GONESA in brief Mr. Major Dil Bahadur Gurung President, Executive Committee Cell: 9846050436 Or Ram Prasad Subedi General Secretary Cell No.:- 9856026044 Email: - gonesanep@yahoo.com,subedi_38@yahoo.com Web Page: www.gonesa.org.np Legal Status : Registered in Kaski District Regd No : 690 / 056 Date: - 1999 September Affiliation : The Social Welfare Council NGO Federation Nepal Human Right Alliance in Kaski. Civil Society Network for Peace in Pokhara. Appreciative Inquiry Network in Nepal. Children as zone of peace and child protection Working Areas: Kaski & Tanahu Total Members: 36 Current Staffs: 54 Teacher& Assistants and 14 office staffs Address: Damside Marga, Birauta -17, Pokhara, Nepal Tel: +977-61- 466323 E-mail: gonesanep@yahoo.com Executive Summary This Annual Report covers progress on the Supporting Early Childhood In NeedNepal, program between January 2014 to December 2014. The program has supported by VISPE Italy .The overall goal o6+f GONESA to assist the national development process by carrying out advocacy, awareness and providing services on education, health, livelihood enhancement and capacity. Development to the socially and economically marginalized groups primarily focusing on youth, women and children. GONESA has been working in vulnerable community since 1999 in the field of early child development sector. It has 27 centers in different scattered slum community of Kaski and Tanahun. It has successfully completed school Education program with the partner of Naulo Ghumti Nepal. Besides that early child development, child at school, Health and Saving & micro credit program are running smoothly according to organization goal and mission. In addition to that multi stakeholder forest program will be run very soon in Kaski district with the partnership of ENPRED Nepal. GONESA has achieved nearly all milestone scheduled to be completed during the reporting period there are 516 children are attending the early child center. Among them 382 children enrolled in this year. Similarly 513 students have got school support material. In addition to that all children & students have been getting medical support. The ECD program has played vital role for them, who can’t effort education, Health and Nutrition. They are getting such kind of support, that’s way the program has supported to them who are really poor and more vulnerable child in Kaski and Tanhun. In addition to that the organization has been playing supporting role for human right, peace for civil society, women empowerment, and child right beside that it has good coordination and collaboration with local NGO, CBO, and Government. Similarly the District Development Commit Kaski has conferred" the best NGO" award on GONESA for outstanding social services in 2014. -1- Background of Good Neighbor Association Service Nepal 1. Introduction Good Neighbor Service Association is a non-profitable and non- Governmental organization (NGO) working in Kaski, Tanahun, Lamjung, Gorkha and Arghakhanchi district. It is registered in Kaski District Administration Office. It has established in 1998 under the law of the Government of Nepal. It is affiliated with social welfare council promoted by a group since 1999. A social workers of GONESA team with the aim of assisting the nation development essential service such as education basic health & advocacy to utterly poor children, women and marginalized group. It has financial and technical supported by VISPE–ITALY, Friends of Italy, European Commission. Vision: Healthy and prosperous society which ensures basic human rights, livelihood opportunity to all citizens of society regardless of gender, geographical area, caste, religious and political believes. Mission: To promote human rights for respected and dignified life. To fight against all forms of suppression, atrocities, inequalities, discrimination and injustice, Focus on holistic development approach like human development with economic, cultural, spiritual advancement and physical development and physical development with all basic facilities. Believe that human rights, livelihood, education and health facilities are four pillars of GONESA, and Empowerment of women and child. Goal: To assist the national development process by carrying out advocacy, awareness and providing services on education, health, livelihood enhancement and capacity. Development to the socially and economically marginalized groups primarily focusing on youth, women and children. Objectives: To increase the literacy rate by providing quality education among the urban slum residents, child and rural poor people. To provide the basic health and sanitation services as a component of human rights in order to upgrade the health -2- status of poor and marginalized communities. To foster various livelihood opportunities through improving their knowledge and skills, introducing the micro finance, saving credit and Income generating activities through mobilizing the local resources and adopting social mobilization approach. To protect and promote the basic human rights and carry out an effective advocacy on child, women rights and social inclusion. To carry out our vision, mission, goal and objective, GONESA has been running various project likewise early child development , Children at school , GONESA micro saving and credit , School education program has been running smoothly . 2. Target Group: Main target groups are slam areas children who are suffering from deprived , poor however we have worked marginalized people specially females, vulnerable and ultra poor community within urban . 3. S.N. Program Implementing Areas: Name of the Major activity Location Status program 1. 2. Early Childhood ECDs, health, Slum settlements of Kaski Development Sanitation, and Tanahun program Nutrition Children at School Scholarship Program (CASP) and educational On going Kaski & Tanahu Ongoing within Pokhara's Ongoing materials support for education. 