Human Cloning - West Branch Schools

Alex, Lexi, Stephanie, and Jeremy
 Human Cloning- The creation of a genetically
identical copy of a human.
Somatic cell- Any cell from the body of a multicellular
organism excluding the reproductive cells.
Embryo- An organism in its early stages of
Nuclear Transfer- A form of cloning, steps involve
oocyte and injecting the nucleus to be cloned.
Clone- A plant or animal that is grown from one cell of
its parent and that has exactly the same genes.
 No one has ever reported of attempting to clone
another human, however people have succeeded using
animal cloning.
 Animal cloning is a long process of somatic cell
nuclear transfer. Scientists then take a somatic egg
with is a non sperm egg cell from an adult animal.
They then take another egg from the same animal and
remove the nucleus from the egg replacing it with the
somatic cell nucleus. It then makes the egg develop
into a normal egg.
 Many things could go wrong.
 Clones would not have the right to their own body.
 Cost
 Violating Human rights
 Going against religion
 Couples with complications in having children can
clone a child instead of adopting.
 Endangered species can be cloned to help repopulate
the species.
 When a person with a terminal illness in which they
will need a body part they can have a complete copy of
their own part instead of another persons
Works Cited
 "Human Cloning Foundation Home Page." Human Cloning
Foundation Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2013.
 "How Human Cloning Will Work." HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web.
27 Oct. 2013.
 "Animal & Veterinary." Animal Cloning. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct.