Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome With a partner, you are going to study either Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. After learning about several ancient civilizations as a whole class, it is time for you to do some independent learning. Below, you will find several categories with a menu of activities that will help you to organize your final project—which will be an electronic portfolio (on a wiki page) of your learning. Remember, if you draw/create something that isn’t electronic, you can take a picture of it, or scan it, into your wiki page. Be sure that you complete the required number of activities from each section. You may be wondering where you will get all of this information……. 1. Once you and your partner decide which civilization you will study, you (with your partner) will read and complete the guide sheet for either Kids Discover: Ancient Greece or Kids Discover: Roman Empire. 2. Independently, you will watch the following videos on (student user id: derbystudents password: dragons) and complete the quiz/guidesheet. You will find links to these websites on our Ancient Greece/Ancient Rome Final Project page. a. Ancient Greece: Living History: Living in Ancient Greece b. Ancient Rome: Living History: Living in the Roman Empire c. 3. Your textbook is another great resource. Information about Ancient Greece can be found in Unit 5 (chapters 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31). Ancient Rome information can be found in Unit 6 (chapters 32, 33, 34, 35, and 37) 4. Of course, you may also use the Internet, be sure to keep track of the sources you use on a Source Document. GEOGRAPHY-- Choose 1 1. Create/Draw a map of either Ancient Greece (Hint: review Chapter 25) or Ancient Rome (Hint: review chapter 26) including important physical/ geographic features. (10 points) 2. Make your own Crossword Puzzle using Greece or Rome’s geographical features. 3. Create a travel brochure for Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome discussing the key places a tourist might want to visit. VOCABULARY/Key Terms-- Choose 1 1. Complete the Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome Wiki Terms on our class wiki. 2. Create a jeopardy game using the key terms (bold printed words) used throughout this unit. 3. Create a picture dictionary/book using the key terms (bold printed words) used in this unit. 4. Make a Crossword Puzzle using the key terms (bold printed words) used in this unit. DAILY LIFE--- Choose 1 1. Make a 21st century project outlining a day in the life of a specific person in either Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome society. Be sure to name the specific type of person (think social structure). 2. Create a journal, A Day in the Life of... an emperor, farmer, etc., with at least 10 x ½ page written entries. 3. Create a picture book (with at least 10 pages --- including pictures/words) titled, A Day in the Life of …. an emperor, farmer, etc. 4. Create an Ancient Greek or Ancient Rome daily newspaper cover page with headlines, articles, and photos to show the Daily Life in either of these Ancient Civilizations. HISTORY— choose 2 1. Create a timeline of Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome that can be hung in our classroom. You will include at least 15 important dates/descriptions/picture. Be colorful and creative. 2. Create a Wiki-pedia type page about a Great Leader from either Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. Be sure to include his/her personal information, claim(s) to fame, and links to other resources. 3. Create a 21st century project showcasing the accomplishments of either Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. 4. Using the 7 characteristics of a civilization from Chapter 5, create a 21st Century project that proves that Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome is a civilization. 5. Create a jeopardy game with 5 categories x 5 questions each for either Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. 6. Create a computer or board game that shows your understanding of at least 15 key events and people from Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. Once you decide on your 4 projects, complete the form below and hand it into Mrs. Westerlund. Turn this page into Mrs. Westerlund. Partner Team: _____________________ _____________________ We are learning about Ancient Greece Ancient Rome We will be completing the following tasks/activities……. Geography Section: Activity #_____ Vocabulary Section: Activity #_____ Daily Life Section: Activity # ______ History Section: Activity # ______ and Activity #_____