GKIDS , 2011-2012 TEACHER PACKET for GKIDS 2011-2012 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTRODUCTION The Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) is an ongoing, performance based assessment. Students will be assessed throughout the school year on the academic areas of English/Language Arts and Mathematics for kindergarten, along with the nonacademic domains of Personal/Social Development and Approaches to Learning. PURPOSE The primary purpose of GKIDS is to provide ongoing diagnostic information about kindergarten students’ developing skills. There are four academic areas; English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, and three non-academic domains; Personal/Social Development, Approaches to Learning, and Motor Skills. GKIDS should serve as one indicator of first grade readiness. TEST SCHEDULE September 6 October 28 March 23 May 11 System deadline for teachers to enter student demographic information online First system required data entry deadline Second system required data entry deadline State required data entry deadline - all standards and elements for required content areas and domains must be assessed and reported by this date There is only one year-end state reporting deadline for GKIDS. All required standards and elements must be assessed before May 11, 2012. However, to assist schools and teachers with staying on track with assessing items throughout the school year, the district has established additional data entry and reporting deadlines. The first system-required activity is the entry of all students into the GKIDS data entry and reporting website (https://gkids.tsars.uga.edu/start) by September 6, 2011. Students must be entered into the GKIDS website before teachers will be able to enter their 1 GKIDS , 2011-2012 assessments of students and print reports for students or the class. To assist in gathering and organizing information on students, we have provided an optional Student Roster (page 7) that teachers can use to collect and record the student demographic information that is required to add a student to the GKIDS database. The second and third system-required reporting windows will follow the kindergarten standard-based report card, enabling teachers to evaluate students for both the report card and GKIDS simultaneously. Teachers should also update any demographic information (e.g. RTI) that has changed since the beginning of the year. The last reporting window is the state-required reporting deadline of May 11, 2012. All required standards must be assessed and all data entered on all students by May 11th. Please don’t wait until the last week before the May 11th deadline to enter large amounts of data, as the system typically becomes very slow then, and you may have difficulty even logging in. STUDENTS TO BE TESTED All kindergarten students must be assessed on GKIDS academic standards and elements in ELA and Math, and the non-academic domains of Personal/Social Development and Approaches to Learning. Assessment of Social Studies, Science, and Motor Skills is optional. EXAMINER’S RESPONSIBILITIES P To ensure that all students are assessed on all required standards, elements, and nonacademic domains. All kindergarten students must be assessed with the GKIDS unless the student is being assessed with the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA). P To ensure that all students are added to GKIDS data entry and reporting website. P To ensure that students are assessed continuously throughout the school year P To ensure that students are assessed for GKIDS along with assessing students for the kindergarten report card P To ensure that all required standards, elements and domains are assessed and entered by the state reporting deadline of May 11, 2012 P To account for all students that should be tested MATERIALS There are no kits with GKIDS. Test Coordinators have access via Blackboard to the GKIDS Administration Manual for 2011-2012 and the GKIDS Assessment and Instructional Guide. These materials are also available on the GaDOE website. 2 GKIDS , 2011-2012 The 2011-2012 GKIDS Administration Manual includes new wording for the “meets the standard” performance level for ELAKR3 (element a/c) to match the wording in the Georgia Performance Standards (see page 29). All data entry and reporting for GKIDS will be done online, so there will be no paper report forms to complete. PROCEDURES GKIDS Data Entry School test coordinators will create user accounts for new kindergarten teachers in the GKIDS data entry and reporting website and provide you with your login and password information. Returning kindergarten teachers are still in the GKIDS system with the same login and password as for the 20010-2011 school year. Kindergarten teachers will be responsible for adding their students to the website. To add your students: a Go to https://gkids.tsars.uga.edu/start a Enter your login and password, and click “submit” a Go to “Manage” at the top of the page, then click on “Students” a Click on “Add New Student” and fill in the following information: a Student 10-digit GTID Number a First Name a Last Name a Date of Birth a Ethnicity - complete for all students (select either Hispanic or Non Hispanic from drop-down menu) a Race -complete for all students, including those marked as Hispanic for Ethnicity (click on all that apply) a Gender (select from drop-down menu) a EIP status (yes or no) a Indicate if the student has been retained a Pre-K status a RTI Tier (1, 2, or 3), Special Education, Gifted a Any SRC codes that apply (special education primary disability codes, Section 504, ELL, ELL-M, Title I, Certified Migrant) a Click “Update” After you have added all of your students to the database, click on “Home” on the menu bar at the top of the page, and your home page should now show all the students in your class in alphabetical order. If a student’s name or GTID number was entered incorrectly, do not create