5th ( summary ) including lab and many points about glandular epithelium # After reading the covering epithelium from book , you must put in mind the table (4-3) P.84 in your book NOTES : # The mesothelium is a membrane that forms the lining of several body cavities: the pleura (thoracic cavity), peritoneum (abdominal cavity including the mesentery) and pericardium (heart sac) Mesothelial tissue also surrounds the male internal reproductive organs (the tunica vaginalis testis) and covers the internal reproductive organs of women (the tunica serosa uteri)Mesothelium that covers the internal organs is called visceral mesothelium, while the layer that covers the body walls is called the parietal mesothelium. It is a form of simple squamous epithelium . #The endothelium is the thin layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels,[1] forming an interface between circulating blood or lymph in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall. The cells that form the endothelium are called endothelial cells. Endothelial cells in direct contact with blood are called vascular endothelial cells, whereas those in direct contact with lymph are known as lymphatic endothelial cells. Now we will talk about the secretory epithelial and glands * * * * * * * * * * * Read these info before starting ( But when you finish this summary refer and save them ) . # epithelial cells that function to produce and secrete various macro-molecules may occur in epithelia with other major functions or comprise specialized organs called glands . # Products to be secreted are generally stored in the cells within small membrane bound vesicles called secretory glands. # Exocrine gland is distinguished by the fact that it excretes its essential product by way of a duct to some environment external to itself, be it either inside the body or on a surface of the body Examples of exocrine glands include the sweat glands, salivary glands, mammary glands, and liver. # Endocrine glands are glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood rather than through a duct. The major glands of the endocrine system include the pineal gland ,pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus, gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands. ______________________________________________ ___________________________ CONCENTRATE OK !!! # The epithelial tissue is always connected to C.T , and it behaves same C.T behavior " same behavior of the connective tissue that underlies it " therefore to change the behavior of epithelial tissue, we must affect of its C.T when we affect on the C.T The connective tissue will send message to epithelial tissue the result : the epithelial tissue will change its type ( for-example from original type to stratified or keratinized ) # If we transfer the epithelial tissue from its original place to another it takes its instructions from C.T underlying it that means it takes the new C.T instructions NOT old (means NOT C.T of first place ) << ma feo 29el >> BUT if we transfer (the epithelial tissue from its original place to another with its C.T it will continue taking its instructions from its C.T << a9eel wa gad3 >> # When the C.T sends a message to epithelial tissue to change its type in response to many different factors >>> Fore-example : changing to stratified >>> the epithelial cells will start to proliferate and differentiate ( increasing their numbers ) . # # # But usually the C.T send " inductive forces " >>> therefore the basal lamina is restricted >>> the cells will increase their numbers and lengthen and they will not be at straight line >>> basal lamina will down "toward to C.T " >>> The epithelial cells will form a clusters because their proliferation # Put in mind << in this case if the basal lamina stays straight , it will becomes stratified (((means without inductive forces ))) >> . # The continuation of basal lamina that downs toward to C.T >>> the epithelial cells in centre part on the basal lamina are undifferentiated and degenerated Because lacking of access the nutrients from C.T and the spaces will form " these spaces are called ducts " >>> But the cells in the peripheral parts will differentiate to be secretory cells >>>>>>>>>> Therefore we get Exocrine glands CONCENTRATE OK !!! # - uterine glands <<< lined by simple columnar epithelium ( some are ciliated and others are not ) >>> are found in the functional layer of the uterine endometrium . Their appearance varies during the menstrual cycle. # Their C.T ( the connective tissue of these glands or of the uterus because they are same ) is composed of two layers ( 1- upper layer is called stratum functionalis 2- lower layer is called stratum basalis ) # During the menstrual cycle >>> the blood vessels supplying the epithelial cells are affected by the level of progesterone in the blood ( means the nutrients are affected by progesterone levels ) >>> when the level of progesterone decreases >>> the smooth muscles in the uterus contractile >>>> the blood vessels will contract and close >>> therefore the area supplied by these blood vessels will down because lack of nutrients # Note : the area that will down is ( stratum functionalis and epithelium layer ) >>> When the level of progesterone returns normal >>> the epithelial layer and C.T will return to normal state ( they are regenerated ) >>> when forming " the complete covered to the uterus cavity " , the secretory substances that rise to the surface have yellowish or brownish color # Note : Uterus glands by their secretions , they will return the epithelium layer to the normal state " By regenerations " because their original from the surface and they try to up the surface . # The females know that when the color of secretions is yellowish or brownish (means away from bloody color ) this sign of the menstrual cycle . # Note : if we make a wound about "1cm " in skin of someone ( to test the spontaneously healing ) >>> usually if we leave the wound without sewing >>> the sweat glands in the superficial fascia under the wound directly will rise to the surface and close the wound ( remember that these glands always try to rise to the surface >>> and here they heal the wound because they are originated from