North Arkansas College Course Syllabus for Music Appreciation 1. Course Identification Course Name: (MUS 1003) Music Appreciation Credit Hours: 3 Meeting Times: Online Study Instructor: Reece Conrad Office Location: M162 - Office Hours: By Appointment Email: 2. Catalog Course Description This course surveys Music history, with emphasis on hearing and discussing Western Art Music. You will examine cultural trends and major composers throughout history by studying musical selections for voice and common orchestral instruments. You will also learn the terminology needed to discuss musical works in an intelligent manner. Attendance at live concerts and selective Internet listening is highly encouraged. 3. Rationale for Course Music is a part of everyday life for all human beings. Studying about the fundamentals of music and tracing its development throughout history helps us understand and appreciate the art of Music to a fuller extent. Music appreciation is one of the educational core classes and is transferable to other colleges. 4. Audience for Course Music Appreciation is open to any Northark student. There are no pre-requisites. 5. General Course Goals Apply critical thinking and problem solving skills across disciplines. Apply life skills in areas such as teamwork, interpersonal relationships, ethics, and study habits. Communicate clearly in written or oral formats. Use technology appropriate for learning. Discuss issues of a diverse global society. Demonstrate math and/or statistical skills. 6. Specific Course Outcomes/Objectives/Competencies By the end of the semester students will be able to: Identify different instruments and sections of the orchestra Identify various compositions of music Identify different styles of music Identify various musical vocabulary terms Understand the uniqueness and importance of various composers throughout different periods of history 7. Resources Needed for the Course (REQUIRED MATERIALS) Personal computer: The student is expected to have access to a computer with these system requirements. If you have any problems with your computer, ie, computer crashes, internet goes down, or etc., it is your responsibility to have a backup plan. Email Account: A Northark email account was issued to you automatically when you enrolled in your classes. To access your email, navigate to Northark’s Web site at Textbook: Kamien, Roger. Music: An Appreciation, Eighth Brief Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y. 2014. Download Access Card for “Connect” 8. Resources Available for the Course Computer access is available in the library. The library is open from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m - 5 p.m Fridays and 8am until 2pm on Saturdays. There are also computer labs in rooms M101, M102, M103, M111D, M150, A106, B206-209, N110, and N114. All south campus labs are open when the building is open. North campus labs usually close at 5 p.m. You can doublecheck lab hours outside of room B202 (Mary Bausch’s office). 9. Instructional/Teaching Methods Online video lectures and demonstrations from the instructor Audial and Visual demonstrations of musical material Instructor-lead online forum discussions 10. Other Student Responsibilities When in doubt, email me! If you have any questions or issues with an assignment, PLEASE get in contact with me ASAP. 11. Course Evaluation (Grading) Procedures 1. Weekly Quizzes and Short Answer Assignments For each week, I will post an assignment with instructions and a due date/time. Assignments will require you to read the text material and listen to the materials that accompany your text. The average of your weekly assignments will account for 60% of your final grade. 2. Discussion Forum Assignments Throughout the semester you will be asked to participate in discussion forums to discuss listening material from the textbook and external websites like Youtube. The average of your discussion forum assignments will account for 40% of your final grade. FINAL GRADE BREAKDOWN o Weekly Written Assignments: o Discussion Forum: 60% 40% EXTRA CREDIT You can earn limited extra credit in this course by attending an approved classical music concert and completing a short written assignment. Please see me if you are interested in earning extra credit. The following grading scale will be used in this class: A=100%-90% B=89%-80% C=79%-70% D=69%-60% F=59% and below 12. Attendance Policy Since this is an online course, no attendance is required. You must complete all assignments before their due date. 13. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty, as defined in the Student Handbook, will not be tolerated. Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, test tampering, and facilitating academic dishonesty, will be reported and will result in disciplinary action. Please consult the Student Handbook for information on how to resolve disciplinary action. 14. Provision for Changing the Syllabus The syllabus is always subject to change. In the event of a change, I will hand out an addendum to the syllabus in class. 15. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: ADA statement: North Arkansas College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students with disabilities who need special accommodations should make their requests in the following way: (1) talk to the instructor after class or during office hours about their disability or special need related to classroom work; and/or (2) contact Special Services in Room M154H and ask to speak to Kim Brecklein.