FIN AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture

AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants
and their culture
AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
This document has been created for trainers by trainers with financial assistance from the National VET E-Learning Strategy. The content has been developed and presented
with respect to the required elements of the unit and follows the required outcomes of the training package. Any lecturer or trainer is able to use all or any of the following
content for their own training needs or modify all or any of the content for their training needs. All images may be used by the trainer or they may substitute for their own as
For more information or clarification, please contact Andrew Morrison at the Great Southern Institute of Technology (Albany, Western Australia) by emailing (Project Manager).
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 1.1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Element 1.2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Element 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Element 2.1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Element 2.2, 2.3 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Element 3.1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Element 3.2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Element 3.3 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 1.1
Module Information
Applied Quality Training Fundamentals (AQTF)
This unit covers the process of providing information to clients and others about plants and their cultural requirements and
defines the standard required to:
 confirm client brief and request for information
 consider the growing environment (soil, climate and aspect, pests and diseases, and weed competition)
 develop product knowledge through in-house and online sources
 incorporate client aims and preferences into developing options for plantings
 determine the optimal solution for the client needs
 provide recommendations on plants, plantings and/or plant treatments, with supporting information to the client
1 Identify the issue
Criteria 1: Contact is initiated with the client when appropriate
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Initial contact with a client
Written Content
Clients/ customers are the people you who either purchase goods or services from and enterprise or a department.
Initial contact will vary according to the type of enterprise. For individuals employed the enterprise the level of contact and the
information and service provided will be governed partly by their responsibilities with the organisation.
It is important to beware of your responsibilities within a workplace, when working with the public/ community. This can be
determined by either checking your JDF (Job Description file) or speaking to a supervisor or manager about the type and scope of
work you are responsible to undertake.
Whatever way customers/ clients approach employees of different companies / enterprises all enquiries should be handled in a
way that will advantage the customer and the company you are employed for.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Examples of clients In the horticultural Industry
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In retail garden centre (nursery) the employee may have direct interaction with customers who are looking to purchase things like
plants garden accessories or pest control treatments.
In a wholesale nursery the employee will have contact with garden centres/nurseries that are inquiring about stock, and the
contact is either imitated by email or phone.
Employees of landscaping enterprises / companies will have customers directly approaching them to request information about
project work and costs.
Employees of Landscaping maintenance businesses (garden maintenance) may be approached by customers while they are
carrying out work. Customers with take advantage of the chance to speak to the company direct and to enquire about the service
and the price, other enquires will be made over the phone.
Council parks and garden staff are working the maybe approached by rate payers requesting information or passing on concerns.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Question No 1
If a customer came in and had a quirey on a particular plant and you didn’t know the plant what would you do?
1. Send them away
2. Ask your supervisor
3. Change their mind on the plant as you don’t know it
Question No 2
Council workers can clean your front yard for you as you pay rates
Question No 3
A JDF is
1. Job Done Finally
2. Job Description Final
3. Job Description File
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 1.2
Module Information
Applied Quality Training Fundamentals (AQTF)
This unit covers the process of providing information to clients and others about plants and their cultural requirements and
defines the standard required to:
 confirm client brief and request for information
 consider the growing environment (soil, climate and aspect, pests and diseases, and weed competition)
 develop product knowledge through in-house and online sources
 incorporate client aims and preferences into developing options for plantings
 determine the optimal solution for the client needs
 provide recommendations on plants, plantings and/or plant treatments, with supporting information to the client
1 Identify the issue
Criteria 2: The client is assisted in explaining the issue by the use of attentive listening and questioning techniques
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Helping clients explain the issue
Written Content
Once you have the initial interaction has been made with a client, it is vital to determine precisely what the issue they want to
address. This could happen in a retail situation, over the phone or in garden environments.
The way to find out what the issue is to ask questions and allow your client to explain. Keeping clients on track by asking them
effective questioning The advantage of effective questioning are to
 Clarify meaning
 Find precise and applicable information
 Open a discussion
 Encourage further discussion
 Control and direct topic
To assist the customer in determining a problem you need to develop understanding, empathy and trust. Once this established
your client will be more open to your recommendations and will willingly discuss their concerns.
Types of questions are open and closed questioning.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Effective Questioning
Written Content
With effective questioning you are able to help determine the issue the customer needs to resolve.
Common issues that may need to be answered are:
Help in choosing the right plant for a particular area
Types of chemical or non-chemical treatments available for a pest or disease
Identification of what has caused a defect in a plant or what’s the infection and how can it be solved.
Complaints about a service or a product that was sold or actions that was undertaken by the company.
By engaging the customer and using effective questioning techniques it is possible to recognise and identify the problem or
concerns they might have and respond suitably.
