Expectations for Academic Conduct / Plagiarism Policy

Human Physiology, ONLINE!
This class is not open to Biology Majors. Others may email healthsciences@uwf.edu for the permission
Welcome ! Please read this and the Important Course Information section of the class during the first
week of class. THIS COURSE REQUIRES A PROCTOR FOR THE FINAL EXAM. Right about now you
are thinking "How the heck do I find one of those?!" It's not that big of a problem. Below are three ways
to find a proctor.
Use ProctorU - online proctoring service, 24 hours a day in your home.
Use the NCTA - network of testing centers
Ask someone you know professionally. I will allow the following professionals to proctor
your exam:
o Educational administrator or librarian at a community college, university, or high
o Librarian at a public library
o Military officer of higher rank than the student
o Doctor, nurse practitioner, dentist, PA, PT, or equivalent
Here are the UWF proctor guidelines.
COURSE TITLE: Human Physiology
COURSE OVERVIEW: This course is a fully online course delivered via the Internet. If you have any questions
about the structure of the course, please do not hesitate to contact your instructor at the email below. This course is
part of the B. S. in Health Sciences degree program.
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Angela Maples Hahn
CONTACT INFORMATION: ahahn@uwf.edu, 850 610-0905, Blg 63 Room 107, School of Allied Health
and Life Sciences, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL, 32514
PREREQUISITES OR COREQUISITES: Basic understanding of anatomy, chemistry.
Physiology is the study of how the human body functions. The course will introduce
some detail processes which we need in order to understand the major concepts of the chapters. This understanding
will include learning many terms that you may not have been associated with before. The terminology is almost like
learning another language because you need to learn how to use the terms and in what situations to use them. After
the introduction of the course, we will closely follow the outline of the book. There may be a few deviations but for the
most part the book will define the path of the class. I intend to cover about two chapters a week. Some chapters may
take shorter or longer depending on the topic but that is how we will approach the course.
Content: Identify and use the concepts, principles, and theories that constitute the field of Human
 Describe the levels of organization of Human Physiology.
 Describe homeostasis using feedback loops.
 Describe how energy works in biological systems.
Define how cells communicate.
Describe the events involved with muscle contraction and relaxation in response to an action
 Describe how blood pressure is regulated in the body.
 Describe the process of ventilation in the lungs.
 Describe acid-base balance in the body.
 Characterize the immune function of the GI tract.
 Describe the immune response.
 Explain the events of procreation.
 Describe the function of all major cellular organelles.
Integrity/Values: Adhere to appropriate ethical practices in completing assignments.
Fulfillment of these goals will be assessed using examinations and discussion participation.
Human Physiology an Integrated Approach. 4th edition (or 5th edition) MEDIA UPDATE by Dee Unglaub
Silverthorn. If your text does not provide the access key to this website then you may purchase it for $60.
If you look on the second page of your textbook (has a blue border and is card-stock) there is a rub-off
access code which should allow you to access the website. There is also a CD inside the front cover called
interActive Physiology which contains the information you will need.
SPECIAL TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED BY STUDENTS: (beyond baseline requirements of e-mail and word
Consistent Internet access and email capabilities. This course is totally online. All instructional content and
interaction takes place over the WWW. In addition to baseline word processing skills and sending/receiving
email with attachments, students will be expected to search the internet and possibly upload / download
files. In addition, students may need one or more of the following plug-ins to view or access certain files
(follow the links to download the plug-ins):
Adobe Acrobat Reader: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Required to open
many web-based text documents in a format easy to read and print.
PowerPoint Viewer: http://microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=D1649C22-B51F-491093FC-4CF2832D3342&displaylang=en Required if you do not have PowerPoint already installed on
your computer. This viewer allows you to open the PowerPoint presentations in this course and then
be able to print them in multiple formats.
Macromedia Flash Player:
Required to open any animations that may be in your course.
Remember, if these programs are already installed on your computer, you do not need to download
and install them again.
