MoCAN Meeting April 28, 2011 I. CDC Updates and Sustainability Plan- Claire Heiser a. Impressed with how much she sees us sustaining our work b. Funding in Missouri from CDC ended in 2008 c. Stimulus money was administered to Missouri for 2 years, now that it’s coming to an end it is important to start working on sustaining these programs. d. What should states do right now regarding the upcoming economic climate, they out to be looking at capturing results. How can we capture these results? Its important to show how these programs impact. How have you shared you knowledge and successes. We need something from you beyond the results we need your shared successes. Be more systematic in your collaboration. e. Updates from CDC: also been having fiscal issues. Given a budget that was much reduced, told to reduce their budget by 750 million dollars. Where does this cut come from? We don’t know at this time. We feel we are in a good place though because we have one of the important battles to work on (obesity). The stimulus money will continue through the end of the two years but after that we don’t know what will happen. f. What % of the CDCs budget is 750 million? – Unsure, we will hear in the next 34 months what this impact will be. The rumors are that it’s going to be just as bleak in 2013. g. Funding the states and what is moving forward. It is a new day and our leaders are looking for new opportunities. There are two in the pipeline i. Community Transformation Grants- going directly to the communities, the large communities will be available to apply individually and small communities will be able to apply under local health departments ii. Consolidated Chronic Disease Funding FOA (doesn’t include tobacco funding) h. MO Foundation for Health has a program MoCAP agency that is trying to capture federal funds for MO. Check out their website for these opportunities. MO Foundation is working with groups to get these money’s here. (Amy StringerHessel) II. MoCAN Business a. Web page status-Cindy DeBlauw i. All the links are populated ii. Need help from the workgroups to populate their sites iii. Resources page needs to be developed- the messaging work group will be working on this iv. Handouts: 1. Work group template. Would like the workgroups to work on this and as soon as you get this information back to us we can post it. 1 2. MoCAN submission form- please fill out this form for anything you want listed on the webpage. Will also be sending this form out electronically 3. Only organizations that have filled out a member profile will be able to be listed on the website. a. Members: Would like to get the member agreement list sent out for folks to make sure their organization on the list. b. Meetings with elected officials i. Johanna: met with the governor’s representative (Barbara). We wanted to get across what we have done with MoCAN so far. We provided them with a folder that included our history, what our workgroups do and what organizations were members. We have heard that no one knew who we were. Told them about the healthcare toolkit. They were very impressed. Obesity rates in MO is 29.6% for adults and doesn’t look much better for children. Also provided her with a wish list. Governors Council for Physical Activity and Health- we made a point to tell them we wanted one of our members on that council. ii. Samara: Talked about best practices, agencies with the state could work together. Talked about passing strong policies. Informed her about the current bill that passed in the House. Also informed her of the concepts of complete streets and farm to table. Samara has sample letters to get the bill on the calendar in the Senate. We have a short time frame to get these letters to Dempsey so you might call his office. Important to get these concepts of changing iii. Donna: People that went to the governor’s office represented us well! Feel it went really well. We made our “asks” in a way that it was not really blunt and demanding. iv. David: The governor’s office didn’t want to really talk about MSIP5. Barbara understood the message, she just didn’t do a lot of talking. Brad brought them the worksite toolkit and we plan to get them a copy of the others. Think she understood our request. Also asked for support of complete streets and farm to institution. v. Small group met with Brown. Very receptive to our message. Interested in working with a group from MoCAN to reintroduce obesity bill next year. Executive order mentioned MoCAN. vi. Brad: Thought it went really well. Good to finally get in the Governors office. Have tried for 2 years to get in their office. Really good foot in the door for us. Think we will get more engagement from them now. c. MSIP5 – Cindy i. Cliff notes version- last November the State Board of Education and Department of Education began working on changes on accreditation standards. No more minimum requirement for PE, music and art. Also took out any requirements for these teachers to have certifications to teach these courses. Education Round Table has really got DESE’s attention 2 regarding their opposition to these changes. The State Board of Education met in April and agreed to withdraw these standards. Although the standards have been withdrawn you can still submit your comments online until May 15. DESE is going to develop a new advisory group to work on these standards. The new standards are anticipated to be released in August. Please resubmit your comments in August too. Under comments select other and state that you are commenting on the “process and resource standards”. MO wants to be in the top 10 of state performance by 2020. ii. Cindy will send out a factsheet that contains research information on the connection between PA and performance. iii. Questions: How does this proposal compare to other states? Colorado has similar accreditation standards. Colorado