Genesis Presentation

January 12, 2012
Commissioning Services
 Genesis Commissioning Capabilities
 What is Commissioning (Cx)/Retro-Commissioning (RCx)?
 Value of Commissioning / Retro-Commissioning
 Commissioning / Retro-Commissioning Case Studies
 Commissioning / Retro-Commissioning Projects
 Q&A
June 13, 2011
Who We Are Today
Capability Profile:
Engineering and Design
Construction Management
Commissioning Services
Technical Consulting
Turn-key Design/Build Delivery
Cx Resources
Total Staff Resources
Total Cx Resources
Professional Certifications:
Professional Engineers (11)
LEED Accredited Professionals (6)
Certified Building Commissioning
Professionals (2)
June 13, 2011
Who We Are Today
June 13, 2011
Design Capabilities
Energy Assessments
Compliance Reviews
Central Utility Plant Optimization
Utility Analysis
LEED Certification
Project Cost Estimates
Basis of Design
Code Reviews
Feasibility Studies
Facility Master Plans
Construction Documentation
Value Engineering
As-Built Documentation
June 13, 2011
Commissioning Capabilities
Project Management
Commissioning Agent
Engineering Support
Enhanced Design Review (EDR)
Commissioning Engineers
Building Envelope Systems
Mechanical Systems
Electrical Systems
Plumbing Systems
Startup Support
Site Safety
Project Closeout
Commissioning Plan
EDR Report
Vendor Document Tracking Form
Site Delivery Inspections
Pre Functional Checklist
Functional Checklists
Deficiency Log
Warranty Tracking Form
Training Records
Turnover Package / Systems Manuals
Commissioning Summary Report
June 13, 2011
What is Commissioning?
A planned, documented, and managed engineering approach to the
start-up and turnover of facilities, systems, and equipment to the enduser that results in a safe and functional environment that meets
established design requirements and stakeholder expectations.
A process which ensures discovery of flaws in the design or
construction that preclude facility operation in accordance with
parameters set forth by the owner and developer.
Management of the “Completion of Construction” process.
June 13, 2011
Why Commissioning?
Building System Complexity
Building systems comprised of many different components.
 Energy efficiency, redundancy, Building Automation Systems create complex system
Procurement Philosophies
Components are designed, fabricated and installed by more than one responsible party.
 Trends of CM and Owners towards pre-purchasing equipment and breaking up traditional
single source mechanical and electrical trades.
 Schedules for facility delivery often require accelerated activities.
 Value engineering results in system component compromises.
Transfer of Knowledge
Training and turn-over is critical to post occupancy operations.
June 13, 2011
The Value of Existing Building Commissioning
Retro-Commissioning (RCx) is a systematic, documented process that
identifies low cost operational and maintenance improvements in existing
buildings and brings the buildings up to the design requirements of its
current use.
Focus on energy-using equipment, such as mechanical equipment, lighting
and related controls and usually optimizes existing system performance,
rather than relying on major equipment replacement.
June 13, 2011
Research Findings
Research conducted by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory
Evan Mills, Ph.D.
Report Prepared for The California Energy Commission
Public Interest Energy Research (PIER)
New and Existing Building Commissioning
Analysis of 643 Buildings
Over 99 Million SF
26 States Represented
June 13, 2011
Key Findings (1 of 2)
Commissioning is arguably the single-most cost-effective strategy for
reducing energy, costs, and greenhouse-gas emissions in buildings today.
Energy savings tend to persist well over a 3- to 5-year timeframe, but data
over longer time horizons are not available.
Median commissioning costs: $0.30/sf and $1.16/sf for existing buildings and
new construction, respectively (and 0.4% of total construction costs for new
Median whole-building energy savings: 16% and 13%.
Median payback times:1.1 and 4.2 years.
June 13, 2011
Actual RCx Costs
Values or Ranges
Total RCx Cost
$0.13 to $0.45/sqft
Provider Fee as % of Total RCx Cost
Average RCx Cost Allocation
Planning and Investigation
Verification, Tracking and Reporting
Simple Payback Time
0.2 to 2.1 years
June 13, 2011
Key Findings (2 of 2)
Large reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions are achieved.