3. Saving & Credit Saving and credit Program 4. vulnerability community School Education School Education Gorkha Lamjung & completed the Program program Arghankanchi (10 VDC program on per 2014 December -3- Supporting Early childhood in need Nepal 3.1 Background of the Project: Pokhara is situated in western development region of Nepal. It has been highly mobile population. Gradually it has been more crowded from overpopulation. The estimated 250,000 Population, beside that there are significant numbers of migrant population coming from different city and periphery across the country. Some of them 36,000 population are living in slams Pokhara. area They in are more vulnerable and deprived from multi sector like water and sanitation, secured and hygienic shelter, education, nutrition etc. Due to poverty the community can't afford provided early child education as well as basic medical treatment. It has seemed they hardly manage hand to mouth. They are struggle for living. Most of the slam community depends on daily wage of the river side. Poverty and vulnerability are common phenomenon, which is direct, and indirectly leading for social problem beside that it will be indirectly contribution for social terrible event for example, drug addition, school dropout, social crime, and social conflict. Therefore it has the need for support with slum population and their children. Who are really needy. 3.2 Project Objectives: To increase the literacy rate among the urban slum residents, child and rural poor people by providing them quality education services. To Improved health and sanitation status of the poor and marginalized community. To Increased availability of various livelihood opportunities enabling them to mobilize local resources and human potentials. -4- To reduce the drop out ratio and increased the number of children completing secondary level education from the targeted community. To enhanced the knowledge and skill regarding human rights, child rights, gender and social inclusion so that the participation on developmental activities and institutional capacity at local level will be increased. 3.3. Target Group: The project is focused on women and children of slum community and needy and vulnerable people who do not have access with education and health services. Project duration: 2010 to 2015 December 4. Early Childhood Development Program GONESA has been conducting early child development centers in the most vulnerable community Kaski and Janajati Tanahun district. It has 27 centers in Dalit different scattered slum community of Others Kaski and Tanahun. ECD Centers play the vital role in successful transition to school. This is particularly true for children from disadvantaged slum households because mostly the street children have come from the slum area. Better childcare for pre-school children is associated with better cognitive and social development. Each centre has capacity to accommodate 25 children. A total of 516 children are attending regularly in these ECDs. Among them 263 are boys and 253 are girls some of them 205 Janajati, 173 Dalit and 138 are others. It has 20 to 25 children capacity every center beside that the center has a management committee comprising of parents. They are support for right judge for selection process of children education. There are two female facilitators. One facilitator is responsible for providing education and other for managing day meal and sanitation in the centre. The centre opens at 10.00 clocks every day. During the reporting period there are 382 children enrolled this year in these centers. The small children learn through enough teaching and learning materials. Children are prepared for schooling, develop habits of -5- attending school, enhance confidence and learn to work in a team. In addition to that parents have leisure time which is used in productive work and they can reduce financial burden of the family. GONESA is coordinating and collaborating with the government of Nepal to streamline the ECDs. Till date, five ECDs have been recognized by the government and providing support to these centers. It has seen details of ECD in annex 1 Please see the details of ECDs in annex 1. 4.1 Monthly Review Meeting of ECD Staffs According to our plan we have organized monthly meeting at the end of the month among the staffs, whereas the teachers and assistants were actively participant in the gathering program. The program was conducted two shift due to the large number of staffs , At the beginning they shared us about progress report , children situation, parents expectation, creative activities, new feelings, as well as challenges too. During this time they were tried to overcome form those challenges with co-partners and they will make plan for further month. In addition to that they were discussion different matter in the meeting likewise how to develop rapport building with children, parents and community, similarly how to teach effective learning approach. Beside that we facilitated to them how to manage stress, how to enjoy yourself for work and love it. According to teachers the children can learn easily and interesting by playing method rather than other, similarly, demonstration, instruction, discussion, puzzle, indoor and outdoor game are fruitful for child learning. Most of children are interested in Playing, singing and dancing which are applied in as teaching method. All centers are using locally raw material for education document papers, cloth wood, colors, stone .Normally teachers do not follow especial text books only .There had been 24 meetings, during the reporting period. 