the student a second time with the correct GTID, or remove the student from your class list. 3 GKIDS , 2011-2012 To edit a student’s information: a Login to the GKIDS system a Click on “Home” a Click on “Edit Profile” next to the student’s name a Make any changes needed to the student’s profile page a If you are changing the GTID number, re-enter the correct GTID number in the GTIF confirmation box a If you are not changing the GTID number, leave the GTID confirmation box blank Students who transfer to your school from another public school in Georgia will need to be acquired through the GKIDS system, rather than added. This transfers any information already entered by their previous school. Students must be released by their previous school before they can be acquired. To acquire a student: . Login to the GKIDS system . Go to “Manage” at the top of the page, then click on “Students” . Click on “Student Search” . Enter the student’s 10-digit GTID . Click “search” . If the student is located in the GKIDS system, his name will show up at the bottom of the screen. . If the student has been released, the screen should indicate this and have the word “acquire” next to his name. Click on “acquire”, and verify that you want this student. This should transfer the student to your class and school. . If the student has not been released from their former classroom’s roster, the word “acquire” will not show up. Only the student’s former school will be displayed. The former teacher’s name can be viewed by moving the cursor over the school name. In this case, the previous school will need to be contacted with a request that the former teacher remove the student from their roster. Once that is completed, the new teacher can “acquire” the new student in her roster. When students withdraw from your school, you will need to release them from your class on the GKIDS website. To release a student: a Login to the GKIDS system a Go to “Manage” at the top of the page, then click on “Students” a Click on “Remove From Roster” next to the student’s name 4 GKIDS , 2011-2012 a Confirm that you do want to release the student Assessing Students It is a state and system requirement to assess students on the ELA and Math content areas, and the Personal/Social Development and Approaches to Learning non-academic domains. The GKIDS Assessment Manual is organized by standard and then element for the four academic areas (English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) and the three nonacademic domains (Approaches to Learning, Personal/Social Development, and Motor Skills). The Manual contains suggested assessment activities for all elements, but teachers are free to assess their students however they feel is best. Teachers may assess students by observation during regular classroom activities or by providing a specific assessment activity. Students can be assessed in a large group, a small group, or individually. Students can be assessed on any standard or domain at any time; however, the district plan is to align GKIDS with the kindergarten report card, allowing teachers to assess students for both the report card and GKIDS simultaneously. Two district required reporting deadlines have been established, October 15 and March 18, to coincide with the kindergarten report cards for the first nine weeks and third nine weeks. The district will follow-up with test coordinators if there are teachers who have not begun the reporting process or entered any data for students by the district deadlines. The GKIDS Administration Manual provides a scoring rubric for each element. Each element will have from two to five possible Performance Levels; Not Yet Demonstrated, Emerging, Progressing, Meets, or Exceeds. Teachers should use these rubrics to determine the Performance Level consistently demonstrated by the student. If students move from one Performance Level to another during the year (for example, from Progressing to Meets) teachers should update the information online to reflect the student’s current Performance Level. For non-academic domains, the Performance Levels are Area of Concern, Developing, and Consistently Demonstrating. The Manual provides a scoring rubric for each domain. STUDENT REPORTS Teachers will be able to view and print reports from the GKIDS website at any time during the year, based on the data entered so far on their students: Q Student Report by Element - shows the student’s performance level for every GPS element that has been assessed Q Student Report by Standard - shows a summary of student performance for each GPS standard Q Student Report by Strand - shows a summary of student performance for each strand within a domain (i.e., Reading, Writing, and Speaking/Listening/Viewing strands within the domain of ELA) 5 GKIDS , 2011-2012 Q Class Report - shows the percentage of students at each Performance Level for every GPS element Reports are available as either downloadable .pdf reports or web page reports. The .pdf reports can be either saved to your computer or printed. The web page reports can be printed only, but they are quicker to produce than the .pdf reports. State, system, and school summary reports will be provided by the state after the final May11th reporting date. Teachers will be responsible for printing individual student reports at the end of the school year. The report to be provided to parents is the .pdf version of the element level report. To print this report: m Login to the GKIDS system m Click on “Reports”, then “Student Reports” m Select “PDF Reports” m Select “Element Level Reports”. This will pull up the element level report for all students in your class. m Reports should be printed in time to be included with the final report card 6 GKIDS , 2011-2012 STUDENT ROSTER Student Name GTID Birthdate Ethnicity Race Gender Retained (Y/N) EIP (Y/N) RTI Tier Preschool Experience SRC Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 GKIDS , 2011-2012 2