COURSE SYLLABUS EDG 7225 Course Title: Teaching Critical and Social Issues Course Credit Hours: 3 Instructor Name and Contact Information: Joyce C. Nichols, Department of Professional and Community Leadership, Building 77, 103, (850) 857-6042, Prerequisites or Co-Requisites: None Course Description: Explore critical, social and controversial issues as it relates to the teaching and examine teaching practices that use innovative pedagogical strategies. Course Goals: Upon completion of the course, students will: Analyze the ideas of individuals whose writings have influenced teaching critical and social issues Participate in discussions based on in-depth research on teaching critical and social issues Write a paper based on the research provided in the class and independent research on teaching critical and social issues. Program Goals: The empowered person and professional is exemplified in EDG 7225 in the following characteristics: 1) critical thinker, b) lifelong learner, c) counselor/mentor, d) decision maker, e) problem solver, and f) ethical/moral professional. The mission of the Ed.D. and Ed.S. programs at UWF is to prepare empowered professional who take action in administrative and leadership positions to conduct and evaluate applied research to solve local, regional, and state education issues and problems. About this Course: This course is delivered completely online. You must have consistent access to the Internet. Learning at a distance may be a very different environment for many of you. You will generally set your own schedules, participate in class activities at your convenience, and work at your own pace. You may require some additional time online during the first few weeks while you become acclimated to the online format and you may even feel overwhelmed at times. It will get better. You should be prepared to spend approximately 6 8 hours per week online completing lessons, activities, and participating in class discussions. Finally, you may want to incorporate these tips to help you get started: Set a time each week (schedule) to: o Check the course web site to determine your tasks for the week. o Check the course web site frequently throughout the week for updates. Within the first week, become familiar with the site and how to use it. o View this eLearning Demo. Team up with your classmates to discuss class assignments and questions you might have. o Check the “Classlist” link “?” for fellow student biography information and email addresses. Ask questions when you need answers. o If you have problems, contact your instructor early. Topics: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Justification for a pedagogy of the oppressed The "banking" concept of education The practice of freedom Opposing theories of cultural action Engaged pedagogy A revolution of values Embracing change Theory as liberatory practice Essentialism and Experience Feminist Solidarity Feminist Thinking Feminist Scholarship Building a Teaching Community Language Confronting Class in the Classroom Eros, Eroticism, and the Pedagogical Process Teaching and Learning within limits Student Learning Outcomes: (SLOs): 1. Explore, synthesize and evaluate teaching as an art and science 2. Examine critical and social issues to become thoughtful, reflective practitioners. 3. Articulate, generate, and validate assumptions that inform pedagogical practices. 4. Model critical pedagogical practices that encourage learners to become critical thinkers. 5. Develop and incorporate conceptual and theoretical frameworks on social and critical issues in teaching practices. 6. Build learning communities that promote social transformation at the grass-roots level. Required texts: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire, ISBN 978-0-8264-126-8. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom, bell hooks, ISBN 0-41590808-6. Required Materials: Internet Access (broadband is recommended) Activated UWF ArgoNet E-mail Account 1. Threaded Discussions: This course will include threaded discussions counting 40 percent of the grade. The discussions must be a paragraph including 3-5 sentences. Your post must adequately address the topic using APA. Please edit your post before you submit in order to avoid spelling errors and grammatical errors. Focus your work on the ideas at hand and avoid posting your opinion or judgements. Please email me if you need more time on your assignments. You are welcome to work ahead. 2. Responses to Classmates: Please respond to 3 paragraph-long posts per week from classmates so as to create some threads in our discussion. Responses to your classmates will be 20 percent of the grade. You may include opinion in your response. 3. Final Paper The final paper will be 40 percent of the grade. Letter grades will be assigned as follows: 95% or better A 75% to 79% C+ 90% to 94% A- 74% to 77% C 87% to 89% B+ 70% to 73% C- 84% to 86% B 60% to 69% D 80% to 83% B- 50% or less F Letter grades will be assigned as follows: (edit to fit your grading scheme) 93% or better A 77% to 79% C+ 90% to 92% A- 73% to 76% C 87% to 89% B+ 70% to 72% C- 83% to 86% B 60% to 69% D 80% to 82% B- 50% or less F Attendance Policy: You must post your assignment and respond to your classmates weekly. Minimum Technical Skills and Special Technology Utilized by Students: This course is totally online. All instructional content and interaction takes place over the WWW. In addition to baseline word processing skills and sending/receiving email with attachments, students will be expected to search the internet and upload / download files. In addition, students may need one or more of the following plug-ins: Adobe Acrobat Reader: PowerPoint Viewer: DC840-14E1-467D-8DCA-19D2A8FD7485&displaylang=en Windows Media Player: QuickTime Player: Real Player: exe%20&p=RealOne+Player&&oem=dl&dist=&tagtype=ie&type=dl Adobe Flash Player: For students' using Screen Readers: Download Elluminate's Java Bridge: =368 eLearning's Accessibilty Resource Guides for users: Expectations for Academic Conduct / Plagiarism Policy: Academic Conduct Policy: (Web Site) | (PDF Format) | Plagiarism Policy: (WORD Format) | UWF Library Online Tutorial: Plagiarism | Student Handbook: (PDF Format) Assistance for Students with Disabilities: The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC)at the University of West Florida supports an inclusive learning environment for all students. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that hinder your full participation, such as time-limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos and podcasts, please notify the instructor or the SDRC as soon as possible. You may contact the SDRC office by e-mail at or by phone at (850) 474-2387. Appropriate academic accommodations will be determined based on the documented needs of the individual. Weather Emergency Information: In the case of severe weather or other emergency, the campus might be closed and classes cancelled. Official closures and delays are announced on the UWF website and broadcast on WUWF-FM. WUWF-FM (88.1MHz) is the official information source for the university. Any pertinent information regarding closings, cancellations, and the re-opening of campus will be broadcast. In the event that hurricane preparation procedures are initiated, the UWF Home Web Page and Argus will both provide current information regarding hurricane preparation procedures, the status of classes and the closing of the university. Emergency plans for the University of West Florida related to weather or other emergencies are available on the following UWF web pages: Information about hurricane preparedness plans is available on the UWF web site: Information about other emergency procedures is available on the UWF web site: