Mercury Remote Robot


Energy Efficiency – ELEC 518 Spring 2011

Into the Wild: Studying Real User

Activity Patterns to Guide Power

Optimizations for Mobile Architectures

Alex Shye, Benjamin Scholbrock, and Gokhan Memik

Northwestern University Electrical Engineering and Computer

Science Department

Jash Guo, Myuran Kanga

Rice University

Houston, TX

Mar 17, 2011


• Background

• The Paper

– Introduction

– Experiment

– Findings

– Evaluation

– Conclusions

• Related Works/Topics

Page 2


Page 3


• Venue

– Proceedings of the 42nd Annual IEEE/ACM

International Symposium on Microarchitecture

– MICRO 2009: December 12-16, 2009

– 52 out of 209 submissions


Gokhan Memik

Associate Professor

EECS, Northwestern

Alex Shye

PhD Student 2010’

EECS, Northwestern

Ben Scholbrock

PhD Student

EECS, Northwestern

Page 4



Increased need for mobile computing

Batch jobs/Long running services disabled – iPhone

End-user activity (Workload)

Android G1 logger – User power consumption

CPU frequency scaling/Screen Brightness

Page 5


• Architecture – HTC Dream

• Power Estimation Model –

Using real measurements

• Logger application

• Deployment

• Useful data

High-level overview of the target mobile architecture

Page 6

Page 7

Power Model/Building Estimation

• Power states: Active/Idle

• Choosing parameters

• Estimation model build

• Real-time Measurements

• R-tool – Linear Regression Model

Parameters used for linear regression in power estimation model

Page 8

Model Validation

• Additional logs recorded

• Strict hardware

• Scenario

• Accurate power estimation –

Median 6.6%

Cumulative distribution of power estimation error

Cumulative total energy error

Per Component Power

• Measured and predicted power consumption

• Surfing the internet and streaming media for 160sec

• Actual usage varies by workload

• Similar breakdown for all components (next slide image)

Page 9

Power Consumption Timeline

Power Breakdown

• Idle time a significant issue

• Varying solutions based on workload

• Summary

• Accurate total system power estimation

• Power breakdown – Highly dependent on workload

Page 10

User power breakdown

User power breakdown excluding idle time

Page 11

Idle Time

“Energy Efficiency of Handheld Computer Interfaces: Limits,

Characterization and Practice,” Lin Zhong and Niraj K. Jha

Department of Electrical Engineering - Princeton University

•Human sensory limits

•Speech recognition rates vs. typing

•Interface cache

•User acceptance

Interface cache wrist-watch device

Page 12


• The end user is the workload

• Variation in the power break-down between users

• The CPU and the screen are the two most power-consuming components


Page 13

Characterizing Real User Workloads

• The workload of a mobile architecture has a large effect on its power consumption

• The hardware components that dominate power consumption vary drsticaly depending upn the workload

• The user determines the workload for a mobile architecture


Page 14

Power Breakdown Including Idle Time


Page 15

Power Breakdown Excluding Idle Time


Page 16

The Paper Focus on Active State

• Idle State (about 68 mW)

• Active State (up to 2000 mW)

• Active state contributes highly to the user experience

• Active state accounts for 50.7% of the total system power


Page 17

Screen Usage of Real Users

• Screen Interval: a continuous block of time where the screen is on

• Duration: the length of time corresponding to the interval

• 70% of total screen duration > 100s

• The total duration time is dominated by a relatively small percentage of long screen intervals


Page 18

User-Aware Optimizations

• A few long screeen intervals dominate the overall screen duration time

• The power consumption during Active time is dominated by the screen and the CPU

• Change Blindness: the inability for humans to detect gradual/large changes in their surrounding environment


Change Blindness

Page 19



• Develop an accurate estimation model

Page 20

• Slowly decrease CPU frequency

• Slowly decrease screen brightness


CPU Optimization

• Dynamic frequency scaling (DFS) algorithm

• ondemand DFS governor

Page 21


Page 22

Screen Optimization

• Decrease the brightness by 7 units every 3 seconds until 60% threthold

• Affect only long screen inervals

• Maintain user perception


Page 23

Experimental Results

• Screen Ramp

• CPU Ramp

• Screen Drop

• CPU Drop

• Emulate the optimizations on the user logs

• Conduct a user study



• Power savings

• User satisfaction

• Evaluation with blind use of optimizations

• Single run evaluations

Page 24

Total system power savings for each of the optimizations as estimated by our power model

User Satisfaction

Page 25

Reported user satisfaction

Feedback and Solution Acceptance

• User disclosure – Screen/CPU significance

• Feedback based on input response

• CPU frequency change – Jitter

• Change blindness beneficial

• Optimization On/Off tool?

• User pattern essential to proper power consumption reduction

Page 26

Glitchy Screen sizes/l/in/set-72157626237465468/

Page 27


• Mobile architectures – natural environment

• Logger application to collect logs

• Develop power estimation model

• Findings show CPU and screen dominate usage

• Optimizations based on user behavior

• Change blindness utilized for 10% total savings


Page 28


• Pros

– Estimation Model

– The Logger

– Real Users

– Real Patterns

– Usage interval awareness

– Change Blindness

• Cons

– Linear?

– Logger Overhead

– Sample Size

• Single model

• 20 users

• 145/250 days

– Device/User Gap

– Major focus on CPU

– Future Trends

• More WiFi, EDGE


Related Paper

• Power to the People: Leveraging Human

Physiological Traits to Control

Microprocessor Frequency (2008)

Page 29

Power saving by better understand the individual user satisfaction


Related Paper

• Energy Efficiency of Handheld Computer

Interfaces: Limits, Characterization and


Page 30

Utilize interface cache for small tasks

Typical text entry speeds


Related Paper

• Energy-aware adaptation for mobile applications (1999)

Tradeoff between energy conservation and application quality

Page 31


Related Paper

• Human Generated Power for Mobile

Electronics (2004)

Alternatives to batteries: additional power sources

Page 32

Human power generation


Page 33

Human Factors in Power Savings

• Source

– Better batteries

– Additional power sources

• Hardware

• Software

• Monitoring

• Alarming

• Perception

– User satisfaction

Human power generation – Proof of concept

– Quality vs. performance sacrifice