High-tech buildings particularly cost-effective, and saved large amounts of
energy due to their energy-intensiveness.
The database incorporates the work of 37 commissioning providers.
Non-energy benefits are extensive and often offset part or all of the
commissioning cost.
June 13, 2011
Type and size of buildings in database
Wide diversity
of reported
reasons to
embark on
Deficiencies discovered…
..and the measures to correct them
Commissioning costs: new & existing buildings
Performance benchmarks
Depth of commissioning versus savings
achieved (existing buildings)
Commissioning is an underutilized strategy for saving energy and money
and reducing greenhouse gas emissions while managing related risks.
Reasons for this underutilization:
Widespread lack of awareness of need and value on the part of
prospective customers.
Splintered activities and competition among a growing number of
trade groups and certification programs.
Misperception that it is not cost-effective in smaller buildings,
The absence of commissioning-like requirements in most building
Omission of RCx strategy in most energy-efficiency potentials
Tension between standardization and recognition that each
building is unique and must be approached with an open mind.
June 13, 2011
RCx/Commissioning Checklists
Construction/Installation Verification (MEP)
Built in QA/QC program for
equipment vendors and
Operational/Performance Verification
4 Types of Information Needed to Develop Checklist:
1. Approved Purchase Specifications
2. Approved for Construction Drawings
 P&ID, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
3. Approved Vendor Submittals
4. Addendums
June 13, 2011
Commissioning - ETOP
Engineering Turnover Package (ETOP) includes:
Index of Documents
Commissioning Plan
Construction Documents
Vendor Approved Submittals
Purchase Orders
Site Delivery Inspections
Shop Drawings
O&M Manuals
Deficiency Reports
FAT/SAT Reports
Field Test Reports
Calibration, Start-up Reports
Client Training
Red-lined Drawings
As Built Drawings
Warranty Documentation
Signifies the completion of commissioning
June 13, 2011
GEI RCx Case Studies
June 13, 2011
Commissioning Projects
Services Performed
• Commissioning
• Engineering Evaluation
Cabrini College
Science, Education, and Technology Building
Commissioning For All Central Utility Systems and Laboratory
Equipment For a 62,000 SF Technology Building
15,500 SF Classroom Area
31,000 SF Laboratories
5000 SF CUP Building
6 Air Handling Units
14 Exhaust Fans
Building Management System
Lab Gas Systems
Electrical Systems
June 13, 2011
Retro-Commissioning Projects
Services Performed
• M&V Plan
• Engineering
• Commissioning
Lab Ventilation Optimization Plan
Evaluation of Existing Lab AHU and Distribution Systems
Re-Engineered an Energy Efficient System
ROI Established
Developed RCx Plan
Prepared and Executed Commissioning Checklists to Verify
Installation and Operation of the Associated HVAC System
Rebalance of Building Systems
Developed and Executed a M&V Plan
Delivered a Complete Project Turnover Package
June 13, 2011
Retro-Commissioning Projects
Services Performed
• Engineering
• Commissioning
Chilled Water Optimization
Equipment Lifecycle Drivers led to Energy Saving Opportunities
Upgrade and Increase the Chilled Water Capacity
Designed and Implemented CHW BAS Optimization Sequence
ROI Established
Prepared Commissioning Master Plan For Facility Using Existing Basisof-Design and Design-Phase Documentation
Prepared Systems Manual and Commissioning Checklists For
Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Systems
Provided Owner Training and Turnover Package
June 13, 2011
Retro-Commissioning Projects
Services Performed
• M&V Plan
• Engineering
• Commissioning
B20 Chilled Water System Optimization
Evaluation of an Existing Chilled Water Plant
Efforts Involved Reducing Overall Site Energy Usage and Identify
any Potential Opportunities for Future Energy Savings
Design and Engineered a Chilled Water Plant Optimization and
Control System for Automating the Operation of the Chilled Water
and Condenser Water System Components
Developed and Executed a Measurement and Verification (M&V)
Delivered Owner Training and Turnover Package
June 13, 2011
June 13, 2011