Notes CH 31 Part 2 –textbook- 32 part 2 digital edition The Advent of the Gasoline Age The impact of the Automobile on various aspects of American life was tremendous. IMPACTS OF AUTO AGE: The Automobile industry employed about 6 MILLION people by 1930. Supporting industries: Rubber-Glass- Steel- fabrics-Highway construction- service stations/garages- Oil The Oil industry experienced an explosive development. California-Texas-Oklahoma all had oil booms. The Railroad industry was hit the hardest. Cars, buses, and trucks took the place of the RR. Fresh food was able to get to markets faster- New Roads are built often paid for by taxes on gasoline (still today) – Advertising and Credit buying allowed more people to “own” a car. Social Change accompanies the advent of the Auto age: A badge of freedom and equality—a prop of self-respect Leisure hours were spent exploring the open roads—families are brought together on Sunday Drives Women were freed from dependence Isolation of secluded rural areas disappears Less attractive states loss population Autobuses made the consolidation of schools possible Sprawling suburbs spread out even further from the cities We become a nation of commuters Many are injured and crippled in auto accidents-by 1951 1 million had died in auto accidents-more than all of the battlefield deaths of all wars combined up to this point. Youth is corrupted by the freedom of the auto—an Indiana judge called the automobile, “ a house of prostitution on wheels” Crime waves of the 20’s and 30’s are made possible due to the motorcar that allowed criminals a quick getaway The Automobile brought more convenience, pleasure, and excitement into more peoples lives than almost any other single invention. Humans Develop Wings Gasoline engines also provided the power that enables humans to fulfill the age-old dream of flying. Orville and Wilbur Wright –perform “the miracle of Kitty-Hawk (NC)” December 17, 1903- the two former bicycle mechanics from Ohio---took aloft for 12 seconds and 120 feet. Aviation causes the world to shrink. WWI had used airplanes for various purposes. Private companies after the war began to operate passenger lines and airmail…THE FIRST TRANSCONTINENTAL AIRMAIL ROUTE WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1920 FROM NYC TO SF. The First American Hero pilot was Charles Lindbergh- he flew the plane, “Spirit of St. Louis,” in 1927 from New York City to Paris- 33 hours and 39 minutes – THE FIRST SOLO WEST TO EAST FLIGHT ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN—and won a prize of 25,000$ (how much today) “Lucky Lindy”-“flyin fool” – “Lone Eagle” – Lindbergh captures the imagination of all of America with this feat—and is greeted upon his return to NYC with a tickertape parade down Broadway—saluting the American hero. (18000 tons of tickertape and confetti) HIS EFFORT DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED THE AVIATION INDUSTRY AND MADE IT EXTREMELY POPULAR. THE IMPACT: It opened up another dimension Gave birth to a giant industry By the 1930’s and 40’s travel on passenger airways was much safer than driving It increased the tempo of life It causes the Railroads to lose again (passengers and mail business) A lethal new weapon-aerial bombs (like the nukes) The Oceans were no longer the barrier they once were—isolation for the USA due to this was short-lived The Radio Revolution The speed of the airplane was far eclipsed by the speed of radio waves. Gugliemo Marconi, an Italian, invented wireless telegraphy in the 1890’s and his idea was used during WWI. Voice carrying Radio came next- November 1920 –station KDKA –Pittsburgh- broadcast the news of Harding’s victory in the 1920 Presidential election. Wireless phonographs, radiotelephones, and television were on the horizon – all invented and eventually perfected first in the 1920’s an 30’s. Long-distance broadcasting was made possible in the late 1920’s—National Networks (ABC-CBS-NBC) become the dominant form of entertainment and news. ADVERTISING on the Radio Networks becomes a HUGE BUSINESS-the first “commercials” are broadcast in the 1920’s. The Radio brought families and people together at home. Families and neighbors gathered around the Radio and knitted the nation together---AND BEGINS TO STANDARDIZE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE**** “Shows” like Amos and Andy-the A&P Gypsies- The Eveready Hour- sponsored by companies helped to make radio advertised products “household” words – and BRANDS—WHICH IN TURN FURTHER INFLUENCES CONSUMERS TO PURCHASE THESE GOODS AND USE THESE PHRASES—A CONTINUATION OF THE ‘CONFORMITY” AND “CONSUMERISM-MATERIALISM” OF AMERICA. Educationally and Culturally the RADIO made significant contributionsSports