schools are cutting PE to save money. Although CO has the lowest obesity rates among adults, childhood obesity rates are catching up with national averages. III. Food Systems Update (on-going education) – Mary Hendricks and Amy Stringer-Hessel a. Sustainable Agriculture and Public Health- subset of an environmental movement. What is sustainable agriculture? – agriculture and food system that promotes profitability, stewardship of the land, air and water and quality of life for farmers, ranchers and their communities (fresh, local, food security, equity) b. Build on successes- Nutrition: Surgeon General’s report linking diet and health, nutrition label laws, passage of soda/junk food ban in CA, major fast food chains elimination… c. Provide fresh food in health care institutions- Goal: Freeman Health System will contribute to improving the health of Southwest MO residents by increasing and promoting the availability of nutritious food and beverages served to patients, employees and the public. i. Getting the supply: List of local farmers to supply fresh produce, working with US Food Purchasing, Farm to Institution Workshop-provided connections ii. Immediate Actions: healthcare without harm healthy food in healthcare pledge, grass fed MO beef, increasing produce on salad bar, eliminated fried food, fruit cups selling more than other desserts, patient food satisfaction highest ever iii. Gateway Greening: Ensuring Fresh Food in Every NeighborhoodProducing 6 new city managed food producing garden hubs, building 15 small intensive food gardens at childcare centers, increase knowledge of advance urban food production, encouraging hubs to center for advocacy and policy change around food and land use issues, vacant land used for urban food, EBT at farmers market d. Promote Agricultural subsidies for fresh food: Number of acres devoted to fruit & vegetable production in US in about 2.5% of total cropland- (See PPT slides) 3 IV. Farm to Institution Update- Amy Dunaway (see PPT slides) a. Based out of the School of Journalism work on the Farm to School campaign. b. We did a lot of back ground research, key informant interviews-food service directors, vendors, farmers c. Audience background & segmentation d. Objectives for the campaign e. Communication Strategies V. Work group reports a. Food Systems Workgroup i. Wanted to get more agriculture agencies in our group and we feel we have achieved that. Talked about Let’s Move toolkit. Plan to get a phone call with Judy Baker by June, she is the MO contact person for this program. ii. Brought copies of the hunger atlas for people to have b. Schools & Childcare Workgroup i. Discussed I Am Moving I Am Learning trainings ii. May 9th meeting in KC iii. School health index can be used for school assessments c. Worksite Workgroup i. Spent time to hear from Margie Meyer talk about Cape Girardeau project and how they all can help her with this project. d. Healthcare Workgroup i. Excellence in connecting health to the Community: focusing on obesity. On going award for medical students & healthcare practitioners who are going out in the community and tackling obesity issues. Wanting to recognize student in medical school and doctors working with patients. Hope to have this award online. This can be an advertisement for MoCAN, need to promote this with the help of the messaging workgroup. e. Built Environment i. Need tools to communicate our message to our key stakeholders. Plan to each get 4 stakeholders. Trying to have conference call made by next meeting. Talking to a lot of people in KC. The state is looking at complete streets resolution and it is in the senate right now and Tom Dempsey is the person to call. HCR23 f. Policy i. We have had a whole lot of policy today 1. Complete streets –Who can lobby? Please call Dempsey 2. Farm to Table legislation- Per one version of the bill DHSS is not included in the council. The policy work group will send out information later about how members can seek to get DHSS on the council. 3. Companion Bills a. Oct walk and bike to school day b. Mo Bike Month 4. Questions: great observation that we made today 4 a. We can’t lobby as a group. We need people to help us do this. Need to add members that can lobby for us. b. Would like to request if meeting could be moved to Fridays so that those who are lobbying can be here. c. How and when does MoCAN want to approach farm bill 2012. d. Mo Coalition for the Environment is hosting meetings throughout the state. The meeting dates will be sent to the membership ii. Messaging 1. Finally getting an intern to work on stuff this summer a. Compile a list of resources-CDC is also helping us with doing this. They are coming out with a media resource center for obesity 2. Social networking-need more facebook friends a. Plan to send out something in the weekly updates on how to get added as a friend. 3. More messages that we can send out via tweeting 4. MoCAN website: given the task to organized the resources section a. Think about how we can organize several different ways so that people can look the information up a variety of ways. b. Want to add the history of MoCAN: how have we got where we are. 5. Want to work with schools workgroup about adding something on the website regarding PE and the positive impact on schools. What are our schools actually doing? 6. Looked at different ways to get the messages for MO Livable Streets and Farm to Institution. VI. MSIP5- Margie VanDeven, Assistant Commissioner, DESE, Office of Quality Schools a. DESE has been presenting a lot of the information to the state board. DESE has heard that we don’t like the standards. At the last meeting the State Board of Education did accept to withdrawal those rules. DESE is trying to determine what to do with the process standards and what should this look like. Margie presented what DESE was trying to do and where this decision came from because a lot of misinformation has come out. Then we can have a good discussion. b. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education i. Vision: MO public schools: the best choice… the best results! ii. Mission: To guarantee the superiors preparation and performance c. Department Goals (4 total) i. Want our students to be competitive at a national and global level d. Implementation of MSIP – 1st and 2nd cycles i. No real timeline e. Questions: i. What triggers these standards being changed 1. When they are no longer sufficient. 5 ii. Have we been in the top 10 in the past? 1. Mo has very high standards. But if you look at the MAP test assessment it aligns to the national assessment. But the issue is they are scoring at 50 on the MAP test. We are in the 20s somewhere out of the 50 states. iii. 10 by 2020- based on what? 1. What we are moving to is a common core and then we will have a national assessments were we will be able to compare from state to state. There is also the ACT and the SAT 2. We have the MO scores on ACT and SAT and National test results on our website. 3. The goal is the make sure that these students will be college ready when they graduate. iv. 3 sets of standards and indicators: process, resources, and performance v. Why you use the ACT when not everyone takes the ACT? 1. Trying to promote the use of additional indicators a. One of those has been the ACT b. We have expanded that to ACT SAT and the COMPASS and ASVAB for folks entering the military. TSA assessment also added to measure specific skills. vi. There is a strong body of information that says that children that are not physically active don’t achieve well. What impact do these resource standards have? 1. Tough times choosing what to keep and what to cut 2. The local board greatly supports the arts and sports 3. Have added a physical activity assessment as well as fine arts assessment 4. Graduation requirements don’t change vii. When will the health and MAP requirement be implemented? 1. Schools that eliminate PE would have no punishment at the state level. 2. MSIP5 could cause losing the state standard at which we want all the schools to reach. 3. Funding is not available for the Health/PE MAP so if could be years before it is implemented. viii. Need to show the school boards and local school districts the research on PA and its connection to performance ix. What is gets measured gets done! x. What kind of support actually has come from the classrooms? 1. How are classroom teachers responding? a. You tell us the standard and we will meet it. Teachers are now asking for protection. xi. Need the authority from the superintendents to go to the boards to make sure these subjects are supported and funded. xii. Next Steps: Could MoCAN have a stakeholder in this meeting? – YES 6 VII. How School Work and How to Work with Schools- Joel Denny, Executive Director, Missouri School Boards Association a. No quick fixes b. How schools work…. i. Boards of Educations govern local school districts. They implement policy 1. Policy is a guideline that is typically adopted by a school board. It says what they want and also why and how much. 2. They are broad enough to let the school administration to take care of the day-to-day problems ii. Two ways to think about school policies 1. Compliance vs. Aspirational a. “good enough for our kids” or “let’s be the best” iii. What do we want? 1. For all children iv. What is the source for polices? 1. Federal laws and regulations 2. Judicial decisions 3. State law regulations 4. Local school board policies c. How to work with schools… i. Joel’s thoughts, beliefs, experiences … 1. Do we have a policy on this? 2. When schools are not following their own policies trouble ensues ii. Leverage policies… 1. Federal laws and regulations 2. Judicial decisions 3. State law and regulations 4. Local school board policies iii. Drivers of local policies… 1. Current policies of a school district – is the district following them, what’s the review schedule of the policies? 2. MSIP-Missouri’s Process for the Accreditation of Public School District 3. The Annual District Budget 4. The Professional Development Plan d. “Follow the Money” …. i. What services are provided at what cost to which students resulting in what outcomes? 1. Want to get their attention, show school districts how they can save money e. How to work with schools… 7 i. Correlates of achievement for young children… 1. Hunger and nutrition 2. Being read to 3. Parent involvement/availability 4. Television watching 5. Student mobility 6. Birth weight ii. A comparison of school boards in High achieving districts vs. school boards in Low achieving iii. Lessons learned… 1. Effective school boards act differently than ineffective school boards 2. Caring about children is singularly insufficient to promote student learning iv. The politics of public education.. 1. “It’s about relationships” 2. Diversity (by size, rural/urban, quality, per pupil expenditure) 3. Increasing accountability a. Work on the top 50 districts you will get the rest to followbecause the top 50 school districts have the over 50% of the students in MO in their districts. 4. Schools reflect their communities-good schools = good economy 5. Globalization f. Questions: i. MSIP 5 1. Changes to the resource section, how do you feel about this? a. What gets measured get accomplished b. Not aspirational they are compliant c. Better be some input between now and May because the squeaky wheel get the attention. d. Wrote a letter suggesting the proposed regulations being pulled back 2. As an organization what can we do? a. Education-local level because its easier to identify who has influence with them b. Its all about numbers with these school districts, you want to leverage those top 50 school districts i. Contact those school nurses in those districts 8