Teamwork resources to support students and teachers at QUT Karen Nelson, & Judith Smith, Queensland University of Technology The educational advantage of students working cooperatively in teams has been acknowledged in the higher education sector as being profitable in the world of work and other post-university experiences. The development of team skills is one of the most painful and often complained about experiences. It has been found to cause the most distress and concern for both the students and the teachers attempting to manage teamwork assessment. A common approach to assist teachers design and implement optimal conditions for setting teamwork assessment is required, and students require aligned resources that support them during the teamwork process. QUT Teamwork Protocol for staff The Protocol is a set of best practice guidelines to assist in team design, development, management, support and assessment. It provides guidance and suggestions on designing and developing team assessment and details the crucial team processes and assessment criteria that need to be considered before, during and at the completion of team project. Additionally, the protocol incorporates generic templates provided by the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) to assist with team processes. Demand for copies of the Teamwork Protocol has been high. 300 hard copies have been distributed and a number of electronic versions forwarded across the state and country. It is available through the National Library (ISBN 9781741071771, and an electronic version is posted on the QUT Staff Just-in-time resources for teamwork site on BlackBoard. Mapped to the Teamwork Protocol principles, an online diagnostic tool allows teachers to evaluate their teamwork processes Online team learning modules These are designed to prepare students to achieve project goals in teams. Students reflect upon and critically analyse team experiences in order to arrive at understandings of team behaviours. These reflective exercises are underpinned with a theoretical background which informs best practice in the field. Feedback from staff and student surveys and focus groups found that the learning modules were a significant source of knowledge and real life examples for students which they could then apply in their current teamwork activities. Based on the evaluation, the modules have been revised to include videos of practitioner’s reflections on their team experiences. In semester 2, 2008 the modules were integrated into the foundation unit Creative Industries People and Practices (1300 students). More than 95% of students undertook these modules. Online team learning modules for students can be located at A teamwork survival guide for students The Teamwork Survival Guide: Essential tips for getting started is a just-in-time strategy designed to be distributed to students when a new teamwork task is introduced into a unit where students are expected to manage their own process. It explains different expectations, skills and motivations students’ may have and and provides tools to help students work through some sources of conflict. It is hoped that by receiving a succinct, easily readable, just-in-time brochure directly from their unit coordinator, they will attend their first team meetings armed with a resource that will assist them to identify their strengths and with tools to measure and monitor each team member’s contribution mitigating the most apparent sources of conflict in teams. 2000 brochures will be distributed to four first year units in first semester 2009. Students and staff willed be interviewed for evaluation and feedback will determine amendments. The Teamwork survival guide is available to QUT staff on the First Year Experience wiki: CRICOS No. 000213J Queensland University of Technology