broadcast on radio created fans and hero’s like Babe Ruth- NY Yankees baseball player- “The Sultan of Swat” – Baseball continues its dominance during this era as “Americas Pastime” – Boxing was also very popular as were the College games of Football which led to professional leagues in most sports for men. Politics was profoundly affected by the Radio—Politicians had to adjust their speaking techniques and work on their elocution and localized dialects to communicate effectively with the people…FDR IS BY FAR THE FIRST PRESIDENT TO EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE VIA THE RADIO—HIS “FIRESIDE CHATS” DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION AND WWII GAVE MILLIONS COMFORT AND INFORMATION DURING THIS PERIOD –AND WERE HUGELY INFLUENTIAL. The Music industry and even religion was also profoundly affected by the reach of the radio— Hollywood’s Filmland Fantasies Thomas Edison and many others perfected the MOVIE as early as the 1890’s Penny –Nickel arcades had short films with no sound and were initially very circumspect- very unusual short films were shown The first story-telling movie appeared (produced by Edison) in 1903, The Great Train Robbery Among the first full-length Classics appeared in 1915, The Birth of a Nation, by D.W. Griffith and based on a book, The Clansman, a story of how the KKK had saved the South from rampaging Blacks and unethical Carpetbaggers during Reconstruction – This movie recently celebrated its 100th anniversary—and was shown as one of the 10 most significant films of all time—albeit not for its subject –but for its influence certainly—rise of the KKK in this time period. A new industry was launched –in Southern California—Hollywood—becomes the Movie Capital of the World—The motion picture reached a pinnacle during WWI as a mode of propaganda—and was very powerful in influencing Americans to hate the Germans--In 1927 a new era in movie making began with the first motion picture WITH SOUND—the “TALKIE” “THE JAZZ SINGER,” starring Al Jolson playing a Black performer in “Blackface,” Theatres were built everywhere and became wired for sound---and another breakthrough began during this era—COLOR FILM—see the original Wizard of Oz –which cleverly begins in Black and White and then transforms the screen into Color. Movies eclipsed ALL OTHER NEW FORMS OF AMUSEMENT—MOVIE STARS BECAME VERY INFLUENTIAL—AND MADE MORE $$$ THAN THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA— Critics claimed that this was a vulgarization of culture- the Radio and Movies—BUT THE EFFECTS OF THE NEW MASS MEDIA WERE NOT ALL NEGATIVE— Insular ethnic neighborhoods and communities eroded as immigrants, especially their children, who use the Radio and Movies to learn English and about what it meant to be AMERICAN - ****IDENTITY**** THE MASS MEDIA STANDARDIZES TASTES AND LANGUAGES OF OUR CULTURE---A “MAINSTREAM” OR TYPICAL AMERICAN EMERGES—‘CONFORMITY’ TO THIS IDEAL ---BECAME SIGNIFICANT DUE TO ITS ABILITY TO OVERCOME THE ETHNIC DIFFERENCES OF THE PAST. The Dynamic Decade- ‘Roaring Twenties” – “The Jazz Age” Far-reaching changes in lifestyle and values occur in this period along with a dramatic prosperous economy and technological breakthroughs… For the 1st time in American History more people lived in urban areas than in the country-by 1920**** Women continue to find opportunities for employment in the cities, thought in low paying jobs that became classified as “women’s work” –typing-secretaries- clerks in department stores, etc--- AN ORGANIZED “BIRTH-CONTROL” MOVEMENT BEGINS IN THE 1920’S –LED BY MARGARET SANGER**** a fiery feminist who founds the first “planned parenthood clinic”—which openly champions the use of contraceptives (birth control---the “pill” is not invented until the 1960’s and begins the sexual revolution) this is part of the continuous battle of women to control the reproductive process—one that may feminists believed that was continuing the subjugation of Women due to laws banning them into the late 1960’s in many areas of the USA. ALICE PAUL’S –NATIONAL WOMEN’S PARTY –BEGINS ITS CAMPAIGN, in 1923, FOR AN “EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT,” the ERA fight will continue into the 1980’s and be a key part of the resurgence of the “culture wars” that arise during the 1970’s and 80’s and continues to this day--- The ERA amendment is eventually defeated seven decades later--*** To some it seemed as if “THE WORLD HAD SUDDENLY GONE MAD” Even the Churches were affected. The Fundamentalists –more traditional- had lost ground to the Modernists- who preached a “God is Good” message. Sexuality was front and center- Margaret Sangers birth control clinic-The Automobile- as one judge said was a “house of prostitution