Document 16799589


Red numbers are the red dots each item received. Items not numbered did not receive any votes in final prioritization.


Passionate People

Statewide member reps-20

DHSS/MFH/MU support-13

Networking across agencies (partnerships, resources)-27

Seven Work groups-1


Macro/micro policy work-1

Professional diversity of group with common interests— 28

Multi-generation members— 1

Past initiatives form basis

Evidence-based focus areas— 15

Access to data— 5

Ability to organize conferences— 1

Passion— 9

Consistency of core members— 2

MU staff

Uses policy level change as tactic— 1

Weaknesses—Most Dangerous

Missing representatives from the SE, NE, NW quadrants— 13

Missing partners— 18

Limited diversity— 16

Weak communication with members; potential members— 13

Takes too long to accomplish goals

Funding—lack of in org and members— 2

Council—lack of awareness of MOCAN/how to become a member— 3

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Too many newsletters/e-mails— 1

Being new— 1

Overwhelming information—not well organized— 2

No MU student involvement

Only one way to participate in meeting— 15

Provider/educator involvement lacking— 4

Focus message/project—narrow— 12

Overrepresentation of some orgs/inconsistent attendance— 1

Member retention— 1

Accountability— 1

Lack of knowledge of parameters of advocacy versus education— 2

Program/intervention focus instead of policy

Workgroup structure/SILOS— 18

Not a 501c3—limits funding— 6


Apply for other grants— 16

Work together to take back info to local communities— 4

Develop idea bank for local change— 7

Disseminate MOCAN materials—success stories, resources— 18

Nominal membership fee/wavier for nonprofits— 7

More access meetings

Share wifi

Non-active members (MDs, Bus. Profs)—why? Find out?— 7

Legislative (local/St/Fed)—influence policy— 1

Regular conferences—not annual— 13

Engage with MFH Healthy Schools Coalitions— 1

Increased cultural/comm. Interest in HEPA

Networking— 20

ID reg groups doing sig. work regionally and invite

Receptive to messages

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Statewide focus— 4

Learn from others—get ideas and model— 11

ID high impact/low effort initiatives— 1

New member attention— 6

Impact member org policies— 1

Invite new members— 1

Create unified message— 5

MOCAN meet ups

WG cross-collaboration

Incentivize MOCAN leadership— 2

Track e-mail open rates


Poor use of technology

Financial sustainability—lack of—17

Time/meeting location—12

Over-reaching state legislators

General political atmosphere--23

Lack of awareness of MOCAN—17

Timetables to make change without losing momentum


Sedentary lifestyle. . .culture—13

No tax state

Food industry—12

Trust/lack of idea sharing

Pot. Competition among members

Mixed messaging/conflicting

Loss of networking if tech is used—1

Member retention/turnover—23

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Lack of measurable outcomes—9

Restarts with new members—1

Lack of WG calls/meetings between quarterly meetings—slow progress—2


Statewide member reps


Those opposed to healthy lifestyle




MOCAN materials



Incentivize MOCAN leadership

Longer leadership terms/progression

Develop new member orientation—YouTubes: Why join? Impact?

Develop a formal funding strategy/responsibility

Devote resources to MOCAN org development/planning

Form membership committee: new, current, inactive

Transform workgroups to focused priorities with time limited duration

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