IEPEC Planning Committee Meeting Notes 1.12.2015 – 1.14.2015, Long Beach, CA Attended: Cara Lee/Sam Braithwaite, Sharyn Barata, Ingo Bensch, Carmen Best, Jenna Canseco, Phil Degens, Scott Dimetrosky, Anne Dougherty, Carla Frisch, Lauren Gage, Rob Kasman, Pierre Landry, Maureen McNamara, Monica Nevius, Jane Peters, Ralph Prahl, Bill Saxonis, Bobbi Tannenbaum, Elizabeth Titus, Ed Vine, Carol White, Bob Wirtshafter Action Items (see notes from Board meeting summary way below for context): Let Sam know if you know of any organizations who wants to take on a masters degree student PC members be on the alert for good papers from 2015 conference to include in IEPEC webinars Let Sam and Jenn Meissner know if you want to be a student mentor during 2015 IEPEC conference Pierre to send description of Board and PC member duties/guidelines to PC members PC members requested to actively reach out/recruit conference attendees PC members to inform Jane if interested in being considered for to fill a Board vacancy IEPEC Board will convene in first quarter via teleconference. Also, Board plans to revisit the Strategic Plan annually. PC Committee members should plan to arrive at conference in August in time for Networking event Monday night and to stay through Thursday afternoon PC meeting (after end of IEPEC conference). Tell Jane if you are interested in facilitating future PC planning meetings Summary of PC Meeting Activities, Decisions, Discussions Possible improvements suggested for future conferences (based on 2013 conference evaluation report by Phil Degens) and other associated brainstorming/group discussion. Put evaluation on the conference app, if we have a conference app Shorten presentations to 15 minutes, add moderator training, increasing Q&A time Can IEPEC facilitate follow up after the quick takes? Improve presentation quality – multiple suggestions including: free night before speaker, coaching/practice; Moderator to initiate practice session in advance (skype); IEPEC to produce speaker training (fee); moderator training, moderator discretion Manipulate schedule to reduce burnout in first 2 days – longer networking, backload quick takes Suggestions to include in requests for abstracts: see Team 7 (Jenna, Anne, Monica) for their ideas Change lunch format to be similar to Berlin conference style (posters on display), smaller tables, some standing “bar” tables, buffet style Closing plenary or other strategy (e.g. raffle) to encourage attendance through end Consider Roundtables as an alternative or addition to panels Key topics that IEPEC 2015 should cover based on brainstorming/group discussion: 111(d) Big Data EE and DR Certification Nonres behavior ARRA impact Making evaluations actionable Aggregation and standardization of reporting Smart homes European conference – lessons learned “Intelligent energy” Grid side efficiency Geotargeting Market effects policy Data analytic firms in the field New regulatory frameworks in states (eg NY) Effect of EISA Review of Proposed Panels. The panel review experience identified challenges associated with need to provide judgment on panels as proposed and with need to design panels tailored to covering the important topics of the time given the important topics may not be satisfactorily covered by proposals. In this meeting the group discussed “Topics We Need to Cover” before reviewing panels to add context to the panel review. Keynote Speaker Discussion. Suggestions from group brainstorming, discussion and ranking (via voting with dots) are summarized in the following table: Top 6 Priority Ranking based on Group Input 1 5 2 3 4 Speaker Suggestion Moneyball (Jim Nussel, Peter Ozog) Carla Frisch may be able to get Ozog Gina McCarthy or Janet McCabe (EPA) or Sarah Dunham – timing is a concern UN Year of Evaluation speaker – Deborah Rugg Jerry Brown – risk associated with him Bill LeBlanc – very widely seen, very funny – Man on the Street – good wrap up and incorporate existing act into the Intro. Drawback is that he is a household name Michael Peevy, ex PUC – strong dissent on this scandal Ellen DeGeneres – EPA flip your fridge – Ellen will be hosting a contest on Earth Day. Pie in the sky. Nate Silver – NY Times predicted Obama election – statistics, data Sarah Koenig – journalist for Serial (podcast) – about investigation and figuring out truth – grew out of This American Life T&D – DOE – Cheryl LaFleur (FERC) or someone from EPRI 6 Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast/Thinking slow author – psychologist who won Nobel prize in economics Chip Heath – Stanford – author on marketing “What Sticks?” Ed White, N Grid - Role of Utility in Future (topic) Carbon-free Futures (organizations trying to reduce carbon footprint) Cass Sunsstein – author of Wise – groupthink (wife is ambassador to UN) Malcolm Gladwell – Tipping Point author – very expenseive, not a great presenter Steven Johnson – PBS series on How We Got to Now (from book): evolution of knowledge Wesley Schultz – psychologist – behavioral work Bill Nordhaus - Brent Barkett’s father inlaw – economist on climate change Christian Rudder, founder of OK Cupid, author of Dataclysm – how people perceive other people, data, concerns about ‘big data’ Data-informed successes (public health or transportation) – evaluation of other areas Larry David – Curb Your Enthusiasm Coordinator and Moderator Positions Conference Co-Chairs: Bobbi Tannenbaum and Monica Nevius Panel Coordinators: Jane Peters and Carmen Best Workshop Coordinators: Pierre Landry Posters Coordinator: Sharyn Barata Paper Session Moderators1 – see table below Moderator Assignments (as of conclusion of PC meeting – subject to confirmations after the meeting. Note “Lightning” Sessions have 2 moderators) Session Moderator PC Contact Energy Savings Baseline Rob Kasman Closing the Loop Feedback Carol White Real Time Valuation Caroline Chen Monica Baseline Session 1 Terri Cobb Lauren 1 Notes about Moderators: Decision was that there can be two moderators per firm for planning committee firms, but one per firm for other firms not represented on the planning committee. Not hard and fast – principle goal is “spreading the wealth.” Baseline Session 2 Spillover C/E Top Down Lighting NEBS Building Codes & Standards Comparison Groups Evaluation Methods Economic Impacts Commercial Data Collection Metrics New Construction Big Data Show Me the Money (Financing) The Validity of Rating Systems Industrial DR TOU Rates Low Income Behavior Enhancing Evaluationl Process Policy Program Planning Dynamic Pricing/AMI Lighting ??? Res Survey Methods Technology Specific Behavior and Data Emerging Techs & Approaches Mark Chris Frye Doug Mahone Ralph Elizabeth Jenna Charles Michaelis Isaac Elnecave Provencher Iris Sulyma Jack Marchetti Bobbi Riley Hastings David Weitz CSG Lauren Gage Jeremy Newberger Rafi Friedman Scott Albert Ed Thomas Steve Braithwaite Laura Schauer Ed Carla (assisted by Pat Wallace) Nick Hall & Hilary Forster Mark Brown Glenn Reed, EFG and Jenn Meissner Matt Nelson Ingo and Ellen Steiner Scott Pigg and David Thompson Avista Mike Li and Cassandra ? from Energy Savvy Phil Degens and Linda Dethman Jenna Sam Elizabeth Sam Sam Carla Carol Elizabeth Sam Sharyn Anne Carla Monica Anne Sam Ralph Ingo ingo Carla List of Possible Back Up Moderators and/or Peer Reviewers (from brainstorming at meeting) Pat Wallace, NEEP Ryan Firestone Rob Bordner, EMI Lori Lewis Marty Kushler, ACEEE Mary Straub, BGE Tina Jayweera Kevin Smit Monica Cohen, Nisource Jen Chiodo, Cx Consulting Phil Mosenthal, Optimal Whitney Brougher, N Grid Bruce Tonn, ORNL Anika Todd and Pete Cappers, LBNL Mary Klos, Klos Consulting 2015 Subcommittees – volunteered or confirmed at the PC meeting2 Lifetime Achievement Award Committee (Note that call for submissions takes place April 2015) Scott Ralph Elizabeth Ingo Bobbi (chair of committee in 2013) (conference chair is automatic member) Hot Topic/Catch of the Day Panel Committee Bobbi Chair and cochair of conference are automatic members of this committee) Monica Webcast Coordination Committee Sharyn Barata Sam Braithwaite Ingo Bensch Michael Li Bill Provencher Co-lead Co-lead DOE University of Wisconsin Conference Evaluation Committee Phil Degens Scott Dimetrosky