
“Comfort Doctrines”
A teaching which is
designed to give comfort
and remove the fear of
consequences to one who
refuses to repent of some
sinful activity.
Comfort Doctrines (8)
“The Bible doesn’t say that” (2)
(watering down God’s word)
Changing the Word of God
• Integrity of the Bible questioned
Denying inspiration
Scripture has been corrupted
Gallup poll, May 2011,
Only 30% Believe Bible is literal
word of God,
49% - inspired but not literal
“Watering down” the Word of God
• The authority of the Bible is
questioned: Outdated ,
Changing methods of establishing
Reliance on silence & emotions
• Taking verses out of context or
redefining terms – always in their
The Bible IS accurate & relevant
It is inspired
It is without error
It is relevant
The integrity of the text has been
verified and is very accurate
• How do we establish authority?
• What about silence?
• Are emotions a valid appeal in
determining what we do?
Bible Authority
• What is authority?
• “The right to command or direct
and enforce obedience or
administer punishment”
Roy E Cogdill, Walking by Faith
• Permission
Bible Authority
• Do we truly respect God’s word?
• God has given us a pattern
2 Tim. 1:13,
cf. Heb. 8:5, Phil. 3:17
• Respecting His pattern is the
only SAFE way to ensure God is
How to Establish Bible Authority
• Direct command – a specific
statement that either instructs
us to do something or
prohibits us from doing
How to Establish Bible Authority
• Direct command
• Examples - Ex. 20:1-17 –
the 10 commandments
Mark 16:15-16, Col. 3:1213, 16, 9
Lists – Gal. 5:19, 1 Cor.
6:9-11, 2 Pet. 1:5-7
How to Establish Bible Authority
• Approved example –
examples that demonstrate
God approved specific
conduct. Usually deals with
HOW something is done.
How to Establish Bible Authority
• Approved example
• Commanded to follow
examples - John 13:15,
Phil. 3:17, Heb. 4:11, Jas.
• Acts 20:7 – when L.S.
1 Cor. 16:1-2 – when giving
How to Establish Bible Authority
• Necessary inference – reaching
an unavoidable conclusion when
all facts are considered.
“That which, though neither
expressly stated nor specifically
exemplified, yet is necessarily
implied by the clear import and
meaning of the language used.”
Roy E Cogdill, Walking by Faith
How to Establish Bible Authority
• Necessary inference
• Gen. 4:4-5
John 3:2, Matt. 19:3-6
Heb. 7:12
• Acts 20:7 – how often we
How to Establish Bible Authority
• These rules are applied to
every aspect of life – our jobs,
our families, the law, etc.
Does silence establish authority?
• People often say, “Well, the
Bible doesn’t say we can’t do
it that way”
• Silence is NEVER a safe way
to establish authority. It is
guessing and hoping.
Does silence establish authority?
• We understand this in society,
why not in religion?
Does silence establish authority?
• Silence has never been
acceptable before God!
• Lev 10:1 – Nadab & Abihu
• Heb. 7:14 – Judah as priests?
• Acts 15:24 - to whom we gave
no such commandment
Does silence establish authority?
• Respecting God’s boundaries
• 1 Cor. 4:6 – “Not to think
beyond what is written.”
• 2 John 9 – transgresses
• Rev. 22:18,19; Deut. 4:12, 12:32, etc.
Do emotions establish authority?
• “I don’t think God would
condemn me for doing it this
“I feel that this is right”
• Is this a safe way to obey
Do emotions establish authority?
• Emotional appeals to establish
authority are ALWAYS
• “Emotions tell us how we feel
– not whether we are right or
Do emotions establish authority?
• The challenge:
• Many things done in society
today are based upon
emotional appeals
• Emotions ARE a part of our
faith – lifeless worship and
service not acceptable to God.
Do emotions establish authority?
• Emotions can be deceitful?
• Are our emotions based upon
what we learn or are we using
our emotions to determine
what we want to do and learn?
Do emotions establish authority?
• Emotions can be deceitful?
• Acts 8:9 – Simon deceived the
• False teachers – 2 Pet. 2:3,
Matt. 24:5
• 2 Tim. 3:6 – “gullible women”
• Acts 26:9 – “I thought…”
Do emotions establish authority?
• Emotional reactions do not
change the truth:
• Num. 20:1-12 Moses sins at
• Matt. 27:15-18, Ac. 13:4445 – Envy of Jewish leaders
• Don’t gamble your eternity on
“I think”
Do emotions establish authority?
• Let us ensure that all we do is
based upon truth with a pure
heart and unhypocritical love.
• John 8:32
John 17:17
Let us NEVER seek to
excuse sinful conduct, no
matter how small or great,
in our lives.
Make your salvation sure!