

Skeletal System

Anatomy & Physiology

The Skeletal System

 Your skeleton comprises ~ 20% of your total body mass

 There are 206 bones in your body, separated into 2 divisions:

– 1. Axial skeleton: head, vertebrae and rib cage

– 2. Appendicular Skeleton: pelvis, scapulae and limbs

Axial: pink

Appendicular: green

5 Functions of Bones






Support: legs support the weight of body, ribs support thoracic cavity

Protections: protects all soft tissue organs

Movement: muscles use bones as levers, allowing for movement

Storage: fat stored in internal cavities of bones; calcium and phosphorus also stored

Blood Cell Formation: hematopoesis ; the production of blood cells within marrow cavities

Bone Types

 There are two types of bones:

– 1. Compact bone : dense bone which is smooth and solid; surrounds all bone; appears dense

– 2. Spongy bone: internal portion of bone; consists of small needle-like projections of bone called trabeculae with many open spaces filled with marrow

Bone Types

Bone Classification

 Bones come in many shapes and sizes and are classified into 4 distinct groups:

1. Long Bones o Longer than wide o Built to absorb stress o Consists of a shaft and 2 heads at each end o Mostly compact but some spongy bone internally o Examples: all bones of limbs except patella, carpals and tarsals

Long Bone: the femur

Bone Classification

2. Short Bones o Roughly cube-like o Contains mostly spongy bone o Thin layer of compact bone on surface o Examples: carpals and tarsals o Sesamoid bone: a bone embedded in a tendon; varies in size and numbers/each individual; act to alter the pull of a tendon; i.e. patella

Short Bones: carpals of the wrist

Bone Classification

3. Flat Bones o Thin, flattened and usually curved o 2 parallel compact surfaces with a spongy layer between o examples: sternum, ribs and skull bones

Bone Classification

4. Irregular Bones o Do not fit any other classification o Complicated shapes o Mostly spongy with thin compact layer o Examples: vertebrae and hip bones

Anatomical Structure of a Long


 Diaphysis: shaft of long bone; walls made of compact bone

 Periosteum: fibrous sheath that covers long bones

– Highly vascularized

– Functions in bone nourishment and attachment sites

Anatomical Structure of a Long


 Sharpey’s Fibers: connective tissue fibers that secures the periosteum to underlying bone

 Epiphyses: ends of long bones

– Enlarged for muscle attachment

– Predominately spongy bone

Anatomical Structure of a Long


 Articular Cartilage: covers ends of epiphyses and provides a slippery surface that decrease friction at joint surfaces

 Medullary Cavity: holds marrow in center of diaphysis

– Yellow marrow: fat storage in adults, found in medullary cavity

– Red marrow: found in diaphysis of infants, in flat bones & epiphyses of adults; makes red blood cells

Anatomical Structure of a Long


 Endosteum: sheath covering medullary cavity

Bone Composition

 Bone contains inorganic & organic components

– Inorganic calcium carbonate & calcium phosphate; provides hardness

– Organic collagen: to further reinforce the matrix

Osteoporosis: brittle bones

Normal Spongy Bone

Osteoporotic Spongy Bone

Bone Cells: 3 Types

 Osteoblasts: arise from embryonic cells and found on outer surfaces of adult bones; aid in matrix production

 Osteocytes: mature bone cells; trapped in lacunae

 Osteoclasts: secretes substances that dissolve mineral salt crystals

Bone – cell types

Note locations of

Osteoclasts & osteoblasts

“Ruffled” Border

Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

 Lacunae: cavities in bones where osteocytes are found

 Lamellae: a circular layer of bone

Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

 Haversion Canals: a system of interconnecting canals in adults compact one; runs lengthwise through bone, carrying blood vessels and nerves to all areas of bones

 Canaliculi: tiny canals that connect all the bone cells to the nutrient supply; radiate outward from Haversion Canals

Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

 Volkmann’s Canals: communication system from exterior of bone to interior; runs at right angle to diaphysis

 Osteon/Haversion Systems: each haversian canal with lamellae, osteocytes and caniliculi

Haversion Systems

Bone Development

 Embryonic Skeleton: predominately hyaline cartilage

 Fontanels: in skull at birth

– Allows for growth of brain

Bone Development

 Young child to late adolescence: cartilage replaced by bone

– Epiphyseal Growth Plates: allows for interstitial growth (lengthwise)

– Cartilage near the epiphyses regenerates

– Cartilage near the diaphysis hardens to bone eventually they’ll meet, halting lengthwise growth

