
Alfresco as a platform
Thoughts for discussion | March, 2007
What is a platform?
Set of services that developers can leverage to build
The services that are important vary by solution
User interface/presentation layer
Data model/persistance layer
Library services
Integration hooks
Server-side API
Development (config, customize, extend, manage, deploy) model
Solution-specific services such as search, transformation
Marketing guys want to sell platforms
• Infinity: “It's not an automobile, it is a sound studio on wheels.”
Platform or not?
These are examples of platforms
• Lotus Notes/Domino
• ATG/Dynamo
• Vignette
• Zope
• Documentum
These are examples of tools, frameworks, and niche
• LAMP, PHP, Symfony
• J2EE, Tomcat, JBoss, Spring
• Most mid-market ECM solutions
Does it matter?
So is Alfresco a platform?
Yes. Alfresco is a platform for content-centric solutions.
It provides all of the services mentioned earlier...
User interface/presentation layer: Spring/MyFaces
Data model/persistance layer: Extensible content model
Library services: Check-in/check-out, versioning
Transactions: Configurable via Spring
Security: Authenticate against LDAP, define custom roles
Workflow/BPM: Simple workflows or embedded JBPM
Integration hooks: Write your own actions or policies that will call
other apps with Java; Other apps integrate with Alfresco via JCR
or Web Services
Scheduler: Leverages Quartz scheduler
Server-side API: Via the Rhino JavaScript engine
Development (config, customize, extend, manage, deploy) model:
Create light extensions through Freemarker, heavier
customizations via Java
Solution-specific services such as search, transformation: Lucene
handles search; Some content Okay,
OOTB; Addbut for whatprovided
types of solutions?
ons for things like records management
Four Alfresco patterns
Straight Alfresco
• Use cases: Typical ECM: Document management, imaging,
records management
• Client: Web client UI is acceptable OOTB or with minor
customizations; Office suites
• Process: Simple to complex processes
• Content: Document-centric
Alfresco as a Repository
• Use cases: NGI applications, portals
• Client: Custom; leverage a framework such as Symfony (PHP),
Liferay (Java), or Jboss Portal (Java)
• Process: Simple to complex; may have integration requirements
• Content: Content-centric
Four Alfresco patterns
Alfresco for Traditional WCM
• Use cases: Enable non-technical users to manage mostly static
web sites
• Client: Web client
• Process: Simple
• Content: XML-centric
Alfresco for Dynamic WCM
• Use cases: Enable both technical and non-technical users to work
together to maintain a dynamic web site (application)
• Client: Web client, Eclipse and other tools
• Process: Simple to complex processes
• Content: XML-centric
Alfresco anti-patterns
An issue of “could you” versus “should you”
• You could use Alfresco to develop a CRM application but should
Alfresco as the portal or community
• Alfresco is not there yet, but watch for developments in this area
Alfresco as a platform for non-document- or noncontent-centric solutions
• Alfresco is built to handle content, not as a replacement to
Source code management [Brought up by one of the
meet-up participants]
• Until Alfresco supports the SVN protocol, developers probably will
not be willing to give up their current tools to use Alfresco for
source code management
Contact info
Jeff Potts, Optaros
Personal blog:
Optaros web site: