Power Point

Project By:
Andrea King
Ashley Dawson
David McBride
John Morey
Kenny Smith
Situation Analysis
As of now Kashi is positioned for adults who eat
healthy food that have a lot of fiber in the
ingredients and for adults who exercise
Little advertising towards kids
With childhood obesity we felt that presenting a
healthy cereal for kids would decrease obesity
Kashi is owned by Kellogg’s
Main goal is to expand target market to kids AND
Target Market Analysis
25 years old and older
Those beginning to eat
healthier and are
Adults who earn above
average salary
Those mindful of having a
healthy heart
Our Target Market
Targeting kids as well as
their parents
Kids who want to eat
better to due child obesity
Parents who want their
kids to eat healthy without
the child realizing it
Kids that play sports and
that buy breakfast and
lunch at school
Using psychographic,
demographic and benefit
Positioning Strategy
We position Kashi as a healthy alternative to
other kid cereal competitors.
Preventing childhood obesity
- more vitamins
- less sugar
- Protein and fiber but still tastes good
- less fat
Message Strategy
In grocery stores we will have end of isle displays and
samples stand so that parents can test our cereal.
Print advertisements will be placed in a variety of magazines
targeting both kids and parents audiences.
– Kids advertisements will include “Kashi Dude” mascot in order
to give the brand a personality by showing kids a character they
can identify the brand with. placed in magazines such as
National Geographic’s for kids, Boys and Girls life, and
– Advertisements targeted at parents will run in magazines such
as Parents, Working Mother, and Newsweek. Featuring slice of
life images to help situate the brand in parents minds.
Televisions commercials will appear during specific times to
target both adults and children.
– Kids commercials will feature “Kashi Dude”.
– Commercials for parents will run during primetime from 6 P.M.
to 10 P.M. shown on major network stations
IMC Objectives
Promote the brand as:
– Fun to kids
– Healthy for kids to parents
• Use media to communicate our message
to the public in order to drive sales
• Utilize Kashi Dude as mascot along
with slogan “Kashi for kids”
IMC Budget
Current Advertising budget- $33,707
Current competitors budget- 34,541
Kashi makes up about 6% of Kellogg's
Goal- to increase advertising budget by
15% to $38,763 million
Plan to advertise through television networks, magazines, the
internet and campaigns.
- Soccer Tournament Campaign “Kicks For Kashi”
- Lunch/Breakfast-line Campaign “Eat your way to a Healthy Day”
Incorporate Sweepstakes from the website
Use celebrities
- Hannah Montana
- Zac Efron
Mascot “Kashi Dude” ------
TV Commercial
Kashi Commercial
Thanks to:
Annabel Drucker – Camera/Editor
Kathy O’Connor- Susie
Nicole Yavulla- Mom
Kenny Smith- Kashi Dude!
Media Strategy
Television slots
- before school hours (between 6:30 am and 8:30)
- after school hours for kids
- after work hours for parents
Run every third commercial break (30seconds)
- ABC & ABC family
- Disney Channel
- Cartoon Network
Sales Promotion
Give out coupons to customers via the Sunday
Coupons – ValPak and coupon magazines
Put promotions on the boxes
– Example: Send in 5 proofs of purchase from any Kashi
brand cereal and receive a free soccer ball
Promote giving a certain amount of money to
– Example: For every Kashi product sold 5 cents will be
donated to charity
Public Relations
The objective of Kashi’s public relations plan is to promote
Kashi cereal as a healthy breakfast alternative for kids. We
want to inform both Parents and Kids of the health benefits
of Kashi
Our Public relations plan will consist of the following:
– Sponsoring soccer tournaments called “Kicks for Kashi”
– Company Newsletter
– Press releases informing the public about “Kicks for
Kashi” located on Kashi’s website.
– New releases located in a variety of magazines
Personal Selling
Set up free sample stands around grocery
Have the Kashi dude attend sporting
events and hand out free samples to the
children promoting the “new” Kashi
Try and get consumers to do a blind taste
test to put Kashi up against the leading
Internet Advertising &
Direct Marketing
– Multiple Kashi Websites
Website for Parents
– Nutritional facts
– Recipes
– Ask Questions
Website for Kids
– Fun Facts
– Interactive Games
– Online Coupons
Direct Marketing:
Television Commercial
Two different commercials directed
at both Parents and Children.
Commercials will be aired on very
specific channels depending on
– Nickelodeon, Disney, Cartoon Network– For
– ABC, NBC, CBS – For Parents
Commercials will also be aired at
very specific times during the day.
– Before School
– Directly After School
– Prime time
Direct Marketing:
Use specific magazines, and specific
ads to reach selected target market.
– Sports Illustrated for Kids, Boys Life,
Girls Life, Highlights – For Kids
Will use “Kashi Dude”, bright colors, fun
– Time, News Week, Working Mother –
For Parents
Will use Nutritional Facts, and explain the
benefits of eating healthy.
Goal- to promote Kashi cereal as a
healthy and fun cereal for kids
Through sponsorship of tournaments,
various advertisements, and other
promotions we will be able to
effectively target kids and parents to
consume Kashi cereal.