Epiphyseal Growth Plate

Epiphyseal Growth Plates

Bone Development & Growth


 The replacement of cartilage by bone

 Cartilage is covered by osteoblasts

 Cartilage is “eaten” away, leaving the medullary cavity open within the bone

Appositional Growth

 Outward growth of bone during adulthood

– Bones change based on calcium levels & muscles acting on the skeleton

– Decreased blood calcium leads to bone breakdown

– Increased demand by muscles on bones causes bone to thicken

– Weight gain also increase bone diameter

– Adult bone constantly remodels (breakdown & growth) to help maintain homeostasis of blood mineral levels

Skeletal System

Axial Skeleton

Axial Skeleton

 Includes 80 bones of the skull, vertebral column and bony thorax

 Functions:

– Supports head, neck & trunk

– Protects brain, spinal cord and thoracic organs


 Composed of flat bones

 Function:

– Used for attachment of head muscles & protects the brain

Sutures of the Skull

 Sutures: interlocking joints that unite skull bones

– Coronal: where parietal bones meet frontal

– Sagittal: where 2parietal bones meet superiorly

– Squamos: where parietal and temporal bones meet on lateral aspects of skull

– Lambdoidal: where parietal bones meet occipital bones meet posteriorly

Vertebral Column aka the Spine

 Location: runs from the base of the skull to the coccyx (tailbone)

 Function:

– Surrounds and protects the spinal cord

– Provides attachment sites for ribs and back muscles

Vertebral Column

 Characteristics

– 26 interconnected irregular bones

– Provides a flexible, curved structure

– Serves as axial support of the trunk

Vertebral Column

 Curvatures of the Spine:

– S-shaped to prevent shock to head in motion

– Allows for trunk flexibility

– Increases resiliency & flexibility of the spine

– Functions like a spring, not a rod

 Cervical & Lumbar Curves : concave posteriorly

 Thoracic & Sacral Curves: convex posteriorly

Curvatures of the Spine

Abnormal Curvatures of the

Vertebral Column

 Lordosis: aka sway back

– An accentuated lumbar curve

 Kyphosis: aka hunchback

– An exaggerated thoracic curve

 Scoliosis: the twisted disease

– An abnormal lateral curvature in the thoracic region

– Typical in girls in late childhood

Lordosis & Kyphosis


Cervical Vertebrae

 7 total extending from base of skull to ~ shoulder line

 Numbered C1-C7

 Smallest & lightest vertebrae

 Unique vertebrae

– Atlas or C1: no body; holds the occipital bone, allows nodding motion (“yes”)

– Axis or C2: acts as a pivot for rotation; shake head (“no”)

Thoracic Vertebrae

 12 total; runs through mid-back

 Numbered T1-T12

 Larger than cervical

 Longer, palpable spinous processes

 Ribs attach here posteriorly

Lumbar Vertebrae

 5 total

 Numbered L1-L5

 Huge bodies and short spinous processes

 Holds most of body weight & stress; very sturdy

Sacrum &


 Sacrum

– Formed from 5 fused vertebrae

– Numbered S1-S5

– Makes up posterior wall of pelvis

– Strengthens & stabilizes pelvis

 Coccyx

– 4 fused vertebrae

Ligaments of the Spine

 There are several; only 2 you need to know

– Anterior Longitudinal Ligament: resists back hyperextension

– Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: resists back flexion

Intervertebral Discs

 Cushion-like pads between vertebrae

 Asts as shock absorbers during motion

 Makes up ~25% of length of column

 Flattens during the day

Intervertebral Discs


Flat bones

12 total pairs

Attach posteriorly to thoracic spine


– Protect thoracic organs

True Ribs : the superior 7 pairs

– Attach directly to sternum by costal cartilage

False Ribs: the inferior 5

– 8-10: join each other by cartilage and indirectly attach to sternum

– 11& 12: the floating ribs, no anaterior attachment

Rib Cage


 Has 2 regions: true and false pelvises

 False pelvis superior to true pelvis

 True pelvis dimensions are a concern to child-bearing women

 Pelvic structure differs between men and women

Gender Difference of Pelvis

 Men

– Narrow outlet

– Heavier & thicker bone structure

– Ilia less flared, more vertical

– Sacrum long and curved

– Ischia close together

– Less rounded pubic arch

 Women

– Inlet circular & large

– Pelvis shallow, lighter & thinner

– Ilia flare laterally

– Sacrum shorter & less curved

– Ischia farther apart & shorter

– Pubic arch is more rounded
