The Egyptian Cinderella Day 1 - Geary County Schools USD 475

The Egyptian Cinderella
By Shirley Climo
Story Structure
 Doze sleep lightly
 After Thanksgiving dinner my father will
often doze in his chair while watching a
football game.
 Seldom sel dom rarely not often
 Mrs. Pushee was surprised when
JaCourtney was absent from school
because he seldom missed a day.
 Coaxed coax ed urged encouraged
 Mikaela coaxed her dog into the house by offering
it dog treats.
 Declared declar(e) +ed stated announced
 Dustin declared that he would run for student
council next year.
 Nimble nim ble quick and skillful
 The cat is so nimble that she could jump from the
sofa to the top of the high cabnet.
 Dull
boring uninteresting
 Kiersten was very disappointed when the
movie she had been waiting to watch turned
out to be really boring.
 Dismissed dis miss ed excused
 Mrs. G dismissed the students after the
assembly so that they could go back to
 Deserted desert ed empty abandoned
 The old house was falling down in disrepair
and had been deserted for many many
Story Structure
 This week as we read we will be
concentrating on finding different parts of a
story. This will include setting, characters,
problem solution and type of story.
 By recognizing these elements good
readers better understand what is
happening in the story.
Building Background
 Every story has some
things that are the
same. What are some
of the things that
makeup every story?
Problem and Solution
Type of story
Types of Stories
 Can you name different types of stories?
 Folktales Fantasy Historical Fiction
 Science Fiction Mystery
 This week we are reading a fairy tale. Can
you think of any other fairy tales. TPS
 Setting- the time and place of the story.
 Characters- the people in the story.
Fairy Tales
 Fairy tales have good and bad characters.
Usually the good characters have a problem
that needs to be solved. One of the things
that make fairy tales different from other
stories is that they usually have a magical
creature or person in the story. Also fairy
tales always have happy endings. Keep
these things in mind as you read the story
this week.
 Listen to different parts of the story as I read
aloud. Think about the setting, the
characters, and problem solution in the story
as I read. Also, try to determine if this story
has any of the parts of a fairy tale.
Listening Comprehension
 Read pages 3-7 of Cinderella by james Marshall
 I have already identified two of the elements that
we talked about earlier – the characters and the
setting. The characters are the widower, his new
wife, her two daughters and Cinderella. What I
know about Cinderella is that she is kind and
beautiful; The stepmother and her daughters are
mean and horrible. The setting is a simple cottage.
I’ve learned a lot about this story just by reading
the first few pages. I will have to continue to read
to find the problem.
Team Talk
 How would you best describe the setting of
this story?
 How is Rhodopis different from the Egyptian
 Explain how Rhodopis came to be a slave in
 Why did the Egyptian servants tease
 Write a meaningful sentence with one of the
following words.
 Doze seldom coaxed declared
 Nimble dull dismissed deserted
Adventures in Writing
 Using what you have learned you are going to
write a fairy tale.
 Story Structure 20 pts
 Setting- characters- problem solution 30 pts
 Elements of a fairy tale – good and bad
characters, a magical character, a happy ending
20 pts
 Use full sentences 10 pts
 Use capitals and periods 10 pts
 A catchy title 10 pts
Mama Bear
Papa Bear
Baby Bear
Solution –she runs
A small house
in the woods
Goldilocks and the
3 bears
Problem- Goldilocks
breaks al the bears
Good- the Bears
Bad – Goldilocks