2013-2014 Week of____Oct 21-25______ Grade Level __6___Lesson Plan Template____ Content_SS___ Lesson Title: What was the impact of World War I on Europe and on the world? How did the world change between World War I and World War II? What was the impact of World War II? What are the lasting effects of World War II? AKS/CC Objectives: 6SS_E2009-52: Examine the cultural characteristics of Europe 6SS_E2009-57: analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions (GPS) (6SS_E200957)%C77AC01002AC6014852572C20059D1A2, o explain the impact of European empire building in Africa and Asia on the outbreak of WWI explain conflict and change in Europe to the 21st century (SS6H7) o describe the major developments following World War I: the Russian Revolution, the Treaty of Versailles, worldwide depression, and the rise of Nazism 6SS_E2009-58: explain conflict and change in Europe to the 21st century (GPS) (6SS_E2009-58)%7FC412EFD82FB6F0852572C20059D22F o explain the impact of WWII in terms of the Holocaust, the origins of the Cold War, and the rise of Superpowers o ELACC6-8RH4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. ELACC6-8RH8: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text. L6-8RH7: Integrate Visual Information (charts, graphs, photographs, videos or maps) with other information in print or digital text. L6-8WHST1b: Support Claims with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources. Vocabulary objectives: – alliance, World War I, Russian Revolution, treaty, Great Depression, World War II, Holocaust, Franklin Delano DOCUMENT1 Page 1 of 4 Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, censorship, Cold War, superpower, Berlin airlift, Berlin Wall, reunification, Mikhail Gorbachev Standards of Learning : Students will understand the importance of how the events of World War I impacted not only Europe but life in the United States as well WRITING ASSIGNMENT ******* How was life in the US similar to life in Germany in the 1920’s? Include specific examples as it relates to world economic status. ***************** Materials/Resources Needed: Day 1: Rise of Nationalism video clip, PowerPoint: World War I, PowerPoint: World War I cloze notes , Journey Across Time book, World War I foldable (when coping, make sure to line up both sides of the foldable), World War I KWL chart , scissors Day 2: Time between the wars powerpoint, cloze notes Day 3: PowerPoint: World War II, PowerPoint: World War II cloze notes, Journey Across Time , Important People of World War II Foldable handout Day 4-5: PowerPoint: Cold War Day 1, PowerPoint: Cold War cloze notes, United Streaming video World War II and the Cold War, Post-its Anticipatory Set : Day 1: What do I know about WWI? (KWL Chart) Anticipation Guide for Social Change in Europe Day 2: Great Depression Videos from Share drive Day 3: What makes World War II the most significant event of the 20th century? Day 4-5: “COLD WAR” What does it this term mean to you? At end of class SWBAT: Day 1: Describe the causes of WWI Day 2: Compare the depression era in Germany and the US Day 3: Explain world superpowers at the end of WWII Day 4-5: Describe the Cold War: include events of how it began, important people and how it ended Teacher Input: (Model, Background Knowledge etc) Day 1: Teacher will show nationalism video and talk about country “Pride” Day 2: Distribute copies of the Time Between the Wars cloze notes. Display the PowerPoint Time Between the Wars and discuss. Distribute copies of the Great Depression Venn diagram. Have students compare Germany and the United States during the Great Depression with their elbow partner. Have students brainstorm what they believe the thoughts and feelings of a German citizen were during the Great Depression with their elbow partner. Day 3: Have students complete the Important People of World War II Foldable using the Journey Across Time Chapter 21, sections 1 and 2. Have each student give a brief summary of one of the four World War II leaders. Display the PowerPoint World War II. Have the students complete the PowerPoint World War II cloze notes. DOCUMENT1 Page 2 of 4 Have the students complete the PowerPoint World War II cloze notes. Day 4-5: Display the PowerPoint Cold War Day 1. Have the students complete the PowerPoint Cold War cloze notes (through Berlin Wall). Stop before completing Freedom for Berlin. Have students create a T-Chart on notebook paper. Have them label he first column World War II and the second column Cold War. Write the following events on the whiteboard: Berlin Airlift, Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, Berlin Wall constructed, Berlin Wall falls, bombing of London, bombing of Japan, Cuban Missile Crisis, Germany reunified, Normandy Invasion, and the Nuremberg Trials. Have students place the events into the appropriate column. Show United Streaming video World War II and the Cold War (only the first 18 minutes 25 seconds are needed). World War II: Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, bombing of London, bombing of Japan, and Normandy Invasion Cold War: Berlin Airlift, Berlin wall constructed, Berlin Wall fall, Cuban Missile Crisis, Germany reunified Guided Practice: (whole group, pair and share, elbow partners, MONITORED LEARNING FEEDBACK Day 1: students read Journey Across Time, Chapter 20, sect 3 and 4 Day 2: Have students finish completing the Great Depression Venn diagram with their partner. Day 3: Have students create a word bubble for World War II. Require students to include references to the Holocaust, the Cold War origins, and Superpowers. Day 4-5: Have students read The World and Its People, Chapter 11, section 2 and complete the handout. Have the students complete the Cold War cloze notes. Independent Practice: (When you know you know.) Day 1: Write a journal entry to a family member in another country explaining WWI. Day 2: Writing Assignment: How was life in the US similar to life in Germany in the 1920’s? Include specific examples as it relates to world economic status. Day 3: Have students create a recruiting poster for the army of one the following countries: United States, Great Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Serbia, or Russia Day 4-5: Have students create a double bubble map comparing the similarities and differences in the Cold War alliances and WWII alliances. Closure: Day 1: Revisit KWL chart and fill in what students have Leaned. Day 2: How is Europe evolving? Analyze the factors that have changed the culture of Europe during first World War? Day 3: Intrepret a Political Cartoon from the Great Depression Day 4-5: Draw a political cartoon of the fall of the Soviet Union (after watching President Regan’s speech at the wall) DOCUMENT1 Page 3 of 4 DOCUMENT1 Page 4 of 4