Gabriella Catalfano CA2 Erica Delsandro Monday April 1 Part l As you flip through any type of magazine, watch television or do anything for that matter, you will encounter advertisements no matter what you are doing. An advertisement is anything that promotes to a consumer some type of product, service or event that the producer is trying to sell. Advertisements are everywhere in our media today, that it has become second nature for us to see them wherever you go. You may not even notice yourself to start overlooking such familiar advertisement that you see often. But, there are always certain ones that will catch your eyes and that always what the producers wants to happen. An advertisement that caught my eye while flipping through a magazine was for the product DayQuil and NyQuil. This is a type of cold medicine that deals with stuffy head, sore throat, coughing, aching and fever. It comes in both tablets and liquid form for which ever you may prefer. On the top of the advertisement, they have a fairly young brunette woman sitting on a bathroom counter. The brunette’s curly hair lays down her back and past her shoulders in the front. Her right leg dangles off the countertop, while her left leg is neatly tucked under other leg. This pretty woman looks to be in her mid to late twenties. They have her dressed in what looks to be a comfy, green, loose fitting long sleeves shirt and a pair of black leggings. Even though her clothes are not completely form fitting, you can tell she is pretty petite woman. They also have her wearing light pink fairy wings that have stars and dots all over them. She is wearing a necklace that hangs off of her neck because of the way they have her positioned, which is hunched over. This woman looks to be extremely content and has a perfectly white smile on her face. She has her eyes closed not knowing what to expect when she finally opens them. This woman is not sitting alone on the countertop. There is a toddler about two to three years old sitting right in front of her. She has lighter brown hair than her mother but, still just as curly. They placed her in a color blocked t-shirt, that has light pink on the top half and white on the bottom half of her t-shirt. There is a sparkly pink object in the middle of the shirt that is hard to completely make out. She is also placed in comfy looking, purple pants. It looks as if they are Catalfano1 playing dress up because she is wearing a sliver tut-tut that is wrapped around her tiny waist. The little girl is sitting crisscross with her bare foot showing on the counter top. She gazes up at her mother with a face of concentration as she powers her mother’s cheeks in one hand. But, in the other hand she has brush to apply some type of make-up. It looks if this make-over is all pretend because in the advertisement, there is no visual make-up anywhere, just the utensils to do it. Behind the little girl, who is sitting on countertop, is a normal looking sink which has a wooden box next to it where the bar of soap is placed inside of it. The dress up- theme of the advertisement continues with the blue, wavy wig that is coming out of the sink and draped across the front of the counter. On top of the wig, there is a pink curlier and some other type utensil that is hard to recognize. There is also, a side mirror that is connected to the wall that has a purple feathered boa draped across it. In the background of the advertisement, they used very dull colors like: bluish-gray and white to make it not stand out as much. This makes you realize that the main focus was on just the mother and daughter. All you really notice in the background is huge mirror, which has a reflection of a few doorways and a chandelier. You can also see the little girl’s reflection putting make-up on her mother, but not the mother’s reflection in the mirror at all. Finally, you see the reflection of the wall mirror with the purple feathered boa hanging from it. Underneath the picture of the mother and daughter playing dress up, it says “DON’T LET A COLD TAKE AWAY DRESS UP MOMMY.” They put DRESS UP MOMMY in a different font and made it bolder than the rest of the saying to emphasize it. Then finally under the saying, they have a small picture of both DayQuil in orange tablet and NyQuil in green liquid. The medicines are both placed side by side. These are the products they are trying to sell the consumer and they are all the way at the bottom in extremely small pictures. They want you to use DayQuil so it can help mom feel better faster and NyQuil to help mom sleep with a cold. On each side of DayQuil and NyQuil, they placed the symptoms of the medicine that is supposed to help. Then finally in the lower right hand corner of the advertisement is the logo of VICKS, which makes both products of DayQuil and NyQuil, with their saying “breathe life in”. Catalfano2 Part ll An advertisement is selling more than just a product, service or event to consumers. It sells ideas to society. While you briefly gaze at an advertisement, you may just see the product the producer is trying to sell. But, the closer and the more detail you look at in the advertisement, you can start to see the idea that they are trying to sell to society. The producers sometimes do not even notice that they are selling this idea but, society sees it differently. Finally, as the producers make an advertisement, they always have a targeted audience they are trying to sell their products to. When you look at the advertisement for DayQuil and Nyquil the little girl sitting on the bathroom countertop looks to be about two to three years old. That would make her too young to start attending school unless they put her in pre-school at that young of