4.2 Renovation of the Centre Like previous year, early Child Development centers have been renovation according to need base. As a result the center have been running smoothly , beside that room environment play the vital role for learning therefore the organization is always conscious about the child friendly environment in center . Every center has two rooms, one kitchen and class room and restroom within the ECD building. -6- According to executive committee of center, Parents and teacher prepared the list of renovation. In addition to that they have planned for responsibility too. In the year 14 centers were renovated in the beginning of the year which are given below. Details of repair and maintenance of the centers SN Centre 1. Bindabasani 2. Chhorepatan A &B Location Types of renovation Pokhara-2 Floor plastic carpet change in kitchen , Pokhara-17 Glass fitting 3. Chorshangu A&B Pokhara 7 Window Glass Fitting, 4. Gasti Pokhara-18 Carpet change in classroom ,Ruff Repair 5. Ghosti Lamachaur Lamachaur Floor plastic carpet change , Window Glass Fitting 6. Saintara tole Pokhara-18 Carpet Change and glass fitting 7. Hanuman Tole Pokhara-17 Carpet Change and glass fitting 8. Pragati tole Pokhara 17 Carpet Change and glass fitting 9. Khalte Pokhara-18 New building/ carpet change ,glass fitting 10. Kotre Kotre, Tanahu Carpet change. 11. Karanti Tole Pokhara-15 Carpet Change ,Windows Glass Fitting 12. Mahatgauda Pokhara-17 13. Miyapatan Pokhara- 13 Carpet Change in class room 14. Paropakar Pokhara 11 Window Glass fitting Carpet change, Windows glass fitting, painting outside of the whole building. In addition to that the organization has been allocation Matters, Blanket according to need base. Where 15 blanket and numbers of 188 Matters were purchased in the month of September 2014 4.3 Training for Facilitators GONESA has been conducting refreshment training for teachers and assistance teachers every year and as previous year, the organization organized three days refreshment training. The training was held on 24 th to 26th 2014 December in Dhampus resort. Where 54 participants were participated. -7- The refreshment training was very useful for all teachers and assistance teacher because it had various useful matters for the participants which are enlisted below. Social Mobilization Anchoring skill Minute skill Coordination and cooperation skill Rapport building with children How to save Nutrition of the food Proper communication Effective listening How to cooperate with parents How to Counsel children Organization development and team building Yoga & Meditation Refreshment training was really remarkable for them because various topics ranging from social mobilization to yoga and meditation were discussed in the training and it helped them to enhance their performance moreover the training was residential so they could get opportunity for exposing themselves. In addition to that they also got information on rapport building with children, community people as well as co staffs and how to make a good listener. Although the training days were limited they got related information on how to communicate properly with community, children, how to effective teach and how to save nutrition of the food. In addition to that they were also involved in yoga & Meditation as a result they were actively perform their activities. The training program was inauguration by General secretary Mr. Ram -8- Prasad Subedi while it was formally closed by chairperson Mr. Major Dil Bahadur Gurung and board representatives Sita Pariyar, Nirmaya Gurung, Shiva Sharma, Shyamnath Kuwar. They also delivered few words on the closing ceremony. The training was facilitated by Mrs. Shanta Khateri, Krishna Kunwar, Nirmaya Gurung, Ram Prasad Subedi and Kamala Rimal. All in all the training was very amazing, interesting and effective for professional development. 4.4 New children enrollment in the ECDs Door motivation to door campaign was carried out to enroll new children in the beginning of education session. The members of ECD management committee, facilitators and project staff were involved in the week. As a result all children are presented in the ECD center besides that parents also supported their children for ECD center in campaign. It seemed that all children are encouraged for school. A number of 382 children were enrolled in the year 2014. Similarly number of 424 students were drop out from the ECD. Because they are crossed 5 years and they were joined the community school. 4.5 Meeting of ECDs management committee ECDs Management committee play the vital role for getting the goal of organization. Every ECDs centers have organized a management committee and it has role and responsibility. During this reporting period they were performed 65 meeting, where they shared their progress, challenges, learning and planning for coming year. The numbers of 1170 members were participated in the meeting. -9- 4.6 Day Meal for Children Children are always received the healthy meal every center. The meal consists of different food which helps them for appropriate physical growth and prevents disease caused by mal nutrition. Snacks and Junks foods are strictly prohibited here which may cause hazards in their growth. The co facilitator is responsible for manage and prepare daily meal for the children. The materials needed are supplied by GONESA by filling requisition form. The meal is according the following schedule shown in the following table. Schedule of Day Meal S.N. Days Type of meal 1. Sunday Dal , Rice, Milk ,Salad 2. Monday Suji , Curry, Fruit 3. Tuesday Dal, Rice, Egg, Salad 4. Wednesday Bitten Rice, Curry, Fruit, Milk 5. Thursday Dal ,Rice , Milk , Salad 6. Friday Curry, Egg, Milk, Fruit 7. Saturday Holiday 5. Health Care Support Program 5.1 Dispensary Service / Regular Check Up Healthy children represent a healthy nation. Government is committed to "Health for all" and focused its attention towards health sector reform. Despite of these efforts more than 40 percent children suffer from malnutrition and various diseases. Good health is essential to achieve good result in education. To address this situation, GONESA provides health facility