Bill Saxonis Conference Funding Committee Ed Vine Pierre Landry Jenna Canseco Anne Dougherty Elizabeth Titus International 2 Note the Guidelines and Education committees are not currently active. Iris Sulyma Ed Vine Elizabeth Titus Other IEPEC and IEPPEC IEPEC Board liaison IEPPEC conference chairs Marketing Committee (renamed Communications Committee at this meeting) Anne Monica Bobbi Conference Networking – (Opening Event) Committee Anne Committee chair Sharyn Lauren Carol Liaison with other/early career committee Phil Rob Early Career Networks (aka Other Networks) Committee Jenna Committee chair Carla Carol Bob Rafi Friedman PG&E Student Outreach Committee Jennifer Meissner Ingo Carmen Strategic Planning Committee Bob Scott Bill Phil Monica Elizabeth Certification Committee Bob Bill Bobbi Committee Chair Elizabeth Anne Ralph Lauren Sharyn Committee Supporting Sam Braithwaite on Delivery of Webcasts to PSC Staff Carmen Bill Jane Carla Jennifer Meissner President’s Report and Summary of January 11, 2015 Board Meeting: IEPEC Webinars. Sharyn and Sam co-lead this effort. Need more nominations from 2013 papers. Next webinar is Feb 26. 80 people online, out of 160 who signed up. Action item for PC members – think about who to volunteer (good papers) for webinars after the conference. Action item for Sam – include a one-sentence blurb in the paper acceptance letters about the possible opportunity to be included in a future webinar. Report on International Activities. IEPPEC (Berlin September 2014) and Beyond: Excellent event, highlight was plenary by the Executive Director of IEA speaking on Multiple Benefits Report. 2016 conference location likely Amsterdam. IEPPEC to hold a discussion workshop at IEA and IEPPEC workshop in April 2015 leading to a roadmap on multiple benefits. The conference included student mentoring, financed by grant from Sloan Foundation (similar grant effort will be made for IEPEC 2015). Berlin conference matched PC members as mentors with students, and it was very well-received. Action item for IEPEC – use Berlin student strategy for IEPEC in August 2015 (PC members as mentors) Action item for PC members: let Sam and Jen Meissner know if you want to be a mentor. Comment from Ingo – include student outreach to Claremont. Other International Workshops are under development, including China, which will follow a development model similar to how IEPPEC was initiated – a workshop and planning effort prior to a full conference. Ed is liaison to IEPPEC. IEPEC funds Ed’s travel to Amsterdam, Paris, and China – workshops and IEPPEC planning. UN Resolution from Evaluation Group (Year of Evaluation): Jane Peters and Ed Vine received information about this from Deborah Rudd. Ed will obtain more information and share at the Board meeting in February and report back to the Planning Committee. Consensus to explore potential role for this IEPEC. Jane noted that there is an International Consortium of all Evaluation Groups and recommended that both IEPEC and IEPPEC should join ($25). Certification of Evaluators. Michael Li (DOE) reached out to Ed Vine inquiring if IEPEC wanted a role. The Board reached consensus that IEPEC needs to get involved, and prefers to be proactive rather than to serve in an exclusively advisory role. It anticipates an RFP will be issued. It will put a committee together on certification. Ed will respond to DOE expressing interest in organizing this and getting involved, developing a proposal. The Board recognized that IEPEC also needs to expand/restructure including staffing up and business planning in order to deliver this – as well as other activities beyond delivery of the conferences. The Board volunteers for the IEPEC committee included: Bob, Bill, Bobbi (and Elizabeth) with plans to bring in PC members and others. Concerns by some Board members were expressed about not hurting the energy efficiency discipline. Impetus for certification, led by DOE, includes the experience of challenges associated with fact that policymakers don’t necessarily understand or have confidence in measurement impacts, and that certification is