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Written Content
Closed questions are short, specific questions that require a simple yes or no, they are not encouraged further discussion. The
benefit of closed questions are they:
Outline and clarify points
Demonstrate to your customer that you have payed attention to them
Gain exact information
Confirm facts
Example: Did you want Indigenous native plants in your garden?
Open Questioning begin with who what where how and why. The befits of open questions are that they
 Open up conversation
 Encourage further thought
 Aiding in building a rapport
 Create awareness
 Help learn what is motivating the person to make their enquiry
 Determine any apprehensions they might have
Example: What sort of flowers would you like in your rockery?
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Written Content
Use correct questioning techniques to identify and resolve language problems.
For example the language will differ when helping a young person compared to that of helping an elderly customer.
If your customer has a language barrier for example, if English is their second language you would speak clearly and slower to make
sure the customer understands you. You must never stereotype people by how they look or behave. It is also important to choose
the most appropriate language when establishing customer interaction by phone, email or in person.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Listening and Responding
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When trying to communicate with a customer what their concerns or problems are, it is important to actively listen and respond
accordingly. Active listening involves using body language and non-verbal indictors such as:
Using clients name
Nodding to show you understand or are in agreement
Taking notes
Using minimal encouragement responses for example “oh” “ahh”
Paraphrase to give feedback or summarise that you understand what you customer has relayed to you.
Example: You would like flowers that flower only in the summer months in your rockery?
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Rapport with customers
Written Content
Establishing a rapport with customers by being attentive and positive to their requirements will help establish a positive
relationship. In doing this you will make it easier to establish the client’s needs and preferences.
Help with customers trust and confide in you and reflects well on the company you are employed by.
Adopting a welcoming and confident attitude and being prepared so you can answer your customers queries, never being afraid to
ask more questions or get the customer to clarify what they have said all of the these things will help you in building a good strong
rapport with customers.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Question No 1
Establishing a rapport with customers by being attentive and positive to their requirements will help establish a positive
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Module Information
Applied Quality Training Fundamentals (AQTF)
This unit covers the process of providing information to clients and others about plants and their cultural requirements and
defines the standard required to:
 confirm client brief and request for information
 consider the growing environment (soil, climate and aspect, pests and diseases, and weed competition)
 develop product knowledge through in-house and online sources
 incorporate client aims and preferences into developing options for plantings
 determine the optimal solution for the client needs
 provide recommendations on plants, plantings and/or plant treatments, with supporting information to the client
1 Identify the issue
Criteria 3: The nature of the issue is clarified by gathering all relevant information from the client
Criteria 4: The issue is defined as closely as possible according to the amount of information gathered
Criteria 5: The client is advised that expert advice may be required to assist them further with their issue
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Clarifying the issue
Written Content
Customers usually seek solutions for problems they cannot solve or identify themselves. It would be left up to the horticulturist to
identify it as they have the acquired skills to help effectively. An example would be when a plant is affected by a pest or a disease.
It is important to be able to help narrow down causes through a series questions. Often customers (if they can) will bring in a
sample of the plant that is infected.
When asking questions use a format that will help you narrow down the problem such as
 Location of the garden and where the plant is growing
 Soil type
 Plant identification is correct
 Symptoms of the plant
 Watering of plant
 Age of the plant
 What types of treatments that have been applied recently
 Local weather conditions that maybe had an effect
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Written Content
Depending what type of company you work for will also depend on the types of questions you will need to answer. Some different
concerns may arise in different situations.
Selecting a plant for a particular site
Problems with plants or merchandise that has been purchased
Any recommended treatment that has not worked
The aim of the questioning is to identify the issue and narrow down the possibilities of the cause or the precise nature of the
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Written communication
Written Content
In companies there will also be written communication either via email or letters from customers/clients. Letters or emails can be
simply asking for or giving permission, or giving an opinion and maybe even a complaint.
Written communication can either be casual or formal.
Casual letters or emails are written in a conversational style, just as you are speaking to a friend or a family member and is often
unstructured in the way it is arranged.
Formal letters or emails are more set to a particular order and are written in a business style which is well organised into
paragraphs with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Asking for Info
Written Content
Emails or letters that come in to the workplace will be requesting information such as:
 A list of plants that are for sale
 A cost of a service
 A price on treatments
 Times and location of the facilities and information on what services are provided.
Often customers find that written communication is better, as they avoid missing out important information or details.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Opinion and providing Info
Written Content
When working within Government Agencies you will more than likely receive letters from customers expressing their opinions;
People may express frustration in something that has happened, a wish to express their appreciation for work done, attention to a
problem that might be there or expressing their views on a subject.