an age. But, they would still need a parent guardian to watch her for the other part of the day because pre-school is not a full day. Also, if you look at the detail of the advertisement, they are both wearing pants instead of shorts which would show that it could not be summer. This demonstrates that the little girl would not be in school either way. People would than come to the conclusion that the little girl either way would need some time of supervision at home. Then as a society, it becomes assumed that the brunette woman in the picture or also played as the mom would have to be a stay at home mother for the little girl, even though she is looks as if she is trying to impress someone. Being a stay at home mom, it really should not matter what you look like. This so called sick mother in the advertisement, whom has to take medicine to feel better, still looks extremely presentable just to stay inside of her own home. She is dressed in a cute, but semi-comfortable outfit and still accessorizes with a dangly necklace. Her hair is perfectly curly as it lays down her back. She looks to have already applied make-up on herself to brighten up her appearance. Looking at this woman, you would not be able to tell she is the least bit sick. Being a woman she still has to keep up her appearance regardless if she is healthy or not. Also, if you look she is playing dress up with her daughter, which shows that she does not just hire some kind of nanny to take care of her child. She wants to be the one to take care of her daughter because it’s her responsibility, rather than some strangers. Also, if you pay attention to this woman build. She looks to be extremely fit for just having a kid only a few years back. This shows that she must have gone to the gym a lot to get Catalfano3 her body back after getting pregnant. Being a stay at home mother it is time consuming to have housework to do, take care of your family and have to somehow fit in your schedule time to make sure your body is in good shape. This just shows in our society that the type of body you have is all accounted in your overall beauty. Even though in this advertisement, it does not show that this woman is married, it is just already assumed that she is at home with the child instead of at work regardless of her being sick. If she was a single mother, than it would not matter if she was sick or not, she would have no other choice than to be at work. Her income would mean more to her than staying at home because she has a responsibility to support her family by herself. But, instead since she is a stay at home mom, she can rely on her husband to go to work, while she stays at home with her child and get better Another thing to focus on in this advertisement is age of the young woman. The pretty brunette in the picture looks to be about anywhere from 25-38 years of age. It is not some old, wrinkly woman taking care of her child. They focus in on such young woman because that is your prime time to bare children. You are at that point in your life where you have settled down with your husband and it is time to have children. All older women already know how to take care of their children because they have been doing it for years and years but, the younger generations of woman are just starting out and that is why they are main focus. Also, if you look in the background of the advertisement, you see a chandelier, which are fairly expensive items just to put in a bathroom, rather than in a more common area like a dining room. Another thing that looks to be expensive is just the bathroom itself. It is a very decent size and well decorated. This shows that the family relies on the husband to make good money at work, while the mother gets to stay at home with the child. This is a one income household so the husband has to work extra hard at work to be able to support his family and have them have a decent life to live. Finally, the last thing to notice in this picture is how happy this woman is. She is up and playing with her little girl like nothing is wrong. Yet she is supposed to be sick with a cold. Instead of laying around in bed and resting to feel better like most would do, she has to put up the appearance that she feel completely fine because her main priority is not the health of herself ,it rather her family. Stay at home moms do not have time to worry about themselves, they have a family to take care of. So, she gets up like she would any other day, make sure she looks Catalfano4 presentable for whatever might come of the day and puts on a smile to keep up the appearance that she is happy and healthier than ever. Catalfano5 Part lll While looking at an advertisement, it paints such a larger picture for society than just what the producer is trying to sell. As a whole, our society is so wrapped up in looks, weight, age and so many other small factors that it puts images into everyone’s minds. They tell us this is what we should look like as a whole. But, when you do not have what they would call the “look” which, could mean you may not be a skinny enough, then society puts you into a category saying that you just are not beautiful. The awful part of that is, if you are not beautiful in our society, than you are not anything. A writer named Naomi Wolf wrote a book called the Beauty Myth, in which she states that “The beauty myth is always actually prescribing behavior and not appearance” (Wolf, 14). This means the concept of “what is beauty” is always changing but, the fact that beauty is so important is not. So, as a society we tell woman that if you want to succeed in this world and become anything than you must obtain beauty. But, how does one fully obtain something that is constantly