to children of difficult situation. A -10- dispensary is in the office premises. It has been providing general check up program as well as minor medicine for disease. The dispensary opens everyday at office hour. GONESA provides free healthcare for children attending ECDs. Whenever children fall sick, their parent initially brings them into dispensary of GONESA. There is two regular health staff providing services in the dispensary. Children causing minor disease are cured at Dispensary while others are referred into different hospital for health checkup. During the reporting period, a total of 2863 time children visited in the dispensary. Out of them, 2352 were treated with normal medicine in dispensary, and 738 were referred to MTH, 64 are admitted in MTH. 11 referred to NRH, 5 to Himalaya Eye Hospital. Total number of Tuberculosis is 1 besides that the organization is conducted yearly health checkup campaign to ensure overall development of children in free of cost. This health services are available to all children see the details of information of health in annex 2 5.2 Referrals A total of 738 children were referred to Manipal Teaching Hospital during this year. The children are referred to hospitals were provided with traveling fair and all the treatment cost were provided by the organization. While admitted in hospitals all costs free for all. Otherwise moreover, the care takers get lodging and food charge. A total of 8 children were found malnourished and referred to Nutrition Rehabilitation Home for further treatment. Similarly, a total of 13 children having eye infection were referred to Himalaya Eye Hospital for further treatment. Beside that 5 cases were referrals in KTM in different cases likewise. Til Ganga Eye Hospital KTM 1, Shaseed, Gangalal Heart Center, KTM 2 cases, TUTH Tribhuvan , University Teaching Hospital 1, Bir Hospital 1 KTM -11- 5.3 Admitted in Hospital In the beginning of the project GONESA has been supporting health care support to children. Total of 1135 children were admitted in Manipal Teaching Hospital till reporting period .Some of them 64 children were admitted in this year. The project manages their accommodation during the treatment period so that the parents are free from economic burden. Similarly, health staff make regular visit to the hospital to ensure the recovery of children. Their treatment period in hospital depends upon the type of disease and symptoms. 5.4 General Health Check Up for children There is regular health check activity for children. However, in every year the project organizes whole checkup program for children. It was organized in 17th November to 27th November 2014. During this checkup period, total of 523 children were received specialist service. The children received medicine in free of cost. Some of them 25 cases were more complicated and referred to further treatment including surgery, dental surgery, phimosis, hydrocele, testis lymphoma cardio cases disease. Save of the life Priya Gurung is a small child. She was grown up by her poor family background. She has been living in Khaltemasina of ranted home. Her family background is very low. They are hardly mange hand to mouth. Priya is a 4 years old child one day she was unconscious suddenly, while she was playing in the ECD center. The teacher immediately called her parents for treatment. The parents took her Manipal Hospital for treatment .After treatment the doctor told them “Priya is suffering from heart diseases". Even though she has a whole in her heart. You should take in Gangalal Heart center Kathmandu as soon as”. Priya’s mother was so shock due to unexpected news of Priya. She was very sad. Because she worried about her health besides that she doesn’t have money further treatment. Due to this cause she was confusion for treatment .She has no way. After some day later Priya's mother came in GONESA for support. She wailed more. “Save the life of Priya”. She adds, if the organization couldn’t support for her treatment, Priya would be die without treatment .she request again for treatment. -12- In fact, the organization felt that she was really poor too, then the organization did consult VISPE ( Dr. Susani ) about her real situation . On the other hand the VISPE (Dr.susani) took the positive response on this treatment process. Then after the Priya got opportunity for treatment in Gangalal Heart Center Kathamandu for Surgery in heart. The heart surgery was successfully completed as a result Priya is healthy now. Her family is very happy from VISPE. She told us that if the organization did not support for her treatment, Priya would die for sure. We are very grateful from VISPE who is really support to bring the new life. This really story is written own her word. (Priyas mother) 5.5 Major achievements of the program Altogether 27 ECDs Centers are running smoothly throughout the year which provided education to 516 children of difficult situation. About 14 ECDs were renovated in the beginning of the academic session Day meals are providing to children in ECDs All children attend in General Health Check Up to ensure their development. Residential Refresher Training was organized to teachers to boost up their knowledge and skill to create child friendly environment at ECDs Dispensary provided regular heath care services to children. A total of 64 children were admitted in different hospitals for further treatment. Times children were referred to Manipal Teaching Hospital and cured free of cost. About 64 Parents meeting were organized in different community. Monitoring and supervision were carried out although the year. Report prepared and distributed. 6. Children at school program (CASP) 6.1 Introduction Children at School Program assist the National Education Policy, “Education for all. This program helps those needy and poor children who are really deprived of school education after completion of informal education from Child Care Centers -13- due to extreme poverty. Their school fees are paid and they also receive necessary materials such as school uniforms, books, and other stationeries. Besides, they also get free medical treatment and psychological counseling facilities from the organization. About 44 Community schools and 8 private schools of 512children are benefited under this program. When the children get pre-primary education from each 27 Child Care Centers after getting the pre-primary education, they select for school education. 6.2 6.3 Objectives of the program To improve educational status of slum areas' children. To support for poor children for regular schooling in formal education. To control of drop out case from school due to the poor financial condition. To create opportunities for out of school children to the slum areas children Target Groups Children suffered from extreme poverty and deprived of rights to education. Mostly the children from vulnerable community, out of school children. 6.4 Identification/ Selection: Every year on the baseline survey, students are selected from different slum community. Moreover, under this program some needy children who need immediate rescue are also considered and enroll into the nearest government school. During 2014 total of 55 such students are enrolled and supported the total number exceed 457. Besides, psychosocial counseling and extra class for weak students is managed. GONESA aims to support them to complete SLC examination yet present. However some children are provided with technical training in coordination with other organizations which enable them for searching job. -14- 6.5 School admission and enrollment campaign: In the beginning of session a coordination meeting was arranged with school teachers of different government school. Similarly, twice in a year uniforms and stationary are provided. Besides, psychosocial counseling and extra class for weak students is managed. Door to door visits are frequently happening to meet their parents for ensuring homework. 6.6 Distribution of education materials and uniforms After completion at ECDs, children with very low income admitted into nearest government schools. However, the project does not extend further support to those children whose parent themselves enroll them into school. If parents are unable to enroll at school due to poverty, only such students 600 400 200 are admitted to school. The project provides tuition fee, 0 stationary, boys girls uniform and medicine support from total dispensary. This year a total of 512 children were provided education materials and tuition fee out which 283 Girls and 229 boys from marginalized community. They children gets materials support twice in a year which includes uniforms, under garment, rain coat, bags, shoes and stationery. Besides, psychosocial counseling and extra class for weak students is managed. The project aims to support them to complete SLC examination yet present. However some children are provided with technical training in coordination with other organizations which enable them for searching job. information of health in annex 3 -15- See the details of Fig: Showing children according to class 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6.7 S.N. Outcomes of the program Activities 1 Educational materials Outcomes Educational material purchased for 512 children purchasing And Supply 2 Children Selection and enrollment in school 3 Progress report collection for supporting student. Children family background was prepared for 2015. Progress reports were collected and send to their correspondence sponsors. 4 Final report preparation and Final report collection from school and class distribution upgrade record prepared. -16- 7. Asal Chhimeki Saving and Credit Society Ltd. progress Most of the Nepalese women are underprivileged. Enabling women to develop alternative source of income generation be therefore an important strategy in fighting poverty and social disadvantage for these women and their families. Hence GONESA has developed proven savings and credit system that makes available small investment loans to poor women. For this reason, the program has established and supported the formation of women groups and saving/credit schemes in slums to improve saving behavior, create capital through small scale saving among the women and provide income generating opportunities to them. As a result they are increasing the saving members day by day. During this reporting period It has 313 share members (i.e. Female: 239, Male: 74) and total 1317 has active saving account holder in different category. It has invested credit to among 140 (Total Loan Holder 326 and loan closed 186) persons for income generating activities. The members are demanding micro loan for their entrepreneurship development according to their need the loan investment size has been increasing. The local people are getting small scale loan easier on lower interest rate. They are returned their installment according to their on schedule. The collectors go to once a week for deposit collection. It is very useful and women are saying this is opportunity of banking access for them and the saving behavior is improving. They are reducing their expenditure for the saving. Cooperative is investing the small scale loan to the members for income generating activities like livestock (goat/pig), agriculture, handicrafts, poultry farming, and small scale shop/business and very few for emergencies like to pay school fee of children and educational support. The Cooperative has organized fifth general Assembly meeting was successfully held. Similarly board’s meeting and sub committees meeting is regularly -17- conducting and one day basic co-operative awareness training has been conducted for new committee members' as well new members also. Cooperative has own newly established office room with cash counter where regularly record keeping is updated on software system as well the members/customer also can cash deposit and withdrawal too. This cooperative has monthly quarterly, annually progress report as well audit reports are regularly submitted to the division cooperative office, Kaski. All in all the program is very remarkable for them who are really marginalized group .They are getting opportunity of banking access for them and the saving behavior is improving. As a result they are reducing their expenditure for the saving. 