While working in the horticultural industry there will be many opportunities where a customer or a member of the public with
request information or advice.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Question No 1
When asking questions use a format that will help you narrow down the problem such as
1. Location of the garden and where the plant is growing
2. Soil type
3. Plant identification is correct
4. What the weather is
Question No 2
Written communication can be
1. Email
2. Fax
3. Phone
4. Letter
Question No 3
What would be asked by a client/customer
1. How are you?
2. What plants do you have for sale
3. How much are the plants
4. Can you send me a cost of these plants
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 2.1
Module Information
Applied Quality Training Fundamentals (AQTF)
This unit covers the process of providing information to clients and others about plants and their cultural requirements and
defines the standard required to:
 confirm client brief and request for information
 consider the growing environment (soil, climate and aspect, pests and diseases, and weed competition)
 develop product knowledge through in-house and online sources
 incorporate client aims and preferences into developing options for plantings
 determine the optimal solution for the client needs
 provide recommendations on plants, plantings and/or plant treatments, with supporting information to the client
2 Decide on preferred solution
Criteria 1: Options and/or strategies are identified and developed using available in-house and online reference material,
product information, own experiences and sharing collective workplace knowledge
Screens within Criteria
Assessment Questions
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Preferred solution
Written Content
There are typically a variety of decisions available to deal with any problem. As a horticulturist, knowledge and experience would
have been acquired through solving different problems. Once you have identified the problem you need to solve it. What method
you use to solve the problem will be determined by the customer/client’s preference.
Example: If a customer doesn’t like the use of chemicals and an organic product is their preference for pest control this might limit
your choices.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Problem Solving
Written Content
Information can be sourced through reference books, online, work colleagues and product information.
Finding an explanation to a problem does not happen through chance. A solution is achieved by working through a series of welldefined steps.
 Outline the problem
 Consider all the potential solutions
 Select the solution and check for likely consequences
 Plan how the problem will be solved
 Implement the solution
 Evaluate the problem-solving method
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Time to solve the problem
Written Content
Outline the problem – Use effective listening skills to identify the issue or problem, you need to understand the problem before
you can solve it. Consider the outcomes of the customer’s needs. When approaching a problem you should not have a predetermined answer you think will solve the problem. As customer’s needs may vary and one approach might not be the only
Consider all the potential solutions – When the problem has been defined consider all the potential solutions to the problem.
Select the solution and check for likely consequences- once you have established there is a range of solutions, you need to decide
on the preferred solution for you and the customer. Things that will help make the decision are effectiveness, cost, obtainability
and customer preference.
Plan how the problem will be solved – Once the solution has been identified you will need to work out how the solution will be
implemented. What, where and when must be decided on and how may determine the method being used.
Implement the solution- During the problem solving process; you will need to carry out different tasks to achieve the outcome.
Evaluate the problem-solving method- When checking to see if the solution has worked this will be at a later date, You should be
able to determine if the course of action you took worked. Customers will usually return and ask for more advice if it didn’t solve
the problem. If the solution worked you will receive feedback from customer.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Question No 1
Use effective listening skills to identify the issue or problem?
Question No 2
Information can be sourced through
1. reference books
2. online
3. work colleagues
4. product information
Question No 3
A solution is achieved by working through a series of well-defined steps.
1. Outline the problem
2. Give up and try again later
3. Select the solution and check for likely consequences
4. Plan how the problem will be solved
5. Forgot the solution
6. Evaluate the problem-solving method
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 2.2, 2.3
Module Information
Applied Quality Training Fundamentals (AQTF)
This unit covers the process of providing information to clients and others about plants and their cultural requirements and
defines the standard required to:
 confirm client brief and request for information
 consider the growing environment (soil, climate and aspect, pests and diseases, and weed competition)
 develop product knowledge through in-house and online sources
 incorporate client aims and preferences into developing options for plantings
 determine the optimal solution for the client needs
 provide recommendations on plants, plantings and/or plant treatments, with supporting information to the client
2 Decide on preferred solution
Criteria 2: Options and/or strategies are examined and evaluated according to sound problem-solving techniques
Criteria 3: The optimal solution is determined based on reasoned argument, appropriate evidence and sound cultural
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Gathering information
Written Content
A solution to a problem can only be reached by having sound knowledge and skills in the area concerned. This is through studying
different subjects and through experience.
Depending on the area you work in, a broad knowledge of plants will be essential to provide information to customers.
Retail Nursery – you will need knowledge of plants from different environments, plant identification, pests and disease
identification, potting medias, fertilisers, garden design, pruning, plant protection, and garden accessories- to name a few.
Wholesale nursery – similar to retail but focus’ more on plants produced.
Parks and Gardens- you will require knowledge of trees and turf care, soils and soil improvements, plant protection devices and
pests and diseases.