on wheels,” many believed that the clock had struck—“Sex O’Clock” in America--- a veritable erotic eruption—Advertisers exploited sexual allure to see everything from soap to car tires---WOMEN –became “FLAPPERS” and wore short dresses and cut their hair short—even smoked and drank in public---with make-up on--- taped their breasts flat to appear more androgynous or like men---to enhance or embrace their new found freedom- THE FLAPPER SYMBOLIZED A NEW INDPENDENCE IN AMERICAN WOMEN—they even went to the beach in one-piece bathing suits—OMG— and showed their naked neck and ankles up to mid-thigh---(see photo of beach police measuring the length of the swim suit ) Dr. Sigmund Freud and other psychologists began to write and argue that sexual repression led to a variety of nervous and emotional –Mental illnesses---HEALTH NOW DEMANDED SEXUAL GRATIFICATION AND LIBERATION—A NEW SEXUAL FRANKNESS APPEARS – ESPECIALLY IN THE YOUTH AND WOMEN—JAZZ-NECKING IN CARS- DARKENED MOVIE THEATRES—LED TO EXPLORATION OF THEIR SEXUALITY. JAZZ becomes the sacred music of the 1920’s—it certainly broke down many barriers—not the least allowing inter-racial performances in public for the first time—and inter-racial clubs and dancing in the Northern cities---which had a huge immigration (The Great Migration phase 1) of Blacks due to jobs and escaping the Jim Crow South… Jazz emigrates with the African-Americans from New Orleans to Chicago and all points North during this beginning of the Great Migration—“The Jazz-Blues Trail.” “Black is Beautiful” – Harlem Renaissance **********huge*********– a new racial pride was created in the more free northern Black communities that grew during and after WWI. Harlem in NYC counted over 100,000 Black residents in the 1920’s becoming one of the largest Black communities in the world. A vibrant culture that sustained poets [Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay] and Artists-Musicians-Authors-etc… This artistic explosion begins to show the depth and breadth of the African-American culture to the world—and IS THE BEGINNING OF CHANGE-NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THE LATER SUCCESSFUL FIGHT FOR CIVIL RIGHTS-- Harlem also allowed a new Political Leader to emerge—MARCUS GARVEY AND HIS UNIA [UNITED NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION] Garvey becomes WEB’s rival during this period, after Booker T. Washington’s death in 1915, and now becomes a major influence in the Black Community filling the void left by Washington, W.E.B. DuBois— became the de-facto leader politically of African-Americans and he continued to be busy---1st creating the Niagara Movement in 1905—which eventually becomes the NAACP, in 1909-[National Association for the Advancement of Colored People] and by the 1920’s begins to publish a monthly magazine “The Crisis,” which celebrates Black perspective on politics, art, music, book reviews, movie reviews, poetry---etc… DuBois and the NAACP also works with the legendary Ida B. Wells in her ANTI-LYNCHING MOVEMENT— made famous by the Flag hanging from the NY Skyscraper, “A Man Was Lynched yesterday.” DuBois on Garvey—“Marcus Garvey is, without a doubt, the most dangerous enemy of the Negro race in America and in the World. He is either a lunatic or a traitor.” Marcus Garvey’s organization the UNIA is able to carve a niche for itself in the Black Political leadership due to its unique perspective-- “BLACK NATIONALISM” – The idea of racial separation or independence from white society---their roots are regal from Africa – thus Beautiful—Garvey encouraged Blacks around the world to be proud of their race and to see BEAUTY IN BEING BLACK. GARVEY also inspired a “PanAfricanism”—That African people in every part of the world were ONE PEOPLE and if united would be a force. Garvey is different from the later “Nation of Islam” which his ideas influence – The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X—which at times appear to advocate violence—Garvey HELD NO HOSTILITY TOWARDS WHITES AND BELIEVED IN THE EQUALITY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS—an idea that Malcolm X comes to embrace after his trip to Mecca before his assassination in 1965. Marcus Garvey’s UNIA grew to become the largest African-American Movement in the United States with over 11 million members nationwide. One of his goals was to improve the African nation of Liberia and begin to move African-Americans back to their homeland---using the “Black Star Steamship Company.” The UNIA sponsored “Black Businesses” to keep black dollars in black pockets—His greatest legacy is his focus on “Beauty” that Blacks see themselves as being not just equal but BETTER… His eventual downfall is controversial—he is imprisoned