changing. The fact of matter is that you don’t. Women will never fully believe that they are beautiful because society will tell you something completely different. This so called Beauty Myth puts so much more pressure on women in this world than it does for males. In an advertisement for cold medicine, it shows a young beautiful brunette who is sitting on the bathroom countertop. Her dark brown hair is perfectly curled as it lays down her back and hangs a little bit past her shoulders in the front. She has a comfortable but, cute outfit on that is semi-form fitting to her skinny body. She even accessorizes with a beautiful, shiny necklace. Her make-up is fully done and she is completely happy with a smile on her face. But, even though this woman is sick and in the comfort of her home, she still feels the pressure of society that she needs to keep her appearance up. This woman is supposed to be representing a stay at home mother so, who should she have to try to impress while being at her home. The fact of matter that comes into play is that this woman’s husband is going to have to come home soon enough from work and she cannot look all disheveled all for him. She has to keep her appearance up because this man still needs to looks at his wife as beautiful and not leave her for someone else who actually is. The pressure is never ending on woman and does not just begin when you are a wife. Catalfano6 Children’s most impressionable time of their lives is by the time they enter the third grade. Their brains are not fully developed yet so, they can never totally comprehend everything in our lives to the fullest complication. They read fairy tales, watch television and imagine their lives to extreme happiness and perfection because that is how our lives are portrayed. As Maria Tarter states in the book, The Classical Fairy Tale “Although fairy tales are still arguably the most powerfully formative tales of childhood and permeate mass media for children and adults, it is not unusual to find them deemed of marginal cultural importance and dismissed as unworthy of critical attention” ( Tarter, xi). What she is trying to say is that fairy tales are the most powerful type of influence but, they do not portray cultural importance the way they should. This may have been true before but, I feel that today the media is more of an influence in today’s society than fairy tales due to the soul fact that technology has taken over children’s lives now more than ever. With the technology rising in the younger generations, the media for them has become much bigger of an influence. They look through magazines, watch videos and television and much more. But, what they do not realize is the little advertisements that pop up on the screen of their iPods, Ipads and iPhones. They may just simply watch the advertisement and go right back to their games. The children do not realize that the more they play these games and the more familiar those advertisements become the more likely they start to influence them. It happens so subconsciously, that they may not even recognize what is going on. For insistence, the advertisement I choose was the cold medicine of NyQuil and DayQuil. If that were to constantly pop up on a child’s iPod several times, they might start to see what media is trying to say about our society. They do not truly care about what the producers are trying to sell; they look strictly at the pictures. So, all they see is a mother at home with the daughter playing dress up. This shows the children, that this younger woman but, yet beautiful is a stay at home mom. She does not go off to work like daddy does but, rather stays at home with the children and takes care of them when they are younger. The more and more children see advertisements like this, the more and more they think this is how all people live, like it is some kind of norm. It makes it look like woman are completely dependent off of men and they are only good for taking care of the children at home and doing the usual house mother stuff like cooking and cleaning. Also, little girls look at the mother and daughter playing dress up with the wings and tut tuts and may relate this to fairy tales. As we all know all fairy tales end in what Catalfano7 they would call a happy ending. You never hear about the fighting or divorce, but rather just the marriage of a man and woman and then automatic assumed happiness for them for forever. That is why children never understand why mommy and daddy are fighting because it is portrayed that they are always constantly happy and nothing else. So, since children are at that age where everything they see they believe, these kinds of medias and fairy tales affect their views as a person. Whether you are a child or a grown-up, advertisements have such an impact on the way we perceive them. Producers sell us so much more than just the product. It is more about what they are telling us about our society. But, the awful thing about is, is we buy into in. As a whole society, we do not try and change the way people perceive us, we rather just go along with it and believe what they say. We have all, including myself, become so wrapped up in media and what they say is beautiful, that we start to just trust them, rather than have our own ideas. This just shows me that we are no longer thinking for ourselves; instead we just conform to society and are like everyone else. Things do not change by themselves, let’s make history and put these standards behind us and be our own kind of beautiful. Catalfano8 References Tarter, Maria. The Classic Fairy Tales. New York. W.W. Norton& Company. 1999. Print Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. 2002. Print Catalfano9