There are other horticultural areas that will require you to provide information on plants and their culture for example turf
maintenance, landscaping and arboriculture.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Ways of increasing your knowledge
Written Content
The best way to increase your knowledge and skills in providing the best information on plants and their culture is to talk to people
in the industry, read trade journals, attend workshops, talk to suppliers of products, read horticultural journals and by researching
information online. Books are a good source of information, to have handy, when customers come in to help identify plants and
their cultural requirements.
Keeping yourself current in skills and knowledge is essential to maintain a good rapport with customers. Thing’s change constantly,
new plant breeds are cultivated, new techniques are being developed. It’s good to keep up-to-date not only for yourself and
customers but for the company you work for.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Question No 1
What knowledge would you need in a retail nursery?
1. Plant Protection
2. potting medias
3. fertilisers
4. garden design
5. turf care
Question No 2
The best way to increase your knowledge and skills is to
1. Read journals
2. Researching information online
3. Talk to people in the industry
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 3.1
Module Information
Applied Quality Training Fundamentals (AQTF)
This unit covers the process of providing information to clients and others about plants and their cultural requirements and
defines the standard required to:
 confirm client brief and request for information
 consider the growing environment (soil, climate and aspect, pests and diseases, and weed competition)
 develop product knowledge through in-house and online sources
 incorporate client aims and preferences into developing options for plantings
 determine the optimal solution for the client needs
 provide recommendations on plants, plantings and/or plant treatments, with supporting information to the client
3 Provide the preferred solution
Criteria 1: The recommended solution, method of application and probable outcomes are clearly explained to the client
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Provide the preferred solution
Written Content
Once you have made a decision on the preferred solution to the customer’s problem you have to communicate this solution to the
customer. You need to do this in a way which is appropriate to the company and the position you work in.
If you work in a nursery and are making sales, then it would be appropriate to do this verbally while engaging with the customer.
If you are working in a wholesale company then via email or phone might be the appropriate method depending if you need to
discuss solutions in different stages.
Whatever the case might be, information regarding the solution must be delivered in an effective manner which can be
understood by all ….. So good communication skills are essential whether verbally or in a written context.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Question No 1
Good communication skills are essential when dealing with clients?
Question No 2
Good communication skills are essential when dealing with clients?
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 3.2
Module Information
Applied Quality Training Fundamentals (AQTF)
This unit covers the process of providing information to clients and others about plants and their cultural requirements and
defines the standard required to:
 confirm client brief and request for information
 consider the growing environment (soil, climate and aspect, pests and diseases, and weed competition)
 develop product knowledge through in-house and online sources
 incorporate client aims and preferences into developing options for plantings
 determine the optimal solution for the client needs
 provide recommendations on plants, plantings and/or plant treatments, with supporting information to the client
3 Provide the preferred solution
Criteria 2: The original source of the plant and its cultural requirements is referred to where necessary
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
providing information
Written Content
When providing information to your client on a preferred plant, ensure the information is communicated to the customer/client
appropriately. The way you communicate your information will depend on your situation and the company you work for.
In the gardening / horticultural industry we have various opportunities to provide information, if you communicate your solutions
properly; you will get your message across efficiently and successfully.
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Question No 1
The way you communicate your information will depend on your situation and the company you work for
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Element 3.3
Module Information
Applied Quality Training Fundamentals (AQTF)
This unit covers the process of providing information to clients and others about plants and their cultural requirements and
defines the standard required to:
 confirm client brief and request for information
 consider the growing environment (soil, climate and aspect, pests and diseases, and weed competition)
 develop product knowledge through in-house and online sources
 incorporate client aims and preferences into developing options for plantings
 determine the optimal solution for the client needs
 provide recommendations on plants, plantings and/or plant treatments, with supporting information to the client
3 Provide the preferred solution
Criteria 3: Client requests for clarification or expansion are responded to by the use of attentive listening and questioning
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Put a page title here
Written Content
When a client requests clarification or expansion on their request, respond by the use of attentive listening and questioning
Attentive listening is fully concentrating on what is being said rather than just ‘hearing’ the message of the speaker. Attentive
listening involves listening with all senses. It is important that you are also ‘seen’ to be listening by using both verbal and nonverbal signals such as maintaining eye contact, nodding your head and smiling or agreeing by saying ‘Yes’
Providing 'feedback' will allow the customer to feel more at ease and therefore communicate more easily, openly and honestly.
Asking questions is another way of finding out more detail. Sometimes it's better to ask your customer for an example, to help
you understand the problem. At other times, you may need additional information for clarification.
Source Information
Find more at:
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AHCPCM302A - Provide information on plants and their culture
Question No 1
Attentive listening involves listening with all senses
Question No 2
How can you find out more detail from a client about their problem
1. Asking open questions
2. Ask for examples
3. Tell them the problem and see if your right?
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