1. Sensory (Afferent) Division - Liberty Union High School District

Unit 5 The Nervous System
Where does the nervous system come from? Where does it originate?
Lets watch: Development of the CNS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAiecj_uEnI
Secret life of the Brain , the baby’s brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS5HUDVNbGs
Guided notes for ppt 1 Nervous System, Organization and Tissues Part 1
There are two major systems in the human body that maintain internal coordination. These are:
1. _____________________________which consist of various glands such as____________________, ________________,
_______________, __________________, ________________________.
These glands secrete_____________________________ (hormones) into the blood
2. ___________________________which use electrical and ___________________________ to send messages from cell to cell.
The Nervous System carries out its work in three basic steps:
1. Sense organs ____________________________about changes in the body and ___________________________.
They _______________________coded messages to the ____________________and brain.
2. The brain and spinal cord _____________________________, relate it to past experiences, and
__________________________________to the circumstances.
3. The _________________-and __________________________issue commands to muscles and _____________
To carry out such a response.
There are 2 Major Subdivisions of the Nervous System
This system contains:________________________________________________
2. PNS: ________________________________________________
This system contains all the nervous system EXCEPT the ________________________________
Composed of____________________and_________________________________________________
Now the PNS is divided into 2 sections according to functions: the Sensory
and Motor Divisions
1. Sensory (Afferent) Division:
**informs the CNS_________________________________________________
There are 2 divisions of the Sensory division!
A. Visceral Sensory Division
B. Somatic Sensory Division________
Carries signals from the ______________
And abdominal cavities: examples:
Heart, __________, ___________, ___________.
Carries signals from __________________, __________
_________, __________.
2. Motor (Efferent) Division:___________________________________________________________________
**sends out responses from the CNS using effectors:____________________________________________________
There are 2 divisions of the Motor Division!
A. Visceral Motor Division(Autonomic)
_____B._Somatic Motor Division________
Carries signals to______________, _____________,
Carries signals to ___________ muscles and produces
Muscular________________ as well as somatic reflexes
Responses of this system are involuntary visceral reflexes.
which are __________________________ contractions.
The Visceral (Autonomic)Motor Division is divided into 2 other divisions based on function:
The Parasympathetic Division (Rest and Digest)
Tends to have a _______________ effect
Slows the ______________ and __________
Stimulates ___________ and Urinary Systems
Please fill in the organizer on the next page:
The Sympathetic Division
(Flight or Fight)
Tends to arouse the body for action
Accelerates the ____________ and _____________
Inhibits the Digestive and _____________________.
Properties of Neurons!
Excitability (irritability)______________________________________________________________________________
There are 3 types of Neurons depending upon their functions:
1. Sensory (afferent) Neurons:________________________________________________TRANSMIT info to CNS.
BEGIN in _____________________________________and END ____________________________
AFFERENT means:_______________________________________
2. Interneurons (Association) Neurons:______________________________________________________
RECEIVE SIGNALS _______________________________________________________integrative function.
3. Motor (Efferent) Neuron : _______________________________________________________________
Motor because ___________________________________________________________
EFFERENT means__________________________________________________________
Homework: Please write a story that utilizes all the vocabulary words from this lecture. Please highlight or underline
each word during your writing. You may use the page here if you can write VERY neatly or you may compose this on a
computer, printout and attach to these notes.