Lozano Design Document, Week 3 Activity 4 Instruction Working Title: We All Scream for Ice Cream Topic This instructional design will allow people, with no prior knowledge, the ability to make ice cream using an electronic home ice cream maker (like Cuisinart). Learning Theory For this design, we’ll follow a constructivist learning theory where learners will use prior knowledge of cooking basics like measuring ingredients, using kitchen utensils and keeping time. Problem A good many people often find that their favorite flavor of ice cream isn’t available in the store. Another large group of people like to try different flavors but only find chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavors. A smaller group, but equally disillusioned, have tried ice cream from an artisanal ice cream shop in another city and you can’t stop thinking about it. Audience The audience is people who find empty ice cream shelves in stores, people who find that they can’t live without the chai tea ice cream they had in India and for people who would rather eat a shoe than another spoon of plain vanilla ice cream. Purpose This instruction is intended to provide learners with the skills to make delicious, homemade ice cream using fresh ingredients to achieve the flavor of their choice. Learners will be able to use these ice cream making skills to make countless batches of ice cream. Format For this design, learners will understand how to make homemade ice cream using an electronic ice cream maker by viewing visual materials of the ice cream making process, including ingredients, measurements, mixing, cooking and working with the electronic ice cream maker. General learning expectations The learner will be able to make homemade ice cream towards the goal of sharing with others or consuming the entire container on their own. Lozano Design Document, Week 3 Activity 4 Learning goals and objectives At the end of this instruction students will be able to successfully: G.1. Make a batch of homemade ice cream: O.1. Learners will become familiar with entire process by reviewing all instructional material prior to starting learning activity. O.2. Learners will become familiar with using the electronic ice cream maker by reviewing the manufacturer’s instructions. O.3. Learners will use the provided visual material to gather all ingredients together. O.4 Learners will measure, mix and cook ingredients by following along with visual instructions. O.5 Learners will be able to combine ingredients into the electronic ice cream maker to create a delicious batch of ice cream. Learning Activities and Assessment 1. The learner will begin this instruction by viewing the visual instruction materials showing the entire ice cream making process. No auditory or text will be provided. 2. The learner will use the visual instruction materials to follow the step by step process for making a batch of homemade ice cream. 3. Based on the first set of visual instructions, the learner will gather equipment, utensils and measure ingredients. 4. Based on the next set of visual instructions, the learner will mix the ingredients and complete the cooking process. 5. Based on the final set of visual instructions, the learner will pour the final mixture into the ice cream machine and successfully operate the machine. 6. The learner will taste ice cream to ensure good flavor and perhaps share with others. Completion outcomes The main outcomes of the instruction include: 1. Making a batch of homemade ice cream 2. Consuming ice cream alone or with others Lozano Design Document, Week 3 Activity 4 3. Repeating the process five times to indicate mastery or before brain freeze occurs. Technology required Learners will need access to either a computer or mobile device to view visual materials. Eyesight will be required for this lesson. Timeline The process of instruction and assessment should take approximately two and a half hours. Assessment Example Rubric Rubric for Ice Cream Making Project Student: Learner has gathered all of the ingredients, using appropriate measurements, needed to make batch of ice cream. Learner has gathered all of the necessary kitchen utensils and equipment to make batch of ice cream. Total /5 /5 Learner has combined milk, heavy cream and sugar into saucepan. /10 Learner has brought mixture to just a boil and added egg yolks and sugar mixture. /15 Learner has successfully brought entire mixture to just under a boil so the egg does not cook but ingredients are properly mixed. Learner has used fine mesh strainer to ensure mixture is completely free of solids. /15 Learner has successfully used electronic ice cream machine to spin liquid mixture into ice cream. /15 Learner removes ice cream for taste test. Ice cream should be cold and taste good. /10 Learner consumes ice cream and, possibly, shares with others. /10 Total points /100 General feedback: Evaluation After going through the instruction, do you feel you learned the proper steps to make a batch of homemade ice cream? Were the visual materials and directions to complete the objectives clear and appropriate? /15 Lozano Design Document, Week 3 Activity 4 Did the visual instructional materials allow you to learn these steps or were there some that needed better information? Do you feel that you were successful in reaching the goals that the instructor set out at the start of instruction? What could be improved in the instruction to help you learn better?