The Skeletal System

The Skeletal System
A. Skeletal System Facts
Over ______________ bones in the human body
The skeletal system is the ______________ of bones and other tissues that support the
protects major organs and other soft parts of the body
We are born with about 300 to 350 bones
What happens to the bones?
o ______________________________________________________
The ______________________ is the largest bone in the human body, and makes up one
quarter of the body's height.
There are about 230 movable and semi-movable joints in your body.
B. Parts of the Skeletal System
Bones (skeleton)
What are ligaments for?
o Ligaments
Hold bone ________________
o Tendons
Hold muscle ________________
C. Divided Into Two Divisions
Axial skeleton-
___________, ______________, ________________
Appendicular skeleton – limbs and girdle
What are some functions of the bones?
o Support of the body
o ________________________________________
o Movement due to attached skeletal muscles
o Storage of minerals and fats
What are some organs it protects?
o _________________
o __________________
What is the main mineral that is stored in bones?
o _____________________
If you don’t get enough of this in your diet, it can lead to which disease?
o ________________________
D. Bones of the Human Body
The skeleton has 206 bones
Two basic types of bone tissue
___________________ bone
o Small needle-like
pieces of bone
o Many open spaces
E. Classification of Bones
Long bones
o Typically longer than wide
o Have a shaft with heads at both ends
o Consist of bone marrow
o Necessary for red and white blood cell production
o Contain mostly compact bone
o Examples: Femur, humerus??
Where are those located on the body?
o Femur- ____________________
o Humerus- __________________
Short bones
o Generally cube-shape
o Contain mostly spongy bone
o Examples: Carpals, tarsals
Flat bones
o Thin and flattened
o ____________________________
o Thin layers of compact bone around a layer of spongy bone
o Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum
Irregular bones
o ____________________ shape
o Do not fit into other bone classification categories
o Example: Vertebrae and hip
F. Bone Structure
o Shaft
o Composed of compact bone
o Ends of the bone
o Composed mostly of spongy bone
o ________________covering
o This is where bone gets fed
G.. The Axial Skeleton
Forms the longitudinal part of the body
Divided into three parts
o ________________
o Vertebral column
o Bony thorax
The Skull
o Cranium
o Facial bones
o Over _______bones
The Vertebral Column
Vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs
o ______________- 7 bones
o Thoracic- 12
o _____________- 5
o Sacrum
o Coccyx
The Bony Thorax
Forms a cage to protect major organs
Made-up of three parts
o Sternum
o ______________
o Thoracic vertebrae
H. The Appendicular Skeleton
The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
Composed of two bones
o Clavicle – collarbone
o Scapula – shoulder blade
These bones allow the upper limb to have exceptionally free movement
Bones of the Upper Limb
The arm is formed by a single bone
o Humerus
The forearm has two bones
o ____________
o Radius
Bones of the Upper Limb
The hand
o _____________– wrist
o Metacarpals – palm
o Phalanges – fingers
The Pelvis
o Pelvis
o Gender differences
Why is a female’s pelvis wider?
o For _______________________
Bones of the Lower Limbs
The thigh has one bone
o Femur – thigh bone
The leg has two bones
o Tibia
o _______________
Which one is which?
o Tibia- ____________
o Fibula- ___________
The foot
o Tarsus – ankle
o Metatarsals – sole
o Phalanges – toes
I. Types of Joints
______________ joints
o Elbow and knee
Ball and socket joints
o Shoulder and hip
o Skull
o Wrist
J. Disease and Conditions of the Skeletal System
Can anybody name some diseases or conditions of the Skeletal System
o Arthritis
o Tendonitis
o Osteoporosis
o Scoliosis
Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints. A joint is the area where two bones meet.
There are over 100 different types of arthritis.
o Rheumatoid arthritis
o Affects joints
o Inflammation of the Bursa (fluid filled sac surrounding the joint).
o A bursa can become inflamed from injury, infection (rare in the shoulder), or due
to an underlying rheumatic condition.
o Bursitis is typically identified by localized pain or swelling, tenderness, and pain
with motion of the tissues in the affected area.
o Sometimes the tendons become inflamed for a variety of reasons, and the action
of pulling the muscle becomes irritating. If the normal smooth gliding motion of
your tendon is impaired, the tendon will become inflamed and movement will
become painful. This is called tendonitis, and literally means inflammation of the
o The most common cause of tendonitis is overuse.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
o Any condition that causes swelling or a change in position of the tissue within the
carpal tunnel can squeeze and irritate the median nerve. Irritation of the median
nerve in this manner causes tingling and numbness of the thumb, index, and the
middle fingers, a condition known as "carpal tunnel syndrome."
o Osteoporosis is a term that means "porous bones." It is a skeletal disease affecting
women and men. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones have lost minerals
especially calcium making them weaker, more brittle, and susceptible to fractures
(broken bones). Any bone in the body can be affected by osteoporosis, but the
most common places where fractures occur are the back (spine), hips, and wrists.
o Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. If your child has scoliosis, the
view from behind may reveal one or more abnormal curves. Scoliosis runs in
families, but doctors often don't know the cause. More girls than boys have severe
scoliosis. Adult scoliosis may be a worsening of a condition that began in
childhood, but wasn't diagnosed or treated. In other cases, scoliosis may result
from a degenerative joint condition in the spine.