
What is GKIDS?
GKIDS is a performance based assessment that is
ongoing throughout the school year
Primary purpose is to provide diagnostic information
about kindergarten students’ developing skills
One indicator of first grade readiness
Teachers can evaluate students through regular
classroom activities or through specific assessment
Students must be evaluated in two academic areas
and two non-academic domains
Academic Areas &
Non-Academic Domains
Four academic areas:
Language Arts
Social Studies
Three non-academic domains:
Personal/Social Development
Approaches to Learning
Motor Skills
All students must be assessed in Language Arts, Math,
Personal/Social Development and Approaches to Learning
Other areas and domains are optional
August 3 – GKIDS website goes online
September 12 – GKIDS website goes offline to upload student data
September 22 –Pre-population feature available
October 9 – System demographic entry deadline
January 8 – System deadline – All students must have some data entered
May 6 – State data entry deadline – all required areas completed & entered
June 10 – GKIDS website closes for 2015-16 school year
Logging In
Go to https://gkids.tsars.uga.edu/start
Returning test coordinators – login and password
are the same as last year
If you have changed schools, I reassigned you to the
correct school
New test coordinators –
I have set you up in the GKIDS system and emailed
you login and password to you on August 4th
If you don’t remember your password, let me
know – I can reset it
Adding New Teachers
Click on “Manage” then “Users”
Click on “Add New Teacher”
Enter the first and last name and CCSD email address
Enter a user name (such as Mjones, maryjones, etc.)
Enter a password twice
Teachers can change this once they log in if they want to
Be sure the status is set to “Active”
Click on “Create”
Be sure to mark any teacher who has left your school
as “Inactive”
Selecting Students
Teachers can add students to their class by
selecting them from a list uploaded by the state
Login to GKIDS website
Click on “Manage” then “Students”
Click on “Prepopulation Search”
Click the check box next to the names of students in
your class, then click “Submit” at the bottom of the page
If a student has already been manually added to a class,
he will not appear on this list
Manually Adding Students
Teachers can manually add students to their class if they are not
on the list
Click on “Manage” then “Students”
Click on “Add New Student” and enter:
GTID number (10 digit)
First & last name
Date of birth
Gender (select from drop
down menu)
Ethnicity (select from drop
down menu)
Race (check all that apply for
multi-racial students)
If a student is eligible for EIP
If a student has been
RTI tier, Special Education,
Pre-K experience
SRC codes if applicable
Click “Update”
Transferring Students
Students who transfer from another public school in Georgia
will have to be transferred – not added
Click on “Manage” and “Students”
Select “Student Search”
Enter the GTID and click “Search”
If the student is in the GKIDS system, his name will appear at the
bottom of the screen
If the student has been released, the word “acquire” will be next to his
Click on “acquire” and verify that you want this student
If the student has not been released, “acquire” will not be next to his
The previous school will be displayed – the school will need to contact
the previous school and ask them to release the student in the GKIDS
Editing & Releasing Students
Editing Students
Click on “Home”
Click on “Edit Profile” next
to the student’s name
If you are changing the
GTID number, enter the
correct GTID in both the
“Student GTID” and
“Student GTID
Confirmation” boxes
If you are not changing
the GTID, leave the GTID
confirmation box blank
Releasing Students
Click “Manage” then
Click on “Remove from
Roster” next to the
student’s name
Confirm that you want
to release the student
Assessing Students
Students must be assessed on the ELA and Math content
areas, and the Personal/Social Development and
Approaches to Learning domains
Assessment data not entered by May 6, 2016 will not be
included in summary reports
If required areas are not completed and entered by May
6th, this will have to be reported as an irregularity
Teachers should have the GKIDS Assessment Manual for
2015-2016 and the GKIDS Assessment and Instructional
Guide for 2015-2016
Can be provided electronically or in hard copy
Provides information on all the standards and elements to be
assessed, scoring rubrics, and sample assessment activities
Assessing Students
Elements have two to five possible Performance Levels:
Not Yet Demonstrated
Non-academic domains have three Performance Levels:
Area of Concern
Consistently Demonstrating
Use the level consistently demonstrated by the student
Performance levels should be updated as students make
Assessing Students
Teachers can assess students in a variety of ways:
Regular classroom activities
Specific assessment activities
Can use the sample assessment activities in the Manual
Can use their own activities
Can use the sample assessment activities developed by the
Language Arts & Math curriculum supervisors
Students can be assessed individually, in small groups, or
in the classroom group
Assessment data can be entered individually by student,
or can be entered by element for all students in a class
Entering Assessment Data
By Element
Click on “Home”
Click on “Enter Scores
by Skill/Element”
Click on the content
area and select the
Select the Performance
Level and click “Set All”
Click “Update”
By Student
Click on “Home”
Click on “Update
Scores” by the student’s
Select the content area
and element
Select the Performance
Click “Update”
Teachers can view and print student or class reports at
any time
Test coordinators can view and print class or school
reports at any time
Available student reports are:
Student Report by Element
Student Report by Standard
Student Report by Strand
Reports are available as PDF reports or web reports
PDF reports can be printed and/or saved
Web reports can only be printed
End of Year Reports
Teachers must print individual student reports at the
end of the school year
PDF version of the Student Report by Element
One copy goes home to parents in the final report card (or
One copy goes in the student permanent record
To print student reports:
Click on “Reports” then “Student Reports”
Select “PDF Reports”
Select “Element Level Reports” – this pulls up the element level
report for all students in a class
Reports for 2015-2016 will no longer be available when
the GKIDS website shuts down on June 10, 2016
Leanne Wood
770-426-3434 (phone)
678-594-8581 (fax)