Exam 2 Review Handout

Cardiovascular Self-Quiz
Question 1
1. Which of the following vessels have the thinnest walls?
a. veins
b. arteries
c. capillaries
d. arterioles
e. venules
Question 2
1. Which of the following control blood flow to capillary beds?
a. veins
b. arteries
c. capillaries
d. arterioles
e. venules
Question 3
1. Diffusion of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients occurs across the walls of
a. veins
b. arteries
c. capillaries
d. arterioles
e. venules
Question 4
1. Blood returning to the heart from the systemic circulation enters which chamber?
a. right
b. left
c. right
d. left
Question 5
1. Blood enters the pulmonary artery from which heart chamber?
a. right
b. left
c. right
d. left
Question 6
1. Which of the following would be a normal systolic blood pressure reading?
a. 50
b. 80
c. 110
d. 150
Question 7
1. Diastole refers to
a. peak
of ventricular contraction
b. arterial
c. valve
leakage in the heart
d. ventricular
e. discharge
from the pacemaker
Question 8
1. Which of the following measures electrical activity of the heart?
a. stethoscope
b. blood
pressure reading
c. coronary
d. valve
e. ECG
Question 9
1. As blood travels away from the heart
a. blood
pressure decreases
b. velocity
c. valves
d. fluid
e. all
of the blood increases
in arteries help keep it moving
leaks out of all the vessels, forming lymph
of the above
Question 10
1. Which of the following is an INCORRECT association?
a. atherosclerosis-plaque
b. myocardial
in arteries
infarction-heart attack
c. thrombus-moving
blood clot
d. aneurysm-ballooning
e. phlebitis-vein
vessel wall
Question 11
1. Which of the following is NOT a function of the lymph system?
a. return
fluid to bloodstream
b. transport
c. transport
fats from intestine
d. defense
e. )
against disease
all are functions
Blood Self-Quiz
Question 1
1. Blood cells are produced by stem cells in the
a. kidneys
b. liver
c. lymph
d. bone
e. spleen
Question 2
1. Which blood components contain hemoglobin?
a. erythrocytes
b. leucocytes
c. platelets
d. plasma
Question 3
1. The hormone that stimulates production of red blood cells is produced by the
a. kidneys
b. liver
c. lymph
d. bone
e. spleen
Question 4
1. Which blood component is part of the immune system?
a. erythrocytes
b. leucocytes
c. platelets
d. plasma
Question 5
1. Which blood type can successfully receive all other types of blood in a transfusion?
a. A
b. B
c. AB
d. O
e. none
of them
Question 6
1. Why does any of the water that leaves a capillary return to that capillary?
a. active
transport across the capillary wall maintains blood volume
b. hydrogen
bonds attract the water
c. hydrostatic
d. valves
in the capillary wall allow the return
e. osmotic
pressure from the beating of the heart pulls it in
pressure (total concentration) of the blood is higher than that of the surrounding
Respiratory Self-Quiz
Question 1
1. During inspiration, air leaving the pharynx next enters the
a. bronchi
b. trachea
c. alveoli
d. larynx
e. bronchioles
Question 2
1. The Eustachian (auditory) tubes connect the ______ and _______.
a. nose
and mouth
b. epiglottis
and glottis
c. bronchioles
d. inner
and alveoli
ear and nasal passages
e. middle
ear and pharynx
Question 3
1. The opening to the larynx can be closed by the
a. glottis
b. epiglottis
c. tracheal
d. vocal
e. tongue
Question 4
1. The larynx
a. contains
vocal cords
b. is
at the top of the trachea
c. is
surrounded by cartilage
d. is
where sounds are produced
e. all
of the above
Question 5
1. Which part of breathing requires active contraction of muscles?
a. breathing
b. breathing
c. both
Question 6
1. Which of the following helps change the volume of the chest cavity during breathing?
a. trachea
b. alveoli
c. diaphragm
d. bronchi
e. glottis
Question 7
1. Carbon dioxide
a. is
carried in blood mainly as carbonic acid
b. lowers
c. levels
blood pH
affect the respiratory center
d. diffuses
e. all
into the plasma
of the above
Question 8
1. Hemoglobin
a. consists
of 2 protein chains
b. is
found in blood plasma
c. is
produced in the kidneys
d. affinity
e. all
for oxygen is influenced by pH
of the above
Question 9
1. Which lung disease damages the alveoli?
a. bronchitis
b. asthma
c. pneumonia
d. emphysema
Mitosis Self-Quiz
Question 1
1. The centromere is
a. one
side of a duplicated chromosome
b. the
area of a duplicated chromosome where the chromatids are held together
c. a
microtubule running from the top to the bottom of a cell along which chromosomes are
d. the stage in the cell division process after mitosis
e. the
furrow that forms in the middle of dividing cells
Question 2
1. In mitosis, chromosomes are duplicated during
a. prophase
b. telophase
c. anaphase
d. interphase
e. metaphase
Question 3
1. The process that divides one cell into two daughter cells is
a. interphase
b. metaphase
c. telophase
d. prophase
e. cytokinesis
Question 4
1. Chromatids separate in which phase of mitosis?
a. interphase
b. anaphase
c. metaphase
d. telophase
e. prophase
Question 5
1. The nuclear membrane disappears in which phase of mitosis?
a. interphase
b. prophase
c. anaphase
d. telophase
e. metaphase
Question 6
1. Chromosomes line up on the mid-plane of the spindle in
a. interphase
b. telophase
c. anaphase
d. metaphase
e. prophase
Question 7
1. Chromosomes first become visible during
a. interphase
b. anaphase
c. telophase
d. prophase
e. metaphase
Question 8
1. Cytokinesis begins during
a. interphase
b. anaphase
c. telophase
d. prophase
e. metaphase
Meiosis Self-Quiz
Question 1
1. Human somatic cells have 46 chromosomes and gametes have __ chromosomes.
a. 46
b. 92
c. 23
Question 2
1. In meiosis
a. chromosomes
are nor duplicated before meiosis begins
b. chromosomes
duplicate before both meiosis I and meiosis II
c. chromosomes
duplicate before meiosis I but not before meiosis II
d. chromosome
duplicate before meiosis II but not before meiosis I
Question 3
1. Synapsis involves the coming together of
a. sister
b. homologous
c. non-homologous
d. gametes
to form a zygote
e. chromatids
to form a chromosome
Question 4
1. Crossing over occurs in
a. prophase
of meiosis I
b. prophase
of meiosis II
c. metaphase
of meiosis I
d. metaphase
of meiosis II
Question 5
1. Which process results in 4 genetically identical nuclei?
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. both
d. neither
Question 6
1. Which process is necessary for repair of injury to body tissues?
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. both
d. neither
Question 7
1. Which process starts with diploid cells and ends with haploid ones?
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. both
d. neither
Question 8
1. In which of the following is the diploid set of chromosomes reduced to haploid?
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. meiosis