7.1 Objectives To improve socio-economic living standard of slum areas' women. To improve the saving behavior and create income generating opportunities. To create income generating opportunities to the slum areas women 7.2 Challenges: Long term sustainability Managerial(office management & staffs) Slum Area Community Base Limit Working Area 7.3 Output: From 17 July 2014 to 31 December 2014 (During 6 Months) Increase in 16 Share holder members. Share Capital Amount has been increased to Rs. 5,52,600.00 Saving Amount has been increases to Rs. 23,86,410.55 Loan investment amount has increased to Rs. 19,41,836.00 Collected Saving amount balance is Rs. 80,21,602.08 (Total Collected Savings Amount - Total Withdrawal amount) as well Invested Loan amount balance is Rs. 1,07,98,224 (Total Loan investment amount - Total Loan Recovery / collection amount ) Till date total transactions amount is Rs. 1, 38, 25,855.70 (Rs. One Core Thirty Eight Lakhs Twenty Five Thousands Eight Hundred and Fifty five/Seventy Paisa) -18- 8. Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordination and Monitoring plays the vital role for getting the best result. Due to this reason the organization has been coordination with related origination, NGO, CBO, DEO, and local government. Beside that local government, NGO federation is frequently monitored to program. Similarly VISPE representatives were visited the organization during this reporting period. In addition to that they visited the ECD centers, and they expressed their view, and provide some feedback for betterment of program. 9. DPAC Meeting: The organization was organized the one day DPAC meeting District in Development Commit building .It was held on day and date 14th December 2014, Where, CDO, Mr. Krishna Badhaur Raut LDO Mr. Taranath Adhakari DEO representative Mr. Damodar Gautama. Executive director of Pokhara municipality Mr. Mahesh Baral Officer of DPHO, Women and child officer Mrs. laxmi G.C Child right officer Bharat Raj Baral, chairman of NGO federation Kaski Mr. Gopal Khadka Journalist Mr. Ram Krishna Ghawali, Mr. Arjun Neupane planning and Monitoring officer of DDC Kaski, GONESA chairman, general secretary and others were actively participated. The sharing meeting was chaired by Local development officer Mr. Taranatha Adhakari. During this meeting program coordinator of GONESA described the progress, lesson learn challenge for implementation. After then the participant asked many queries about the program. The general secretary of GONESA replayed according to their question. All in all the joint meeting was very remarkable. 10. CPAC Meeting A meeting of CPAC was organized at SWC Kathmandu on 13th March 2014. The meeting was chaired by the member secretary of SWC. Er. Rabindra Sharma and -19- representative of Women Child and Social welfare, Ministry Of Health and Population, MOE, MOFLD, National Planning Commission, were present in the meeting Ram Prasad Subedi in behalf of VISPE presented the annual report. He was clarified on the issues raised by the representative of Ministry. Major Dil Bahadur Gurung President of GONESA Nepal also present in the meeting. The members also raised issue of sustainability of the activity and suggested to tie up the program in line with government. The CPAC meeting has approved the progress report of the last year. They also provided feedback and suggestion. Meantime, the members appreciated the implementing organization as well as funding organization. Feedback and suggestion from different members were provided and followed thereafter. In the meantime, the members of the meeting thanked to VISPE for the great contribution to Nepalese children. 10.1 Annual recreation Like previous year the GONESA is organized annual picnic program among whole staffs, executive members and general members. It was held on day and date 2014 March in Karki Danada. The picnic was very fruitful for all because it was play the vital role for rapport building. In addition to that the environments created more entertainment as well as exposure. Where 122 people were participated -20- 10.2 Capacity Development GONESA always has given emphasis on capacity development of staff. During this reporting period the staffs have participated different training, which is given below S.N Participant Name Ram Prasad 1. Training / workshop LEDARS Training Organizer European Union Subedi 2. 3. Date December 4 to Venue ITALY 26 2013 Jaget ,, Lamichhana ,, Preedap Subedi ,, ,, 4. Kamala Rimal Social Audit NGO federation NEST building 5. Kamal Pun Girls Power CIVIEN/Nepal July 2014 Dhampus GONESA December 24 to Dhampus workshop 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.3 54 Teachers & Refreshment Assistant Training Shanti Tiwari, Montessori Pokhara Training Montessori Sakuntala Montessori Pokhara Gurung , Training Montessori Imkumari Montessori Pokhara Gurung Training Montessori 26 2014 March 2014 Pokhara Montessori March 2014 Pokhara Montessori March 2014 Pokhara Montessori Major lesson learnt Co-ordination is important with governmental and non-governmental agency. Local people contribution is main key of ownership. Identification and relation with stakeholders add synergy There is a strong sense of ownership among the local people. There is a great scope for development in community. 10.4 Challenges Drop out and irregular some children in class. Lack of awareness in the community. Less ownership and responsibility of community. Migration of parents is another problem to continue study of children. High expectation of community Economic crisis in Italy and donation is decreasing. -21- Annex 1 Number of Children in the different center 2014 S.N Name of ECD center Janajati Dalit Others Total Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl Grand Total 1 Bindabasini 2 2 1 4 2 6 5 12 17 2 Chorepatan-A 5 1 3 8 0 1 8 10 18 3 Chorepatan-B 0 2 8 4 2 2 10 8 18 4 Chorsangu-A 5 1 3 9 1 3 9 13 22 5 Chorsangu-B 5 1 9 2 1 2 15 5 20 6 Gasti(kasseri) 2 5 0 0 0 1 2 6 8 7 Ghosti 1 6 5 3 0 2 6 11 17 8 Gonesa 2 4 3 1 5 6 10 11 21 9 Hanumantole 6 1 6 2 2 2 14 5 19 10 Hemja 2 1 9 3 1 5 12 9 21 11 Khalte 7 5 2 3 2 3 11 11 22 12 Kotre 9 6 2 1 2 1 13 8 21 13 Kranti Tole 2 4 3 1 3 1 8 6 14 14 Lamapata 1 4 5 4 4 6 10 14 24 15 Mahatgaunda 5 5 3 1 2 1 10 7 17 16 Masina Bagar 12 6 1 1 0 1 13 8 21 17 Miyapatan 1 0 3 6 6 7 10 13 23 18 Nagintole 7 6 3 1 4 2 14 9 23 19 Namunatole 6 7 2 0 8 2 16 9 25 20 Paropakar Tole 7 2 2 6 3 2 12 10 22 21 Pragati Tole 5 1 0 7 0 2 5 10 15 22 Ratopaiara 2 5 3 3 9 5 14 13 27 23 Saintahara 1 4 6 5 0 0 7 9 16 24 Sarangkot-A 3 7 0 0 1 2 4 9 13 25 Sarangkot-B 2 3 2 1 1 1 5 5 10 26 Tutunga 3 4 3 6 3 2 9 12 21 27 Yamdi 4 5 2 2 5 3 11 10 21 98 89 84 67 71 Total 107 -22- 263 253 516 Annex 2 Number of Children in the different center 2014 Health Case Service Accompanied to Children visited Treated in Himalayan Admitted in in dispensary dispensary Eye Hospital Manipal January 159 127 32 2 February 182 135 47 2 March 209 142 67 April 214 158 May 323 June Month Manipal Teaching NRH Janajati Dalit Others 1 42 51 23 2 10 74 57 51 ER-1 0 0 7 79 63 67 GHC-1 56 1 0 5 86 59 87 255 68 0 0 2 129 106 103 GHC-1 245 159 86 1 0 7 78 82 85 TILG-1 July 201 126 75 2 0 4 74 63 64 ER-1 August 173 107 66 0 0 6 53 65 49 September 186 116 70 0 0 2 72 64 60 October 125 99 26 0 0 1 37 48 40 November 670 588 82 3 0 12 264 220 186 December 176 113 63 2 1 7 62 61 53 Total 2863 2125 738 11 5 64 1032 939 892 Hospital -23- Remarks Hemja -1 NOTE:1. The total number of patient visited in dispensary since the beginning of the project:-20920+ 12411 +2863 = 36194 2. The total number of patient to visited in Manipal Teaching Hospital:- 6839+ 4322 +738 = 11899 3. Total number of patient visited in Himalayan Eye Hospital:- 4. 310+29+5 = 344The total number of patient admitted in Manipal Teaching Hospital:-864+307 + 64 = 1235 5. The total number of tuberculosis cases :- 34+1 =35 6. The total number of Nutrition Rehabitation Home (NRH) :- 24+8+11 = 43 Important Cases of This Year 7. Samir Magar- Gasti- Diagnosis- Severe malnutrition with Brain tumor- Expired on 20th Feb014. 8. Rajani B.K.- Hanumantole- Diagnosis- PDA (Patient Ductus Arterious)- Heart surgery done at Sheed Gangalal Heart centre Kathmandu on 8th May014. 9. Purna Bahadur Tamang- Saintahara (s.07)- Diagnosis- closed type of # proximal nails femor.- surgery done on 2ns February014. 10. Priya Gurung- khalte- Diagnosis- PDA- Surgery done at Gangalal on 18th April 014. 11. Manisha Sunar- Yamdi- Diagnosis- Constriction band syndrome of finger. 12. Rajan B.K. -Chhorepatan (s.05)- Diagnosis -N.S. Needs Renal Biopsy- TUTH.no ndde to Renal biopsy now. 13. Nilam Pariyar- Tutunga- Diagnosis - Right eye phthisis bulbi - Surgery done. 14. Nir Maya Gurung- Treasury of GONESA- Diagnosis- GN with Nephritic Range protein urea (? IGAN)- Kidney Biopsy done on 2nd July014. 15. Sajan Sunar- Chhorepatan A- Diagnosis- Nephritic Syndrome16. Biraj Bhandari- Lekhnath (out of centre- Diagnosis -Ortho Dontic Treatment. 17. Binita Ranabhat -Khalte (s.04)-Diagnosis -Ortho Dontic Treatment. 18. Sajina Sharma- GONESA T.C.- Diagnosis- VPCS. 19. Nisha Pun- Gasti (s.0) -Diagnosis - Right Breast Suggestive of fibro adenoma. 20. Saugat Paudel- syangja (out of Centre) - Diagnosis- Seizure disorder. -24- 21. Sabita Nepali- Pragatitole (s.09)- Diagnosis-Acute Appendicitis ( operated) on 16th Aug014. 22. Shiva Kumari Kunwar- Lampata (T)- Diagnosis- Delivery cases operated on 1st June 014. 23. Amrit Poudel- Shyangja(Out of Centre)- Diagnosis- Left Ectopic kidney with moderate hydroureternephrotsis- 24. Bijan Thapa Magar-Masina Bagar- B/L Congenital Hydrocele 25. Sujit B.K.- Hemja -Diagnosis- Lipoma in Lumbasacral Region underwent excision on Biopsy. 26. Subi Shrestha- Sarangkot A - Diagnosis- Lymphangioma over medial aspect of left thigh 27. Pragyan Waiba-Paropkartole- Diagnosis- Right Eye congenital cataract with Right eye Esotropia 28. Arik Gurung- Khalte- Diagnosis- Congenital hydrocele (underwent Herniotomy). Manipal Teaching Hospitals Cases and to check also different Departs:Months Pead Dental Eye Skin ENT Surgery Ortho OBG January 10 3 2 3 0 3 3 1 2 1 February 23 6 2 3 5 5 3 0 7 0 HEH-1 March 33 8 2 8 8 3 5 0 6 0 GHC-1 April 25 4 5 3 12 1 2 2 3 0 May 26 7 5 5 0 4 5 2 13 0 TUTH-1,GHC-1 June 24 4 3 7 6 10 12 3 6 2 T IL G-1 July 20 6 11 10 4 2 7 2 5 1 August 22 4 2 8 2 14 4 1 8 1 September 16 11 6 5 3 6 9 2 11 3 October 9 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 10 1 November 22 3 3 5 5 19 7 1 10 1 December 15 1 6 2 6 17 3 2 15 0 Total 245 58 48 63 52 85 65 19 96 10 -25- Med Psy Remarks Hemja-1, Important cases for beginning of the project and this year Som Maya Gurung- Khalte- Diagnosis- Bronco Pneumonia with VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect). Apsara G.C- Bindabasani (s.012)- Diagnosis- Neurocystic ercestic) . Arjun Nepali - chorsangu A - Diagnosis- Closed Fracture proximal shaft of humerus. Sajinaa Sharma- Gonesa (s.c.- Diagosis- VPC( Ventricular Bignning) Man Bahadur B.K.- Paropkartole( s.05) - Diagnosis- Partially Treated Bacterial Meningitis. Pratush Gurung- Mahatgauda- Diagnosis- Phimosis. Devi Rai- Ghosti(Teacher)- Diagnosis- Snake bite. Bibek B.K- Ghosti - Diagnosis- Left scapula Abscess operated. Shankar Pariyar- Paropkartole- Diagnosis- Divergen alternate squint. Bhavishek Pariyar- Chorsangu A( S.011) - Complex Tics Disorder. Nirmal Giri- Pragatitole (s.011)- Diagnosis- Absence seizure with mild mental Retardation. Arjun Sunar- Yamdi (out of centre)- Diagnosis- Left ear tymponoplasty postMRM, Type 3rd. Kismat Magar- Gasti (s.06)- Diagnosis- ? Left eye upper lipoma orbital Region. Vesh Bahadur Tharu- Nagintole - Diagnosis- Ulcer with Down syndrome. Gej Raj Karki- Gonesa- Diagnosis- Acute oestomylitis left femur. Sujan Pariyar- Chorsangua A ( S.011)- Diagnosis- chronic osteomyelitis involuntary left radious sequestration site. Kismat Khadka- Ghosti- Right sub mendibular spale infection. Priyanka B.K. - Sarangkot A- Diagnosis- Right sided lober consolidation with exudative effusion (Tubercular) under ATT. Sujal Gurung- Khalte (s.011) - Diagnosis- Nephritic Syndrome. Tom Bahadur Gurung- Yamdi- Diagnosis- FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomelar Sclerosis). Samuel Gurung –Tutunga –(T-Child) –Diagnosis –Hydrocephalus. Nikita B.K. –Ghosti (s.011) –Diagnosis – VSD (Ventricular Septal Disease). -26- Bimala Tamang –Saintahara-Diagnosis –Cerebral Palsy). Sujan Nepali- Chhorepatan (s010- Diagnosis- VSD. Nirmal Nepali - Krantitole - Diagnosis- VSD. Tek Bahadur Magar- Khalte(s013)- Diagnosis- VSD Important Cases Who had gone in this year outside the Pokhara Valley: Nilam Pariyar - Tutunga- Diagnosis- Right corneoscleral perforation (Repaired), Right Retinal Disorder unspecified - gone to Til Ganga EYE Hospital. Priya Gurung- Khalte- Diagnosis- PDA(Patient Ductus Arterious) Rajina B.K.- Hanumantole- Diagnosis- ( Patient Ductus Arterious) Infected Cases:Infected Cases Male Female Total Remark HIV-AIDS( Elisa) 2 4 6 Two cases are referring in Maiti Nepal Tuberculosis 16 15 31 Treated Hepatitis B+ 1 0 1 Treated Total 19 19 38 Total Number of School admitted Children, Staff and Their Children Registered and treated in dispensary since the beginning of the project and till now. Year School Male Female Admitted Staff and Total their Children Children 2003 0 0 0 175 175 2004 60 35 25 200 260 2005 90 40 50 230 320 2006 200 110 90 300 500 2007 410 200 210 400 810 2008 463 250 213 393 856 2009 613 300 313 884 1497 -27- Remarks 2010 487 287 200 349 836 2011 472 200 272 247 719 2012 691 341 350 427 1118 2013 702 332 370 372 1074 2014 618 308 310 304 922 Total 4806 2403 2403 4281 9087 Annex -3: Total Number of School Supporting Children in -2014 S.N Class Male Female Total 1 One 35 43 78 2 Two 23 23 46 3 Three 21 36 57 4 Four 16 28 44 5 Five 20 27 47 6 Six 29 29 58 7 Seven 31 23 54 8 Eight 24 27 51 9 Nine 13 18 31 10 Ten 12 23 35 11 SLC 3 3 6 12 10+2 2 3 5 Total 229 282 512 -28- Annex 4 : Asal Chhimeki Saving and Credit Co-operative Society ltd. S.N. Account Name 0 Share Holders 1 Till FY 2069/070 (up Till FY 2070/071 to 15 July 2013) (up to 16 July 2014) Differentiation Deficit or Surplus 234 297 63 Share Capital 28,42,500.00 43,01,400.00 14,58,900.00 Surplus 2 Cash Balance 39,207.12 58,868.96 19,661.84 Surplus 3 Saving Balance 33,78,226.91 56,35,191.53 22,56,964.62 Surplus 4 Bank Balance 19,75,499.23 11,95,062.64 (7,80,436.59) Deficit 42,53,306.00 88,56,388.00 46,03,082.00 Surplus Loan Investment 5 Balance Increase From 17 July 2014 to 31 December 2014 (Progress) S.N. Account Name 0 No of Share Holders 1 Till FY 2070/071 (up Up to 31 to 16 July 2014) Dec 2014 Deficit or Differentiation Surplus 297 313 16 Increase Amount of Share Capital 43,01,400.00 48,54,000 5,52,600.00 Surplus 2 Saving Balance 56,35,191.53 80,21,602.08 23,86,410.55 Surplus 3 Bank Balance 11,95,062.64 21,81,977.45 9,86,914.81 Surplus 4 Loan Investment Balance 88,56,388.00 1,07,98,224 19,41,836.00 Surplus Year Wise and Monthly Loan and Savings Details Loan S.N. Particulars/Month Disbursement Savings Recovery Collection Withdrawal 1 FY 067/068 0.00 0.00 20239.00 0.00 2 FY 068/069 243750.00 0.00 63565.00 0.00 3 FY 2069/070 6750000.00 2740444.00 7801575.49 45,06,278.06 4 FY 2070/071 13010000.00 8406918.00 9446859.49 71,90,769.39 5 FY 2071/072(from 17 67,16,000.00 47,74,164.00 63,35,436.51 39,49,025.96 2,67,19,750.00 1,59,21,526.00 2,36,67,675.49 1,56,46,073.41 July 2014 to 31 Dec 2014) Total -29- ACRONYMS ECD : Early Childhood Development Centre SEP : School Education Program VDC : Village Development Committee DEO : District Education Office VISPE : Volontari Italiani Solidaries Paesi Emergenti DPAC : District Project Advisory Committee CPAC : Central Project Advisory Committee NGN : Naulo Ghumti Nepal CWIN : Children with in Nepal DEO : District Education Office DHO : District Health Office UNICEF : Unites Nations' Children Fond -30- Table of contents Executive Summary 1 1. Introduction 2 2. Target Group 3 3. Program Implementing Areas 3 3.1 Background of the Project 4 3.2 Project Objectives 4 3.3. Target Group 5 4. 5. 6. 7. Early Childhood Development Program 5 4.1 Monthly Review Meeting of ECD Staffs 6 4.2 Renovation of the Centre 6 4.3 Training for Facilitators 7 4.4 New children enrollment in the ECDs 9 4.5 Meeting of ECDs management committee 9 4.6 Day Meal for Children 10 Health Care Support Program 10 5.1 Dispensary Service / Regular Check Up 10 5.2 Referrals 11 5.3 Admitted in Hospital 12 5.4 General Health Check Up for children 12 5.5 Major achievements of the program 13 Children at school program (CASP) 13 6.1 Introduction 13 6.2 Objectives of the program 14 6.3 Target Groups 14 6.4 Identification/ Selection 14 6.5 School admission and enrollment campaign 15 6.6 Distribution of education materials and uniforms 15 6.7 Outcomes of the program 16 Asal Chhimeki Saving and Credit Society Ltd. progress -31- 17 7.1 Objectives 18 7.2 Challenges 18 7.3 Output: From 17 July 2014 to 31 December 2014 18 (During 6 Months) 8. Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation 19 9. DPAC Meeting 19 10. CPAC Meeting 19 10.1 Annual recreation 20 10.2 Capacity Development 21 10.3 Major lesson learnt 21 10.4 Challenges 21 Annexes Acronyms -32-