Communities in Bloom is a Canadian beautification program that

Communities in Bloom is a Canadian beautification
program that provides information and education,
and awards Bloom Ratings for achievement in
floral displays, landscapes, turf, urban forestry,
community involvement, heritage conservation,
environmental awareness and tidiness. This
volunteer-based, non-profit organization is
committed to fostering civic pride, environmental
responsibility and beautification through
community participation and
the challenge of provincial, national and
international competition.
What is Communities in Bloom?
• Municipalities of All Sizes Across Canada
• Provincial Editions
• Elected Official Involvement
• Creates Competition
• Builds Pride
What is Communities in Bloom?
• Municipalities are Evaluated by
the Judges on the Efforts of
the Whole Community
• Municipality, Citizens, Businesses,
Service Organizations, Institutions
• Consultancy Report
What is Communities in Bloom?
• Entire Community is Evaluated
• Residential, Commercial,
Municipal Properties
• Landscapes • Turf & Open Spaces
• Floral Displays
• Urban Forestry
• Community Involvement
• Heritage Preservation
• Environmental Effort
• Tidiness
What is Communities in Bloom?
• Quantify A Community’s
“Outer Beauty”
• Quality of Life
Landscaped Areas
… efforts made by municipal, corporate and private citizens to
create an environment where plants form an essential element of
the whole community.
… overall design and suitability for location and/or use, native
plant materials or introduction of new materials, a balance of plant
material and constructed elements, harmony (color, texture and
shape), integration of art elements and high standards of
maintenance and site rejuvenation and rehabilitation.
Landscaped Areas
Information and inspiration to help Canadians
plan, plant and care for their landscapes
Turf & Groundcovers
… efforts made by municipal, corporate (all forms of local
businesses) and private citizens.
… the quality of naturalization, the use of ground covers and wild
flowers, turf management (manicured to rough), maintenance
(mowing height/frequency, Integrated Pest Management-IPM),
fertilization programs, irrigation, water restrictions.
… private homes, public buildings, municipal and private sports
fields and athletic parks
Turf & Groundcovers
Information and inspiration to help Canadians
enjoy their leisure time and open spaces
Floral Displays
… efforts made by municipal, corporate (all forms of local
businesses) and private citizens
… arrangements of flowers and plants, originality, distribution,
location, diversity and balance, harmony, quality and
maintenance. This pertains to flower beds, carpet bedding,
containers, baskets, window boxes annuals, perennials, bulbs,
ornamental grasses etc.
Floral Displays
Information and inspiration to help Canadians plant
and care for their annual & perennial flowers
Tree / Urban Forest Management
… efforts made by municipal, corporate (all forms of local
businesses) and private citizens in regards to urban forestry and
tree management.
… any written policies, by-laws and standards for tree planting
and care. Long and short term plans. Inclusion of tree inventory;
qualified/trained staff; Plant Health Care and Integrated Pest
Management; heritage, memorial and commemorative trees; hardy
species; variety; succession planting; suitability; planting and
care of school grounds.
Tree / Urban Forest Management
Information and inspiration to help Canadians
plant, protect and preserve their trees
Community Involvement
… citizens from the private, municipal and corporate sector
(all forms of local businesses) and their involvement in
various community projects.
… volunteers involved in long and short-term projects
(Marigolds on Main Street, Clean-Up Day etc.) and
recreational programs (coaches, team managers, etc)
all ages from children to seniors.