Specialist News Term 2, 2013 Year 2 Library Discuss how to look up ‘invertebrates’ on the Public Access system and other words to get maximum choices e.g. ‘bugs’, ‘insects’, ‘spiders’ e.t.c. Explain the difference between a ‘keyword ’ and ‘subject’ search. Discuss the Non-Fiction location and where you would go to find minibeasts. Discuss the layout of most information books and how to use them efficiently – how is the contents, index and glossary used? Identify the age appropriate labelling of books for the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Visual Art Parts of an Insect: The Invertebrate The Essential Agreement in the art room Botanical Drawings of an insect – Focus on fine line details Draw and Construct a giant bug, three body parts, with added legs, antennae, wings . Independently creating own shapes, patterns and designs within giant bug. PYP concepts: FORM – what are the body parts like? Develop fine motor skills – Hessian textile appliquéd bug with sewn border Clay: Tile – Mini-Beast Japanese numbers(1-20) school (compare Australian schools with Japanese schools; building, classrooms, subjects, etc) minibeasts (names of some minibeasts, origami minibeast, minibeast booklet in Japanese) Japanese songs TSUYU (rainy season in June) and weather words Concepts Form (pattern) Perspective ( belief) Perspective( points of view of others) Specialist News (cont’d) Physical Education Focus: Continue to practice, control and master Fundamental Motor Skills such as ball bouncing, kicking and throwing. Developing basic movement skills and incorporate these skills into Gymnastics activities. The children will use a variety of equipment and various sized play balls when performing ball skills. The skills learnt will be incorporated into minor team games and activities. In gymnastics activities include leaping, jumping and rolling and spatial awareness. Concepts: Form- Identify the specific characteristics of different skills Attitudes: Empathy- Be open minded and reflective of the perspectives of others Learner Profile: Thinker- Thinking about solving problems when performing different skills Music- Our Mates the Invertebrates Learn songs related to ‘Our Mates the Invertebrates’ (Minibeasts) Bugs & Beetles (Sing 90 p7)) Tadpole Blues’ (Sing 10 p40) Inch Worm (round) Shoo Fly (round) Explore and make choices about sound : Create a sound picture reflecting the conductor’s signs for soft, loud, getting louder, getting softer and cut off. Create and perform a minibeast chant.combining written notation, choice of suitable instruments, movement and voice. Make use of music as a language of expression: Listen to ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’’ by Rimsky Korsakov (Ad Music p68 #20) Explore how choice of instruments, tempo and dynamics can change the mood of music (connection) Discuss how the change of tone colour can change the mood of the song eg from fast moving bugs and beetle to slow moving snails Discuss what causes the instruments to sound this way: eg the echo chamber, what an instrument is made of, how much it vibrates Discuss which instruments are best grouped together to create a particular effect eg a tadpole swimming then a frog jumping