression with
their elbow partner.
Day 3: Have students complete the Important People of World War II
Foldable using the Journey Across Time Chapter 21, sections 1 and 2.
 Have each student give a brief summary of one of the four World
War II leaders.
 Display the PowerPoint World War II.
 Have the students complete the PowerPoint World War II cloze
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Have the students complete the PowerPoint World War II cloze
Day 4-5: Display the PowerPoint Cold War Day 1.
 Have the students complete the PowerPoint Cold War cloze notes
(through Berlin Wall).
 Stop before completing Freedom for Berlin.
 Have students create a T-Chart on notebook paper. Have them label
he first column World War II and the second column Cold War.
 Write the following events on the whiteboard: Berlin Airlift,
Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, Berlin Wall constructed, Berlin Wall falls,
bombing of London, bombing of Japan, Cuban Missile Crisis, Germany
reunified, Normandy Invasion, and the Nuremberg Trials.
 Have students place the events into the appropriate column.
 Show United Streaming video World War II and the Cold War (only
the first 18 minutes 25 seconds are needed).
 World War II: Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, bombing of London, bombing
of Japan, and Normandy Invasion
 Cold War: Berlin Airlift, Berlin wall constructed, Berlin Wall fall,
Cuban Missile Crisis, Germany reunified
Guided Practice: (whole
group, pair and share,
elbow partners,
Day 1: students read Journey Across Time, Chapter 20, sect 3 and 4
Day 2: Have students finish completing the Great Depression Venn diagram
with their partner.
Day 3: Have students create a word bubble for World War II.
 Require students to include references to the Holocaust, the Cold
War origins, and Superpowers.
Day 4-5: Have students read The World and Its People, Chapter 11, section 2
and complete the handout.
 Have the students complete the Cold War cloze notes.
Independent Practice:
(When you know you
Day 1: Write a journal entry to a family member in another country
explaining WWI.
Day 2: Writing Assignment: How was life in the US similar to life in Germany
in the 1920’s? Include specific examples as it relates to world economic
Day 3: Have students create a recruiting poster for the army of one the
following countries: United States, Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Serbia, or Russia
Day 4-5: Have students create a double bubble map comparing the
similarities and differences in the Cold War alliances and WWII alliances.
Day 1: Revisit KWL chart and fill in what students have Leaned.
Day 2: How is Europe evolving? Analyze the factors that have changed the
culture of Europe during first World War?
Day 3: Intrepret a Political Cartoon from the Great Depression
Day 4-5: Draw a political cartoon of the fall of the Soviet Union (after
watching President Regan’s speech at the wall)
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