April 24, 2013 In 2003 representatives from MASS, MOEC, maaps, MAPT and ASE organized to discuss rising costs in out-of-district special education transportation Preliminary study showed significant cost savings by consolidating routes Funding provided from the Legislature to fund a three-year pilot program effective July 1, 2006 Proposed model- collaborative would serve as a hub for coordinating transportation to private schools located in their geographic area Year two of the study showed potential cost savings could be realized through intercollaborative networks The legislature continued funding in FY2009 to further support the development of networks In FY2010 the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education provided funding to support, enhance and create additional networks The following networks demonstrated significant savings: Metro-Boston Northeast Metro-West Blackstone Valley Southeast Continued DESE support of the State Special Education Taskforce DESE funded project to provide districts with the October 1 DESE SIMS data Provide ridership data for programs receiving students from 15+ school districts Massachusetts Association Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents of School Committees Massachusetts Massachusetts Association Organization of of Special Education Educational Collaboratives Administrators Massachusetts Association Massachusetts Association of School Business of Approved Private Officials Schools Massachusetts Association for Pupil Transportation Fiscal Year Number of Students Number of Private/Collaborative Programs 2010 10,557 389 2011 10,516 401 2012 10,339 414 2013 10,414 395 A website was developed in FY2012 to show the October 1 DESE Data and ridership data for identified programs www.spedtranssavings.org Districts can see if sharing with another district or if potential to share exists PROCESS Contact District Website IEP Placement Identify Neighboring Districts Establish Route Facilitate IEP meeting Arrange for transportation services Ensure transitions to outside placement are smooth and effective Work closely with parents Ensure compliance with all State and Federal mandates Quality of service provided by vendor or school district Parent satisfaction Dependable and reliable service Expediency in establishing transportation services Cost savings Parents may not want child riding with students from other districts Length of ride Frequent changes to routes Special conditions for monitors and/or wheelchairs Cost Recognize parents concerns Their child riding with children from other districts Length of time on the vehicle Share benefits of ride sharing Inclusive setting allows for greater socialization Least restrictive environment One hour ride limit can be waived by the team IEP Transportation Services ◦ Check “NO” if student does not require any modifications (a smaller vehicle does not constitute special transportation) ◦ Check “YES” if student requires any modifications, wheelchair, adaptive bus, lift or ramp, monitor Narrative Description of School District Proposal Transportation is being provided the student attending the out of district placement. In the meeting the parents understood and agreed that the commute may be longer than one hour due to distance, traffic, weather and other circumstances beyond the control of the transportation company. Significant savings can be realized when several districts share vehicle costs Vehicle cost divided by the number of districts on the vehicle Average route cost=$215 per day ◦ District would pay that as solo run or share with other districts Significant cost savings can result if districts share routes Cost Savings Example District Current per Day Cost* Boxford PS Newburyport PS Topsfield PS $71.60 $71.60 $71.60 Cost Avoidance** Annual Savings180 Days $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 $25,812.00 $25,812.00 $25,812.00 Combined Cost Avoidance (Savings): *Hypothetical figure based on Northeast Network rate. **Based on average cost per day statewide. $77,436.00 District must provide transportation provider with clear written information In-service Training Program Periodic Inspection of Equipment Provides another resource when setting up transportation services Can expedite placement Cost savings to your district Helpful documents and presentations Work with collaborative or transportation network Work closely with transportation person Timing is important for smooth start Provide pertinent information to transportation providers Formal Collaboratives providing this service ◦ Operate their own vehicles ◦ Contract with vendor(s) Regional networks Informal arrangements made between towns/districts District owned and operated transportation October 1 Data Ridership Data Colleen Cavanaugh Office 508.829.2786 Cell 774.345.0131 Email colleencavanaugh@ymail.com Jay Sullivan Office email 617.338.6594 jsullivan@doe.mass.edu