epithelium ) . # The development of exocrine sweat glands is result of retraction of the basal lamina and the proliferation of the cells that line over it ( remember the instructions of the C.T ) >>> the central part of cells become ducts and peripheral parts become secretory parts >>>> and the ducts will reach the secretions to the surface # Note :exocrine glands secret mucus ( usually harmful substances such as hydrochloric acid ) therefore they should be away from the circuit through the circuit we will find " the hormonal locally activating substances " these substances work in local areas to prepare the cells and save them from the secretion of harmful substances " fa3el 5eer :p " # this process is very important because the harmful substances such as hydrochloric acid , if they reach the cells , they will damage them . ______________________________________________________________________________ The endocrine glands # Their developments are same to the exocrine glands # They lose the connection to their original epithelium and therefore lack ducts >>> thin –walled blood vessels adjacent to the endocrine cells absorb their secreted hormone products for transport in blood to target cells throughout the body The differences between the endocrine and exocrine glands Endocrine glands have no ducts. They secrete what is called hormone. The hormone is released in the blood stream and is circulated in the blood where it finds a particular organ, called target organ, to which goes and influences its physiology. An exocrine gland has duct, which is the conduit for the release of products produced by it. The product is discharged in a place where the product of the gland shows its action. The amount of blood in the endocrine glands is bigger than in the exocrine ( because the endocrine secret their substances into the blood circulation as hormones ) The mixed glands ( such as pancreas ) # example (pancreas gland ) It consists of two part ( endocrine part) producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon , somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide which circulate in the blood ( these endocrine secretions form 1000,000 units in the pancreas ) . (exocrine part means pancreas is also a digestive organ, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that assist digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. These enzymes help to further break down the carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the chyme . # example : testis " mixed gland " sperms ( exocrine secretions ) # interstitial cells of Leydig, are found adjacent to the seminiferous tubulesin the testicle. They produce testosterone in the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH) (endocrine secretions ) . # example : Ovary ovum is considered exocrine secretion But ( the Corpus luteum that secretes progesterone and moderate levels of estradiol and inhibin A ) is considered endocrine secretions Note : in the last examples , each example (gland) contains some cells that considered exocrine , and contains other cells are considered endocrine but in this example (Liver ) , each cell itself is considered exocrine and endocrine at same time # example : Liver each cell of liver is considered endocrine and exocrine at same time . ____________________________________________________________________________ # The classification of exocrine glands according to the structure Exocrine glands contain a glandular portion and a duct portion, the structures of which can be used to classify the gland. The duct portion may be branched (called compound exocrine gland ) or un-branched (called simple exocrine gland ). The glandular portion may be tubular or acinar, or may be a mix of the two (called tubuloacinar). If the glandular portion branches, then the gland is called a branched gland. _____________________________________________________________ # Exocrine glands are classified as either unicellular or multi-cellular. 1) Unicellular glands are the simplest in structure. In unicellular exocrine glands, the secretory component consists of single cells distributed among other nonsecretory cells. A typical example is the goblet cell, a mucus-secreting cell positioned among other columnar cells . dGoblet cells are located in the surface lining and glands of the intestines and in certain passages of the respiratory tract. # Goblet cells are glandular simple columnar epithelial cells whose function is to secrete gel forming mucins, which are the major component of mucus. They use both apocrine and merocrine methods for secretion these cells consists of two parts ( apical part that called optea dilated that secrets the mucus –basal part that is called stem that contains nucleus and this part is stained under L.M ) 2 ) Multicellular glands are composed of more than one cell. They exhibit varying degrees of complexity. Their structural organization allows sub-classification according to the arrangement of the secretory cells (parenchyma) and the presence or absence of branching of the duct elements. The simplest arrangement of a multicellular gland is a cellular sheet in which each surface cell is a secretory cell. For example, the lining of the stomach and its gastric pits is a sheet of mucus-secreting cells . Other multi-cellular glands typically form tubular invaginations from the surface. The end pieces of the gland contain the secretory cells; the portion of the gland connecting the secretory cells to the surface serves as a duct. If the duct is unbranched, the gland is called simple; if the duct is branched, it is called compound. If the secretory portion is shaped like a tube, the gland is tubular; if it is shaped like a flask, the gland is alveolar or acinar; if the tube ends in a saclike dilation, the gland is tubuloalveolar. Tubular secretory portions may be straight, branched, or coiled; alveolar portions may be single or branched. Various combinations of duct and secretory portion shapes are found in the body. ____________________________________________________________________ # CONCENTRATE OK ! # Note : the clear cells : A cell, especially a neoplastic one, containing abundant glycogen or other material that is not stained by hematoxylin or eosin, so that the cytoplasm appears clear histologically # In the digestive tract , when the scientists studied the tissue , they found the cells that were not stained with H and E stains >>> These cells were in different shapes and different shapes of nucleus and their lengths were different >>> they were considered as Clear cells # To stain these cells , the scientists discovered many substances inside them ( such as adenosine –peroxidaze – carboxylaze ) , and according to kind of these substances the scientists made a stain to study these cells under microscopy # After studying these cell , they were called " ABUD cells " # The Abudoma : oma means cancer is a tumor originates from the adud cells part of the Doctors consider this is risky tumor but others do not the different opinions about this tumor refers to these cells are originated from several origins But the common things between these cells are : 1) they give Positive in the staining 2) they are clear cells # another scientist found the cells that are not contained into the organ the secretory substances from them are similar to the secretory substances secreted from nervous system But the secretion in these cells is into the blood circulation these cells are called DNES " diffused neuroendocrine system cells " these cells are classified as unicellular endocrine cells the other name for them is ABUD _________________________________________________________________________ # The classification of glands according to " biochemistry scientists " this classification depends on the secretory substances form the gland Serous cells :" watery substances secreted " excrete proteins , often enzymes. Examples include chief cells and Paneth cells ( they are composed of large cuboidal cells "pyramidal cells " their nucleus occupied a basal position their cytoplasm appears basophilic under L.M most of the cytoplasm are granules ) . Mucous cells : " viscous substances secreted " excrete mucus. Examples include Brunner's glands, esophageal glands, and pyloric glands " with special stain , the apical part of the cytoplasma appears bony " means with spaces " ## ## ## in the last structure ( the mucus cell appears and in the bottom we recognize serious cells ( ) خلية نصف قمرية this serious cell facilities excretion the substances from the glands , supporting the mucus gland and concentration on the antibodies therefore they increase the Immunity in the area tat secretes the substances . Mixed glands excrete both protein and mucus " watery and viscous substances secreted " Examples include the salivary glands, although the parotid gland is serous , the sublingual gland is mucous, and the submandibular gland is both serous and mucous. # In the mixed gland here 1) seriomucus mixed gland " means the serious substances secreted are bigger than mucus " 2) mucuserious mixed gland " means the mucus substances secreted are bigger than the serious " _____________________________________________________________________ # Myoepithelial cells (sometimes referred to as myoepithelium) are cells usually found in glandular epithelium as a thin layer above the basement membrane but generally beneath the luminal cells. In the Dr. opinion : these cells are security parts surrounding the basal lamina and fusing the epithelium OR these cells are basal lamina itself Their function : the contraction of these cells leads to evacuate the secretory part the removing if these cells leads to delay of the secretory part But it will continue its working Sometimes these cells are described as basket cells ( because they have many processes involved with epithelial cells ) ______________________________________________________________________. # The exocrine glands are named apocrine glands, holocrine glands, or merocrine glands based on how their products are excreted. # 1) The Merocrine secretion : is the most common method of proteins and involves typical exocytosis of proteins and involves typical exocytosis of proteins or glycoproteins from membrane-bound vesicles ( the examples : all the sweat glands in the body ) . 2) The Holocrine secretion : in this process cells accumulate products as they mature and undergo terminal cell differentiation ,culminating in complete cell disruption with release of the product and cell debris into the glands lumen this is best seen in the sebaceous glands of the skin . ( the examples : Sebaceous glands ) . Note : these cells work during the fetal life in response to influence of sexual hormones in the body of the mother But after the labor " after 3-4 hours , when the sexual hormones from the body of the mother finished , these glands stop working , and they return to work after puberty ( By sexual hormones secretion " - these glands depend on the presence of sexual hormones . # Acne vulgaris (or simply acne) حب الشبابis related to holocrine gland # its substances secreted are large to secrete by the exocytosis process . 3) The Apocrine glands : the products here accumulate at cells apical ends, portions of which are then extruded to release the product together with a bit of cytoplasm and plasma membrane this is the mechanism by which droplets of lipid are secreted in the mammary gland . ( the examples : female breast in the feeding stage the milk in the breast contains carbohydrate , proteins and lipids But the substances suckled by infants are surrounded in the female breast by plasma membrane this means that milk will contain cells from plasma membrane O.o For this ----------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ال تستطيع الشركات أن تقلّد كل المواد من البروتينات وغيرها في الحليب الصناعي ألنها ال تستطيع تقليد البالزما عشان هيك بيحكو حليب األم ال يمكن تقليده ___________________________________________________________________________ # Apocrine secretion is less damaging to the gland than holocrine secretion (which destroys a cell) but more damaging than merocrine secretion (exocytosis). # Notice in these structures how the hair follicle opens to pass sweat from the gland through the duct to surface part ( in the lab open the glandular epithelium and see the structures that same to these __ _____________________________________________________________________________