for mail fraud and deported back to the place of birth, Jamaica—His influence world-wide and after his death has been spectacular—even to the point of being seen as a prophet—in inspiring the Rastafarian Religion—and after the decolonization of Africa in the 1950’s the nation of Ghana honored Garvey with a ‘Black Star’ at the center of their flag. (interesting note: Dubois in the 1950’s eventually leaves America frustrated with the pace of change after WWII and moves to Ghana were he lives the remainder of his life--) This “renaissance” is a “renaissance” in reality for the dominant culture—in that they begin to see African-Americans as not “monolithic” –that within their culture there were many viewpoints and intelligences that begin to integrate into “American Culture,” and through entertainment and arts the integration of America truly begins here at this point—just as mass media begins to standardize our culture---our culture includes many peoples---whatever the race and gender—and beauty presented by mass media in many forms takes the shape of the many Americans from this point forward—A CULTURAL LIBERATION BEGINS – and takes many forms---and will not come easily to some who, even today, oppose the non-traditional modernism that arises at this point and begins the “culture wars.” Why---what is the root of this cultural liberalism—flappers—Jazz—avant-garde [pushing the boundaries of what is accepted as the “norm”- and promoting social reform] modernism- that develops at this point and continues into our own time--- and is why the post-war 20’s is so similar to the post-war late 50’s and 60’s --- it stems from a DISILLUSIONMENT with traditional society—in the 20’s it is the reflections of the “Lost Generation” of WWI- why do so many have to die so needlessly---if this is what comes from faith in tradition—then change is necessary/ as in the 1950’s –and the “Cold War Nuclear Fear” of the potential of a WWIII and nuclear holocaust--- if this is what faith in traditional culture brings---then change is necessary. Cultural Liberation- “the power of the arts is indeed the most immediate and fastest way to social, political and economic reform.” –Saint Simonian Olinde Rodrigues-1825 Truly one of the most amazing intellectual periods in world history—an explosion of COLOR to the world“This Side of Paradise,” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 24, and published in 1920, his first work, is the “bible” for the disillusioned that create the Bohemian disaffected culture of the 1920’s—clearly influenced by the 1820’s “Utopian communities and Transcendentalism” and goes on to influence the “beat” writers of the late 1950’s who in turn influence the YOUTH revolution of the 1960’s and even the legendary social critic Hunter Thompson of the 70’s-80’s-90’s. This novel examines the lives and morality of post-WWI youth— the novel explores the theme of love warped by greed and conformity—and status-seeking. Two quotes from this novel are representative of the past cultural and future cultural intellectual movements in America: “ I know myself, but that is all.” (The end- and certainly transcendentalist in nature) … And most famously the critic of the post-war consumer conformity—and tradition-“Here was a new generation, shouting the old cries, learning the old creeds, through a revelry of long days and nights; destined finally to go out into that dirty gray turmoil to follow love and pride; a new generation dedicated more than the last to the fear of poverty and the worship of success; grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken…” Literature in America during the inter-war years [1919 – 1941] A new generation of American writers burst onto the “scene.” This new light—came from disparate places—ethnic and regional—not the typical “Protestant New Englanders who had dominated American cultural life--These newcomers exhibited youth-energy-ambition-resentment- outsiders-ideals betrayed---They bestowed on America a new vitality, imaginativeness, and artistic quality. Two “Patron Saints” of these writers and artists were; in America, H.L. Mencken and in Paris, Gertrude Stein. Mencken was a critic—and his magazine the American Mercury assailed the Traditional-Conformists; he attacked- Marriage, questioned Patriotism-Prohibition-the American Middle Class- and harshly criticized the South as a “desert” and the Puritans as “do-gooders.” Stein was legendary worldwide---Europe in shambles after WWI – she coins the term “Lost Generation,” and her salon at 27 rue de Fleurus was the foundation for the beginnings of “Modernism” –her Saturday evening parties were attended by Hemingway-Picasso-Fitzgerald- Lewis-Pound-Matisse- WilderRousseau---and many many others---the