modeled as a best practice from other industries with the notion that the “Seal of approval” brings a lot to the community. PC Discussion included recognition that we are at an influence point and have responsibility to influence this issue. The Board’s vision was clarified, specifically that IEPEC is unlikely to seek to be the certifying body although it remains an open question. Is there a way to broaden the discussion to include whether certification is on the product or the evaluator? (Consensus: direct committee to address this). Is there still time to voice opinions that certification is not a good idea? (Yes). A suggestion was made that the committee also consider alternatives to certification as what else could work before the RFP goes out. For example, at ACEEE ethics was put forth as an alternative to certification. Suggestion that it is key to understand channels for communication. See Committee table for list of PC volunteers. Sam: “Those who arrive to field first are rested for the battle; those who come last are frantic.” Action: Bob to organize the first meeting, and the committee will appoint a chair, and Jane (President) has veto power. Masters in Evaluation at U Wisconsin. Sam is working closely with Univ of Wisconsin (Ag and Econ Department) which is offering a one year masters program in evaluation. IEPEC is working closely to recruit students. Bill Provencher from UW is the lead. Action items: Are there any organizations who want to take on a student? PSC training update. Can cobrand PSC webinars with SEE Action. IEPEC is going to reconstitute this year, with webcasts to staff. Leading to in person training. See Committee table for list of PC volunteers. Treasurer’s Report. IEPEC is financially sound and has adequate resources to fund the 2015 conference. Bob (treasurer) will be preparing a 2-year report for Board in future. The budget allows IEPEC to address/fund resources needed to accomplish items identified in the strategic plan going forward. Action item: Revisit strategic plan at least annually. Succession Planning - Board and PC Membership. The Board decided to expand from 7 to 9 members. Have created position of vice president, with expectation that vice president is next president. Board will figure out terms within constraints that president’s term will be limited. Jane is replacing Pierre as president. Action item: See Jane if interested in being on Board, or see PC member. Duties are on IEPEC website. Action item: Tell Jane if you are interested in facilitating the PC planning meetings. Concluding PC Committee Discussion Items: PC Committee members are reminded of their value in conference attendee recruitment– reach out to colleagues, build awareness IEPEC 2015 Meeting Schedule: Note – workshops on Monday. Board Meeting Monday Night; Plan to arrive in time for Networking; Planning Committee meeting after the Thursday lunch. Action item: Pierre to send out Board and PC member duties/ few sentence descriptions of committees Sponsorship Brainstorming/Group Discussion. See tables below and note that Ed Vine and Sam will follow up with more information for PC members also. Suggestions for outreach requesting conference sponsorship to the following organizations. Note Action Item: PC members let Ed know contact information for firms. Consumers Energy (Monica) DTE (Monica) BGE Ruth Kiselewich – Monica CEE NRDC FirstFuel California Energy EIC Ptarmigan SKEE ClearResult UC Haas UCLA Acadia (formerly Env Northeast) ICF Optimal Lockheed Martin Bill and Melinda Gates Fdn Peregrine Energy Group Sage Consulting Integral Analytics Cx Consulting Jacobson Energy Katherine Johnson Pulse Energy Tendril Dunsky The Blackstone Group Mitsubishi Dakine Cree APT srbi Quest CA Resources Board CARB Quantum Engineering Integrated Growth Franklin Energy Group SMUD ISEO (formerly OPA) Ameren Center Point Georgia Power List of organizations that are not currently conference sponsors but have papers accepted for 2015: LBL Energy Trust E Source Brattle Energy Futures Group Warren Engineering Skumatz VEIC Proctor Ecotope KJ NEST/Blasnick Elevate Energy Solutions