Students are encouraged to complete this course utilizing the equivalent of a cable-speed modem.
Completing the course modules via a telephone dial-up connection will require significant download times
for larger audio-visual content.
450 points total
o 200 points from quizzes during the semester
o 200 points from 2 Exams
o 50 points from completion of 2 online lab interactives and associated paper work.
The FINAL course grade will be assigned using the following scale: A, A- = 90 and above, B+, B, B= 89 - 80, C+, C, C- = 79 - 70, D = 60 – 69, and F < 60.
Online Lectures: Course lectures will be presented online in the form of narrated presentations. Lecture
note-taking guides are available for your benefit. You can print these and take notes as you listen to the
lectures and read the chapters in your textbook to help prepare you for the quizzes and exams.
Due to the distance learning nature of this course, all requirements must be completed within the time
scheduled, unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. On-line facilities will be provided so
students can monitor their own progress.
And right about now you are thinking "How the heck do I find one of those?!" It's not that big of a
problem. Below are three ways to find a proctor.
Use ProctorU - online proctoring service, 24 hours a day in your home.
Use the NCTA - network of testing centers
Ask someone you know professionally. I will allow the following professionals to proctor
your exam:
o Educational administrator or librarian at a community college, university, or high
o Librarian at a public library
o Military officer of higher rank than the student
o Doctor, nurse practitioner, dentist, PA, PT, or equivalent
Here are the UWF proctor guidelines.
Academic Conduct Policy [Web]
Plagiarism Policy [
Student Handbook [
It is the philosophy of The University of West Florida that academic dishonesty is a completely
unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic
dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. Discipline may
include suspension or expulsion from the University. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to
cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in
whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give
unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.
In addition, any behavior that interferes with the conduct of a class is classified as disruptive behavior and
will not be tolerated. Although not exhaustive, examples of disruptive behavior would include:
inappropriate or threatening online postings or e-mails, etc.
Minimum Technical Skills and Special Technology Utilized by Students
This course is totally online. All instructional content and interaction takes place over the WWW. In
addition to baseline word processing skills and sending/receiving email with attachments, students will be
expected to search the internet and upload / download files. In addition, students may need one or more
of the following plug-ins:
Adobe Acrobat Reader: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
PowerPoint Viewer: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=048DC840-14E1467D-8DCA-19D2A8FD7485&displaylang=en
Windows Media Player: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/download/
QuickTime Player: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/
Real Player: http://www.real.com/realplayer/search
Adobe Flash Player: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
For students' using Screen Readers: Download Elluminate's Java
eLearning's Accessibilty Resource Guides for users:
Expectations for Academic Conduct / Plagiarism Policy
Academic Conduct Policy: (Web Site) | (PDF Format) |
Plagiarism Policy: (WORD Format) | UWF Library Online Tutorial: Plagiarism |
Student Handbook: (PDF Format)
Assistance for Students with Disabilities
The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) at the University of West Florida supports an inclusive
learning environment for all students. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that
hinder your full participation, such as time-limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of noncaptioned videos and podcasts, please notify the instructor or the SDRC as soon as possible. You may
contact the SDRC office by e-mail at sdrc@uwf.edu or by phone at (850) 474-2387. Appropriate academic
accommodations will be determined based on the documented needs of the individual.
Weather Emergency Information
In the case of severe weather or other emergency, the campus might be closed and classes cancelled.
Official closures and delays are announced on the UWF website and broadcast on WUWF-FM.
WUWF-FM (88.1MHz) is the official information source for the university. Any pertinent information
regarding closings, cancellations, and the re-opening of campus will be broadcast.
In the event that hurricane preparation procedures are initiated, the UWF Home Web Page and
Argus will both provide current information regarding hurricane preparation procedures, the status
of classes and the closing of the university.
Emergency plans for the University of West Florida related to weather or other emergencies are available
on the following UWF web pages:
Information about hurricane preparedness plans is available on the UWF web site:
Information about other emergency procedures is available on the UWF web site: