Endocrine – Exocrine Lesson Plan

Health 713 – Day ______________
The students will define and learn several definitions that are involved in the endocrine
The students will learn the functions of hormones. (general)
The students will learn the 8 key glands in the endocrine system.
The students will learn the functions of each gland in the endocrine system.
Attendance/Settle (5)
Definitions: (20)
A gland is a cell, a group of cells, or an organ that secretes s substance. Two basic types
of glands in the body:
Endocrine Glands, do not have ducts but release their secretions into the bloodstream,
Exocrine Glands, have ducts that carry their secretions to specific places in the body.
Hormones: (15)
Act as chemical regulators in three ways:
1. They may stimulate a reaction in some other part of the body.
2. Hormones play an important role during periods of growth by producing changes in
the body structures.
3. Hormones regulate the rate of body metabolism, the rate at which the body cells
produce energy.
8 Key Endocrine Glands T “M” (10)
Functions of the Endocrine Glands H “Y” H “Z” (35)
Questions, Release, Assignments (5)