beginnings of the Bohemian cultural lifestyle that comes to Greenwich Village at this same time--- Her home was the cultural center of the World---and a home to American ex-pats searching for the meaning of life— WWI had created a crack in society--- and shocked many out of their complacency about traditional values and lifestyles---these artists mentioned above and after--- probed for new codes of morals and understanding in new forms of expression… F. Scott Fitzgerald captures this in “This Side of Paradise,” and especially reflecting the cruelty of society in the legendary, “The Great Gatsby.” Ernest Hemingway, burst onto the scene with his critical look at WWI in, The Sun Also Rises, 1926, and in the legendary, “A Farwell to Arms,” 1929. Hemingway becomes with his many novels, along with Twain, one of the legends of American Literature… Sinclair Lewis, is another of the new youthful writers who captures the hypocrisy of American life in two novels---“Main Street” (1920) and in his most famous work---criticizing vulgar middle-class materialism and conformity---“Babbit,” which becomes a catch-phrase to describe this conformity –Babbitism. William Faulkner, along with Twain and Hemingway –an American Literary legend—appears to bring to the nation a view from the Jim Crow South—who pillories the war and the ingrown conflicted southern souls, with –“The Sound and the Fury” and “As I lay dying.” Zora Neale Hurston, The legend from Eatonville, Fl—her mastery of the folktale—life of AfricanAmericans—fits perfectly within the new breed of writers of this period and her greatest book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, a story which reflects the realities of life for southern blacks and southern black women—“a girl maturing into a woman with her finger on the trigger of her own destiny.” She is also significant in rejecting DuBois who argued for all Black art to be “racially uplifting” and positive---She said in response, “Let the Negro speak for themselves.” This rejection lead to her co-publishing a magazine in opposition to the NAACP’s “The Crisis,” and their “uplift politics” which was called “FIRE!” that published the African-American experience without filters or censors---Claude McKay ---was a frequent contributor. American Poets ruled the 1920’s—some say the greatest generation of American Poetry-Langston Hughes –Claude McKay- Ezra Pound-T.S. Eliot—Robert Frost Eugene O’Neil the American Playwright was equally impressive—authoring more than a dozen productions and winning the Nobel Prize in 1936. Architecture was also given a boost by the legendary, Frank Lloyd Wright and the Building of the Empire State Building in NYC at 102 stories tall… The emergence of the Modernists is certainly a renaissance for American Culture—it occurs in all races and regions---a beginning—the disillusionment will reappear following WWII and lead to even greater changes and a “movement culture” ---and that culture will lead to the culture wars of the 70’s and 80’s – and bleed into our time today. Wall Street’s Big Bull Market Even in the best years of the 1920’s – several HUNDRED BANKS FAIL EACH YEAR !!! SPECULATION WAS DIZZYING—EVERYWHERE—“GETRICHQUICKISM” WAS INFECTIOUS— The “Stock-Market” was the KING—of speculation— Buying Stocks –“On Margin” (with a small downpayment—using credit) causes the market to inflate--- “a bubble” ---grows bigger and bigger each year--- The Government did nothing—the National Debt during WWilson’s Presidency and WWI went from 1.1 Billion to 23 Billion…increased by 23X---in 1921 the year Harding is inaugurated. In 1921 the Government created the Bureau of the Budget—purpose to present to Congress the Annual Budget==an attempt to slow down the debt and to not overspend… Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon revises the Tax System---lowering the top tax rates from 1921 until 1926 in a series of cuts ---the idea “THE TRICKLE DOWN THEORY” –is that by cutting taxes on the Wealthy ---the Wealth will in turn take their savings and invest in their businesses thus creating more jobs and with those jobs ---more taxes--- “The BENEFIT TRICKILING DOWN FROM THE RICH TO THE WORKING CLASS” –NOT JUST INCOME TAX BUT----EVERY TAX WAS CUT— AND THE TAX BURDEN WAS SHIFTED FROM THE WEALTHY TO THE MIDDLE CLASS--- MELLON’S PLAN=”THE TRICKLE DOWN THEORY” –becomes the “GOSPEL” for economic conservatives still today— the use of PROPAGANDA to influence the masses to accept this “FALSE AND MISLEADING ECONOMIC THEORY AS FACT –WITH NO EVIDENCE—IS ONE OF THE GREATEST LIES TOLD IN AMERICAN HISTORY.” Repeated often with no success other than the Rich getting Richer and the poor middle class American paying the bill, as always—as we will see—the evidence is clear.