Place a mark from 1-5 next to each criterion to assess how well the student understands minibeast habitats: Habitat understanding Types of habitat Minibeast’s relationship to habitat Natural habitat importance 1 2-3 4-5 Does not show an understanding of what a habitat is or where you would find one. Shows a moderate understanding of what a minibeast is by describing some features and some minibeast’s habitats. Shows an understanding of what a habitat is by describing features, where to find one and what types of minibeasts reside in which habitat. Cannot readily identify the different types of habitat. Has some understanding of the different types of habitats. Can identify the different types of habitat (such as in water and in land) and how these may differ. Does not understand why minibeasts have different habitats, or why this would be needed for survival. Can somewhat understand the reasons for different minibeast habitats. Understands the reasons as to why minibeasts have their own unique habitats and how it helps them to survive. Is not aware of the importance of a natural habitat or how the environment is important for minibeast survival. Has a moderate understanding of the importance of a natural habitat, by linking the environment to the minibeast’s survival needs. Understands how minibeasts use nature to create their habitats and the important elements of nature that minibeasts need.