CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT INTRODUCTION In the last chapter we saw why a storage system is required in a computer. We also saw the need to have several levels of storage. In this chapter we will describe the Central Pricessing Unit (CPU) which is the “brain” of the computer, how it works and how it cooperates with other units of a computer. THE STRUCTURE OF A CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT A block diagram of acomputer is given The main purpose of a cpu is to retrieve instuctions from memory , interpret them and carry out the operations soesified in the instructions SPECIFICATION OF CPU The variety of instuctions it is designed to interpret and execute. INTERCONNECTION OF CPU WITH MEMORY AND I/O UNIT We saw that instruction to be executed by a CPU are retrieved from the main memory interpreted by it and executed. EMBEDDED PROCESSORS So far we have discussed whst are known as genaral purpose processors. Genarl purpose processors are used in PCs and other computers utilized in day-to-day data processing jobs such as calculation of payrolls, word processing , bus reservation, etc. MICROCONTROLLERS Microcontrollers are programmed to cycle through a set of states based on the occurrence of some events